Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1117 Judgment Day

"I do have some questions that I hope can be answered."

Amosta said with a smile.

After he spoke, the courtroom, which was as noisy as a busy city, suddenly returned to silence, and every juror from the Wizengamot fixed their eyes on the face of Amos Tower Braine.

Brian is ready to fight back!
This thought has come to many people's minds.

This is not surprising. Given the character Brian has shown in front of others, he will definitely not sit idly by and wait for death.

But what was Brian going to do?
The chain of evidence prepared by the Ministry of Magic seems to be seamless, and it is not so easy to find a breakthrough.

Moreover, judging from the speechless looks of the three young wizards in custody at Hogwarts, it seems that the Ministry of Magic did not fabricate the facts.

"What do you want to ask?"

Although he acted arrogant in front of Harry and the other two, when Brian's eyes swept over him, Dawlish couldn't help but feel flustered.

After Dalish blurted out, he suddenly realized that he shouldn't have responded to Brian's words so easily.

"Just now--"

Amosta withdrew his gaze from Dawlish's face. Under the gaze of all the Wizengamot members, he paced back and forth in front of Harry and the other two.
"Dawlish told the jurors why Harry Potter was charged with murder by the Ministry of Magic. Then I can't help but wonder--"

Amosta stopped walking and looked at Dawlish again.

"According to what you said, the Auror Office went to the Hogsmeade Post Office to investigate on or after January 27 of this year in order to look for clues in the attack on Miss Hermione Granger.

Therefore, it was accidentally discovered that on the 27th, Harry James Potter, Ronald Bilius Weasley and Hermione Jane Granger sent items to the Muggle Orphanage through the wizard post office. In the subsequent tracking of the package, it was discovered that a chocolate frog in Harry James Potter's package accidentally caused the death of a Muggle postman, so may I ask--"

Amosta's face was expressionless, his eyes suddenly sharp,
"When exactly did the Auror Office find the package from Hogsmeade that was seized by the Muggle police?"

Dawlish had completely lost his arrogant look. Panic flashed in his eyes. He was about to answer when Umbridge's voice rang out from the judgement stand.

"Mr. Blaine, I think the Ministry of Magic has just provided complete evidence that proves beyond a doubt that Harry James Potter committed murder--"

Dolores put on a false smile, but her eyes were filled with hatred as she looked at Amosta.

"As for your question, it seems that, well, how should I put it, when the Aurors get the package is just an irrelevant question. Your question seems to be in--"

"According to the Wizengamot Charter of Rights—"

Amosta's loud voice overwhelmed Dolores's sweet voice;

"The defendant's defense attorney has the right to ask the prosecutor to answer the doubts in the chain of criminal evidence he provided!"

"Answer the defense's questions, Dawlish."

Ms. Bones ordered solemnly.


Dawlish looked at Fudge and received a warning look.

"Maybe. Well, it seems to be. June. June 21st."

"June 21st?"

Amosta asked with a smile,

"The attack on Hermione Granger took place on January 27th of this year. After the incident, the Aurors immediately intervened and investigated the Hogsmeade Post Office. However, the package sent by Harry James Potter was not found until the end of June?"

There was an uproar!
The withered green in Harry's eyes came alive again.

Professor Brian is right!
If the Ministry of Magic wanted to retrieve the package he sent, it could be done in half a day. How could it take nearly five months!

Harry stared at Dawlish, paying close attention to what he was about to say.

"I remembered it wrongly!"

Dawlish's forehead was covered with sweat, and he shouted,
"I just made a mistake. June 21st was the date when the key evidence of another case was recovered. In fact, Harry James Potter's package was found earlier."


Amosta asked sharply,

"Even Honeydukes candy store remembers how many candies it sold in one day five months ago. I don't think the Auror Office of the British Ministry of Magic can forget such a critical time node. Please give the Wizengamot jury a clear time!"

"Maybe it was in February."

Dawlish was not so stupid as to fail to see the trap in Brian's question, but there was indeed no appropriate answer to this seemingly simple question!
"February?" Amosta smiled coldly.
"In other words, the Ministry of Magic had already obtained a complete chain of evidence that Harry James Potter committed murder at least four months ago, but only formally initiated the lawsuit four months later?"

Amid the buzz of discussion among the judges, Amosta asked indifferently,

"Why did the Ministry of Magic have to wait four months? Are they waiting for Mr. Potter to have his summer vacation?"

Amelia in the stands glanced at Fudge. She had seen through it. Harry Potter's case was ultimately a conspiracy!
"Perhaps the Ministry should give some explanations, Cornelius!"


The Minister of Magic stood up suddenly, slammed the gavel hard, and glared at Amos Tower Blaine fiercely.
"It's not your turn to criticize the efficiency of the Ministry of Magic, Brian!"


Amosta looked grim.

"But I think the members of the Wizengamot Inquiry must be confused about this. For such a simple question, the Auror Office can't give a reasonable answer?"

“Ministry’s procedures”

Fudge's grim eyes seemed to want to devour Amosta. He gritted his teeth.

“It’s quite complicated.”

"Because this involves the famous Harry Potter, the Ministry of Magic must make careful judgments, right?"

Umbridge suddenly interrupted.

"Yes, that's right!"

Fudge, who was speechless, suddenly looked up.

"The Ministry of Magic also didn't want Harry Potter to kill anyone, so we investigated repeatedly until we confirmed that it was indeed Harry Potter who killed someone!"

It's too far-fetched and doesn't hold water at all!
Many members of the jury exchanged glances with the people around them and shook their heads slightly.

Some looked towards Albus Dumbledore who was at the front.

It was confusing. Dumbledore did not seem to be pleased with Brian's discovery of the Ministry of Magic's flaws. On the contrary, he sat there quietly, exuding a sense of dejection.

“Oh, let’s just assume it’s because of this.”

An even more surprising thing happened. Amos Towers Braine did not seize this loophole that could lead to the Ministry of Magic and pursue it relentlessly. Instead, after Fudge and Dolores' explanation, he chuckled softly.

But then, Amosta's voice became loud again.

"Besides that, I have a second question."

Amosta walked into the judge's seat, looked at the jury with burning eyes, and left Dawlish, who was sweating coldly, aside.
"Just now, Dawlish mentioned that the cause of death of the Muggle who unfortunately died was that a chocolate frog got into his throat and suffocated him."

"What's the problem with that, Blaine?!"

Fudge suppressed his panic and asked sharply.

"Oh, what's the problem?"

Amosta turned his head and looked at Dawlish. The mockery in his eyes made Dawlish tremble.

"As we all know, Chocolate Frog is a well-known magical candy, sold in all countries in the European wizarding world--"

Amosta said in a deep voice,

"This product is mainly aimed at children from wizarding families. Innocent children always have some whimsical ideas in their heads, so this magic candy comes with some safety measures when it leaves the factory."

Safety measures?

Fudge, Dolores and Dawlish all looked confused.

Not to mention them, most of the judges also had confused expressions.

"For example, to prevent children from choking--"

Amos Tassen looked at Fudge coldly.

"It won't jump into someone's throat on its own initiative. Even if the child who owns it voluntarily stuffs the chocolate frog into his throat, it will immediately melt into chocolate liquid to prevent tragedy from happening. So, I can't help but ask--"

The dark courtroom echoed with Amosta's grim voice.
"How did the Muggle postman choke to death on a chocolate frog?" (End of this chapter)

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