Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1061 Battle

In the deep of the Forbidden Forest, in a narrow open space, the most anxious and fierce confrontation since the beginning of the game began.

Luna and Astoria, a third-year girl from Ravenclaw and a second-year girl from Slytherin, are performing a wonderful battle for the audience.

Cedric's one-on-two sniper attack also amazed the spectators!
As for Neville
The moment the trap took effect, Neville anticipated what would happen next.

Three against five!

When there is not a huge gap in the dueling abilities of both parties, it is impossible for them to resolve the battle easily. It is even difficult to form a long-term stalemate.

Based on the positions of the five Slytherins when the duel began, Neville had hoped that Luna and Cedric would overwhelm Astoria in the first wave of attack, so that the difference in numbers of just one person would not be insurmountable.

But unexpectedly, the little Slytherin girl actually withstood the most dangerous first wave of attacks, which immediately put them in a very unfavorable situation.

If Cedric hadn't performed equally well, they would have surrendered by now.

In this unfamiliar forest with complex terrain, escape is impossible, they can only fight to the end!

The current struggle could not last too long. Although Cedric briefly resisted Draco and Pansy, he could not hold on for two minutes.

Their only chance of winning was if Luna could defeat Astoria outright, or if he could take down either Blaise or Nott.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Neville's mind, and the flickering light in his eyes became firm. Neville picked up his sword, which was very inappropriate for a wizard, tightened his reflexes, and tried his best to get closer to Blaise and Nott!

With his strength, he can't do better than Cedric now in fighting against the two Slytherins at a safe distance. The possibility of defeating the two depends on whether he can close the distance.

With a 'Z' shape move, Neville successfully crossed the 30-foot safety line. In the torrential rain of cursed light, his eyes were firmly fixed on Blaise and Nott.

"You think you can defeat both of us by yourself, Longbottom? That's wishful thinking!"

Blaise's eyes were sharp, and he chopped down his wand to release a blazing magic fire. The magic fire instantly dried up the moisture on the ground, and the burning fallen leaves formed a wall of fire, blocking Neville's way forward!

He tilted his head to avoid the evil curse shot by the sinister Nott, and swept the silver sword of Neville across, and a stream of white cold air spurted out from the tip of the sword. Blaise's magic was hit by the cold air and immediately became sluggish.

"How will you know if you don't try?"

Neville flew across the low line of fire, looking unfazed, and the moment he landed he began to run quickly along the 'S' curve again.

As the elites of this year's Slytherin class, Blaise and Nott would not fail to see Neville's intentions.

Once in close range, it is self-evident which is more threatening, a magic wand with greatly reduced free space or a sword that can cast spells.

Blaise and Nott glanced at each other quickly as Neville crossed the line of fire.

They now have two choices. One is to split their forces into two directions. The advantage of this choice is that Longbottom will be distracted, but the disadvantage is that once Longbottom has completed a close combat with someone, the other person will definitely be afraid to attack for fear of accidental injury.

The second option is for both of them to move in the same direction at the same time. This way they can better coordinate the attack to force Longbottom back and hang him, but if Longbottom really gets close, they may all lose their combat effectiveness with one sword.

There wasn't much time to hesitate.

With their eyes on each other, Blaise and Nott made up their minds. They attacked alternately, fighting and retreating. After going deeper into the woods, they began to fly a "kite" towards Neville along the edge of the strip of clearing!
Advancing in an open field is completely different from advancing in the woods.

The complex terrain and endless attacks suddenly slowed down Neville's speed. He had to pay more attention to dodging and preventing himself from stepping on air.

"Cunning Slytherin!" Neville hated in his heart. He was determined to move forward, but he underestimated the cunning of Blaise and Nott!
Less than two minutes after the two sides engaged in the battle, the balance of victory began to tilt towards Slytherin.

Changes must be made soon!

After the physical education training, Neville's thin face flashed with determination.

The pace of Blaise and Nott's attacks was not intense.

Obviously, these two people did not intend to defeat him as soon as possible, they were planning to hold him down.

In the duel between Luna and Astoria, Luna generally maintained an offensive posture. Although she could not defeat Astoria in a short time, at least she would not lose.

Blaise and Nott were confident because they could see that Cedric could not hold out for long under the fierce attacks of Draco and Pansy.

At this critical moment when a mistake would lead to a complete loss, Neville's mind involuntarily recalled the past.

There was no doubt that Draco Malfoy was the student that his former cowardly self had feared the most since he had entered Hogwarts.

He had no idea how many times he had been bullied and ridiculed by Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle. On countless nights, he had curled up in bed and felt sad because of their teasing!
Catching a glimpse of Draco's furious face, Nevitt raised his sword and swung it sideways, sweeping away two spells that were coming towards him, and took a deep breath.

Now is the time to say goodbye to the unbearable past!

Having made up his mind, Neville's eyes suddenly became sharp. His body shook violently for a moment, and at the same time, the silver sword in his hand stabbed straight forward.

This extremely misleading action made Blaise and Nott think that Longbottom was going to use his ultimate move, and they hurriedly went behind the trees.

Silver light flowed across the cold sword body and then left the tip of the sword, crashing into the field like a meteor!
This attack caught the moment when Blaise and Nott retreated behind the tree and their vision was blocked, while Draco and Pansy, who were concentrating on cooking Cedric, did not catch this attack in the clusters of flashing flames.

There was only one person who noticed Neville's move the moment he made it, and that was Luna!
As the only physical education student invited by Amosta himself, Luna possesses a talent that others cannot understand.

Her keen perception of the changes in magic power far exceeds that of ordinary people!

After realizing that Neville came to her rescue, she immediately waved her wand, and the colorful notes surrounding Astoria gathered together to form a dense cloud, blocking Astoria's sight.

The sudden convergence of notes made Astoria look stern. Before she could mobilize her birds to fight back, a sharp scream came to her ears.

In the almost still time, the colorful wall of musical notes that blocked her vision slowly rotated to reveal a void. A silver meteor with a tail flame passed through the void of the musical notes at a discordant speed and appeared in front of her in just an instant!

Astoria's expression changed drastically, and the thought of withdrawing and dodging flashed through her mind and was then abandoned!
Too late!
Astoria realized this immediately.

This critical and fatal moment did not shake her heart, and her pure blue eyes were filled with only calmness!
In a few milliseconds that were eternal yet fleeting, Astoria's wrist trembled rapidly, and the flying birds along the path of the silver light swooped down on the silver meteor one after another, and then were annihilated.

There was no way Longbottom was going to kill himself.

The interception failed. After Astoria realized that this ball of silver light was unusual, the first thought that flashed through his mind was that he just wanted to make himself lose his combat effectiveness, so -
Astoria suddenly jumped up from the ground, curled up her body as much as possible and used her arms to protect her face!

The silver light broke through Astoria's last defensive magic with overwhelming force, and smashed down in Draco's shocked and angry eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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