this infinite world

Chapter 863: The Remains of the Star Core

Chapter 863: The Remains of the Star Core

——Everyone has their own secrets, and everyone needs to have their own secrets.

The spark of human wisdom is largely ignited by the flames of independent thinking and private hearts. Everyone has a secret garden in his or her heart, which is a safe haven for his or her thoughts and soul... and it is these personal privacy and secrets that drive human desires and continuous progress.

Imagine a world without lies and deception. On the surface, it seems purer and more beautiful, but such a world is by no means perfect... There is a term called "white lie" and an idiom called "ignorance is bliss". People should have the right to pursue the truth, but at the same time, people should also have the freedom to choose hypocrisy and lies.

But knowing how to do good things and not asking about the future is the right everyone is born with, the right to "choose".

"That being said... Chu Xuan, I always feel like you have another meaning."

When Yang Yun suppressed his agitated emotions and recalled the specific content of his conversation with Chu Xuan, he couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Since you used King Wen of Zhou and Jiang Taigong to illustrate the relationship between us, then in a sense, am I the fish you caught with your straight hook?"

Chu Xuan was not surprised when he heard this. He just tilted his head slightly, glanced at Yang Yun, and asked, "Why do you feel this way?"

"Because I have a hunch now that every step from the beginning to now seems to be in your plan... Although there may have been unexpected twists and turns along the way, the overall situation seems to have never deviated from your control."

Yang Yun's words revealed a complex emotion, with both awe for Chu Xuan's wisdom and annoyance for having been kept in the dark all this time. "Many times, you've seen through the things I've been hiding from you. On the other hand, you've always kept silent about the secrets I don't know... Just like the time when you connected to Rongominiard's soul network and synchronized your memories, I got a lot of cold stares for that."

In his heart, Yang Yun blamed Chu Xuan for the bad attitude he had when he returned to the Grudge plane last time, and he suddenly spoke with more confidence.

So when Chu Xuan looked at him with his inorganic gaze behind his glasses without blinking, Yang Yun was able to straighten his back and slightly raise his head, saying confidently: "After the conversation just now, the relationship between us should have risen to a higher level, and we have become friends who can not only trust each other with life and death, but also confide in each other..."

"Although I know you've been hiding a lot more from me, you should at least tell me what I have the right to know, what you should say, right?"


"...Hey, Chu Xuan, say something."

Although Chu Xuan did not answer, according to Yang Yun's impression of him, he could tell that he was thinking, or weighing the pros and cons... and seeing Chu Xuan's expression as if he was thinking about some extremely difficult problem, Yang Yun's momentum suddenly weakened by three points: "Well, we are friends who can confide in each other, isn't that right?"

Chu Xuan's gaze lingered for a moment on the fine trace of cold sweat oozing out of Yang Yun's forehead due to nervousness, and then his expression revealed a hint of recognition. As his thoughts settled, he finally nodded slowly.

"Indeed, what you said is true."

Chu Xuan's voice was calm and firm, then he changed the subject and continued, "Since you have touched the surface of the matter, you also have the right to explore the depths of it." As he said that, without waiting for Yang Yun to reply, Chu Xuan gently stretched out his palm towards the void in front of him. As he moved, circles of tiny ripples began to appear in the space, as if touching the surface of the real world and disturbing the calm water.

In this almost perceptible vibration of space, Chu Xuan's hand seemed to pass through an invisible door. The next moment, a pitch-black sphere appeared in Chu Xuan's hand, which he placed on the coffee table, and began to rotate slightly in the air.

Yang Yun looked at the pitch-black spherical object in front of him and frowned slightly. With his current perception, he could sense the negative emotions emanating from the pitch-black sphere in front of him. Countless wailing souls and echoes of despair intertwined and gathered inside the black sphere, and then gathered on the surface into a soul reflux like Saturn's rings, constantly circling around. It was as if he was trapped in an endless cycle, unable to escape...

"This is……"

"The remains of a star core."

Chu Xuan explained expressionlessly, "It is the half-plane core that I obtained from the captain of the West American team, Quirina. It is also the remnant of her former hometown. It hosts the only remaining plane consciousness of that plane, as well as the soul that returned to it after death."

Yang Yun was not unfamiliar with this scene. The moment he heard the name, his mind naturally emerged with the stream of life in the Grudge plane that was polluted to darkness by sin; and the stellar debris in the Pacific Rim plane that was eroded and exploited by the Pioneers.

However, the black sphere in front of him had obviously experienced a more miserable past than the other two. The desperate wails of a race being exterminated, the deadly energy released by the destruction of a planet, the power of destruction bred by the collapse of a plane, all merged and gathered here... Death and the end condensed into the core of this endless darkness, and sorrow and despair followed like a shadow.

As an existence formed by the fusion of plane consciousness and countless resentful souls, the way of heaven and the way of man, the remains of this star core itself is a priceless treasure. In front of it, feeling the residual thoughts and memory echoes pouring out from the star core in front of you, even a fourth-level strongman, as long as he has not overcome his inner demons, will fall into endless terrifying illusions.

From perceiving and utilizing energy, to gradually becoming stronger, stepping into the extraordinary, entering the fourth stage, and finally comprehending personal power and awakening the light of the soul, this is the process of life evolving and becoming stronger...but becoming an agent of the world's will, you can directly skip this step and reach heaven in one step.

Even in a destroyed world, there are corresponding personalities. That is why Quillena, the only survivor of that world, can awaken the spiritual light of "destruction" and still retain the minimum independence and clarity of her personality under the erosion of the power of the four evil gods.

——Even so, that is just another kind of madness.

As a transcendent who broke through that line, Yang Yun's heart was as solid as a rock. Even when facing the heavy aura emanating from the remains of the star core in front of him, his will was not shaken at all.

But that doesn't mean he has no reaction.

Just as after clearing the sediment from the River of Life, Yang Yun witnessed the history under the guidance of the will of the Cursed World, at this moment, various scenes before and after the destruction of this planet emerged in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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