Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1134 Suicide note

The kitchen of the old Blake house was crowded with people, and a sense of urgency about the coming war hung over everyone's heart.

After a crisp bang, the members of the Order of the Phoenix all turned their eyes to the wooden door on the stairs.

With a sharp creaking sound, Kingsley Shacklebolt appeared in front of everyone.

"How's it going, Kingsley?"

Remus stood up from the head of the long table and smiled at Kingsley who was greeting everyone.

"I mean, what's it like to be the Head of the Auror Office?"

"I'm sorry I'm late—"

Kingsley sighed and shook his head, his usually steady voice revealing a hint of hoarseness and fatigue.
"I just came from Upper Flagley. The Muggle police there were counting the population of a village where wizards and Muggles live together. They found that an old lady who lived alone was missing, and there were some bloodstains in her old house. The Muggle police believed that it was a burglary, and the murderer destroyed the body after the crime--"

Kingsley pulled up a chair and said to the people whose attention he had attracted,

"But the Ministry knows that the old woman is a witch."

"Any sign of the Dark Mark, Kingsley?"

Alastor yelled at the top of his lungs.


Kingsley shook his head.
"I have personally examined the house, and I believe that a Dark wizard of great skill has been there—"

After a soft sigh,

"There are murders and robberies everywhere, and even though Minister Bones had the foresight to expand the department's strike force, there are still not enough people."

Kingsley said.

"These days I follow Amelia—"

Sirius clasped his hands together and rested them on his chin, and said solemnly,

"She is also worried about the soaring crime rate, but she really can't spare so many people to guard all areas where wizards live. Only some people are stationed in places with dense wizard populations such as Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade and St. Mungo's."

"These dark wizards are like sewer rats, they are everywhere!"

Alastor arched his ferocious nose.

"Did Amosta and Albus use their clever brains?"

"I talked about this with Amosta yesterday—"

Mr. Weasley gently rubbed his brow.
"I can see that he has some ideas, but he seems to be a little hesitant. You know, his methods have always been quite drastic. Perhaps, they are not suitable for the current situation."

Everyone was silent.

The current situation in the wizarding world can indeed be described as extremely bad.

On the one hand, although Voldemort and his Death Eaters are not so active for the time being, some local and foreign evil elements who have come here because of their fame are either spontaneously or in an organized and planned manner to disrupt the order of the wizarding world.

The public security situation has not improved at all compared to when Fudge was in power, and has even become worse.

On the other hand, although Amosta's methods of forcing Amelia to the top were decisive and fierce, they still caused quite a stir.

Domestically, with the help of the pure-blood wizarding families who control the economic lifeline, the situation has become increasingly serious.

Abroad, the coup d'état in the British Ministry of Magic also brought considerable impact to other political organizations, workshops and businesses in the entire European wizarding world.

Foreign capital began to be more cautious about doing business in Britain, even though Amos Blaine and Albus Dumbledore were behind the coup.

People are waiting and watching the situation. The capitalists are also afraid that the methods used by Amosstar and the British Ministry of Magic to deal with the criminals who escaped from Azkaban will be used on them. After all, which family doesn't have some illegal and criminal activities?
"In short, I don't expect this situation to improve in the short term--"

After sighing again, Kingsley gathered his spirits and looked at the members of the Order of the Phoenix with a serious look in his eyes.
"Let's talk about the escort the day after tomorrow. Amosta, Albus and Minister Bones held a meeting specifically for this matter--"

"What are their plans?"

Bill asked nervously,

"I heard from my friends at Gringotts that they have begun secretly sorting out the gold in the underground vault."

"That's right--"

Kingsley nodded.
"The plan is this: the day after tomorrow morning, at 6:00, 7:00, and 8:00, the Transport Department will dispatch three Hogwarts Express trains to stop at Diagon Alley Station on schedule, and use the train to transport the gold to London.

The first train will be escorted by the Ministry's Aurors, the Order of the Phoenix will be in charge of the second express, and the third."

Kingsley hesitated.
"The Ministry has found some powerful bounty wizards."

"Bounty wizard?" Remus asked in surprise, while other members of the Order of the Phoenix were also discussing this arrangement of the Ministry.

However, Remus soon realized where those bounty wizards came from. He coughed lightly.
"What shall we do with the gold when it arrives in London? How shall we place such a large sum of gold?"

"Amosta said he would meet at King's Cross with some more hitters."

Kingsley answered the question.

"Where's Albus?"

Alastor asked gruffly.

"What is his plan?"

"Minister Bones invites Albus to stay at the Ministry—"

Kingsley spoke again.
"In order to ensure that the gold can reach the Ministry smoothly, all the strikers and Aurors have been sent out. If Voldemort is ready to take revenge, it will be troublesome. Therefore, someone must be responsible for the safety of the Ministry."

In the tense meeting, members of the Order of the Phoenix had a heated discussion about the action the day after tomorrow.

One by one, easily overlooked details were dug out and fully discussed in the meeting, which made Harry and others who were holding surveillance ears upstairs listen with great excitement.

"--The Ministry will block Diagon Alley from all directions for three hours."

Before I knew it, it was already late at night.

Kingsley stood up from his chair and before leaving, he concluded,
"The Transport Department will strictly control the Floo Network to ensure that no one can break into Diagon Alley through the fireplace. Anti-Apparition Charms will also be in effect to prevent Apparition from being used. Similarly, the Portkeys are also under close monitoring."

The moon was at its zenith, and the endless wilderness outside the city was shrouded in the noisy chirping of insects.

The members of the Order of the Phoenix left one after another, and in the end, only the Weasleys and Remus, who were temporarily staying in the house, were left.

Sirius waved his wand and a bottle of whiskey appeared in mid-air and landed in his hand.

After pouring wine for the remaining three people in the kitchen, Sirius raised his glass and then drank it all in one gulp.

"How's Amelia doing?"

Sirius let out a long breath and looked towards Remus.

"She went to Germany on business—"

Remus said,

"Because of Fudge's problem, some of our suppliers seem to be a little worried. Amelia went to negotiate with them on my behalf."

Sirius nodded and fell silent.

"She's a very good witch--"

After a moment's hesitation, Remus looked at Sirius.

"If you think she's nice"

Sirius took a breath and shook his head slightly.
"We'll talk about this later, Remus—"

He turned to look at Mrs. Weasley.

"Molly, can you do me a small favor?"

Mrs. Weasley frowned.

"That's unusual, Sirius, you're not usually so polite -"

Sirius didn't say that. Under the dim light, the sharp corners of his eyes seemed much softer.

Smiling, Sirius put his hand into his pocket. After a moment, he took out a thick letter. After rubbing it with his fingertips for a few times, he handed it to Mrs. Weasley.

"Who do you want me to pass it on to, Sirius?"

Several people were looking at Sirius, who looked a little strange, and Mrs. Weasley asked hesitantly.

"It's for Harry—"

Sirius said calmly,

"If I don't come back the day after tomorrow, please give this letter to him."


In the dim room on the fourth floor, under the silent gaze of Hermione, Ron, the twins and Ginny, Harry, with a pale face, dropped the monitoring ear in his hand, stepped back, and hit his back heavily against the wall! (End of this chapter)

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