Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 25 Polite Malfoy

Chapter 25 Polite Malfoy

In the face of Draco Malfoy's impotent rage, Amosta behaved calmly, he shrugged innocently, turned his head to look at him and said,
"What a shame, I thought you'd think it was cute!"

Who would think this terrifying, dangerous, and ugly creature is cute, crazy? !
Malfoy wanted to refute this, but the eight-eyed spider, who had imagined the happy picture of revenge in his mind countless times, didn't have the patience to wait for him to talk. It saw that the powerful wizard who locked himself up was careless. Avert your eyes, thinking this is a perfect opportunity for a sneak attack!
The whistling sound when the huge body as big as a cart horse hit the air was terrifying. Malfoy's pupils suddenly contracted, and time seemed to be slowed down at this moment. He slowly opened his mouth and watched The hairs on the eight-eyed spider's slender limbs became clear.

Malfoy wanted to remind Amosta, but suddenly found that his lips were moving so slowly, even if he was crushed into a puddle of flesh by the spider, he might not have time to spit out a word!
Just when Malfoy thought he was going to die, Amosta, who didn't realize it, suddenly turned around and held up his wand. The tip of the wand was filled with a faint light, and he chopped it down instantly like chopping wood. In the room rippling with dim light, Suddenly, a black wall of light with weak cicada wings appeared, it was like an extremely sharp knife lying in front of the two of them, the edge of the blade was facing the swooping eight-eyed spider!
The emerald green light in the eight compound eyes of the spider in mid-air changed subtly. It seemed to be aware of the danger, and intended to jam its thin limbs into the wall to stagnate its body.

But it's a pity that the previous jump was too forceful, and in a hurry, it couldn't resist the strong inertia brought by its huge body. When there was no time, it blocked its two big black mastiffs in front of it, hoping Can avoid some damage.

The black rain all over the sky swayed in an instant, and the body of the spider, which was divided into two halves from the middle, hit the ground heavily with a clang, and the green viscera, intestines, and body fluids mixed together and scattered all over the ground.

Malfoy stood behind the milky white mask that Amostar had conjured up, staring blankly at the spider that had turned into two, the gradually faint click, click of the two big black mastiffs in his ears It sounded like the wailing and accusation before death, so Malfoy's legs trembled unconsciously.

"Sorry, Mr. Malfoy, I messed up your dormitory, but don't worry, I'll take care of it for you later."

Amosta removed the magic shield and said apologetically. He walked up to the spider's corpse, ignored the lingering hatred in the green compound eyes, but fiddled with its mouthparts a few times with his fingers, as if looking for What, after a while, he showed regret,
"I forgot again, I have already collected the venom... It seems that lack of food and lack of exercise will cause the eight-eyed spider's venom to recover very slowly."

Malfoy's body trembled violently. He looked away, looking as if he was complaining that he shouldn't eat too many biscuits for afternoon tea, which led to Amosta, who had no appetite for dinner. For the first time, what did he really understand? What is called fear, what is called strong!

"What kind of magic is that?" Malfoy knew his voice was shaking, but he couldn't help it.

"What?" Amosta didn't hear clearly for a moment, he looked up with a look of astonishment.

"The one you just used, the magic that killed this beast... the spider."

"Oh!" Amosta lowered his head again to search for valuable organs, and said casually, "I didn't give it a name, Mr. Malfoy, if you like, I can give you the right to name it... Huh! "

Amosta stood up in disappointment. He walked to the stone box, but he did not take it out in a hurry. Instead, he rummaged through the space bag he carried to find something. A few seconds later, he took out a box containing dark green Glass bottle of colored potion.


The moment the seemingly unremarkable stone box came into contact with the potion, a smelly white smoke emitted, as if the potion itself had been vaporized by its extremely high temperature.

Noticing that Malfoy's body was shaking violently again, Amosta kindly explained,
"I have cast a tracking spell and a highly poisonous potion on the box. If you touch it casually, you will get yourself into big trouble."

I have already applied the highly poisonous potion, is it necessary to apply the tracking spell?
Malfoy thought to himself, but he didn't have the guts to ask.

"All right!"

Amosta picked up the stone box, his tone became relaxed, he looked around at the mess around him, and swung his wand vigorously.

The collapsed beds and the cabinets that were broken into sawdust jumped back to their positions one by one, the broken personal utensils returned to their original shape in mid-air, the feathers drilled back into the cushions and bedding, and the damaged books automatically repaired and jumped back The original position was neat and tidy, the magic lamp on the ceiling shimmered again, and the green blood splashed on the wizard's robe and sweater also turned into a writhing liquid villain, twisting its hips and stuffing itself into the eight-eyed man again. Spider belly.

Amosta waved his wand again, and the spider's corpse turned into a puff of smoke and dissipated. In the blink of an eye, the dormitory was clean and comfortable again.

"Then, thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Malfoy."

Amostar tucked the box under his armpit and said cheerfully, "I don't think you would mind keeping today's affairs a secret, would you?"

Malfoy looked stiff and nodded mechanically, "I'll keep it a secret for you...Mr. Blaine."

"Thank you!" Amosta nodded politely, then turned and left.

Draco Malfoy stood beside his bed in a daze without moving. He looked at this familiar dormitory. What happened just now left no trace, everything was like a dream.

Ten minutes later, he suddenly remembered something, and his pale cheeks quickly turned red. He ran out of the dormitory, stepped over the spiral staircase and entered the lounge of the mansion in a few steps. Amosta had already left. There was still no one here, Malfoy ran to the table by the fireplace, where the half-written letter was still lying quietly on the table, he grabbed the letter and threw the paper into a ball into the fireplace.

In the midst of the rising flames, Malfoy took out a clean piece of parchment from his school bag and leaned over his desk to read again...

When the time came to night, Amosta stood at the door of a classroom on the third floor that had not been used for many years. This room was the office that Professor McGonagall arranged for him, and it was also his bedroom during his work at Hogwarts.

The house elves have cleaned up the place, the air is filled with pleasant musk, and there is no smell of corruption.

The furnishing in the room is not complicated, most of the space is empty and nothing is placed, but near the innermost position, a bed, desk, bookshelf and wardrobe are prepared, considering that the severe cold weather will last for two or three In January, the elves thoughtfully installed a fireplace here.

Amosta closed the door casually and walked into the warm room. The carved windows facing Hagrid's hut and the Forbidden Forest could barely see the Quidditch pitch.

The candlestick placed on the desk exudes a steady radiance. Amosta stepped forward, took out quills, ink and other utensils and arranged them neatly, and placed a photo of herself and Grandma Ferina on the right side of the desk In the photo, Amosta is much younger than he is now. It was taken during the summer vacation of his fourth grade and before the start of fifth grade with Ferrena in the photo studio opposite the orphanage.

At the time, no one expected that this would be their last photo together.

(End of this chapter)

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