Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1094 The Storm Ends


It was noon, and the dazzling golden sunlight shone through the gaps in the curtains onto the brown wooden floor of the second-floor bedroom.

The diffused sunlight gradually brightens the dim bedroom.

The uncomfortable light made Harry's eyelids twitch a few times, and he turned over and covered his head with the quilt.

But the humid summer weather soon forced Harry to free his head from the covers again, and he raised a hand to cover his eyes to block out the light.

The crisp chirping of a few sparrows on the roof outside the room gradually brought Harry back to clarity from his daze.

It was a dreamless night. It seemed as if I just closed my eyes and time went from night to daytime in midsummer.

This was not because the long-missed bedroom in the Dursleys' home was so comfortable and sleep-inducing, but because the Triwizard Tournament that lasted almost the entire day yesterday had exhausted all his strength and energy.

So, even though Harry had remembered why he appeared at the Dursleys' house and where he was going today, he couldn't convince himself to move his aching body.

A dark cloud came and covered the sky, weakening the bright sunlight, and the gradually rising breeze dissipated a lot of the humidity and heat in the room.

Professor Blaine might already be up and waiting for me.

This thought that popped into Harry's mind finally made him give up the idea of ​​taking a nap.

After letting out a suppressed roar full of fatigue and reluctance, Harry tried his best to break free from the constraints of the bed.

Because he slept too deeply, Harry's left eyelid stuck together uncontrollably and he couldn't open it, while the eyelid of his right eye also drooped.

Getting up seemed to have consumed all his willpower and the physical strength that a good sleep had replenished.

Harry sat on the edge of the bed, staring blankly at the light and shadows flowing like waves on the white wall opposite.

After sitting there for nearly ten minutes, the buzzing sound of cicadas outside the window finally became clear in Harry's ears.

He smacked his lips twice and slowly picked up his glasses next to the pillow.

After the fog in his field of vision dissipated, Harry picked up the 'gold watch' given to him by Professor Brain that was placed on the desk.

Eight forty.

Harry sighed heavily.

It wasn't too late, but it was definitely too late to get to number 12, Grimmauld Place to have breakfast with Sirius, Remus, Ron, and Hermione.

Do you want to sleep a little longer?
Don't worry about staying with the Dursleys for a while longer. Maybe after leaving this time, he will never come back!

Harry struggled to resist this tempting thought.

Professor Brain might not even be up yet!
Harry thought. Building all those grand scenes for the third game was not an easy task even for Professor Brain. He must have been exhausted.


Laziness finally got the better of him and Harry let himself fall onto the bed.

Just as Harry closed his eyes, a loud noise was heard from the first floor.

The microwave must have exploded.

Harry thought, but the terrified scream that immediately reached his ears made this guess untenable.

Harry jumped up from the bed with a look of surprise.

The noise downstairs did not disappear!

"Who are you? How dare you!"

Before the tail end of Aunt Peggy's scream faded, Uncle Vernon's roar was heard.

what happened? !
Harry looked solemn and stood up subconsciously.

A noisy sound of footsteps came into my ears, followed by a chaotic stream of inaudible shouts, screams, the sound of pots and pans being smashed, and the sound of tables and chairs falling over.
It was as if dozens of people suddenly rushed into the house, occupying every corner of the room!
problem occurs!
Harry realized this immediately!
He didn't have time to change out of his pajamas, grabbed his wand from the desk, and rushed out of the room without even putting on his shoes.

Boom, boom, boom!

Harry hurried down the wooden stairs and reached the first floor. The moment Harry saw the situation clearly, he was stunned.

Aunt Peggy and Uncle Vernon were driven to a corner of the restaurant by the intruder, and the two of them huddled in the corner, hugging each other.

Aunt Peggy had tears in her eyes, and her eyes were bulging with fear, as if she would faint at any moment.

Uncle Vernon no longer had the domineering look he had when facing him. He stared at the intruders in horror, and his whole body, including his beard, which was as thick as Professor Dumbledore's, was trembling!

The intruder.
At least thirty people burst into the room.

They occupied the foyer, porch, kitchen, living room, dining room, and every corner of the first floor of the house. The group of people wore standard wizard robes, with stern looks and cold eyes.

Harry looked at the intruders who appeared in his sight one by one. Every face was unfamiliar.

Death Eaters?!

For a stretched second, the thought crossed Harry's mind, but he immediately rejected it.

In the cemetery where Voldemort was resurrected, he had seen the Death Eaters who were summoned, and seen some of their faces. The shapes of all of them did not match those of the wizards here!
Then, it will be.
Another answer jumped into Harry's mind, and now this answer made him even more frightened!

Harry's dry throat finally made a sound.

All the wizards who entered the house raised their wands at the same time, pointing the tips of their wands at Harry!
Harry's emerald green pupils suddenly contracted to the extreme, goose bumps appeared all over his body, and even his scalp felt numb!
"Harry James Potter."

A voice broke the solemn silence, and a person walked in from the kitchen.

Harry immediately looked over the shoulders of some of the people in front of him.

A sturdy wizard with short grey hair and a dull face walked up to him and looked at him coldly.
"answer my question!"


Harry asked confusedly.

"You are Harry James Potter?"

Dawlish asked again, with a strong sense of solemnity in his voice.

"I am--"

This was a very stupid and unnecessary question, any normal wizard would have recognized it by the scar on his forehead.

But after taking a few breaths, Harry chose to answer.

The scene before him made him feel as if the numbness on his scalp penetrated deep into his head, and even his thoughts became numb.

He couldn't think of anything, only a feeling of impending disaster.

"very good."

Dawlish nodded in satisfaction as if doing nothing, but what he said next startled Harry.

"Harry James Potter, you are under arrest!"

"Because of what!"

Harry shouted fiercely,

"I was arrested for what!"

But Dawlish did not answer this question. He just stared at Harry, the most famous boy in the wizarding world, with a sense of pleasure in his heart.
"According to the regulations, you need to hand over your wand and let us keep it. After the final judgment is made, the Wizengamot will decide whether it should be destroyed or sealed. Of course -"

Dawlish looked at Harry with malicious intent.

"You can also choose to resist, then you will lose your wand completely now."

A strong feeling of dizziness attacked Harry's mind, and he couldn't help but faint, but his indomitable will supported him and prevented him from falling.

"I want to know why I was arrested!"

Harry gritted his teeth. He couldn't think about too many things and only asked the question that concerned him most at the moment.

“That’s not what we do.”

Dawlish said indifferently,

"The Wizengamot will confirm with you the crimes you have committed!"

After saying that, Dawlish gave a look to his left and right, and two of them walked towards Harry, ready to take away his wand.


At this moment, there was a violent explosion that shook the house.

The blast caused by the explosion overturned the wine rack that separated the living room and dining room, and a big hole was blown in the wall between the kitchen and the living room!
Many intruders were blown away by the strong wind, and the rest were all staggering!
Seeing the bad situation, Dawlish rushed forward, snatched Harry's wand when he raised his arm to block the smoke and dust, and then pointed his wand at Harry's temple!

"Let go of Harry, you bastard!"

Amid the rolling smoke and dust, Sirius walked out with a ferocious look on his face.

Then, Remus, Tonks, Amelia, Mad-Eye Moody, Dedalus Diggle
Another group of people followed Sirius and walked out from the dense smoke and dust! (End of this chapter)

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