disaster strikes

Chapter 360 Grand Virtue Cultivation Technique

Chapter 360 Grand Virtue Cultivation Technique
This mother and daughter.

The mother's name is Zhang Bilan and the daughter's name is Cai Xiaoye.

Zhang Bilan's husband used to be a low-level officer under a warlord, but after the warlord's defeat, his husband died, and the mother and daughter brought their pensions and came to the city that never sleeps to beg for life.

In the beginning, the lives of the two were indeed quite nourishing.

Later, Zhang Bilan got to know the charter woman in Zhulong Walled City, and the two became friends, playing mahjong together every day.

Afterwards, Pigpen Walled City was destroyed.

The mother and daughter couldn't bear these children to live on the streets, starved to death, and assumed the responsibility of raising them.

For these children.

After the two spent all their savings, they began to stage the story of "selling their bodies to bury their mothers" again and again.

After learning the news, Chen Mo, who was about to leave, couldn't help frowning slightly.

"There is no way to go on like this."

Zhang Bilan and Cai Xiaoye couldn't help sighing when they heard the words, but they really had no other way, such a day could only be counted as a day.

"How about this."

Chen Mo said thoughtfully: "After I go back, I'll ask Brother Fat if there is anything I can do."



Fat Brother held a banquet in Cuiyu Tower, and invited the police chief and deputy chief of the city that never sleeps, accompanied by four popular dancing girls.

After drinking for three rounds, everyone got a little drunk.

"Come, on behalf of the Public Security Department of the Nightless City of Ancient Xuan Kingdom, I welcome overseas Chinese to return to China for development. I wish Boss Zhu a prosperous business and a wealth of wealth in the future!"

"I like making friends the most!"

Fat brother can be described as a good hand in social.

"From today onwards, Director Dong and Director Meng are my friends of Zhu Xiaokang. As the saying goes, good things should be shared with everyone. After my Xiaokang spinning factory starts up, Director Dong and Director Meng will all participate in the shares. I will share with you... ...this number."


On the one hand, Director Dong smiled from ear to ear, and on the other was Director Meng's resignation, showing a gesture of blame.

"Now is the new government, we must maintain a clean and honest style of work, pay attention to the family of the police and the people, and we can no longer do the same thing."


After Zhu Xiaokang was surprised, he immediately understood.

He rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Oh, that's right, the police and civilian family are relatives, please rest assured, I will organize the villagers and elders to go to the police station to condolences to the two of you during the New Year and holidays. People like dealing with honest people the most."

Seeing that the two of them were already flushed and a little drunk, Fat Brother chuckled.

"Actually, I have another small matter here. My brother is called Chen Mo, who is also an overseas Chinese. When he was young, he learned some kung fu from his father, but his foundation is shallow. Now he wants to return to China to develop. I wonder if the two of you can introduce Tian Xing The way of the door?"

When the two heard the words, they suddenly regained their spirits.

Director Dong looked at Chen Mo.

"The little brother is from the rivers and lakes?"

With one arm around the dancer, he flicked a cigarette ash with the other.

"To tell you the truth, Director Meng and I have to learn new trends and new ideas every now and then. The new government needs to change its appearance and is in urgent need of insightful people."

He stubbed out the cigarette in his hand and drank another glass of wine, while the dancer next to him filled it up again.

"But Tianxingmen is a bit special. It is said that it has a very close relationship with the higher authorities. There are too many people who want to go in. Although the two of us have some relations, I am afraid it will not be very useful in front of Tianxingmen..."

Seeing this, Chen Mo smiled slightly.

He took off his gentleman's hat, a hat-trick, and two gold watches appeared.

"Brother, you still know how to do this?"

The two understood, laughed, and looked at Chen Mo with a childish attitude, and stopped circling around.

"If you want to enter the Tianxingmen, there are two ways."

Chief Meng leaned on the sofa and said in high spirits. .

"The first way is to join a local gang. After the mission is arranged by the higher authorities, we will back you up. If you make a few more contributions, you can be selected from the inside. If it is fast, there should be no problem within half a year."

"The second way, one month later, the mayor will give a speech titled "Strengthen the body, practice martial arts, save the country and save the people". At that time, we will select a group of local representatives to enter the Tianxingmen and accept the three-month outer gate After the disciple training, it is said that after the end, there will be two places for inner disciples."

Hearing this, Chen Mo immediately took out two gold bars with a hat-trick and stuffed them into the other party's hands.

Director Dong laughed, and understood that Chen Mo's choice was the second way.

Immediately, Chen Mo learned about the past situation of the city that never sleeps from the mouths of the two of them.

When the warlords were fighting, the members of the hive organization first ruled most of the underground gray areas of the city that never sleeps in the form of gangs, and began to contact the warlords of the ancient mysterious country, and once wanted to control the country.

Until the strong rise of Tianxingmen.

It first unified the rivers and lakes of Ancient Xuan Kingdom in an extremely short period of time.

Immediately, with the support of Tianxingmen, the original warlord system of the new government, under the banner of the new trend of thought, defeated other warlords and established a new government in less than two years.

Then comes the cleaning of the hive tissue.

And the person who led the Tianxingmen towards prosperity was Shi Bingce, who was said to be a once-in-a-thousand-year martial arts prodigy in the ancient Xuan kingdom. It was said to be miraculous.


the next day.

Early in the morning, Chen Mo took Fat Brother to the slum area where Zhang Bilan and Cai Xiaoye lived.

"Give the children a way out."

Hearing this, Fat Brother looked at Chen Mo with a look of embarrassment on his face.

Although he has some money, it is not a small burden to open his mouth so much.

"Brother, I am the most willing to help others, but every family has hard-to-recite scriptures. You must know that I sold the property of Youjing City and came here. I haven't made any money yet. The two bureau chiefs just can't get enough. Wolf, these children are so small..."

"Let them do what they can in the factory, even if the wages are less, but let them go on the right path."

Seeing Chen Mo like this, Fat Brother sighed.

"Well, I am the most warm-hearted person. I am for everyone and everyone is for me. Looking at these children reminds me of my children. Don't worry, brother. I will hire a teacher for them no matter how poor they are. They will be on the right path from now on.”

Immediately, Fat Brother actually played with these dirty children.

I can tell.

He really likes children very much, or he is a big kid himself.

"Thank you."

Seeing this, Zhang Bilan felt relieved, and immediately thanked her. Cai Xiaoye couldn't help but wiped away her tears, and Chen Mo waved her hand.

"As long as you don't sell yourself to bury your mother in the future."

When the two heard the words, they couldn't help laughing through tears.

But then, Chen Mo thought of something.

"By the way, how did you manage to make your body function almost stagnant yesterday, and even your heartbeat was negligible? I was almost cheated."

Hearing this, Zhang Bilan took out a cheat book.

"This is my husband's relic, called "Turtle's Breathing Technique", but I haven't changed much except for learning to pretend to be dead."

Say it.

She handed the exercise book printed with "Turtle's Breathing Technique" to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo originally thought that this was an elementary inner strength book similar to "Children's Skills", but when he turned it over a little, his eyes widened and he was dumbfounded.

This is not a martial art at all!
It's a water-attributed cultivator's technique.

It's just that this Taoist exercise seems to have been artificially modified by the martial arts school, and infused with some martial arts ideas, similar to "the heart is like water".

"It is said that this exercise is likely to be a remnant of the Haoqi exercise handed down from the Daxuan Kingdom period. This kind of Haoqi exercise was once widely spread in the Daxuan Kingdom, but it was later destroyed with the catastrophe of the Daxuan Kingdom. These grand qi exercises are listed as taboos and have gradually been lost."

"Great energy technique?"

Facing Chen Mo's puzzlement, Zhang Bilan also shook her head.

"I don't know the specific situation. I only know that the Daxuan Kingdom in the past perished because of these grand energy exercises, and the ancient Xuan Kingdom today is also declining because of these noble energy exercises."

Great Qi Cultivation Technique, Great Xuan Nation Disaster, Ancient Xuan Nation's Decline, Transformation of Cultivator Cultivation Technique...

"and many more!"

Chen Mo suddenly woke up.

Could it be that the ancient martial arts masters of this world have also been in contact with the world of mysterious spirits, and tried to modify the monk's skills and break their autistic characteristics?
Isn't this another Return to the Ruins world!

After discovering the actions of the ancient martial arts masters in the Hive World, the monks in the Xuanling World thought of what happened to the Returning Ruins World, so they familiarized themselves with the disaster world and drove this "unnecessary" heretical world into the abyss?

speak up.

Now Chen Mo has practiced the "Nine Suns True Fire Art", which is a monk's skill.

He has two choices in the future professionalization process.

One is to integrate other professions, and also to practice monk skills, and go hand in hand. This is the worst policy.

The so-called best policy.

It is natural to try to integrate the Xuanling world's monk skills with other professional skills to create a brand new professional system, which is exactly the power that the ancient martial arts masters of this world are pursuing.

As such.

Studying these so-called grand qi exercises, there is a lot to do!



After Chen Mo returned to the room, he continued to practice the Omega clone.

Zhang Bilan has promised Chen Mo to make a copy of "Turtle's Breathing Technique" for him.

Chen Mo didn't use it for practice, but for reference and comparison, to learn the characteristics of Haoqi's mentality, and to see where to start from to break the closedness of monk's exercises.

The next month.

The textile factory established by Fat Brother is advancing in an orderly manner.

Although this guy doesn't seem very clever, the process of making friends and establishing relationships can be described as extremely smooth.

Chen Mo's process of cultivating the Omega clone was also very smooth, which naturally stemmed from his experience of reconciling with the "stone cells" in the world of Guixu.

His Omega clone is not so much injected with instinct, it is better to say it is a spiritual awakening.

He can even activate the stone skin talent!
But against it.

During the activation of the Omega clone, Chen Mo's body lost its stone skin talent.

This made Chen Mo extremely satisfied.

The progress of his career as a superconductor has reached the basic requirements of the profession, which is similar to reaching the first level of Qi training as a monk, and then it is a process of continuous breakthroughs.

During Chen Mo's experiment.

On this day, as the Omega avatar who had practiced basic skills for a day returned to his body, Chen Mo actually got a reminder of basic boxing skills + Lv1, which immediately made him happy.

Next, he will have more time to study the professionalization process.

For example.

From this "Turtle's Breathing Technique", Chen Mo did find some clues.

In addition to the specific transformation of energy operation, the ancient martial arts masters also injected a kind of thought, the noble spirit of Confucianism.

Confucianism, with water as the carrier.

It is similar to the wise man enjoying water, the best kindness is like water, sailing against the current, water dripping through stone, water can carry a boat, and the sea can accommodate all rivers.

The so-called arrogance refers to the vast water vapor.

Inside is the fearless spirit of being upright, not afraid of violence, and having a clear conscience.

It is also because of the special nature of "water".

It has the characteristics of colorless, odorless, transparent, passing, diluting, dissolving, evaporating, solidifying, and penetrating, and then it is dominated by the thought of awe-inspiring air, so that it can fully integrate the monk's skills known for its autism, and open its self-contained. Oneness of autism.

And this "Turtle's Breathing Technique" is obviously only the initial stage of the results of the ancient martial arts masters.

(End of this chapter)

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