Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 871 The second generation

Standing on the stairs were Slytherin students participating in physical education classes. Draco Malfoy stood at the top. Next to him were Pansy, Astoria, Daphne, Millicent, Nott, Blaise and others. Standing under him, they discovered Harry and Hermione, who had disappeared from school for a few days. Almost everyone had a look of indifference on their expressions.

It's a pity that those two idiots Crabbe and Goyle are not here, otherwise it would be all together.

Hermione's breathing suddenly stopped for a moment, and then returned to normal. She remained silent, the five fingers of her right hand curled unnaturally, ready to hold the wand at any time, and her pure brown eyes were filled with hostility.

Apart from Professor Blaine who had personal experience, Hermione, Ron and Professor Dumbledore were among the few people who knew all the details of what happened that morning. Harry told him everything he heard or saw. The names of the Death Eaters present at Voldemort's resurrection ceremony were told to them.

In the past few days, Harry had also discussed with them whether Professor Dumbledore would come directly to the door based on the list he provided and send all the ruthless and stubborn Death Eaters to Azkaban.

Ron swore and patted his chest, convinced that Professor Dumbledore and Professor Blaine would definitely do this. And Hermione cautiously agreed.

But now it seems that they were wrong.

The two legendary wizards on whom they had high hopes did not take any action. Otherwise, these Slytherin students would never have been so calm after seeing themselves.

"Step aside--"

Harry said, his face expressionless, but inwardly he was amazed at his calm state of mind.

Even though a few days ago, he almost died at the hands of the fathers of the group of people in front of him and their fathers' masters, Harry found that he didn't seem that angry when facing Malfoy and his small group.

Pansy, who 'loved' Malfoy the most, twitched her nose and wanted to say something, but before the words came out, she glanced sideways at Malfoy and finally chose to remain silent.

"Congratulations on surviving another disaster, Potter."

Malfoy seemed to be different from before. He did not have his usual sarcastic face. He looked at Harry condescendingly. Although his words were full of guns and sticks, his tone was still very calm.

Judging from Hermione's surprised expression, she seemed to be confused about Malfoy's behavior. Harry was not that surprised, and he could vaguely understand why Malfoy behaved this way.

Of course, Harry could not apologize to Malfoy. He nodded and said calmly,

"I'm really good at slipping away from Voldemort."

There are only a few people who are immune to the word 'Voldemort'. Almost all children from magical families, in their ignorant childhood, suffered almost hysterical roars from their parents just because they said these words nonchalantly. Thus establishing the fear of these three words.

The people in Slytherin shuddered unconsciously, and so did Draco. He shivered twice and looked a little ugly, but he didn't say anything, just pursed his lips and left. Saying "Let's go", he led the Slytherin people upstairs.

"What's going on, Harry?"

When they were out of sight, Hermione frowned and couldn't help but ask,

"They didn't behave quite right. I thought. Oh, I thought they would be more hostile to you. You know, in Slytherin, Mysterious Man's reputation is not that bad. In fact, many people are worshiping him!"

"Just call him by his name, Hermione. There's nothing scary about the word 'Voldemort',"

Harry shrugged.

"Maybe they have changed their idol."

As you can imagine, Harry caused quite a stir when he showed up in the physical education classroom.

Except for Slytherin, students from the other three houses surrounded them. Many people were talking to him, asking him questions they wanted to know, such as how they disappeared from the bottom of the lake, and the part where they disappeared. What have they been through? Is Voldemort really resurrected? If so, how did they escape? How could the famous Director of the Department of International Magical Cooperation die? Also, the principal of Durmstrang
Harry had already explained these questions to the Ministry of Magic and Dumbledore. Faced with the questions from these students, some of them he could not say, some did not want to mention, and the questions he could answer were very limited.

"It was the sportswear that Professor Blaine prepared for us that played a key role. Everyone, it was those clothes that saved everyone."

Harry reluctantly dealt with it. There was another reason why he didn't want to reply too much. According to him, the students in front of him were willing to believe that not many mysterious people came back, even if Dumbledore told them personally about it. Same thing. "In the past few days, the Daily Prophet has not mentioned a word about this."

After Harry showed an obviously impatient expression, the crowd slowly retreated, and finally, only their Gryffindor students were left around him. Neville said in a serious tone,
"Perhaps you can see that most people don't really believe this, Harry. People don't want to see the terrifying Dark Lord return to the magical world. Moreover, the Ministry of Magic has not issued an official statement. For most people, For me, the Ministry of Magic is the most authoritative.”

"But you believe it, don't you, Neville?" Hermione asked, her tone sure.

"Oh, of course." Neville said firmly, "I know you won't joke about this, and neither does Dumbledore. Also, although Professor Brain did not make a public statement, someone asked him when they met him in the castle. , he also gave the affirmative.”

Professor Blaine came. He walked in as usual, with a gentle smile on his face. He didn't even pay much attention to Harry and Hermione who appeared in his class.

It was a very normal class. They continued to practice team breakout in Professor Brain's spiritual world. Compared with the beginning, their performance was undoubtedly improved a lot. Whether it was siege or breakout, there was something remarkable about it. , and all have unique styles.

A sense of contrast ran throughout the course, a feeling shared by both Harry and Hermione.

They are young wizards who have witnessed Voldemort's resurrection ceremony. They know that the Dark Lord has indeed returned to the magical world and everything will change. But the problem lies here, it seems that nothing has changed much.

In this weird feeling, today's physical education class ends.

Ron was still waiting for him, so Harry and Hermione didn't stay in class much longer. They had plenty of time to discuss Voldemort's resurrection with these close friends.

"Professor Blaine"

When Amosta packed his things and was about to leave the classroom, Draco Malfoy suddenly stopped him. He looked up at Draco and realized that it wasn't just Draco Slytherin who had something to say. The students all looked at him with burning eyes, as if they were suppressing some emotion.

"What's wrong, Draco?"

Amosta left the packed notes and asked with a smile,
"Do you have any questions you need me to answer?"

"Well, that's not it, Professor—"

Draco slowly approached Amosta. He looked a little nervous, and the half-covered fists in his sleeves were clenched tightly. Behind him, Millicent, Nott and others were looking at him with strong and cold eyes. Drive out the remaining students in the classroom.

After Millicent closed the classroom door heavily, he quickly rushed to Professor Blaine, who was leaning on the podium with his buttocks on the podium and looking at them as they cleared the room with a faint smile on his lips.

Draco was definitely not the only one who felt nervous. Amosta felt solemnity and tension from the expressions of every Slytherin student left behind, perhaps with a sense of sacred mission?
"The Dark Lord is really back, isn't he, Professor Blaine?"

This is Draco's opening remarks.

"Professor Dumbledore has told you this, hasn't he? The headmaster of Durmstrang and Barty Crouch of the Ministry of Magic used his life to send a warning signal to everyone. I believe you are also aware of it, Della "Co, Potter won't use this kind of thing to gain attention."

Amosta said calmly.


Draco swallowed hard, his heart pounding nervously. Professor Brain didn't show any impatience or put on a straight face, but Draco still felt a strong pressure, just like the suppression of a life level. .

But Draco still raised his head with difficulty and looked into Professor Blaine's eyes. Under the gaze of those marvelous purple eyes, he said with great reverence,
"Then will you accept our allegiance, Mr. Blaine?"

(End of this chapter)

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