Chapter 122 Shunji Kawano's Life Crisis! (+7 for the leader of xsrk)

"I'm really sorry. This time, because of our mismanagement of the students, this happened. I'm really, really sorry!" The grade leader took the lead, and all the teachers followed him and bowed to the proprietress of the hotel.

The proprietress has a gentle temperament and looks easy to talk to, but seeing the miserable state of the warehouse at this time, she is also a little troubled, "Hey... I have entertained many schools over the years, this is the first time that you are in this situation. ..."

When the grade leader heard this, he was instantly ashamed. He said earnestly: "Our school will definitely compensate for the loss caused to your hotel this time, and help your hotel rebuild the warehouse. We look forward to future cooperation..."

"Cooperation in the future..." The proprietress still hesitated.

The firefighters who saw this scene found Akino Xiyuanji who was standing in the corner with his head bowed to apologize, and immediately came to the proprietress.

"We are also willing to help with the rebuilding of the warehouse. Although the accident this time was indeed caused by the carelessness of some students, there are also better students who stood up in the crisis and rescued two partners in our team."

"Miss Boss, I hope you can reconsider the cooperation with Shanye High School, please!"



The firefighter who spoke was obviously similar to the leader of the team. When he bowed, several firefighters behind him also bowed.

When the proprietress saw this scene, she quickly helped up the leading firefighter, "You're right, but to rebuild the warehouse, we just invite people to come. This time, everyone has really worked hard."

"It's nothing, it's within our duties, so let's get busy first."

After the firefighters left, the conversation continued.

"The cooperation with your school...we are still willing to continue, but next time..."

"There will never be a next time! We will strictly manage the belongings of students in the future!" The grade leader said very excitedly and seriously.

"Well... Then I'll leave it to you... Things like fires really affect our business..."

"I'm so sorry!"


After finishing this matter at last, the grade leader raised his head and looked at the tattered and charcoal-gray Akino beside him.

"Xiyuanji-kun, this time is really thanks to you! If you hadn't rescued Yamane-san and the two firefighters in time..."

"On behalf of our entire school, I would like to thank you for your heroic deed!" The grade leader once again bowed deeply to Akino Xiyuanji, even more than ninety degrees.

And Xiyuanji Akino was at a loss for a while, and wanted to help him up, but because his hands were dirty, he didn't move...

"Mr. Xiyuan Temple, were you afraid when you were saving someone just now?" The female teacher beside him couldn't help asking.

"Fortunately...not very scared."

"Good job!" The math teacher strode forward, regardless of whether he was dirty or not, and hugged him vigorously.

"I'm proud to have a student like you! Proud!"

"Thank you, teacher…"

"The teacher should thank you, but next time there is a similar situation, I hope you can consider your own situation and don't put yourself in danger. Sometimes, even if you can't help others, it's not your fault, you know?" The math teacher said in a calm voice, very seriously.

"Well, I see."

"Okay, you've worked hard too, go back and take a shower, get a good night's sleep, and we'll take care of the rest."


After letting Xiyuanji Akino go down the mountain to return to the hotel, several adults raised their heads, and they were a little moved by what Xiyuanji Akino did.

It is no exaggeration to say that a student like Akino Xiyuanji may only see this one in their lifetime!
"We must give him a special commendation when we go back."

"Of course, doing such a good thing will not only have a positive impact on our school's reputation, but also..."

"It seems that he did a good thing last time, and he was the one who caught the suspect?"

"Yeah... twice..."

"At the commendation meeting after the midterm exam, let's commend him in front of the whole school, and let him enjoy the attention of others."

"He deserves it," the math teacher added at the end.

After Xiyuanji Akino walked down the mountain slowly, he found that Kawano Xialiang who had fallen there had long since disappeared, and not long after he walked out of the mountain, a girl with short hair was hiding behind a tree—the one from the news department ninja.

She glanced at the photo she had taken, then switched to the memo.

【The Unsung Hero - Akino of Saiyuanji】

【Maybe you should all get to know him better】

"The rumors didn't help you rectify your name last time, I'm sorry, but it won't happen this time."


Kawano Xialiang, who was sent to the ambulance, arrived at the hospital late at night. She kept her expression suppressed until her parents came to visit, and she cried aggrievedly.

"How could it hurt like this..."


Kawano Xialiang rubbed his red eyes, stared at Kawano Shunji: "It's not because you let me go to Forest School!"

Kawano Shunzhi was at a loss for words for a while, seeing his daughter hurt like this, it was really hard for him to talk to her.

"So how did you make it like this?" Kawano Nana became more and more distressed the more she watched, and it was about to start to rain.

"... There was a fire at Linjian School, and I ran out to call for help, but I fell down accidentally..." Kawano Xialiang was talking, thinking of the bastard who stepped over her!Immediately, he gritted his teeth.

"Fire? How could it be a fire... hey..."

"It seems that these school activities are really unreliable... From now on, your mother will support you not to participate..."

"Father, you have to contact the school to find out about the situation... How could my daughter be hurt like this..."

Toshiji Kawano sighed and nodded, "I see, I'll go out and make a call now..."

"You guys should take a good rest in the hospital first, and...Xia Liang, it's my father's fault. You shouldn't go to school for the next week or two. I'll ask for leave for you. When your leg injury is healed, you can go to school again. past."

Kawano Xialiang snorted, did not reply, but hugged Kawano Naina who was crying with her backhand.

"Don't cry mom..."

"You love me so badly...why don't you know how to take care of yourself..."

"I know I was wrong..." When Xia Liang faced her gentle mother, she would still become more straightforward.

Shunji Kawano shook his head, walked out of the ward slowly, and was about to call the school teacher to inquire about the situation.

Kawashima-san, the only remaining partner in the law firm, suddenly called.

It's eleven o'clock in the middle of the night could it be at this time...

"Junzhi, something serious happened."

"What's the matter?" Toshiji Kawano walked towards the safe passage with his mobile phone in his hand, and he could let go of his voice when making calls there.

"Those two traitors who escaped are now re-appealing a case you were in charge of for a food company two years ago. It is the case of protecting consumer rights. Do you remember?"

"Yes... so what's the situation now?"

"Because the company felt that the consulting fee for us was too high, it now hired other lawyers to take charge of the case, and now it loses and it will be on us in turn. Not only that, in addition to the food company, there are also Several technology companies' cases were also appealed by them at the same time, I think they not only want to tarnish your reputation, but also reached some agreement in private..."

"Damn's really disgusting, just leave, and suppress our law firm to this state..."

Kawano Shunji was a little numb, he remained calm and asked, "So what should we do now?"

"Junji, you also know that Japan is a country that values ​​connections more than ability, and they play the acquaintance economy. Once there is a problem on your side, it will involve me..."

"So, it's not that I don't want to help you, it's really that I can't help you, and...our law firm has also urgently removed your name, Mr. Xiyuansi, continue to be responsible for you, and we have to deal with everything else urgently gone."

Toshiji Kawano clenched his fists, "What do you mean by urgent treatment, you want to kick me out and get rid of the relationship?"

"At least in the current situation, I can't use the reputation of the entire law firm to help you. Everyone is an adult. I have treated you well for so many years, and I admit that you are indeed capable."

"But Junzhi, you can't afford to rely on ability alone. Your mistake was that you disliked the troubles in interpersonal relationships. You didn't go out to socialize and maintain yourself, but threw all the entertainment to those two traitors."

"That's why they can turn around and slap you at this moment... Hey, everything is an afterthought ceremony (meaning after the event)."

"Other aspects, you can come to me if you have trouble, but you have to stand up to this difficulty yourself. It doesn't matter if you hate me or blame me, that's the way it is."

"Also, you probably have to pay the liquidated damages that the other party appealed to you. That would cost at least 5000 million yen. You should quickly find a way!"

The phone hung up with a beep, and Shunji Kawano was in a daze.

The huge amount of information made his first reaction not to be angry, but... dazed.

5000 million yen?
I just earned 2000 million yen and spent more than 1000 million. Where can I get 5000 million yen now?
How many lawsuits will I lose?

Normally speaking, it is indeed impossible, but they should cooperate with each other, and if the original old club insists on cheating me...

Toshiji Kawano began to take a deep breath, and continued to take deep breaths to stabilize him, without directly yelling in the safe passage of the hospital.

"Uchiyama...Miyazaki...I ########!!!!!!"

After cursing in a low voice, Kawano Junzhi still couldn't slow down. He kept pacing back and forth, thinking about the way to break the situation. At this time, he had forgotten to contact the school teacher.

Compared to his current situation, that's nothing!

(End of this chapter)

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