Shading the sky: from the beginning of the emperor

Chapter 102 The Ancient Emperor's Battle

Chapter 102 The Ancient Emperor's Ten Absolute Formation (6K)

The sky is vast and deep, and the stars are hanging high, sprinkled with divine splendor.

At this moment, a ray of brilliance passed by, traveled through the vast meteorite, and landed in the Beidou ancient star field, bringing with it an inexplicable aura, making it cold and silent.

It was a black stone plate with fresh blood flowing on it, which hadn't dried up. It looked terrifying, and there were several figures standing upright, all of which were indistinct.

Such a scene was a bit weird, the road they passed was mottled and ancient, and the stone plate was bloody, cutting through the long sky and sinking into the Eastern Wilderness.

"Those unknown magical artifacts are appearing more and more frequently, and I don't know which side is plotting."

"It was a disc a few days ago, but now there is another disc, doesn't it come from the same place?"

"The environment of the world is already recovering, and it is not uncommon for creatures from outside the territory to come. Didn't there be some changes in the Ziwei Sect a few days ago, and there are gossip that they are communicating with strong people from outside the territory."

In the wilderness, monks looked up at the sky and witnessed the scene of the black stone plate passing across the sky, but as if they were used to it, only a small number of people chased after it.

This kind of incident can only be said to be a small episode, and it is nothing compared to the major incidents that the five domains are concerned about today.

"Four years of silence, once you come back, you will fight against all races. You really deserve to be the emperor of my human race. Even the dragon's nest has been subdued. You defeated the half saint of the royal family and took them all as hostages, waiting to come to your door." To redeem people, the means are strong."

"That day was the real danger. The ancient emperor's soldiers were revived, the extreme emperor's soldiers were born, and even the Taixu God King appeared; there was also a mad old man who shattered the ancestors of the southern region with his roar from the Tianxuan ruins in the central region. Wang, it can be called a big storm."

Both the human race and the ancient race are paying close attention to the whereabouts of King Tianxuan. He is more wild and domineering than the emperor, and he directly carries the flag to seek defeat. He has fought from the fierce clan to the royal clan, and then to the royal clan. Now he has arrived Golden Cave.

He was really invincible along the way, and even used only one hand from the beginning to the end, with the other hand carrying the Tianxuan banner and waving the word 'seeking defeat'.


Outside the Golden Cave, there were constant noises from the mountains and mountains, as if someone was pushing the stars, plowing through the boundless thick soil.

People feel depressed, as if mountains are shifting sideways and changing course, they feel dizzy and retching.

On that horizon, there was a handsome and strong black bull coming across the mountains and rivers, and with every step, there was a semi-holy aura flying up into the sky; what is even more eye-catching is that such a semi-holy cow can fly up and look down upon it. The existence of Dayu is just a mount.

On its back, the white-haired figure is the focus of countless people's attention, the emperor Xiang Yufei.

At this moment, he was carrying the flag with one hand, sitting on the back of the semi-saint, and with the other hand he was dragging a thousand-foot-long purple dragon. The previous rumbling sound was exactly the sound made by his body being dragged on the ground.

What's frightening is that this is also a demi-holy, the demi-holy of Wanlong's Nest, being dragged around like a dead dog, without majesty.

"Riding a semi-saint and holding a semi-saint in his hand, this is more deterrent than any words. The patriarch's tour does not have such ostentation."

Even the affiliated groups in the Golden Cave were stunned, feeling deep fear.

This is undoubtedly a fierce man, a madman, a murderer, a tyrant who cannot be provoked, rising with bloody achievements, and all the ancient races will become stepping stones.

"Golden Grotto, I'm really an old acquaintance. I had a confrontation with the Beiyuan Gold Family back then." Looking at this ancient land, Xiang Yufei saw the sun and the moon in the sky, and the scene of the sky sinking, which made people feel depressed. , bursts of uneasiness.

"The Golden Family is just a branch of our family's royal line. However, when the ancient mine was in the early days, King Tianxuan was a master. A peacock went there, and some of the masters of my family and the Golden Family have not returned. I don't know. Where are you trapped?" Soon, a voice came from the cave, and a blond figure walked out.

He is a half-sage, and like the Wanlongchao Qianluo half-sage, he is the temporary master. His body is majestic and upright, with a blazing golden light inside, like a dusty treasure that has seen the sky, with a ray of majestic energy permeating it.

What he said was a change four years ago. Just after the world of Zhongzhou Xianfu was born, a change occurred in the Taichu Ancient Mine in Donghuang. King Dacheng, went to explore together; but met the Jiang family and Peacock Spirit King.

In the end, both parties entered an unknown land and have never returned so far. The Jiang family and the Golden Cave were very concerned, but they got nothing. After all, they could not enter the ancient mine again, which was too dangerous.

"I don't know how the Golden Royal Family compares to Wanlong's Nest, but that half-sage Qianluo was knocked out."

Many people were watching the excitement. This kind of invitational battle was actually not a humiliation. All clans have encountered it in ancient times, and the royal family has experienced too many challenges from the arrogant. It's just that posture and victory are very important.

And this family has always been very famous. It is rumored that there is a golden mace that can be used to fight immortals and sentient beings.
"King Tianxuan, I really want to know what you found in the ancient mine of Taichu. Let me tell you. Could it be related to the life stone of Taichu?"

The half-sage of the Golden Grotto whispered, and his whole body was surging, shining like a sun god, dazzling, and even his eyes were golden, with a little bit of golden light frightening.

As a royal family, he naturally knew what was in the restricted area, so he naturally cared more about the missing parties.

Xiang Yufei let go of Ganluo Bansheng's tail, glanced at the Golden Grotto Bansheng, smiled inexplicably, and actually flashed directly from the back of the bull, and the blazing light filled the sky with his hands and feet, as if a god was traveling, powerful And domineering, he slashed with one palm.


Boundless and violent power was vented, turning into a crimson wave that swept across the sky. The semi-sage of the Golden Cave was the first to bear the brunt, and the whole body was burned with gorgeous golden light, forming a round crown, but it was ruthlessly shaken away, and the whole person was regressing. Two rows of deep marks were left on the ground.

And the ancient creatures behind him suffered, they were swept away by the strong wind, and they all spewed blood, like a kite with a broken string, even though they were far away, they were extremely wounded and flew out horizontally.

"Ask me? What are you, you deserve to show off." Xiang Yufei stood there lightly, not interested in telling.

Everyone's hearts trembled, this master is really strong, and he is not to be provoked.

At the same time, in the depths of the Golden Grotto, a divine source that sealed a woman's body trembled, and a ray of will spread out, communicating with the Golden Half Saint, and had an idea.

"King Tianxuan, it's not that our clan has no masters who can contend against you, but that this is meaningless, and it doesn't reflect the gap between you and the emperor.

Since you want to challenge, you might as well be more ambitious. The princess of my family has a good idea; in the past, after the ancient emperor of our family became enlightened, he left a tempering experience for his descendants, and reproduced the hardships he experienced. How about going through it once?
If you can make it out, it's okay for us to publicly declare that you are stronger than the Emperor of Heaven, and we will not support Tianhuang Palace to rule all the people. We will take advantage of this loss, but if you can't make it, you should stay here more Good times. "

The half-sage of the Golden Grotto rubbed his numb arm, fear flashed in his eyes, and then he followed the order of the Golden Lady and proposed to let King Tianxuan enter the battle, which would save a lot of trouble.

After the golden ancient emperor became enlightened, he turned the road of enlightenment he had walked in the past into a formation of ten absolute emperors. He even consecrated a map of enlightenment, which condensed all the most difficult and dangerous tribulations experienced by the ancient emperors in the legend , leave it to the heirs as the greatest test.

"The Ten Absolute Imperial Formation is interesting. The royal family is indeed much more interesting than other ethnic groups." Xiang Yufei was quite interested. A tribulation formation on the road to the ancient emperor's certification may contain his understanding and achievements, and he accompanied him in danger. With opportunity.

"This formation is dangerous, but it is also beneficial. If King Tianxuan can get it, it is your ability. We will not intervene. If you are in a life-or-death crisis, we will stop the formation." A voice sounded from the depths of the cave. , very calm, revealing a small world.

Compared with Wanlong's Nest, the Golden Cave is more imposing. It is clear that there are benefits and dangers. No matter what, they will not lose face, and they will not lose anything. Get a good name.

"This formation is destined for me, so naturally I have to make a breakthrough. You are more kind than Wanlong's Nest." Xiang Yufei smiled, and planted the big flag in his hand in front of the golden cave. The Tianxuan flag fluttered in the wind, and it was particularly eye-catching brilliant.

He took a single step, and stepped straight into that small world, intending to break through the Ten Absolute Emperor Formation.

"King Tianxuan is so bold, and we are aboveboard. We invite all of you to observe together." The ancestor king in the depths of the cave nodded, raised his hand and a golden light flashed, and the scene of the entire small world was reflected, hanging above the golden cave. , so that the coming creatures can see it.

"It's a pity, there are probably similar things in Wanlong's nest, but they haven't been revealed." Heihuang leaned against the banner and smashed his mouth, feeling a little regretful.

Ye Fan stared at the small wild world, with beautiful mountains and rivers inside, blue vast sea, continuous rivers, sun, moon and stars hanging high in the blue sky, and there was a real starry sky inside, which was intercepted from outside the sky.

There are a total of ten mountain peaks there, which also correspond to the meaning of ten absolutes. They are the ten dangerous roads encountered by the ancient golden emperor. There are opponents and dangerous places.

Xiang Yufei came across the sky, climbed the first mountain peak, and entered an ancient chaotic land. There were no opponents here, just a killing array, which was the catastrophe that the golden ancient emperor encountered when he strayed into the chaos in the past.


Chaos killing light burst out, the power was terrifying, every strand of it tore apart the barriers of the sky, running through the vast land, even the creatures outside the world felt terrified, any Dacheng King would be killed if they went up, and the entire killing array was running at a high speed , Chaos is assimilating even more, trying to swallow all those who enter the battle into nothingness.

"The golden light created by my father is related to this. I got enlightenment in the chaotic killing array. This kind of killing light is extremely hard to find, and it is hundreds of times more precious than ordinary chaotic energy." Shenyuan deep in the cave Here, the golden celestial girl said to herself, after she was born, she also wanted to break into this battle.

It is very helpful for her to wait and see King Tianxuan enter the battle now, this is also a little thought of the Patriarch King of the Golden Grotto.

Outside, people were very nervous, watching the figure in the killing formation not wavering, as if everything was sure.

"Killing all the chaos is really a great gift, but it's a pity that it's not my real body here, so it would be a waste." Xiang Yufei regretted that if his real body was there, he would naturally be able to raise the gods and whales to kill them all, and turn them into resources for body training. Food, even conceived and raised in the spine of the dragon, was interpreted as a means of attack.

But right now, it's just his incarnation outside the Heavenly Territory, and it can't conceive and grow.

Swish!Accompanied by Xiang Yufei's clasping of his hands, a large piece of divine light suddenly rushed from his heavenly spirit, forming a red jade vase. This is the interpretation of the avenue vase, which is different and incorporates the animism of all things. , more fitting to his own body, deep and simple.

The treasure bottle shakes lightly, giving people the feeling of simplicity, it seems to be able to suppress the sky, swallow the origin of the great world, and directly form a vortex from the mouth of the bottle, swallowing up the chaos and killing all the sky.

And he took a step, and the words were running in secret, the entire killing formation became thinner in his eyes, and when he found a node, he raised his fist and bombarded. Nothing fell on him.

Boom!A series of fists flew out, unparalleled in dominance, it was the fierce and fierce Sun Emperor Fist, Xiang Yufei's hair was flying wildly, there was an air in the fist that swallowed up the mountains and seas, domineering in the sky and the earth With an invincible spirit, the oppressive sky trembled, the chaos collapsed, and a red trajectory was forcibly pierced.

In the boiling fist light, that piece of heaven and earth melted, and was burned into a red ocean, and the magma boiled and rushed in all directions.

When the fist was swayed, the mountains fell and split like straws, and were wiped off the ground. I don't know how many hectares of blue sea surged and evaporated, and dried up directly, revealing a huge sinkhole.

Under this berserk bombardment, Xiang Yufei directly pierced through the chaotic killing formation and rushed out, and the secret streamer of Xingzi crossed directly to the second mountain peak wrapped in his fleshy body.

"The Tianxuan King of the human race is well-deserved of his reputation, but he is really so strong that it makes people hairy."

The ancient creatures in the Golden Grotto didn't know what to say, how terrifying and difficult to see the chaotic killing formation, but this emperor punched through it abruptly, without fear of anything, he stepped on his feet, making people's spines chills.

That domineering fist light almost knocked down the great sun from the nine heavens, wild and boundless.

On the second mountain peak stood a figure with a terrifying golden light flowing all over its body. It was actually a god-killing insect incarnate!

This is a terrifying bloodline, and the existence of returning to the ancestors is even more outstanding. It can swallow all the treasures and slaughter the gods. An ancestor insect is obviously enough to be the opponent of the Golden Emperor when he was young.

The two of them fought directly without saying a word, and they collided in the air, like a meteor falling from the sky and hitting the earth, shaking up continuous waves and air waves.

Killing the God Chong didn't say a word, his left hand swayed open his tiger's mouth, and a vortex opened up in his palm to restrain Yufei's arm; It is only when the body is approaching that the rays of light burst out, and the dao is full of brilliance.

The real fire of the sun was flying around, and Xiang Yufei didn't give in. He punched out directly, making the sound of wind and thunder, and the clouds in all directions screamed, and the red lightning pierced the sky.

He opened his mouth and spewed out a stream of energy like a sword, which was directly nailed into the whirlpool; the Sun Emperor Fist was still boiling, and he directly shook the God Slayer's hand knife, and the two major killing styles erupted invisibly, sending out chaotic thunder, all of which were backwards Going out, he stabilized his figure again, and quickly staggered and fought together, like two clusters of ball lightning.

They fought from the splendid mountains and rivers to the sea of ​​clouds and the sky, and then from the high sky into the mountains and ravines, and crashed into the magnificent blue sea.

"It's so intense, I can't see clearly."

Everyone outside was dazzled, even the king of Dacheng couldn't capture the figures of the two of them, only afterimages, and the constantly oscillating air waves and ripples.

Those with lower cultivation bases were even more at a loss. They could only see two black lines intertwined covering the long sky, and another one appeared before the previous one faded.

The eyes of the semi-sage of the Golden Grotto were bright, bursting with fairy light, watching intently, two terrifying figures reflected in the pupils crossed and killed each other, fists smashed the sky, feet cracked thousands of mountains, it was so intense, it made him shudder!

This is the innate divine ability of the golden lineage, which is comparable to the ancient emperor's secret art. They were born with golden pupils and can see through all illusions. No one can hide their real bodies in front of them.

"Hmm... Shengwei backfired?!" However, at the moment when the two sides shook hard, the golden half-sage was startled, his eye sockets were blown open by the impact, and the pupils were destroyed by the impact of the confrontation between the two sides, and his flesh and blood dried up. , had to fly away to reshape.

The battle is so intense, why can't even the half-saint snoop around? !People were even more surprised when they saw this, and their hearts were filled with turbulent waves.

This kind of strength made them realize once again how terrifying the powerful enemies the King Tianxuan and the Ancient Golden Emperor had encountered.

Beyond the sky, the two figures staggered again, interweaving fiery lines one after another, tearing apart the sky.

Xiang Yufei punched forward, slowly lowered his arms, his hair was caressed by the breeze, and walked forward with a blank expression, stepping over the second mountain peak.

And after he left, the god-killing insect shook for a while, its chest collapsed, and then its whole body disintegrated and exploded, turning into a rain of blood, and it was wiped out on the spot.

The third mountain is guarded by an evil god who has practiced a strange method that can remove about [-]% of all physical damage. In addition, the primordial spirit entrusts the void and manipulates thousands of war ghosts to kill them, which is very difficult. Entangled.

Even Xiang Yufei took a lot of effort, relying on the Wanhua Sacred Armor to defuse the offensive, and then found out his soul from the void, and smashed it alive with nine consecutive steps of the God King's Zongtian Step, and broke through.

People were shocked, it was too fast, it can be said that he broke through one after another, and he couldn't stop him at all, his momentum was much more violent than the golden ancient emperor when he was young!

"Zhonghuang, this name is not wrong. My father is right. If I were born in this world, I would encounter an unprecedented and terrifying opponent." The golden goddess also showed respect, which is indeed extraordinary.


Soon, the fourth mountain peak was also stepped on, and the battlefield inside was destroyed. There were various races fighting in it, armies from all directions fought, masters gathered, and all the creatures inside were slaughtered by Xiang Yufei. close out.

The fifth mountain is a prison for the physical body, where only the soul can move, and it can fight against eighteen snakes; the sixth mountain is the end of the law, and only the body can fight against the blood of dragons and phoenixes; the seventh mountain is the terrible thunder disaster in history; The siege of hundreds of enemies in the eighth tower was quickly broken through, only the last three peaks were a little more troublesome, and it took Xiang Yufei a day to break through each peak, which was indeed very dangerous.

"He's about to reach the last two levels, and there's really no way to stop him." Even the ancient creatures in the Golden Grotto were in a commotion, feeling beyond imagination, and couldn't believe this scene.

But that was the fact, the emperor broke through the barrier forcefully and pushed all the way to the Ninth Jedi.

On the ninth mountain peak, there is actually a holy spirit. This stone man is golden all over, and the legendary fairy material is pregnant in the body, the gold of Taoism!

This is the same material as the golden royal family's ancestral weapon, the fairy mace, and it may be related.

"Holy Spirit? It's true that the ancient emperor had to kill one on the road to his certification."

Xiang Yufei smiled, rushed over here, and directly confronted this Holy Spirit battle. It was extremely fierce, and it was a duel of hundreds of moves in an instant, which shattered the sky for [-] miles.

This is much more troublesome than the previous Bajue. The Holy Spirit naturally possesses the Bajue. He is also pregnant with some Daojie gold in his body, which is even more powerful. Large pieces of meteorites are constantly collapsing and shattering as they move. They exploded one after another.

The gorgeous fireworks are always bright, spreading around them, as if coated with a layer of divine rings, people can't look directly at them.

Chi!It was just an aftermath, overflowing from the fingers between Xiang Yufei and Holy Spirit, tearing Gao Tian and falling into the distance, with a bang, that place was completely submerged in brilliance, and nothing could be seen.

When the smoke and dust cleared, the splendid mountains and rivers were razed to the ground, and the blue sea became empty.

This was a catastrophe. Dozens of hundreds of mountains were turned into dust, great rivers and rivers were evaporated, vegetation turned into ashes, and a vast desert appeared.

This scene made people feel cold from head to toe, and it was just a aftermath, which wiped out a piece of territory, and nothing existed anymore.

"This formation is transformed according to the combat power and cultivation of the entrant. Can the gap between Dao Slayers of the same realm be so outrageous?"

The destructive power of this series of battles is too astonishing, causing a chill in everyone's heart, and it will easily cause the loss of life, which cannot be calculated according to common sense.

At the end of the war, Xiang Yufei stretched out the realm of holiness, surrounded by thousands of blue water waves, scattered killing robbery; more books flew up for shelter, sprinkled enlightening characters one by one, and the bombarding holy spirit retreated again and again.

He no longer operates the methods of other emperors, but uses his own scriptures, his own secret techniques and supernatural powers!
The vision of the mountains, rivers and eternity map reappears, the sun, the moon and the sky stand out, revealing an unrivaled posture, and the light of the doomsday sword smashes through all obstacles, cutting off the protection and love of the Holy Spirit, and directly breaks into the cage of the doomsday.

"The Tao is like me like a dragon, and the remnants of the past, what can I use to resist it!" Xiang Yufei stepped coldly, surrounded by sparkling waves of holy virtue, with an ancient book hanging on his head, and a Taoist boat on his feet, even more gray and white. Light swayed out from the Dao Palace, suppressing Chang Tian.

The Cangtian seal reappears, the ancient and simple big hand is pressed down from the infinite height, like the hand of the father of the gods reaching down, suppressing and killing the enemies of all ages, the shadow covers the dome, the knuckle lines contain 64 hexagrams, vast and boundless, covering the whole Holy Spirit Broken, completely destroyed.

"This is his own way. Although there is only one volume of the scriptures he created, it is enough to compare with the holy scriptures; even if he is not of my race, I think this is a great talent. At least the ancient emperor of my clan is at his age. When you are in the realm, you can’t do this step.”

At this moment, even the ancestor king can't help admiring, sincerely admiring and respecting.

The ancient emperors and emperors, everyone created their own way, which may not be the first in ancient times at that time, but it is the most suitable for themselves, so they can sweep the nine heavens and ten places, and be lonely and invincible all their lives.

There is no eternal invincible immortal scripture, only those who have been invincible from generation to generation, find the way that suits them, go forward bravely, and create the way that suits them best, they are invincible.

This is the consensus of everyone. At this point, the competition is not only the magic, but also the spirit and will. Although King Tianxuan is still young and has not stepped into the sanctuary, he has a solipsistic heart and has cultivated an invincible general trend.

Speaking of real combat power, except for some special characters, who is inferior to the emperor and the emperor, but this kind of self-confidence is different from each other, and it is closely related to their rise.

As for the emperor in front of him, there is a sense of natural grandeur in his gestures and gestures, and he has a sense of dominating the mountains and rivers and the universe. His true nature is up to me, majestic and domineering. This is a concept contained in his way, and it is also a mind, which belongs to him. .

 Valentine's Day, more, I'm single after all
(End of this chapter)

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