Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1063: The Situation Changes Suddenly

Another explosion occurred between Neville and Draco.

The aftermath of the explosion pushed both men back ten feet. However, the two men who got up from the ground did not give themselves any time to breathe, but instead pounced on each other again viciously.

The silver sword flutters and the curse light is sharp!
Neville and Draco fought in a very primitive and wild way, and the ferocity and brutality of their fight were astonishing.

Sitting in the referee's seat outside the Forbidden Forest, watching this bloody decision, Dumbledore's silver-white eyebrows and beard trembled, and worry was revealed in his blue pupils.


Dumbledore turned his head, looked sideways at Amosta and whispered.

"Should we stop it, Amosta?"

Mrs. Bones, who had been thinking about the dramatic changes that the recent Azkaban prison break would bring to the political landscape and people's lives of the British wizarding world, couldn't help but look at him with concern after Dumbledore spoke.

Ludo Bagman kept turning his head and using his eyes to remind Amosta.

Ludo liked exciting competitions, but he didn't want to see a young wizard being seriously injured or killed in the Triwizard Tournament, although such unexpected situations always happened when this ancient event was held in the past.

The life-and-death competition going on in the Forbidden Forest made all the referees worried. Even in the audience seats at the back, most people were watching the game anxiously and even forgot to cheer for Hermione's team's wonderful performance.

"This Malfoy boy looks more presentable than his father."

Draco's unyielding fight made Sirius admire him in a flat tone.

Amosta's eyes flickered and he was silent for a moment.

He knew that Draco and Neville were so angry with each other that they forgot that they were in the real world, not his spiritual world.

They forgot that the way they were fighting now might actually kill the opponent.

But after a moment's hesitation, Amosta slowly shook his head.
"This kind of duel with a worthy opponent is rare. After this battle, they will all be reborn."


Mrs. Bones frowned and was about to say something, but Amosta interrupted her.
"Don't worry, no one will die. You have seen the situation. Changes will occur soon."

In the Forbidden Forest, more than a hundred feet away from the strip of clearing.

The five men from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons climbed onto a huge rock, crouched down, and stared at the battlefield in amazement.

"Merlin's beard--"

Polyarco of Durmstrang swallowed with a grunt, shuddering at the competition for victory between Draco and Neville. He murmured in disbelief,

"Are they really going to kill each other?"

The sinister look on Viktor's face disappeared. At this moment, Neville's sword passed by Draco's ear, almost cutting it off. This scene made Viktor's scalp numb.

"This is"

Viktor, who had experienced many intense Quidditch matches under the spotlight, was breathing hard.

"Students of the physical education class taught by Professor Brian himself. Oh. I thought our school taught dark magic much more horrible than that. It's like they really killed someone!"

Triana, who had just said with certainty that she was going to cause trouble for Slytherin, was now silent. She just stared blankly with a pale face as Neville and Draco fought for their lives!

Like the others, Furong also quietly looked at the roaring battlefield, but compared to the fear revealed by the others, there was a glimmer in her blue eyes.

"Let's go."

Suddenly, Furong said.

Get involved in this life-threatening fight?

Polyaco and Lancadel looked at Furong in surprise, as if she had gone crazy!
"You are joking"

Polyarco's shoulders twitched,

"We will die. They just want to kill each other!"

"We are all champions of the Triwizard Tournament, aren't we?"

Fleur did not look at Polyarco, but calmly looked at the silent Viktor.

"Isn't the Triwizard Tournament a test of the courage of the warriors?"

Viktor's eyelids trembled, and his eyes, blinded by fear, gradually began to light up. Furong was right!

Winning the Tri-Widget Tournament is important, but what is more important is to show your talent and courage in this arena!
"The goal remains the same. Let's get rid of the Slytherins first."

Victor regained his rhythm from his disordered breathing and said firmly,
"Then we'll take on the two teams from Hogwarts!"

Polyaco, Lancadel and Triana, the warrior's assistants, moved their lips. In the end, the three said nothing and chose to obey the warrior's orders.

"Then come on!"

Furong put her arms under the stone and jumped down.

"Triana, let's go help that Longbottom deal with Malfoy. Viktor, you take your teammates to the other side and help Cedric get rid of those two Slytherins."

The plan was set, and the two teams quickly approached the battlefield under the cover of the roar.

On the battlefield, Draco and Neville, who were once again knocked over by the air wave, jumped up again. This time, the two did not recharge their tacit understanding, but half-crouched on the spot, breathing rapidly.

The sportswear of the two men were cut into pieces, and their faces covered in blood looked extremely hideous and terrifying!

Draco spat blood foam and stared at Neville with a happy smile.
"You were going to kill me in a minute. Did you do it?"

Neville pursed his lips and did not answer. He glanced at the field and his heart sank again.

Luna and Cedric were both trying to hold back their respective opponents, but their situations were not good.

The battle between Luna and Parkinson was still intense. Although Luna was still on the offensive, her attacks were no longer agile. Parkinson was obviously trying to consume Luna's energy in the fight.

Cedric, who consumed more energy, could no longer maintain a continuous firepower output. He could only use the terrain advantage and prediction to "confine" Blaise and Nott in the ruins!
The situation here is equally bad.

Malfoy's tenacity was beyond his imagination, and Neville had realized that it was unrealistic to expect to defeat Malfoy with determination.

If the situation continues to develop like this, the three of them will be exhausted to death. In the end, Blaise and Nott, who have better preserved their magic power, will come out of the woods and reap the victory!
What should I do?
Neville racked his brains, but the current situation made him despair.

He had to admit that the three of them alone could not defeat the Slytherin team.

The only hope is that when the location is refreshed, Harry and the others will discover their fight with Slytherin.

There is no doubt that Harry and his two friends will join forces with their side to expel Slytherin from the competition. But then, they will be robbed of their school badges by Harry and his friends.
Still, it was better than being beaten by a Slytherin.

In a few seconds, many thoughts flashed through Neville's mind, and finally, his shaking eyes became firm again.

"So what if I didn't, Malfoy?"

Neville supported his knees with his hands, gritted his teeth and slowly stood up.
“We’ll win the game in the end!”

"You're dreaming, Longbottom!"

Draco's face was grim. He used his willpower to overcome the feeling of exhaustion coming from his body and tried his best to stand up.

The wind is blowing and the leaves are falling!
The moment Draco and Neville's eyes met again, the two of them rushed towards each other again, and at this moment--
call out!
Suddenly, a sharp howl came from the woods beside me.

This sudden movement did not interfere with the duel between the other two groups, which surprised Draco and Neville.

The two subconsciously looked towards the source of the strange noise, only to see Furong and her teammates suddenly rushing out from behind two spruce trees and rushing towards them aggressively.

This sudden change stunned both Draco and Neville.

Beauxbatons' team?
Neville, who was still charging, stopped himself with a look of excitement in his eyes.

Who are their targets?
Neville was confused, but the next second, his confusion was answered.

"Malfoy, give me back our school badge!"

Furong's silver hair fluttered and her voice was clear.

The two girls, who did not expect Slytherin to surrender voluntarily, raised their wands at the same time and looked at Malfoy with determined eyes.

Friendly forces?

And this good thing? !

Malfoy's ugly expression almost made Neville laugh. He trembled his wrist, ready to cooperate with the two heroic girls to defeat Malfoy in one round, but--
call out!
A red light came from the sky, and Astoria, who had been crawling on the ground for a long time, suddenly jumped up. She threw a tricky stun spell, which froze the expression of Triana who was rushing forward. After the resentment and anger in her eyes were extinguished, her body slowly collapsed.
(End of this chapter)

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