Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 868 The Ownership of the Elder Wand

After listening to Professor Brain's doubts, Krum's pupils shrank uncontrollably, and his heart was shaken.

During the limited few times he came into contact with Professor Blaine, he had been carefully controlling his inner emotions, but unexpectedly, Professor Blaine still saw the clues. Should he feel panic, or should he praise him? He is worthy of being praised by people. Amosta Blaine, known as the most powerful wizard in the modern era, is so sharp!

Victor bit his lip and did not answer immediately.

But then again, how should I answer this question?

Should I fool him? Oh, I'm afraid I can't fool him. Or, just keep silent. After all, Professor Blaine has already said it, and he doesn't force himself to answer.

Amosta took a sip of herbal tea. This was the tea he tasted when he went to Germany to investigate Hermione's case. He drank it occasionally and it had a unique flavor.

Viktor remained silent, and Amosta was not eager to get the answer. As he just said, even if Krum didn't want to answer, it didn't matter.

"Professor Brain, what do you think--"

The light and shadow outside the window changed angles in silence, and the sunlight shone on the face of Krum, who had suddenly undergone a drastic change and turned pale. He looked at Amosta carefully and spoke in a cautious tone,
"Do you think Gellert Grindelwald did the right thing?"

Quietly, Amosta's eyebrows raised. He anticipated several possible answers from Viktor, but he really didn't expect that the boy would actually ask this question. Is this related to the change in his attitude towards him? what relationship?
"Gellert Grindelwald"

Amosta was in a trance for a moment, and the old man in the tall tower of Nurmengard appeared in front of him. .

"There is no doubt that this is an extremely talented wizard with magical power that ordinary people cannot hope to achieve -"

Amosta suppressed the doubts in his heart and calmly gave his evaluation. Before Krum showed his disappointment, he continued,

"To a certain extent, he has extraordinary wisdom. Half a century ago, he could clearly see that the rapid development of Muggles would have a strong impact on wizarding society, but I don't agree. The way he responded to this crisis."

Under Viktor's gaze, Amosta said frankly,

"He gathered a group of people, using lofty ideals as an excuse and war as a means, in an attempt to enslave Muggles, who far outnumber us, in the hope that this would highlight the nobility and difference of wizards. To be honest, This is very stupid."


Viktor spat out, his eyes showing anticipation.

Amosta smiled and pointed at the ground.
"You must know that your Hogwarts was founded thousands of years ago by four great wizards, namely Salazar Slatin, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Helga Hedge. Patch and Godric Gryffindor.

These four wizards came from famous families. In today's terms, they are all direct descendants of pure-blood wizard families. You know, thousands of years ago, the main way of inheritance of magic was family inheritance. There was also inheritance in the form of master and apprentice, but that was still Not free from narrowness and limitations.

So do you know why the four great founders of Hogwarts, in such a closed era, risked the world's disapproval to create Hogwarts and teach magic publicly, Viktor? "

As if facing a professor's question in class, Klum frowned and thought for a while before saying in an uncertain tone,
"Because those magic families cannot exist forever. If magic is limited to family inheritance, then magic will disappear sooner or later?"

"Demstrang plus five points--"

Amosta chuckled and said,

"Yes, that's exactly it. Gellert Grindelwald made at least three serious mistakes.

First, he thought that wizards had the power of magic to force Muggles to surrender, but what he didn't know was that tyranny will inevitably lead to resistance. For the freedom and independence of personality, Muggles will unite as one and never surrender. . Secondly, destroying Muggles is destroying ourselves. The four founders of Hogwarts saw it very clearly that if magic is passed down in the form of a family, magic will definitely be cut off. However, Muggles, who outnumber wizards by countless times, can A steady stream of children with magical talents will be born, and magic will continue to exist in these people healthier and longer.

Third, let me take myself as an example. You must also know that I come from the Muggle world, and my parents are both orthodox Muggles. But you see, this does not prevent me from becoming a qualified wizard. You know this is A tactful statement. "

Amosta smiled,

"This shows that Grindelwald's view of Muggles is entirely self-prejudice."

Amosta talked about his views incessantly. He thought that these were enough to clear up Krum's doubts. However, when he finished all this, he found that Krum's eyes were full of more when he looked at him. of confusion.

"But, since that's the case--"

Krum said puzzledly,
"If you don't like Grindelwald, why would you, I mean, study him?"

This time, it was Amosta who was confused.

"Research?" Amosta frowned, "Where does this start from what Karkaroff gave you?"

"That mark!"

Krum finally realized that Hermione was right and that he had indeed misunderstood something, but he still couldn't help but ask,
"Maybe you forgot, before the Yule Ball, I asked Hermione Granger to be my dance partner, right in front of the library-"

Speaking of this, Krum felt a little depressed in his heart. If it weren't for some of the opinions he expressed about Professor Blaine that angered Hermione, maybe that charming girl would have agreed to go to the Yule Ball with him.

"You were passing us and I saw you were holding a manuscript with the markings used by Grindelwald and his followers!"

Amosta raised his eyebrows, and it took him a few seconds to understand what Krum was talking about.

Grindelwald's mark. That's the symbol of the Deathly Hallows!
Grindelwald and his Wiccan Party once used the Deathly Hallows pattern as a logo. This did touch upon Amosta's intellectual blind spot.

He investigated the Deathly Hallows because he learned from Helga Hufflepuff's memory that it was the key to the 'Death Door' he saw in the underground secret realm of Azkaban.

The Resurrection Stone among the three keys once fell into the hands of the Big Four and was passed down in the Slytherin family. It eventually fell into the hands of Voldemort and became his Horcrux.

The whereabouts of the remaining two pieces, the Elder Wand and the Cloak of Invisibility, are unknown.

Grindelwald used the representation of holy objects to make his mark obvious, and he once pursued these three legendary magic items.

Excluding the Resurrection Stone, did he ever obtain the Cloak of Invisibility and the Elder Wand?

For thousands of years, due to the hidden properties of the Invisibility Cloak, there has been almost no reliable statement about its inheritance. Amosta believes that the possibility of Grindelwald obtaining the Invisibility Cloak is very small, but there are many signs in the bloody battle for the Elder Wand. Following the revelation given to him by Helga Hufflepuff, he had also investigated some of this content.

Through duels and killings, the Elder Wand has changed owners many times, and the last traceable owner was Losias. After that, there is no reliable statement, but is it possible that Grindelwald will get it? ?

If he had obtained this wand, it might not be as magical as the legend said. After all, as we all know, he lost to
Amosta's thoughts suddenly stopped, and quietly, his expression changed subtly.
Ollivander himself said that Dumbledore had changed his wand when he was inspecting the Warriors' wand before the game. And the wand that Dumbledore is using now, Amosta has seen many times, is the elder wand! (End of chapter)

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