Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1070 Strong Hermione

Neville's sacrifice made the remaining people finally understand the truth of this round of tests.

There are two pieces of glass on each step of the glass walkway leading to the luminous object. One piece of glass is real and the other is fake. You cannot tell them apart by appearance and you can only try your luck.

There are only seven people left now. If their luck is particularly bad, then at least if they move forward seven more steps, everyone will be doomed.

Of course, risking one's life is the stupidest way, and no one would choose to do that.

“Is there a shortcut?”

Harry frowned and said,
"For example, there is a road we haven't discovered yet. Or, there is some clue here. You know, Professor Brain likes to leave clues in the most overlooked places."

Hermione's eyes lit up.
"Yes, there is such a possibility."

So, the only seven people left searched the platform, looking for possible hidden mechanisms or clues. Or maybe there was a second, safer path.

Ten minutes later, after all the trouble, everyone gathered at the glass plank road in despair, with a look of frustration on everyone's face.

"It seems that this is the only way."

Cedric's eyes were filled with confusion.

"This is not a level that can be overcome by courage. Could it be that this passage is a test of our luck?"

"No one will be that lucky unless one of us takes Felicis."

Fleur rolled her eyes.

"There's a stupid way."

Victor, who was carefully looking at the gap between the first and second levels, suddenly said.

"What is it?"

Ron asked expectantly.


Victor pointed to the stairs.

"The distance between the two steps is not too big, right? You can let a lighter person stand in front to test it, and someone else can stand on the step behind that is already safe to pull her. If the person who is testing stands on the wrong step, the person behind will immediately pull him back."

Viktor turned his head and looked at Fleur, Luna and Hermione who were deep in thought, feeling a little embarrassed.

"But the area of ​​these glass panels is not large, and for safety reasons, I think it's best."

Victor hesitated and said no more.

But everyone understood what he meant, and it would be best to have two girls do the test run.

"Oh, I think I'm more suitable for this job."

Luna tilted her head with a pleasant smile on her face.

“I’m the lightest one.”

"No, Luna!"

Hermione immediately rejected it.

"Your team has already lost Neville, and you are injured. I can't allow you to go. I should be the one to test the route!"

After hearing what Hermione said, Harry and Ron both looked as if they wanted to say something but were hesitant.

Obviously, none of them wanted Hermione to take the risk, but Neville had made such a fearless sacrifice for everyone that they couldn't be too selfish.

"I'm injured, so I should go, right?"

Luna opened her pure and flawless silver eyes, with a childlike innocence on her face.

"If you mean that being hurt means you can be abandoned, Luna--"

Hermione continued to shake her head.

"Absolutely not. Professor Blaine never taught us this in class."

"How long do you plan to quarrel?"

While Hermione and Luna were arguing, Fleur took the lead and took off her sports jacket.

She stretched her still sore limbs on the spot, and her tight white T-shirt was pulled up a little, revealing her cute belly button.


Finally, Furong stretched, and the slightly swaying peak made all the boys blush.

"Are you planning to go?"

Hermione asked hesitantly.

"But you are the only one left in Beauxbatons, right? If you do, Beauxbatons will be completely disqualified from the competition." "Oh, where is your cleverness, Granger?"

Furong spread out her long, silvery hair that was like a waterfall. She shook her hair slightly, and the boys suddenly noticed that there was an intoxicating fragrance in the air they breathed in through their nostrils.

Fleur tied her hair into a high ponytail again and smiled pleasantly at Hermione.
"There are only three girls here, right?"

Hermione bit her lip lightly, and she didn't give Luna a chance to speak. In order to move more easily, she followed Fleur's example and took off her sports jacket.

Hermione was also wearing a pure cotton T-shirt underneath. The sweat-soaked T-shirt stuck to her body, outlining her extremely seductive body curves and making her look even more charming.

"Hold it for me, Harry.

Hermione threw the sportswear into Harry's arms and began to stretch her waist.

The air is filled with the scent of youthful hormones.

"You look stronger, so I'll test the way ahead and you'll hold me from behind. Deal?"

Fleur looked towards Hermione.

Look. Stronger?
Hermione clenched her fists, resisting the urge to push Fleur off the platform, and nodded imperceptibly.

There was no point in delaying any further, so Furong made up her mind and sat down swiftly on the edge of the platform.

She carefully turned her body over and held onto the edge of the platform with both hands, while Hermione and Luna grabbed her wrists and slowly placed her on the glass panel where Harry had just stood.

Furong's wrist was still being pulled, and she stomped her foot hard, but the piece of glass she was standing on did not move at all.

"Phew, looks solid--"

Furong breathed a sigh of relief and said,
"It should be able to bear our weight."

Then, Hermione also slowly went down to the glass plate.

Hermione took a deep breath, let Harry hold one of her wrists, and slowly put her weight on the glass.

"Let go, Harry."

Ten or so seconds later, Fleur and Hermione both stood on the first board. The cramped board could only allow the two beautiful girls to stand face to face. They supported each other's arms, and their bodies would occasionally touch!
"Oh, that really surprises me."

Fleur, who was taller than Hermione, lowered her eyes, raised her eyebrows, smiled playfully, and spoke meaningfully in a voice that only Hermione could hear.

Hermione's cheeks flushed, she glared at Fleur angrily, her voice trembling,
"Start trying, don't waste time!"

“Oh, you’re so boring.”

Fleur said, rolling her eyes.

Then, under the anxious gaze of the five people on the platform, Fleur and Hermione slowly adjusted their posture.

They stood side by side first, then slowly squatted down. Hermione grabbed Fleur's arm with one hand and held the edge of the glass under her feet with the other hand.

"I'm going!"

When it really started, the smile on Furong's face disappeared, revealing her genuine nervousness.

She gritted her teeth and struggled to move one knee to the next glass plate, then slowly shifted her body weight.

The sound of glass breaking was not loud or harsh, but it sounded like thunder in everyone's ears, shocking everyone.


Furong screamed in fear, and her delicately carved face turned pale. Like Neville, her body fell into the bottomless abyss!

"Don't be afraid, I'm holding you!"

Hermione immediately felt a heavy force applied to her arms. She gritted her teeth, used her waist and other hand to hold the glass plate, and lifted Fleur up and threw her onto the second step.

Her feet regained strength, but Furong's face was still pale.

The speculation about the glass plank road is just their guess, which doesn't mean it is necessarily correct.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.
A burst of exhalations sounded in unison under the starry sky.

The glass panel did not break, Fleur and Hermione's attempt was successful!

"Oh, you're really strong, Granger!"

Furong said happily,

"I feel like I've been grabbed by a strong boy!"

"I can't promise that I can hold you back every time, Furong!"

Hermione tried to catch her breath, restraining some evil impulses, and said in a stiff tone,
"Continue!" (End of Chapter)

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