Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1084 1 step away

All kinds of monsters howled in strange noises and charged towards the stone platform.

Viktor and Fleur were already ready for action.

Faced with the torrential attack, the two of them tensed their nerves to the utmost. Barrier spells and armor spells flew out from the tips of their staffs, blocking most of the attacks.

Luna became the busiest one on the field.

She tried her best not to let her attacks miss, and to ensure that each strike killed the monster, so as to avoid becoming a target for the monsters.

At the three intersections, the broken ice blocks piled on the ground had formed a small hill, and all kinds of monsters continued to rush out from the depths of the snow and wind and began to run around.

Under the attack of the tidal wave of monsters, Harry, Hermione and Cedric's defense was in danger.

The attack of a goblin caused Hermione to somersault. As she jumped up, she took the time to glance at the situation on the battlefield and her heart sank.

When they realized that the intersection was impassable, the newly born ice monsters crawled all over the mountains.

Although Luna was trying her best to clear out the ice monsters that rushed into the square, the defense line was breached and there were more and more ice monsters in the square.

Hermione realized immediately that they now needed to change tactics.

"Give up guarding the intersection, Harry, Cedric!"

Hermione shouted to the two people who were stuck in the 'quagmire',

"It's meaningless now. I suggest you eliminate the ice monsters in the field at a specific point!"

Upon hearing this, Cedric immediately jumped from the stone slope into the square and used the most labor-saving basic spell to send these violent little creatures to see Merlin one after another.

"What else can we do?"

Harry also spoke breathlessly. He had been hit by many goblins' flash attacks, and his hair was messy and his face was bruised.


Suddenly, Luna let out a cry of pain, drawing everyone's attention to her.

"What's going on, Luna!"

Harry saw Luna lying on her side on the ground, her body curled up, but the ice dragon that injured her would not let her go. It flapped its wings and flew around Luna, spewing out icy dragon breath!
This scene made Harry furious.

He flew and stepped on the back of a centaur that was shooting arrows at the stone platform. The heavy force shattered the ice sculpture of the centaur to the ground.

In a few quick steps, Harry rushed to Luna's side, raised his hand and cast a disarming spell to destroy the ice dragon that was attacking Luna. Then Harry squatted down and helped Luna up.

Hermione and Cedric became angry when they saw Luna fall to the ground in pain.

They raised their magic wands and chopped them down fiercely, always taking away one or two ice monsters.

Hermione and Cedric rushed to either side of Harry, setting up a defensive barrier.

Luna's hair had been completely frozen together by various frost attacks, and her sportswear had become stiff.

This is not the worst.

Luna already had some scars on her body from the fight with Malfoy and the others. Now, these wounds were solidified by the frost attack, and the flesh and blood on the wounds were pale.

Luna's face was also pale and her breathing was weak.

"You can't go on like this, Luna!"

Harry said firmly. He didn't even consult Cedric's opinion. He picked up Luna and held her under his arms. Under the cover of Hermione and Cedric, he rushed towards the portal.

call out!
After entering the safe zone, Harry didn't waste a second and directly launched red fireworks into the sky!

"You've been very helpful, Luna!"

Harry looked at Luna who was struggling to say something, his eyes and tone were firm.

"Leave the rest to us!"

After saying that, Harry turned around and rushed into the secret realm again.

The rippling soft light illuminated the silver eyes that were gradually fading into darkness, and Luna followed Harry's gaze until he disappeared into the portal.

"Sorry, Cedric!"

Harry shouted as he slashed his wands towards the center of the battlefield, kicking away a werewolf that tried to scratch him.

"I took it upon myself to remove Luna from the competition, Cedric."

"Just what I want, Harry!"

Cedric did not show any dissatisfaction, but expressed gratitude.
"Thank you, you did exactly what I was trying to do!"

"You guys have time to chat!"

An ice arrow caught Furong's breath and hit the lighthouse by the brush of her cheek. The lighthouse, which had already lost some corners, shook and dropped some stone powder. Furong screamed. "It's better to get rid of these nasty things as soon as possible!"

The three paths finally stopped replenishing their troops.

There are now nearly a hundred ice monsters on the field, most of which are attacking the stone platform.

Viktor and Fleur could do nothing but alternately cast barrier spells and armor spells to protect the lighthouse.

"I'm here to help you!"

Hermione, who loved house-elves, blew away seven or eight ice elves and rushed to the platform to join the task of guarding the stone platform.

There is no good way to sort out the current chaotic situation. The only way is to eliminate all the ice monsters as soon as possible.

Harry and Cedric formed an attack and defense team back to back, trying their best to eliminate these annoying ice monsters.

Fortunately, they did it in the end.

But when there were only three minutes left in the ten-minute countdown, the last vampire was struck by five spells at the same time and turned into dust in a deafening explosion!

"I can't believe I survived."

When all the running little monsters were eliminated, the world in front of her eyes became clear. Furong collapsed to the ground with a numb expression.

Victor staggered and almost fell off the stone platform.

He turned around with difficulty, but saw the lighthouse that had endured countless attacks. It was completely white, with only half of the lighthouse still standing stubbornly in the middle. The candle on the top of the lighthouse was still burning faintly. He sighed like a howl and collapsed like a hibiscus board.

Harry, Hermione and Cedric were all looking tired, their sweat even soaked their sportswear!
"Hu I want to hu--"

Hermione bent down, supporting her knees with her hands, and big drops of sweat fell down her cheeks.

"I should take house-elves seriously. They can be quite scary when they go crazy."

Harry grinned.

"Ron would be happy to hear you"

At this moment, a loud roar and a terrifying roar drew everyone's attention to Path No. 2.

A huge creature, almost the same size as the stone monster they had dealt with before, gradually emerged from the wind and snow, carrying a large mallet-shaped popsicle on its shoulder!


Harry looked desperate.
"Just kill me!"

“I think this is the last wave.”

Hermione tried to straighten up, and her joints were accusing her harshly.
"As long as we can hold out against this one, we'll win, Harry!"

"Hold on?!"

Furong had to rely on Viktor's support to stand steadily. Her golden hair was disheveled. Every step she took would cause the ground to shake.
"The key is how can we resist this monster? We have reached our limit!"

Hermione bit her lip in silence.

"Or, let's reopen it?"

Victor said helplessly,

“We really don’t have the energy left.”

There was a strong sense of unwillingness in Hermione's eyes. Even Luna failed in this round of challenge, and in the end, they could only start all over again?
But Hermione also knew that Fleur was not wrong.

"We need to find out what this guy is capable of before we exit the game."

Harry thought for a moment and said,

"Let's retreat to the portal and deal with this big guy. Maybe it's not as powerful as it looks--"

"I agree."

Cedric raised his hand.
"At least we should figure out how it attacks so that we can find a countermeasure before the next challenge."

So everyone reached a consensus.

Of the five people left, Hermione, Fleur and Viktor all hid some distance behind the tall teleportation stone gate.

Harry and Cedric were waiting in front of the portal.

Boom, boom, boom
The ice giant made a rude snoring sound, and the huge mace-shaped popsicle on its shoulder was covered with ice spikes. Every step it took made a deafening sound.

Like those little ice monsters, the ice giant also headed towards the lighthouse and didn't even look at Harry and the others.

After exchanging glances with Cedric, Harry took two deep breaths, his eyes returned to calm, and he decisively swung his wand at the troll!
(End of this chapter)

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