Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1081 What are you looking at, Potter!

The Warriors team returned to the 'safe zone' and began a combat meeting.

"So, what are your plans now?"

After everyone replenished the red mist that brought warmth, the group sat down against the icy blue ice. Furong asked, supporting her chin with her arm.

Of the three levels that have been explored, Harry and Hermione challenged the 'Giant Twin Stone Monsters', Viktor challenged the 'Guarding the Lighthouse', and Cedric and Luna challenged the 'Clipper Leap'.

Each of the three levels has its own difficulties and is not easy to overcome.

"I think"

After thinking for a moment, Hermione was the first to express her opinion.

"We don't need to challenge Cedric."

"Why?" Harry demanded immediately. "At least at Cedric's place we don't have to fight anything, right?"

"Oh, my dear Harry, that's because the number of people at that level is of little use."

Furong said happily,

"There's only one ship isn't there?"

Harry's face froze and he was speechless.

Indeed, after deciding to join forces, numbers became their biggest advantage.

"So, how do you decide?"

Cedric shrugged indifferently.

"Are we going to deal with that stone monster, or are we going to protect Viktor's lighthouse?"

"My opinion is that it's best to try your level--"

Viktor looked at Hermione and said,
"From your previous experience dealing with the stone monsters, as long as we are careful, we can definitely kill two stone monsters at the same time.
But if you choose me, even if we have a lot of people, I'm afraid we will still suffer, because there are so many ice sculptures, it's impossible not to get hurt. This is for the consideration of the next level. "

"What do you think, Harry?"

After a moment's silence, Hermione looked at Harry.

"I have no objection."

The corner of Harry's mouth twitched.

"I really want to see these two stone monsters finished off with my own eyes."

"Okay, then let's go fight the stone monster again!"

Hermione took a deep breath and her eyes became firm.

The large group marched towards the dueling arena in a mighty manner. When they entered again, Harry was surprised to find that Fleur had followed in at the end of the team.

Facing Harry's surprised expression, Fleur smiled sweetly.
"Well, I think it's boring to wait outside."

"Oh, you mean, you're going to help?"

Hermione got to the heart of the matter immediately.

"In the last round, you generously gave me the key, didn't you?"

Hibiscus's pleasant smile,
"Well, why can't I help? Oh, of course, I still won't compete with you for the second key."

"So, the four teams are working together again?"

Cedric smiled and clapped his hands.
"It feels good. I mean, it's more about cooperation than competition."

No matter what, it was a good thing that Furong was willing to help, and no one objected to it.

"In this case, there are exactly six of us. We can split into two teams, with three people fighting against one stone monster."

Hermione said,
"Well, Harry and I have both fought against stone monsters and have relatively rich experience, so we should split up and each lead a team. Then, I will join Cedric's team, and Harry, you will be in a group with Viktor and Fleur, okay?"

"I have no problem with that, Hermione."

Harry said as he stared at the stone monster standing there. The remaining fear of the monster in his heart gradually dissipated, and a sense of excitement rose in his heart again.

"--Based on the results of our previous challenge, there may be two reasons for our failure. The first one is what Victor said, maybe we should defeat both stone monsters at the same time."

Hermione nodded towards Viktor.

"The second possibility is that the violent behavior of the resurrected stone monster is normal. It is the normal process of defeating it. But I personally don't think this will happen. The terrifying power of a violent stone monster is beyond our ability to deal with. We have no power to fight back!"

"What if you guess wrong?"

Fleur asked interestedly, looking at Hermione.

From what Harry knew about Hermione, he could see that Hermione obviously didn't like Fleur's question very much. However, after a brief thought, she still answered seriously.
"Sorry. There may be no better solution if that's the case."

Hermione sighed and said,
"Based on experience, it takes about 20 seconds for the stone monster to fall to the ground and revive. During this time, we should leave the duel arena as soon as possible and try other challenges."

Furong curled her lips and stopped talking.

So, Hermione began to explain to everyone in detail how to deal with the stone monster. "Wait, I have a question."

It was very dangerous to go against such a monster. Everyone listened very carefully, except Viktor. He frowned and raised his hand immediately after listening to Hermione's words.


Hermione asked.
"Do you need me to say it again?"

"That's not the case. I just--"

Victor faced the two stone monsters and hesitated.

"You... uh, I'm not saying your method is bad, Hermione, but have you ever considered another way? Maybe it's simpler?"

Hermione blinked.
"What do you think, Viktor?"


Victor lowered his head and organized his words.

"Defeat two stone monsters at the same time. Well, have you ever thought about letting them attack each other?"

Attack each other
Everyone looked at Viktor in confusion, while Hermione's eyes flickered, looking at Viktor for a while, then at the stone monster. Suddenly, Hermione's brown eyes sparkled and she screamed,
"You mean!"

"How about it?"

Viktor knew that Hermione obviously understood, and he looked slightly proud.

"Do you think it's worth a try, Hermione?"

Two minutes later, everyone climbed up the wall near the portal and stared at the scene nervously.

On the duel field, only Viktor and Furong were left.

Two people are located on the central axis, between the two huge stone monsters, and they have both turned their shoes into roller skates.

"Are you ready, Fleur?"

Viktor tightened his grip on the wand and swallowed.

Furong bent down and adjusted her skates.

"Phew, almost there!"

Then, both of them became solemn and raised their wands.

"I'm counting to three!"

Victor said in a loud voice,
"Three, two, one, do it!"

Phew! Phew!

Two cursed lights broke through the air. After Furong attacked the stone monster on the left, she immediately slid towards the stone monster on the right. However, Victor did the opposite. After attacking the stone monster on the right, he used his skates to slide towards the left!

As soon as the two men hid behind the stone monster, the attack followed!

Bang, bang, bang!

For a moment, the field was filled with dust and fog, and rocks were flying everywhere!
Phew! Phew!

Two green fireworks broke through the smoke and rushed into the sky!

Seeing these two pre-agreed safety signals, everyone who was ready to draw fire for the two of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Can it really work?

The corners of Harry's mouth twitched again.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

It was another round of fierce stone egg attack. The two stone monsters in the duel arena roared and attacked their own kind ruthlessly, just to kill Furong and Victor who were hiding behind their own kind!
The stone monster's body is the best barrier. The huge bodies of the stone crutches, which have suffered two rounds of attacks from stone eggs of the same kind, have begun to shake.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh boom!

The third wave of dense rain-like stone egg attacks arrived as expected.

Under the stunned gaze of the crowd, two huge stone monsters fell to the ground with a loud bang!

This time, the stone monster shattered very thoroughly. The stone monster that fell to the ground turned into powder in the biting cold wind and was blown away by the wind. The figures of Furong and Victor reappeared in front of everyone.

A ball of red light emerged from the void, slowly descended from mid-air to the ground, and hovered in the center of the duel arena. This is the prop that can melt ice.

Woo. Woo. Woo.
The cold wind was still blowing, and everyone was silent.

Harry slowly turned his gaze and looked at Hermione with a strange expression, whose cheeks were flushed.

"What are you looking at, Potter!"

The sound of Hermione's angry roar made everyone laugh. For a moment, the joyful laughter dispersed the ice and snow that froze the ground! (End of this chapter)

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