Shading the sky: from the beginning of the emperor

Chapter 135 Weird Blood Breeding, Treasure House Divine Liquid

Chapter 135 Weird Blood Breeding, Treasure House Divine Liquid (6K)

In the Eternal Kingdom, among the boundless mountains outside the Yuan City, a mysterious force flows.

This place is full of vitality, and everything is flourishing. If there is a fairy here, it will moisten the mountains and rivers; and all these changes come from a silver-white spirit stone, which is suspended in the air and held by Xiang Yufei's arms.

This is the power of the Life Stone of Absolute Beginning. It originated from chaos, formed in the beginning of time, and is pregnant with the mystery of immortality. At this moment, it blends with him, infiltrates the surface of the body, shines in the limbs and bones, and drives the triple resonance of the body, the soul, and the law of heaven and earth. It is a different kind of enlightenment.

Dao rhyme flows, at this moment he seems to have traveled through the universe, condensed the mystery of heaven and earth, penetrated the past, present and future, and gained a deeper understanding of life and death.

Affected by this, his physical body is also changing, half of his body is scorched black, and his flesh and blood are so dry that it falls off, while the other half of his body is surrounded by the energy of life, nourished until it glows, crystal clear; this is not an injury, but the trajectory of the Tao. Deductively, he comprehends the rise and fall of dryness and glory, and embodies it in this way, integrating it into Dao fruit and scriptures.

Such a change caused streaks of lines to appear on his body surface, especially on the forehead bone of Xiantai, where the intricate lines appeared one after another, as if they were opening up the world, overlapping and intertwining with a secret technique he had practiced It resonated, it was one of the nine secrets, the secret of Zhezi created by Changsheng Tianzun.

The two are actually echoing and running on their own. There are billions of dao marks, which are incomparably compatible in enlightenment. One of the directions that have been performed.

"The law of life and death in the early days is in harmony with my wheel sea; from this point of view, although the real fetus conceived in the ancient mines in the early days escaped, most of them also possessed such profound meanings." Branded on his body, it became an immortal mark, allowing him to realize the Tao from the spirit to the bone. A piece of life stone in the beginning of time has such a magic, not to mention the real fairy fetus of the ancient mine in the beginning of time.

If it wasn't for the supreme being who broke the process, perhaps his end would not only be a smooth demonstration.

"The state is very good now, and I can try the transformation of the strange blood." He did not forget the three bottles of the strange blood, and took out a bottle at this moment, and a golden blood drop dripped from it.

There is no ominous meaning, but it is very gorgeous. When you look closely, you can find that the blood is densely covered with 'golden scales', stretching and undulating like a living thing.

Xiang Yufei runs the Taishang 81 to create the world, divide himself into thousands, and become a chaotic world, the mother source of all Taos, every individual and existence is him, and he is not him, so as to avoid erosion and carry out changes Suddenly, the drop of golden scale blood was drawn in, engraved in his differentiated flesh and blood individual, and the strange power spread, changing it on the spot.


The body roared, and its white hair turned into blood-colored hair, and then there was a gap in the middle of the brow, and what turned into a big mouth was not the eyes of the sky!
Immediately afterwards, another pale arm protruded from the mouth, with five fingers spread out, revealing a vertical eye in the center of the palm, showing a strange green color, as if it could penetrate people's hearts.

The change was not over yet, the flesh and blood body was twitching violently, spraying mist from its nose and mouth, and then trembling its back suddenly, it actually unfolded a pair of golden light wings with a chirping sound, gorgeous and dazzling, exuding an inexplicable fluctuation, Let the surrounding things grow a layer of fine golden scales.

On his neck, there were eyes that opened and closed indefinitely, and two openings were split in the palm of his hand, which turned into a mouth, swallowing bone spurs; between the flesh and bones, there was a kind of pattern spreading, It seems to be outlining an ancient calamity, which is extremely terrifying.

Xiang Yufei observed all this silently, the individual shape became more and more strange and full of ominousness, but it became a sample for his research and breeding, and was manipulated and cut wantonly.

"Does all the weirdness come from the blood? The blood records the past of life, the past of the ethnic group, and there are various life imprints. They are recovering? No, that's not the case. The truth comes from the door of potential. A door that accepts many unfathomable energies and transforms!"

He gradually felt it, and the transformation of the individual became more and more violent. It turned into a superhuman body, with bone spurs protruding backwards, and the chains formed by the growth of tendons were dancing and clanging.

It's obviously a strange change, and it's ominous, but it looks very sacred, radiant in the universe, illuminating all things, and bursting with blazing radiance.

In the end, this treacherous individual ended its initial nirvana, and its form stabilized. Perhaps due to the initial changes, it has not yet departed from the category of human form, but its various characteristics are extremely complicated.

The sky eye opened in front of the forehead, the wings of light growing from the back, the totem spreading between the muscles and bones, the bloody mouth opened in the palm of the hand... everything you need, the whole body is bloody and twisted weirdly.

"Where did the ugly thing come from?" Xiang Yufei was taken aback, he had never seen such a twisted and ugly creature, could it be the result of his evil thoughts?

"I am you, the real you!
A more perfect you, a more powerful you!Come!Surrender to me!Surrender to truth! "

However, the existence created by this strange change seems to be conscious, and it directly swoops over to occupy his physical body and come to the world majestically.

Although it is full of weirdness and ominousness, it is really terrifying under the blessing of various characteristics. In an instant, the world resonates, and the law trembles. There are also magic dragons, blood phoenixes, and nine-headed serpents that appear, accompanied by three thousand demon gods. Then, the huge palms and fingers directly turned into gluttonous mouths and devoured them, emitting a monstrous magical power.

Xiang Yufei's eyes turned cold, he got up quickly, and punched him directly, with a loud bang, blood spattered, bone fragments shot out, and blood mist rose into the sky.

"What are you? You're just my dregs, a farmed animal, a fool who dares to speak nonsense, and can't tell the difference between priority and inferior." He bombarded and killed lightly, without the slightest hesitation.

Farmed animals dare to yell at him, who gave him the courage?

If you are disobedient, just kill them and replace them with another batch.

"No! You can't do this to me! I surrender, I surrender to you.

You are denying yourself, denying the truth, and not getting real blessings! "The creature roared. He never thought that the gap with the main body would be so big. That kind of fear accompanied the end of his life. At the last moment, he was so remorseful. It's a pity that time can't be repeated, and his life imprint is completely dim. disappear.

puff!The blood stained the weeds, and the bones fell among the dead branches and fallen leaves. The bloody scene was shocking.

"Can't get it? I always grab it directly, I can only get in and out, and I have to keep some money when the king of heaven comes."

Xiang Yufei was unmoved, and directly used the 81st transformation to refine and compress the strange flesh and blood into a twisted dark golden blood, which was reintroduced into the body for splitting and attunement.

This is not really a dark primordial spirit, but just a sense of rebellion, but it can be used as a nutrient to cultivate a better new generation; It will grow according to the track he set, and become instinct, which is necessary labor.

"If the strange blood is in his hands, it can be regarded as bloody bad luck for eight lifetimes." The emperor felt sympathetic when he saw it. In the past, this was the Nirvana good fortune that countless geniuses dreamed of, but it was squeezed by slavery here and used as fertilizer. Only cultivate the desired fruit for breeding.

If those three weird creatures saw the strange blood that they regarded as treasure and blessed like this was made into this appearance, I don't know what kind of demeanor they would have.

In the outside world, outside the Eternal Lord Star, a surprise attack also broke out. The Sanskrit, Qi and Mo families unexpectedly united together to jointly attack the Ziyun royal family, directly destroying one of their strongholds, and wanting to plunder their treasure house and resources.

There, the battle was turbulent, and the saints were bathed in blood. Looking from a distance, the heavenly demon umbrella covering the sky, the lightsaber that was several miles long, the mountain-like sage mecha, and the blood-colored beams tearing the sky, all of them were brilliant and dazzing. , Murderous in the wild.

"Wow! This is a good opportunity. We can take advantage of the chaos to search for resources. Those evolution fluids and mechs are quite good."

"Pindao agrees, this is a good opportunity to rob the family, punish rape and eradicate evil, rob the rich and help the poor, and make a fortune."

Heihuang and Duan De are eager to try and reap benefits, and are very interested in the special products of the Eternal Star Field.

But soon, they changed direction again, because the area of ​​the Ziyun clan had been looted completely, and the three major looting groups jointly rushed towards the royal clan on which the sun never sets, and they were fighting fiercely, so they directly mixed in. All the way into the direction of the treasure house.

Xiang Yufei nodded, and explained that if they were discovered, they would attract firepower and lead them out of the sky, and he would go to the treasure house to collect them.

One person and one dog went excitedly, and it happened that the saints of the royal family were restrained by the three families, and they actually let them get into the first treasure house, ransacked a holy king-class warship, and woke up on the spot The saint king who was sitting in the town fled all the way.

"Chasing! How dare you take advantage of the chaos to snatch my clan's holy king spaceship, this dog is really damned!" "The ancestor is also chasing us to drive the spaceship to block him!"

In an instant, spaceships rushed up from all over the Sunbuluo tribe, chasing after them, causing chaos.

Heihuang and Duan De were sweating when they saw this. They had never seen such a big battle. After controlling the battleship with formation patterns, they rushed straight up and sailed towards the starry sky, surrounded by spaceships rushing to obstruct it. What is it? Having studied the falling Beidou flying saucer, the big black dog accelerated violently, and the tail flame spurted violently, drawing a messy arc, and avoided it dangerously.

"Damn it, a dog can also drive a spaceship!" Everyone in the Sun Buluo tribe cursed, this is too humiliating, the majestic holy king-class warship was actually driven away by a dog, and flew to the sea of ​​stars.

They still can't catch up, it's too embarrassing, if it really spreads, it's really the laughing stock of the Eternal Starfield.

"Accelerate! Chase me back!" The Holy King personally pursued, outflanked, and directly turned into a rainbow and rushed out from the other side of the planet, blocking the only way for the battleship to pass.

boom!All of a sudden, a group of warships of the royal family who never set the sun accelerated violently, and the flames at the stern of the boats burned violently, smashing the boundless sea of ​​clouds directly, turning into blurred black lines and chasing them. The distance between the two continued to shrink, and they arrived in the blink of an eye On the side of the planet, a huge curved arc appeared, and even the holy king appeared to attack, it can be said that there are enemies on all sides.

"Straight-line acceleration, who wouldn't?
The corner is fast, it is really fast! "In such a situation, the Black Emperor calmed down, the dog's eyes shone with wisdom, and the legs of the man standing up moved at an unimaginable speed, integrating with the original power system of the spaceship.

Its legs moved faster and faster, and even afterimages appeared, forming a wave!
"Could it be..." A possibility flashed in Duan De's mind, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, grabbed the seat, and an unprecedented gust of wind was blowing.

His hair was messy, his robe was bulging, and he kept flying backwards as if being dragged by someone, and his entire face was constantly twisting, as if he was going to stand up from the ground.

boom!In the next moment, the spaceship accelerated suddenly, drifting at the corner of the star, a bunch of gorgeous arcs formed at the stern, sparks ignited and splashed, brushing the hair of the Holy King, and the flames gushed out on his astonished face On the ground, there is time and light following each other, which is the interweaving of the Dao pattern of Xingzimi. In an instant, the large team was thrown away by a long distance, and disappeared before the huge curved arc.

"What?!" In a daze, he exchanged a glance with the Black Emperor in the cockpit. He couldn't forget it for a long time. The black dog standing upright and his confident expression made him dull.

The majestic holy king was actually rushed past in front of him in a warship, and he couldn't stop him at all. What kind of mysterious power is that?
"Can dogs drift around corners?!"

"How could this happen? You can't even see the tail flame!" The people behind were as uncomfortable as eating flies. They were actually being played by a dog in spaceship technology. Arrogant.

At that speed, the gust of wind slammed into their faces, as if they were laughing, and they couldn't even see the tail flame of the spaceship!

In eternity, there has never been such a thing, it is almost going to create a legend.

And below, in the treasure house of the royal family on which the sun never sets, Xiang Yufei also saw this scene. He never expected that the potential of the Black Emperor would be stimulated at this moment, and he had comprehended the secret of Xingzi to such an extent.

"When the time comes, who are you going to attack?" Looking at the combined team of the Fan family, Qi family and Mo family, the emperor immediately understood that it was three strange creatures who were secretly instigating.

They are going to attack the Eternal Lord Star, obviously the plot is not small, except that the evolution fluid is naturally those fairy materials, which is really touching.

"Does it need to be said? No matter what level that guy is, he is also worthy of the title of my practice, hmph." Xiang Yufei snorted coldly, already had the first goal in his heart, and he had to seize the opportunity to harvest it.

At this moment, the Emperor of Heaven made a move, the sword light shone thousands of feet long, sharp and ruthless, a vast expanse of whiteness cut off the moonlight in the sky, only it was blooming with infinite coldness under the night sky, The shattered sky burst into the starry sky, and directly chopped off a light blue metal mecha in the distance, showing its figure, which was eight feet high. It was made of a kind of mixed god gold, and it actually withstood the blow. It was a holy king. Armor.

"Enemy attack!" The strong man in the holy king's mech yelled, arousing the vigilance of the royal family on which the sun never sets. They were not interested in fighting, and turned around to open the formation of the treasure house.


However, Xiang Yufei moved, undisguised, and released his powerful fighting spirit. Suddenly, the ocean surged, sweeping across the vast land, mountains and rivers collapsed with a roar, and the violent sound waves and ripples caused the entire Sanskrit ancestral land to shake violently. The stars shattered and exploded, and the mountains and ravines became dust, destroyed like paper, and a series of battle armors were blown away, dancing chaotically like dead leaves in a tsunami, and then smashed to the ground. Howling.

His hair is like a waterfall, and his eyes are cold and bright. Although he is standing there alone, he has an air of swallowing thousands of miles. The victim had bleeding from the mouth and nose, and the bones in his body were shattered, and he was extremely horrified.

"It's him! The ascetic monk from outside the territory who robbed the Life Stone of Absolute Beginning was hunted by all the powers, and he turned back and killed him!"

The people of the royal family on which the sun never sets screamed in their hearts, their hands were trembling, their faces were snow-white, and they felt powerless, and their bodies couldn't help shaking. They had never been so frightened like they are now.

"Creating chaos here, do you really think that there is no one in my royal family!" At this moment, another strong man came up, his whole body glowed with metallic luster, as if he had merged with a battle armor, and one arm turned into a divine sword. The other hand turned into a 'cannon', shooting out ten thousand beams of energy one after another to encircle and suppress it. It is very strange that the human body turns into a soldier.

"Mecha fits with the human body? No, it's transformed into a Dao pattern-like dress. It's interesting. It seems that there are still some talents in the Eternal Starfield." Xiang Yufei sighed, and saw some tricks. Interestingly, he put one hand out of the cover, directly obliterating all the energy beams, and immediately flew up and stepped on the Cancan sword, and stepped on the man's forehead with the other foot.

boom!That day, the strong man who never set did not have time to react, and was kicked on the forehead and flew straight out. Blood spurted from the mouth of the beaten, and he was severely injured.

"Taishang 81, birth Xuanling!" Xiang Yufei stretched his five fingers, and in an instant, spiritual lights intersected and criss-crossed, enveloping the strong man who flew out, and attributing his fit armor, turning the whole into a Dao Wen Lingshen peeled off.

"My battle armor!" The man screamed, but a more terrifying scene appeared. The spirit god transformed by his own armor directly devoured the Lord, shot at him, and pierced his chest with one punch, and then the holy king's battle armor The power of the explosion exploded, directly smashing it into hundreds of thousands of pieces.

"What's yours, it's mine."

puff!Blood spattered, and bloodshot bones flew in all directions, and Xiang Yufei stepped on the torrent of particles, his eyes burst into golden thunder, and the holy emperor's mace in his hand beat another person into a blood mist and exploded completely.

His power is shocking, just one blow is enough to rip apart a creature who has stepped into the realm of saints, destroying both body and spirit.

The Emperor of Heaven guarded the formation, not allowing anyone to enter, nor to allow anyone to go out. The killing continues. This is a ruthless slaughter. Someone will be wiped out with every gesture. Blood rains and bones fly. Shooting is like opening the gates of hell.

"Ah, run away!" "The devil, he is the devil!"

These people trembled in fright, screamed in horror, and fled completely, not daring to face it directly, deeply terrified.

However, soon, they fell under their own weapons and methods, were killed by the things they practiced and created, and became the first sacrifices for the awakening and resistance of the spirit gods.

"Holy Master!" A group of spirits and gods bowed down and followed behind him, they were the most loyal servants and disciples.

With this help, Xiang Yufei stepped into the small world of the real treasure house, where the real treasure is inside, not the ordinary things placed outside.

The pure land of the small world is very quiet, and the vegetation is full of aura. Walking in this area, the clouds are dense and the mist is transpiring, as if you have come to the residence of an immortal.

Among the rocky mountains, divine springs gurgled, some auspicious beasts appeared, and various ancient medicines grew everywhere, which were fragrant.

The most eye-catching thing is the fairy pond in front of it, which seems to be the place where the evolution fluid is refined. It is steaming, and there is a seductive fragrance, which is different from the fragrance of flowers and plants. , just like appetite, people can't help but get close to absorb it.

"The strongest evolutionary liquid of the third stage, the royal family on which the sun never sets really has a solid background, and even such things can be secretly refined. It seems that the fairy material in the clan is definitely not limited to the life stone of the beginning." Xiang Yufei revealed Qiguang, this is actually the strongest evolutionary liquid in the stage, every drop is priceless, it has an effect on the physique of the holy hegemony, and it can make the giants jealous.

The emperor also felt this attraction, and couldn't help but take a second look. If the fourth stage of evolution fluid could be extracted, it would be a great fortune for the two of them.

Different from the ordinary evolution liquid used by the eternal monks, this kind of strongest evolution liquid, which is mainly made of handed down fairy treasures, is a miraculous existence, which can make people comprehend the Tao forcibly, understand the evolution process of the world, and truly understand The law of the universe, but there is a prerequisite for all of this, your understanding is sufficient, and you have the ability to grasp and absorb these, otherwise you will be a person with a superficial foundation, just like talking on paper.

"This is just a treasure house world. I think there must be better ones in the true background of the royal family on which the sun never sets. Needless to say, the fourth and fifth stages of evolution liquid are those that were barely refined by the eternal kingdom tens of thousands of years ago. They might have retained the sixth-stage evolution fluid, which is really tempting."

Xiang Yufei nodded and smiled, and shared the third-stage evolution liquid here with the emperor. The crystal clear water was fragrant and fragrant, and it turned into wisps of immortal energy and entered their mouths and noses. Just smelling it made them feel comfortable.

Holding the Life Stone of Absolute Beginning in his arms, he stepped directly into the pool to absorb it. Immediately, beams of brilliant light rushed up and turned into a cloud of smoke that surrounded him, spread rapidly to the surroundings, and poured into the pores.


In an instant, all kinds of visions appeared, and the ancient galaxies in the universe were condensed and ups and downs, surrounding him. This is a strange process, in which you can see the stars being born and shattered, disintegrated and burned in the utmost splendor, and condensed to the last point. The indestructible divinity remained, gathered slowly, and I don't know how many galaxies were dilapidated, withered, and decayed. After a long period of evolution and accumulation, they merged, smelted into one, and were poured into this god pool.

Xiang Yufei resonates with the life stone of the beginning, feels the changes of the years, understands the mystery of vitality, and captures the rise and fall of the starry sky and the trajectory of Tao, which makes this evolution fluid look different.

Gradually, one piece after another of magnificent mountains and rivers appeared outside his body. The world is being born, and the rise and fall cannot be controlled by people. He interprets his ideas, interweaves with the principles of the Dao Trace in the evolution fluid, and sees the way forward in the collision, so that His whole body was shining, and a 'fuzzy' portal was revealed!

It should be noted that every inch of flesh and blood in the human body is a treasure. If it is fully opened, the human potential and supernatural powers will be infinite, known as the door of wonders. Unlock the shackles of the physical body and become stronger and stronger.

The spine of the Dragon Transformation Gate was manifested. Under such internal traction and external stimulation, between his lower abdomen, there was also a group of phantoms solidifying in the Lunhai Secret Territory, and the endless Dao sound was heard, driving his aura even more. Blooming, broke through the barriers, and went straight to the fifth heaven.

Among the mottled, there seems to be a door that is about to open!

 The Nine Great Heavenly Venerates seem to have no heirs left behind

(End of this chapter)

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