Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1115 Judgment Day

Chapter 1115 Judgment Day (Part )
Harry and the other two looked towards the center of the courtroom.

In the center of the room were three handrails with iron chains wrapped around them. After Fudge's voice, the padlocks of the chains suddenly rose up and swayed in the air like poisonous snakes.

Harry heard Hermione scream again, but he didn't look back. He just walked over step by step with heavy steps, still thinking about the indifference shown by Professor Dumbledore and Professor Braine.

Fortunately, when the three of them sat down, the chains only made a dangerous clanking sound but did not tie them up.

The angle at which the three of them were standing was right in front of Professor Dumbledore and Professor Braine who were sitting on the stools in the front. Hermione and Ron looked over there pleadingly, but the two were still talking about something.
Dumbledore glanced cryptically at the Dementor above his head, and then looked at Amosstar, but Amosstar just blinked and shook his head meaninglessly.

Harry gave up trying to get some inspiration from the two professors and looked up at the Minister of Magic on the podium.

Cornelius Fudge was a fat man who usually wore a dark yellow-green bowler hat, but he didn't wear it today.

Harry could no longer find the kind, benevolent smile on his face that he had when he found himself after he had blown up his aunt two years ago. Instead, there was only a terrifying coldness.

Ms. Amelia Bones, who had just argued with Fudge, was sitting next to Fudge. She was wearing a monocle, and her expression was equally intimidating against the light and shadow.

Fudge winked at a person in the shadows, and then the person walked out from the shadows where he was hiding.

Harry was shocked to find that the Auror walking towards him with his wand in hand was none other than Dawlish, who had tried to take him away from the Dursleys.

Dawlish's head was still wrapped in a thick bandage. He came to the back of the three stone chairs, stood behind Harry with the posture of guarding a prisoner, and cast a hateful look at Amosta who was in the front.

For the first time, Amosta directed his gaze in Harry's direction. He jumped over Harry's head and glanced at Dawlish indifferently. Then, he turned slightly and looked calmly at Fudge on the judgement stand.

"Well, let's begin--"

Fudge glanced at the members of the Wizengamot and said in a booming voice,
"The trial will be held on July 20th, for the trial of Harry James Potter, Ronald Bilius Weasley, and Hermione Jane Granger for violating the "Reasonable Restraint of Underage Wizards Act" and the "International Statute of Secrecy."

Fudge leaned forward slightly, and the shadow cast by the seat in front of his huge body became hideous.

"Interrogators: Cornelius Oswald Fudge, Minister for Magic; Amelia Susan Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement; Dolores Jane Umbridge, Senior Under-Minister -"

"Witness for the defense: Amosta Blaine."

Under the surprised gazes of Harry and the other two, Amos Tower stood up and strode towards the three chairs in the center of the courtroom. Ignoring Dawlish's hidden fear, he walked to Hermione on the far left.

The members of the Wizengamot were all whispering to each other and pointing at him secretly, while some looked at Dumbledore who was sitting there calmly.

Amosta ignored the pointing glances, and only Fudge's crimson face was reflected in his light purple eyes.

"very good--"

Fudge took a deep breath and squeezed out a sound from between his teeth.

"So let's start. Now the accusation."

Fudge took out a piece of parchment from his pocket and adjusted his glasses.
"The charges brought by the Ministry of Magic are that all three defendants violated Article 13 of the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy and the Law on Reasonable Restraint of Underage Wizards. Among them, Harry James Potter's illegal behavior was serious and directly led to the death of a Muggle."

Fudge's eyes jumped over the edge of the parchment and fell on the three little wizards with confused faces.

"What defence do you have to the charges brought against you by the Ministry of Magic?"


Harry felt absurd. Up to now, the Ministry of Magic had not explained clearly what he had done.

Not only the three young wizards on trial were puzzled by this, many of the jury members of the Wizengamot also frowned.

Madam Bones glanced sideways at the parchment in Fudge's hand, moved her monocle, and said nothing for the time being.

"we do not know"

Ron's voice was trembling violently. He looked up at the Minister of Magic, his face pale without a trace of blood.
“We don’t know what we’ve done.”

"That is to say!"

Fudge looked stern.

"You three are not going to plead guilty?"

This question is really problematic. The courtroom was buzzing with whispers.

It wasn't Cornelius Fudge who was maintaining order. Amosta raised the hand that was holding the armrest of the stone chair where Hermione was sitting, flicked the protruding chain with his fingers, and the crisp sound immediately overwhelmed the buzzing sound, and Dawlish, who was a few steps away, immediately raised his wand nervously, guarding against Amosta.

"I think many people have noticed—"

Amosta said gently,

"The minister himself is trying to use some vague words to pin some unfounded charges on three innocent students."

"Oh, a false charge?"

Umbridge stood up behind Fudge. She gave a fake smile and stared at Amosta with her two round eyes full of indifference.

"I think I must have misunderstood you, Professor Brain. You seemed to be implying that the Ministry of Magic was framing these three students?"

Amosta stepped out from Hermione's side of the chair and stood in front of the three children facing the Wizengamot.

Although Amosta still had a gentle expression, many of the Wizengamot members who faced him shrank back, and some even winked at Dumbledore's back.

"I believe--"

Amosta ignored Umbridge. He looked at Fudge's sinister face.

"Do all witches and wizards, including the Wizengamot, believe that the Ministry's prosecution of Harry James Potter, Ronald Bilions Weasley, and Hermione Jean Granger is based on some genuine evidence?"

"Of course the Ministry has evidence, Blaine."

Fudge's loud voice was full of pride.

He never expected to be able to convict three students without knowing the truth, he was just staring at Blaine, or questioning Dumbledore.

"The three defendants--"

After giving Brian a contemptuous and ferocious smile, Fudge's expression suddenly changed, and he became stern and inviolable.
"Do you admit to purchasing goods from Honeydukes, a confectionery shop in Hogsmeade, on the twenty-seventh day of January of this year?"

Honeydukes Candy Store. What does this case have to do with it?
The buzzing sound began to boil again, and Dumbledore, who was sitting in the front row with his head down and thoughtful, frowned slightly.

The panicked expressions of Harry and the other two turned dull after this question. Harry and Ron looked confused, while Hermione was thinking hard.

“Do the three defendants admit it?”

Fudge's voice came over again, and Harry blurted out,

"Sorry. I can't remember. Bee Duke Candy Store--"

Harry gasped a few times.
"We've been there many times. Every time Hogsmeade is open to students, many students have been there, but we can't remember."

"Oh, you can't remember?"

Fudge smiled coldly, looking at the calm Amosta provocatively.
"I have evidence to prove it. So, Dawlish?"

Dawlish, who was sitting behind Harry's chair, straightened his chest immediately and a blush appeared on his cheeks.

Under the gaze of everyone, he rushed out of the courtroom at the speed of a 100-meter sprint, and two minutes later, he walked in panting, and behind him followed a broad-bodied, bald young man.


The chairs were moved, and the jury members stood up one after another, all craning their necks to look at the man who walked in. Harry, Ron, and Hermione also stared in surprise at this so-called witness from the Ministry of Magic!

"What is the identity of the witness?"

Ms. Bones asked solemnly.

"Hello, members of the Wizengamot, the Minister, and... and..."

The sweaty young bald man stood trembling beside Amosstar. He did not dare to look at Amosstar at all, nor did he dare to look at Albus Dumbledore who looked solemn. He just shrank his head.

"I'm Ambrosio Froome, owner of Honeydukes Candy Shop in Hogsmeade."

(End of this chapter)

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