Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1089 Finale!

Passing through the dark portal, there is a familiar wooden platform suspended in the air.

This time the warriors did not fall into any strange space, they appeared in the Forbidden Forest again.

The mist rising from the woods obscured the deep forbidden forest, but above the mist, the green sea formed by the treetops swaying in the breeze was still refreshing.

Harry looked at the looming Hogwarts Castle in the distance for a long time. He withdrew his gaze and fixed his eyes on the edge of the platform. His eyebrows raised slightly. Although he was exhausted by a series of challenges, his tone revealed a hint of excitement.

"So, is this a game of Quidditch?"

Twelve flying brooms were hovering at the edge of the platform.

"Nimbus 2000?"

Victor walked over and recognized the models of these flying brooms at a glance.
"This is a very capable racing broom."

"Well, the Twelve Broomsticks—"

Furong counted the number of brooms.

"Does that mean that all members of the four teams will fight together for the key?"

Harry and Cedric immediately looked at Viktor, who naturally understood what they meant.

Spreading his hands, Victor smiled and expressed his opinion.
"I will keep my previous promise and help you get this key."

When it comes to controlling a broomstick, both Harry and Cedric are two points inferior to Viktor. After receiving Viktor's promise, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"So, what do we need to do, catch the Snitch?"

Harry walked over to the broom, grabbed one and rubbed the handle with delight.

His first broom was a Nimbus 2000, and he has a deep affection for this model.

The clouds and mist that filled the forest were suddenly broken, and a dense group of golden creatures flew up to the sky shrouded in sunset.

This group of small creatures are extremely agile, flapping their wings and flying in the air like the breeze.

"Ah, it really is the Snitch!"

Cedric rubbed his hands, eager to try.
"Catch a golden key from a sea of ​​golden snitches. I think that's what we need to do."

"Oh, luckily I already have one."

Furong patted her chest.
"I'm not as good at Quidditch as Triana, but this challenge is fun and doesn't involve fighting monsters."

"so be it!"

Cedric confidently climbed onto a flying broom and looked at Harry.
"Whoever catches it owns it. If Viktor catches it, we'll draw lots again. Deal?"

"Very reasonable."

Harry nodded.

"I've always heard that you guys fly really well, Harry, Cedric."

Victor had a look of confidence and dominance that was not present in the previous levels.
"We can compete."

"It's a shame Ron is out, he would have loved this level."

Harry said with a smile, then turned to look at Hermione who looked troubled.

"Oh, don't worry, Hermione, I'll take care of it!"

Hermione rolled her eyes but didn't protest.

She knew that Harry wanted to have a fair competition with Cedric in broomstick riding, and that her Quidditch skills were probably not enough to allow her to participate in such a high-level competition.

So, the three boys with outstanding attainments in Quidditch took their positions, and at Fleur's command, they shot out into the air like arrows from a bow!

Ludo Bagman roared heartbreakingly at this scene, and the little wizards watching the game on the spot cheered louder than the last wave!

But before long, the cheers turned into screams and finally into sighs of disappointment.

Many young Hufflepuff wizards even shed tears because of this.

"Oh, did I miss something?"

After sending the letter, Amosta hurried back to the referee's seat.

On the big screen, there were many of his students flying around, wielding big sticks and hammering a dozen Bludgers at Harry and Viktor.

"That boy named Cedric was unfortunately hit!"

Ludo Bagman turned around and answered Amosta's question with a look of regret on his face.
"Hogwarts has completely lost a team. To be honest, he actually flew pretty well, even if he was unlucky."

"He was caught off guard."

Madame Maxime said,
"Those students of yours flying out of the clouds and the many Bludgers scared him. After going through so many levels, he is obviously not as agile as usual."

"If that Potter falls, too."

Dregern said suddenly,
"Hogwarts might be dangerous."

"Winning or losing isn't the most important thing, Vip."

Dumbledore smiled sideways.

"As the first Triwizard Tournament in many centuries, I believe that Amosta arranged these competitions in order to promote mutual understanding and cooperation among the three European magic schools."

"Oh, this is definitely something I'm looking forward to."

Amosta nodded and smiled, "I hope these outstanding young people can work together to overcome the difficult future."

Maxim and Dregern were silent, their expressions touched.

Durmstrang and Beauxbatons came from afar, and they must have hoped to win the Triwizard Cup in Hogwarts.

But both principals had to admit it.

The first Triwizard Tournament in many centuries was a fight for victory or defeat.

Finding a golden key among hundreds of golden snitch is not an easy task.

Not to mention, during the physical education class, students from the three remaining colleges kept waving sticks and using Bludgers to disrupt them.

Even a world-class Quidditch Seeker like Viktor and a once-in-a-century genius like Harry could not easily grab the key under such circumstances.

But unfavorable circumstances can also be turned into advantages.

After repeated failed attempts, Harry and Viktor finally came to their senses.

They no longer focused on grabbing the key, but instead used their excellent flying skills to lure others along.

One by one, the disruptors were sent off the field by Bludgers hit by their own teammates.

Finally, Viktor used his signature technique to attract the attention of the jammers, and Harry rushed into a pile of golden snitches and obtained this crucial key for Hogwarts!

The setting sun is half hidden, and the red clouds are dim.

Viktor and Harry, covered in wounds, flew back to the platform suspended in the air.

"Here you go, Hermione—"

Harry, who had been hit by countless Bludgers, grimaced in pain, but still smiled stubbornly and handed the key to Hermione, whose eyes were red.

A dazzling golden glow suddenly descended upon Hermione the moment she took the key. Under the shocked gaze of the remaining four people, a stone platform suddenly rose in the middle of the wooden platform, and on the stone platform was -
"Oh, I think this is it"

Furong's face was filled with astonishment as she stared at a glowing object on the stone platform, which was covered in a transparent glass cover.

"The Triwizard Cup!"

Viktor was exhausted and in awe.
"Whoever gets it will win the Triwizard Tournament!"

But things are obviously not that simple.

The three keyholes on the base of the glass cover let everyone know what the key they were fighting for was used for.

"I think the key we have is used to open this glass cover."

The remaining four people came closer and looked at each other in silence for a long time. Hermione said in a low voice.

What should I do?

Victory and honor are right in front of you. If you grab the other two keys, you can take everything!
A final duel?

Everyone is thinking about this question.

It is true that the remaining warriors and assistants of Hogwarts are more skilled in dueling, but by now, Harry and Hermione are exhausted, and now, their advantage is not so obvious.


Fleur looked at Hermione and Harry, seeming to want to say something but stopping herself, while Viktor lowered his head with a frown, seeming to "hate" the current situation very much.

Harry stared at the exquisite Triwizard Cup, and the scenes from the match flashed through his mind.

Throughout the game, it was more like they were cooperating than competing.

"If. Uh--"

Harry looked at Hermione, who immediately responded and understood Harry's gaze.

"If you don't mind."

Hermione knew the reason for Harry's embarrassment, and she hesitated for only a short time before her expression became calm. She smiled at Viktor and Fleur.
"We can get the trophy together."


Viktor suddenly raised his head and looked at Hermione in shock.

"you mean"

"It's just what you think, Viktor."

Hermione continued to smile, and Harry, whom she was judging, let out a long sigh and also looked happy.

“Oh, haha--”

Furong played with her hair, suppressed her surprise and smiled charmingly.
"I'm starting to like you a little, Hermione!"

"Then let's go together!"

Victor also smiled with relief.

Three keys were inserted into the keyhole, and the glass cover dissipated in the pale golden flame, revealing the shining trophy to the air.

"bring it on!"

Harry was in high spirits. He looked at everyone and said loudly,

"Let's put an end to this year!" (End of this chapter)

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