Shading the sky: from the beginning of the emperor

Chapter 140 Strange Blood Disaster Tide, Dao 1 Ingenious Plan to Destroy Eternity

Chapter 140 Strange Blood Disaster Tide, Dao Yi's Ingenious Plan to Destroy Eternity (4K)

The eternal kingdom, the ancestral land of Hades.

It has been a month since Xiang Yufei arrived. During this period of time, he was exposed to cloning technology, and did some research on his own, creating a cloned individual to cultivate the combination of strange blood and blood of all races.

This is a process of continuous correction, there will be distortions and deviations in the middle, and he needs to personally kill them, and then guide them again, gradually forming a complete direction, with initial integration, and turning into a brand new individual, covered with The pattern of the Ten Thousand Races tree, and a layer of armor-like cuticle between the body, and many characteristics of powerful bloodlines are emerging.

Features such as dragon horns, scale armor, phoenix wings, golden crow wings, kunpeng wings, feathered snake patterns, feather patterns, Pluto patterns, sun and night twin patterns, and afterbirth of the holy spirit blend together, as if to breed a perfect creature that breaks the norms and common sense , is the ultimate evolution, bringing together the advantages of all races, and adding all kinds of ways to one's body.

Like the embodiment of the source of all spirits, the end of all bloodlines retains the human form, but it is complicated and magical.

"One generation is stronger than the previous generation, and the fusion of the strange blood and the blood of all races has begun to appear. Yes, it can be cultivated in this direction." Xiang Yufei nodded in satisfaction, and casually pointed at the clone. Between the eyebrows, a bouquet of blood exploded in an instant.

puff!The clone bled from all seven orifices on the spot, cracked its frontal bone, flew out, fell to the ground, burned and melted, and was reduced to ashes.

This is the more than 100th generation of individuals he has cultivated. Although it is far less powerful than the main body, it can serve as a template and is very useful.

"Eternity is really a treasure house, hehe."

He chuckled, and found a way to grow here, which is really gratifying. In the future, the taboos will be fruitful, and the ten thousand races and ten thousand trees will be majestic, and their technological contributions will be indispensable.

On the other side, in the Eternal East, Duan De and the Black Emperor have been digging here for some time.

In the ancient land of Yan Dao, this canyon is very empty, and it is also a place with a long history in the ancient star. In the past, the gods of Dao Yan rose here and left a legend; but now it is full of robbery caves, large and small. Hundreds of them are all connected to the ground.

Below, a man and a dog were digging, wielding a hoe and a shovel, and the dog's paws were flying; but when they finally entered the hidden ruins, they were dumbfounded.

The surrounding fields are vast and unsophisticated, filled with traces of gods, but they are empty and bare, smoother than their faces.

"It's strange, why is the ruins of the gods so empty, and there are traces of people's lives?" Duan De frowned, this time Baigan is working?

"Wang, we didn't come a step late, did we? The treasures left by Emperor Daoyan have been looted?" The big black dog also felt strange. There was obviously no trace of exploration outside. Could it be that someone else was there before them? The ability must be superb.

Duan De looked around and found a golden hair in a far corner, then squinted his eyes and said, "No, dog, something is wrong, this is not a trace of external entry, it is internal. It is suspected that some emperor has sealed it up."

"Emperor Daoyan's parent and son? It's very possible." Heihuang thought thoughtfully when he heard the words, and eternally two great emperors, Tianyuan and Daoyan; It is normal for the emperor to be born here.

Thinking up to this point, the two were still a little unwilling, and after searching for a while, they left resentfully.

At the same time, a change is brewing on the three planets Xianyu, Shentu, and Shimo.

The three major Xinghai plundering regiments all knew the news of the massive attack by the princes and princes, and were considering whether to fight or avoid the edge for the time being.

Brahma, Mo Ling, and Qi Xian also got together, discussing how to get benefits.

"Of course this eternal war must be promoted. Now these families are no longer helpful to us, but are only a drag. They should play their final role. They will be wiped out in the war and become the first-class bloodline Great Dane For me to devour."

"Prior to this, we can erode and change their bloodlines, bring their blood back to their ancestors and enhance their strength. This will be a great supplement to us, and it can also be used as a chess piece to consume."

"It's a good idea. I have been assimilated here for a long time, but I have forgotten our most fundamental means. It is time to spread strange blood and develop ethnic groups."

The three weird creatures of the older generation sneered, and they already had a countermeasure. They wanted to spread their own blood among the three major Xinghai raiding groups, triggering an eternal chaos!

As for the joint attack of the princely fleet, they didn't pay attention to it at all. When the strange matter swept across, they would be annihilated on the main star before they went out. How could they care about this side and let others slaughter them.

One erosion kills two birds with one stone, why not do it, these families should also burn out the last ray of light to help their descendants go further.

"At that time, the entire ancient ancient star will be in our hands, so what is there to worry about? The Great Dan who harvested the entire star, the bloody race, and the evolution fluid of the royal families! This is our chance to catch up with Xiang Yufei !"

They laughed and didn't care about the life and death of these ordinary creatures at all, they only cared about their own interests.

On this day, the sky in the Eternal Starfield was dark.

Three golden talismans hung high, and Brahma, Mo Ling, and Qi Xian each flew a drop of blood into it, summoning a monstrous sea of ​​blood, which was eroded blood transformed by strange substances, enough to make living beings die and transform. A brand-new dark soul will emerge and turn into an unknown ethnic group!

Celestial Feather Star, God Saturn, and Shimo Star all underwent strange changes. There was a sea of ​​blood rolling in, but it was pitch-black, extremely depressing and deep, and the Sanskrit clan was swallowed up and down. Resistance, that sea of ​​blood pierced straight through, drowning each of them.

"Why?" The ancestor of the Sanskrit clan was indignantly puzzled. Why would the descendant with the most potential in the clan do such a thing?

"Those who achieve great things don't regret their lives. If I want to climb the peak, I will ask you to make firewood and help me." Brahma looked down indifferently, not paying any attention to these miserable wailings and laments.

In his eyes, this is a batch of brand new bloodline great pills, and it is also their final role.

"Are you going to sacrifice the entire ethnic group!" Mohist background roared, but he could only drift with the tide in the sea of ​​blood, struggling feebly.

"What is the whole ethnic group? If I need a way, why not sacrifice the entire universe?" Mo Ling was unmoved. Although there was compassion in his eyes, it had already been swallowed by the flames. He quietly turned the bone beads in his hand, revealing smile.

"A misfortune, a misfortune! You will destroy the entire eternity." The ancestor of the Qi family was desperate. He stood up after seeing a clansman being eroded to death with his own eyes. He was already a brand new soul. it's too late.

"Useless people, die!" Qi Xian grinned, there was no sadness in his eyes, only excitement and anticipation; he would devour this batch of great blood pills and sublimate the Supreme Immortal Physique.

Soon, the three ancient stars were all submerged by the vast sea of ​​blood, and all the people of the three races perished. Under the erosion of matter, the dark primordial spirit was born and became an unknown race.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
So wonderful, so delicious, you deserve to die! "

They raised their hands, and the strange blood races flew up like pills, and swallowed them all, strengthening their blood and dao fruit. This is sacrificing living beings in exchange for strength, especially people of their own race , the effect is even more excellent.

Moreover, this sea of ​​blood did not stop, but spread towards the Eternal Lord Star, and it arrived in an instant, covering the sky and the sun.

In an instant, the sky of the entire Eternal Kingdom changed from holy to dark, from peaceful to evil, and all creatures had a premonition in the dark, with warning signs in their hearts, as if a catastrophe was about to come.

"it's dark?"

This was puzzling, shocking, and frightening. Many creatures trembled, and felt an ominous aura from the monstrous sea of ​​blood, like a doomed death falling, with no possibility of survival.

Gradually, some beings avoided it, were eroded, and fell down amidst the screams. No divine power or law was useless. After all, they were tempered, the original spirituality was stifled, and a new darkness was bred.

"What the hell is this, unheard of, unseen?"

"Terrible and unknown invasion, if you touch it, you will die!"

Some people ran away screaming, suspecting that someone was going to invade eternity and trigger this terrible method.

However, the disaster was still to come, and a wisp of black air rose from the dead person, making the atmosphere in the vicinity strange for a moment, and then the darkness spread, becoming more and more intense.

"Oh no!"

There were screams one after another, nearby creatures died one after another, and the entire southern part of the Eternal Kingdom fell into turmoil and chaos. The terrible "black plague" was like locusts crossing the border, and news spread rapidly to all directions, causing panic.

This kind of demonic change is too terrifying, like the plague is spreading, becoming an unprecedented catastrophe!

"Who! Who is behind the scenes!"

Some strong men gritted their teeth and hated it extremely. This kind of method is too vicious. It is simply to destroy the eternal ancient star!

"Is it really that exaggerated? I can't see it."

"With our scientific and technological strength, what substance can't be studied and decomposed? I think this kind of substance is not only pollution, but also a creation! It should be captured and studied by us and developed into a brand new evolution fluid."

"The prince who never sets the sun is right."

As far as the major princes and princes are concerned, they are still proud, and they don't think this is a change that can overthrow them.

Even, the princes of the royal family on which the sun never sets took action in person, went to the southern part of the main star to kill some mutants, and even collected some "strange substances" with their own hands, and sent them back to the laboratory for research, trying to evolve symbiotically with the armor.

He even invited the other princes of Eternity to visit and enjoy this great moment together.

But for ordinary forces and monks, this is an irresistible upheaval, they are completely in chaos, this is a disaster like annihilation!
All the monks in the Eternal South are on the run, extremely crazy, and there is no way to resist it.

But as they fled, the Kuroshio blood sea spread faster, and the entire south became sparsely populated, and all creatures that could run escaped. The red land was covered in darkness for hundreds of millions of miles.

In the ancient city where Emperor Daoyan stayed before his death, people gathered here, pale and terrified, hoping to protect themselves from the unknown erosion with a ray of energy from the ancient gods.

Among the crowd, a blond-haired man stood out. He stood there looking into the distance with a trace of sadness on his face. After seeing the return of an old man in gray clothes, he turned into a smile.

"Your Highness, the situation is even more exaggerated than you and I thought. The erosive power of this unknown substance is too strong. It can be said that the realm is not the factor of influence, but the essence of life. Yes, they want to study this kind of substance, and they took the initiative to capture some, and want to transform it into a harmless fusion body, I think the backlash is coming, and it won't be far away." The gray-clothed old man shook his head, expressing his own thoughts knowledge.

Eternity has been on the top for too long. Those idiots who are accustomed to colonization and plunder claim to be superior in wisdom. After capturing these substances, they think not of destroying but using them. They have never considered the impact of failure and spread, and may even make people It mutates, which is unpredictable.

"Eternal troubles, too many accidents." The smile of the blond man with a shawl faded away, and instead revealed a ray of worry, as he had already foreseen some scenes.

If it's just the diffusion of matter, then he may be able to stop it by using some means; but there is no way for the princes to kill themselves. If this matter is combined with some eternal things, it will really be a catastrophe. The disaster that swept across the starry sky.

"Your Highness, do we want to leave, or stick to this place and resist the storm?" The gray-clothed old man sighed softly. In the face of such natural disasters, manpower sometimes has the opposite effect. The sun never sets. ancient star.

"I have a plan, which can make eternity dark and bright again." Dao's eyes flickered, and his golden hair shrouded his shoulders. If he wanted to break the chaotic situation of eternity, he only needed to introduce a certain amount of external force.

In eternity, there is such a powerful external force, God Organization.

On the second day, they acted. Strange substances spread near the base of the God Organization, eroding their members, and many mutated demons attacked, alarming these existences.

They began to study this substance, discovered the horror in it, and had to ask for help from the organization, and asked the wandering main god to return, solve this disaster, and take them away from this place, otherwise it would be impossible to break through that layer of barriers, they It will only die slowly on the ancient star.

In the ancestral land of Pluto's lineage, everyone also got news about the sudden changes during this period of time.

The tide of darkness is spreading on this ancient star, and the royal family on which the sun never sets is ignorant of the capture and research. If a backlash breaks out, the clan's Heavenly King and Great Saint Battle Armor will definitely set off a bloody storm.

"It's too much, these three people are too unscrupulous, and their martial arts have failed." The emperor looked at the eroded mountains and rivers, and couldn't help shaking his head. Even if he lost at the beginning, he could afford to lose. He had never done such an outrageous act. otherwise, it would be an unimaginable disaster and chaos.

But right now, the three weird creatures don't care about these things. For their own benefit, even the entire Eternal Ancient Star can be destroyed, turning into a weird disaster, and even the first ones to be eroded are the Sanskrit, Mohist and Qi family.

"This chaos must be settled." Xiang Yufei's expression turned cold, and he must not let this ominous disaster spread.

"This ancient star still has the power of a number of holy warriors, and it will be difficult for us to solve it in a short time. Let's use the extreme emperor's weapon to seal the town and find another way." The emperor thought about it, and felt that the ancient star field should be sealed for the time being. Well, as a creature who has fused with the blood, he naturally knows the horror of this erosive force. If he can't control it well, a "little strange place" will appear in this cosmic starry sky.

"Someone has already made a move, secretly attracting the god organization to enter the arena, then we will make this fire even more prosperous!
The Beidou Ten Thousand Clans Conference is about to be held, and internal conflicts can be shared by external conflicts. I want to pull the ancient ten thousand races on an expedition to eternity, which can not only calm down the place, but also share the pressure. At that time, dividing the habitat can solve the conflict at the root, killing three birds with one stone. "Xiang Yufei's eyes were deep, and he already had a plan.

It is not enough for the god organization to enter the arena, all the ancient and royal families must enter the arena!

At that time, it will be a brand new harvest to conquer eternity and exterminate these strange blood races.

 Come on, the old routine is too boring, let's do something new
(End of this chapter)

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