Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1092 Another 1 years

Zhi. Zhi.
There was a crackling sound of electricity coming from the lamp pole, and the dim light bulb flickered.

Harry looked up and saw many flying insects hovering around the hot light bulb, and they were hitting the bulb, which was no less important than the sun to these weak lives, with their bodies without hesitation.

It’s a clear summer sky with a dim moon and extinguished stars, their light being buried under the neon lights of the city.

The asphalt road beneath my feet was so clean that there seemed to be no trace of dust, and on both sides of the road, in front of the identical townhouses, the gardens were filled with colorful and beautiful flowers.

It was just after nine o'clock and Hogwarts was still bustling with joy and happiness, but in the more 'modern' Muggle world, all the houses here had turned off the lights.

But Harry was not surprised at all, because that was the style of the residents of Privet Drive.

However, having suddenly come to this dry land from the magical world where he felt like a fish in water, Harry's accumulated discomfort became more and more intense.

It's just one night, and I'll be able to see Ron, Hermione, Sirius and the others tomorrow morning.

Thinking of this, Harry felt better.

The only house with lights on a hundred feet away was their destination.

Professor Brain dropped the suitcase to the ground. Harry pulled his own suitcase and followed Professor Brain to the place in the world he least wanted to be.

Looking at the tall figure two steps away, Harry felt dazed.

It seemed like ages ago that I last spent time alone with Professor Brain.

"Professor Blaine?"


Amosta answered with a nasal voice, admiring with great interest the flowers blooming in the private gardens he passed by.

Harry bit his lower lip. He knew that Professor Brain knew what confused him, but he was not sure if he would get an answer if he asked.

After a moment's hesitation, Harry decided to take a roundabout route.

"Sirius told me that there was a breakout in Azkaban. Was it the Death Eaters?"


Amosta spoke in a gentle voice, his eyes lingering on the clusters of beautiful flowers.

"It's scary, isn't it?"


Harry hesitated twice. How should I put it? He was indeed shocked when he heard the news just now, but now he felt much better.

Especially when being around the wizard who was crowned as the 'strongest' in the contemporary magic world, this sense of tension became even weaker.

"How did they do it?"

Harry asked a second question.

"You know, Harry—"

Amosta retracted his gaze and suddenly realized that he was still wearing a wizard robe, so he immediately shook out his wand and changed himself into a decent pair of casual pants and a short-sleeved shirt, and then sighed.
“Most things in this world are planned unintentionally.”

Glancing at Harry's confused look, Amosita continued to explain.
"You can probably understand that Voldemort has been planning for a long time to rescue his followers from Azkaban, but the Ministry of Magic is unwilling to even admit the fact that Voldemort has resurrected, nor is it willing to raise its vigilance against it. In that case, it is not surprising that they were exploited."

"You think"

Harry carefully asked the question he was concerned about.
"Will Voldemort immediately mobilize all his Death Eaters to kill me?"

"Oh, this——"

Amosta turned his head and smiled at Harry.
"I don't think he has the guts to be so high-profile."

"Because he is afraid of you and Professor Dumbledore?"

Harry's voice perked up a little.

"It was Professor Dumbledore, mostly, Harry -"

Amosta smiled and corrected Harry's statement.
“You know, Voldemort also graduated from Hogwarts, and during the years when he was still unknown and very powerless, Professor Dumbledore was a great wizard renowned throughout the wizarding world.

Moreover, Professor Dumbledore is the wisest wizard he has ever met. Therefore, Professor Dumbledore's deterrence to Voldemort is not only affected by the power between the two."

Harry frowned and thought for a moment, and when his eyes fell on Professor Brain again, he understood everything.

Suppose that one day he also became the Dark Lord and possessed unparalleled magical power, and he was asked to fight against Professor Brian, he would probably still be afraid.


"Here we are, Harry."

Amosta stopped in front of the only house with lights on.

"I'll knock on the door!"

Harry said frantically, hurrying forward while Amosta surveyed the Dursleys' garden.

Boom, boom, boom!

The moment the door was knocked, there were clear sounds of banging tables and chairs and suppressed cries of pain coming from the house. In addition, at least two glasses were knocked over and broken.

Then, there were hurried footsteps. Harry took a few steps back and came to Professor Brain.

The door opened, and Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia appeared in Harry's sight at the same time.

The expressions of the two people were the panic and anger that Harry expected, but the difference was that Aunt Petunia's face, which seemed to be stretched by magic, was pale, while Uncle Vernon's round face was the color of liver.

"Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Dursley—"

Amosta took two steps forward, smiled politely, and extended his hand to the two men.
"I think my visit shouldn't be considered out of the blue, because earlier I asked an owl to bring a letter. I'm sure you two have received it?"

Uncle Vernon looked like he was out of breath, and Aunt Petunia looked at the hand that Professor Blaine handed over with fear, as if there were deadly germs on it!
But in the end, Uncle Vernon still plucked up the courage to touch Professor Braine's fingertips. Harry believed that this was because of Professor Braine's face. Otherwise, they would never have the courage to have physical contact with a wizard.

"So, Harry—"

Amosta turned his head and smiled.
"After a year of separation, don't you plan to say hello to your aunt and uncle?"

"Oh, cough cough."

Harry came back to his senses, and the unpleasantness of last summer vacation flashed through his mind. He nodded to the Dursleys with a bit of embarrassment.

"Good evening, Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia. Well, I'm back."

"That's much more polite."

Amosta nodded in satisfaction, and looked at the Dursleys gracefully.

"May I assume that I am cordially invited into your house?"

"Ahem. Ugh!"

Uncle Vernon stammered a few times, gasped and took two steps back.


Amosta nodded his thanks and stepped across the threshold gracefully.

"I must say, your agapanthus is in great bloom. Well, Harry. Oh, I'll help you with the box--"

Amosta snapped his fingers and Harry's trunk floated up the steps by itself, and Aunt Petunia nearly screamed at the sight, and Uncle Vernon's back was pressed against the porch wall, the fat on his face trembling.

"If I remember correctly, there is another little boy in this house, his name is..."


Judging from the stunned expressions on his aunt and uncle's faces, Harry couldn't expect them to be able to answer questions.

He craned his neck to look around the living room and kitchen, but didn't see Dali.
"What about others?"

"Go Peel"

Aunt Petunia spoke her first words since they met, as if someone had grabbed her throat.

Harry nodded in understanding and said to Professor Brain,
"Peel was a good friend of Dali's."


Amosta also reacted immediately.
"I hope this isn't because of me?"

Then Uncle Vernon grunted again.

"Well, it's getting late, Harry, and considering we have other things to do tomorrow morning, I suggest you wash up and go to bed as soon as possible."

"Okay, Professor Blaine."

Harry agreed immediately, then carried his suitcase up the stairs. He guessed that Professor Brain would probably have to chat with the Dursleys for a while.


Amosta retracted his gaze and was about to speak.


The light in the small eyes set in Uncle Vernon's fat face flickered, but it was not sure whether it was fixed on Amosta's face.
"Stay - there are no extra rooms, only Dali's."

Uncle Vernon, who had finally regained his ability to speak, said, glancing quickly at the man's face, which always seemed ridiculous to him, and added,
"Penny has packed. Teach. Sir."


Amosta showed some surprise.
"Thank you very much. Actually, I can just stay on the couch for one night. But I can't refuse your kindness, right? It's rude."

"The room is upstairs—"

Penny pointed shakily down the stairs.

"Yes, Mrs. Dursley—"

Amosta said happily, but instead of going towards the stairs, he turned and went into the living room.

After waving his wand and restoring the two broken cups on the ground, Amosta summoned a bottle of mead.

"Before we rest, I would like to buy you two a drink. Just as a token of my gratitude for your hospitality, okay?" (End of this chapter)

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