Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1101 The Unruly Twin Snake Staff

The crescent moon rose into the sky, slowly ascending to the center of the night sky, and then sank towards the southwest sky.

It was already past midnight, but the raging sea of ​​darkness could not further erode Malfoy Manor, probably because a force more evil than darkness was lurking here.

A south-facing bedroom on the third floor.

Vitiya was wearing a white nightgown that slightly revealed her shoulders. She leaned against the head of the bed, with her face turned to the side, quietly looking at the night sky where a few clouds occasionally passed by her window.

During the days when she was trapped in Azkaban, she would often turn into a frozen sculpture, staring at the sky through the window of the cell that looked more like a vent.

Although she was released from Azkaban, Malfoy Manor was just another prison with a better living environment for her.

Yes, she was under house arrest.

She knew that Voldemort was not a forgiving man.

He had to put up with her disrespect during his days of weakness, but when he regained his power, there would be a reckoning.

What's more, Voldemort would not forget the trick she played on his important resurrection ceremony.

When she came out of Azkaban, she prepared for the worst, that Voldemort would kill her directly.

Being imprisoned now is the best outcome.

The loss of physical freedom was not something that made her angry, but the loss of mental direction was what really made her panic.

She had placed her people in the Forbidden Forest, where the centaurs would take care of them, and Amosta was not entirely unaware of this.

With them around, the Holy See discovered the clues in time and did not dare to rush in.

The druids will recuperate there and live well, and there won't be any big problems even without her.

Hatred of the Vatican
Vitiya slowly raised her left hand, spread her slender white fingers, and tried to catch the sparse starlight dotted on the black night sky.

She didn't know when the hatred in her heart became less intense.

The wizarding society is even more separated from the Muggle society, and most wizards here live at a very slow pace.

And this slowness can make people lazy.

Laziness leads to decadence, making people just want to blend in and not think about anything else.

For the rest of your life, being a bird imprisoned in a cage is also a good choice.

Vitiya's slender fingers were unconsciously moving in the air, like touching water.

The gentle breaths turned into a few wisps of white mist in the dim space, and the biting cold came from all directions, surrounding the bedroom.

"It is ungentlemanly to enter a lady's room without permission--"

Vitiya's hand slowly dropped from the air, and she turned to look towards the door.

"This is especially true for you who inherited the noble blood of Slytherin."

Voldemort stood behind the door, his black robe looking like condensed black smoke, with wisps of black air rising from the corners of his robe.

In the room with no lighting except for the sparse starlight and moonlight, the red light in his snake pupils was very bright.

The two people stared at each other in the darkness.

Voldemort moved his narrow nose and looked at Vitia Cleona coldly, with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

Because he didn't smell any fear or awe in the air.

"You should thank me--"

Voldemort said coldly,
"Thank you for my magnanimity and for not punishing you for your little actions."

Vitiya remained silent.

She had nothing to explain, and she didn't want to explain. "I came here to ask something."

The resistance represented by Vitia's silence made Voldemort's voice even colder. He restrained the murderous intent in his heart, raised his right arm and waved his wide sleeves.

A strange staff appeared in the room.

The staff is shaped like two lifelike, ferocious poisonous snakes entangled together.

A sickening grey mist lingered around the staff, like a whirlpool in the deep sea. If you stare at the staff intently, it seems that your soul will be swallowed up by it!

The two strange snakes that make up the snake staff have their eyes closed, but what is frightening is that if you look closely, the slits between their noses seem to be undulating, as if they are alive!
The moment Vitia's eyes touched the caduceus, she jumped back as if she had been electrocuted, and then looked into Voldemort's eyes.

“I can’t control it.”

Voldemort's voice was filled with anger.

"Ever since you gave it to me, I haven't been able to perform a single spell with it. I originally thought it was because I lost my body, but now, I still can't control it."

Voldemort looked angrily at the sleeping legendary wand.

"Since it took the initiative to ask for my obedience, why is it unwilling to respond to my orders?!"

"I think you may have made a mistake, Mr. Voldemort—"

Vitia said,

"The Caduceus never told me that it was willing to submit to you. What I told you was that I had received a message from it that it wanted me to give it to you.
In fact, I am also puzzled by this. According to the ancient records of our druids, it belongs to the ancient times. The great leader of the druids, Morgan Le Fay, has never had any intersection with wizards. "

After a pause, Vitia continued,
"Perhaps, only druids who have awe for nature can gain its recognition and be qualified to use its power."

“Awe of nature?”

Voldemort was amused by Vitia's words. The corners of his mouth cracked into a sarcastic smile.
"I have never seen anything as evil as this. Perhaps you have been following the wrong direction for centuries!"

Vitia was also unable to refute this point.

For many centuries before the Staff of the Twin Snakes was obtained, generations of Druid priests generally believed that some evil thing destroyed the island of Avalon, and the Staff of the Twin Snakes was placed there to suppress the horrors there.

Only after she actually got the double snake staff and sensed the evil power within it that could wither all things did she come to her senses.

I'm afraid that the Twin Snake Staff is the one that is suppressed!
Voldemort was right. This was indeed contrary to the ideals that the Druids believed in.

Seeing that Vitia was silent again, Voldemort took back the twin snake staff.

He could sense that Vitia was not lying, and she knew nothing about why he could not wield the twin snake staff.

In this case, there is nothing more for him to talk about with this woman.

"I must remind you of one thing—"

Just as Voldemort was about to leave the room, Vitia suddenly spoke again. She did not look at Voldemort again, but turned away, gazing through the window at the huge manor, where the gray mist was floating in the air without being affected by the wind, devouring the vitality of the weak lives.
"If you keep the double snake staff in this manor, I'm afraid that there will be no living people here in the end, and all your believers will die."

The doomsday scene of Avalon Island with everything withering appeared before her eyes, and Vitia's voice was cold.

"I have my own opinion on this."

Voldemort's scarlet eyes flashed, and he said indifferently, then he passed through the wall and left the room.

Own opinion
In the silent room, Vitiya frowned slightly and thought deeply in the darkness.

The bright sun breaks through the darkness and a new day comes.

Compared to Malfoy Manor, No. 12 Grimmauld Place has never been so lively. Hermione went upstairs excitedly, opened Harry and Ron's door roughly, stepped on the newspapers on the ground and came to the two boys who woke up and covered their bodies with quilts in fear, and shouted happily,
"Hurry up, Harry, Ron, Hogwarts has sent us the summer homework!"

July is here, and this year's summer vacation has officially begun. (End of this chapter)

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