Chapter 159 Taboo Field (6K)

Beyond the sky of the ancient dojo, the ruins of the ancient heavenly court.

Xiang Yufei went deep into the planet shrouded by the power of transforming Tao, let go of his body and mind to accept and comprehend, and sparks of burning particles kept floating out of his body, as if they were going to disappear step by step.

He walked in this source of life, looking for his own path, seeing his true self, going up to the sky and entering the earth, flying in all directions, and the flames of transformation around his body continued to unfold, as if he was explaining the beginning of the universe, the origin of heaven and earth. birth process.

Under such power, everything is disintegrating, everything is going backwards, returning to the original point, which touches him even more. He is the original and the end, isn't the way of transformation just returning to him?

This may be the direction of his boxing interpretation. Relying on this idea, he went deeper into this ancient land, and saw the magnificent palaces, the tall and majestic sky towers, majestic and majestic, sitting on the sky, but Long gone, shattered shattered, nothing left.

But this is a source of life, engraved with the most fundamental mysteries and mysteries. The gestation, birth, growth, decline, perishment, and transformation of life are all presented here, turning into special imprints and Tao rhymes that will last forever and blend into his soul. Inside, be enlightened.

For ordinary people, this is a great creation, but it is difficult to truly understand and comprehend it, because this is the consciousness of the source star of life, which is not left by people, and there is a difference after all; "It's moving, the first recovery, resonating with the life source star of this transformation path!"

Both of them are the source of life, engraved with similar mysteries, and at this moment, they resonate with each other and reflect perfectly, presenting in his mind, interweaving into a picture of the origin of life.

"I am the only one who exists forever. All things originate from me, disperse from me, return to me, and exist because of me. This is both the end and the source. The transformation is the process. My boxing skills are vast and great. They are different from the world and form their own. One side, replacing the source and the exhaustion."

From this, Xiang Yufei realized that for a moment, the fairy mist was hazy and the chaos was lingering, and the whole person's aura was different. It merged with the diagram of the origin of life, and the appearance of two ancient stars of origin appeared behind him. Relics and Eternal Ancient Stars.

At this moment, along with his words, there are also manifestations of all spirits, different races, different ways, different methods, showing different brilliance, derived from his true blood of all races and ways, and the fist will The seeds resonate and are blooming!

In an instant, the sound of the gods was like thunder, and this place became a colorful world, with all kinds of lights flowing, flooding the entire starry sky and the source of life.

boom!Xiang Yufei stepped forward and punched, Zhongzheng was peaceful, unpretentious, and promoted the general trend, almost turning a piece of starry sky into a kingdom of gods, with a myriad of scenes, and there were three thousand gods and emperors singing in the sky, shaking the ten directions.

The ancient emperors and the ancient gods turned into bridge-like trajectories to surround Xiang Yufei and revolve around him, mysterious and grand.

He is like the Supreme Allah, the holy emperor among the emperors, the heavenly father of all living beings, the source of all Tao, the end of prosperity and decline, every move has a transcendent artistic conception, accompanied by countless Tao rhymes.

In particular, behind him, there is an ancient Tianguan rising up, emitting a radiant light, illuminating the ten directions, and a god of heaven riding a bull can be seen vaguely, going west, and the purple energy is coming thousands of miles east, To educate the common people.

This dao rhyme was transmitted far away, and the starry sky of the entire ancient battlefield was rippled because of it, not to mention the guides who were always paying attention to this place, their expressions had already changed greatly, revealing a look of surprise.

"He actually reached this step, went deep into the land of the ancient Heavenly Court, explored the origin of life, and formed his own taboo.

Taboo field, a terrible title, since ancient times, anyone who has reached this field has been astonishingly talented and unrivaled in the world. "

I was deeply shocked by the introduction, the taboo field, no one on the ancient starry sky road in this world has been able to comprehend it, but someone showed that it was touched in the second level, and it has to be deduced!

He pondered, and then decisively took out his hands to protect him, and arranged layer after layer of cover formations in the dojo, so as not to be disturbed by others and destroy this state of enlightenment.

This is a hidden worry, because the two people who are hostile to him, Brahma War Demon, and the original demon spirit are still in the dojo. If they find such an opportunity, the consequences will be disastrous.

At the same time, in the Taikoo Dojo.

The emperor of heaven sat cross-legged in a fairy mountain to enlighten Taoism, and wanted to break through the realm to go further. The pure white long knife was placed horizontally in front of his knees, and a group of sources of Taoism emerged, gradually compatible with it, and the sound of Daolun was resounding, and the way of heaven was evolving .

The Heavenly Sword is the way of heaven, he is the one who holds the sword, and he also holds the way!

Mo Ling appeared in a burial ground, sitting cross-legged and chanting sutras, with a transcendent aura, proficient in the Dharma, understanding of the magic scriptures, the two phases are one, it is difficult to beat him in the same generation, even Brahma would not dare to say that he is better than him, After breaking through this mystery, the forbidden number increased, making it even more terrifying.

In his seat, Buddhist scriptures and mantras reverberate at the same time, deafening. He is surrounded by two kinds of scriptures, the most powerful and the most powerful.

Another world, apart from a vast starry sky, is also in the nebula outside the Primordial Daoist Temple. Brahma is roaring, his body has grown to tens of thousands of feet, and he stands upright. Demon patterns appear all over his body, terrifying and boundless, and he entered a dilapidated ancient battlefield to hone his skills own body.

There are countless corpses here, rivers of blood, and seas of evil, but it is his fertile soil. The whole person is ups and downs in the blood sea battlefield, undergoing a transformation. It was taken out and merged with its own body.

"I have been purged with strange blood for several days, even if you have great abilities, you won't be able to affect me anymore. You should obediently be my blessing."

Brahma's eyes were dim, and he knew that if he didn't make a breakthrough, the next time he met would be when he was killed by Xiang Yufei. That person was moody and didn't treat them as human beings at all. It can be picked when it rises.

The Source of Dao emitted light, as if responding, there was a faint sound of crashing waves in the depths, and the silver light flickered, which was hard to detect.

Time passed quickly, and a year passed in the blink of an eye. There was no disturbance in the ancient battlefield. The testers and family heirs in the city entered and left, and there was no trace of the four supreme figures.

They seem to have disappeared into this world, undergoing unknown precipitation and changes.

In the source of life in the ancient heavenly court, Xiang Yufei was still punching. This time, there was no miraculousness, no overwhelming momentum, it was just an ordinary exercise, no different from ordinary people in the world.

But if there is a strong person here, you can find that this is just an appearance, but it has been deduced towards returning to the basics; behind him, the invisible Dao marks condense into a human-shaped body, and every wave resonates with all scriptures, which is the deepest level. Enlightenment, no one is allowed to disturb, otherwise it will lead to unpredictable changes.

When a sage realizes the Tao, sitting for ten years is nothing, but a great sage may spend hundreds of years at every turn.

This is also the reason why monks will choose a quiet place for retreat, away from the hustle and bustle of the world.

Especially for the deep level of enlightenment, Xiang Yufei also left some protection. The two emperor weapons are hidden and surrounded inside, and the three holy kings of Bai Yi Bai Er Bai Yan appear together, forming a formation and holding fairy clothes to protect them outside the ancient star.

Spring goes and autumn comes, and the four seasons in the Taikoo Dojo rotate, year after year, and nine years have passed in a blink of an eye, and batches of new testers have arrived, as if it is a reincarnation, different people, the same thing.

In the mythical battlefield, a lake of blood was churning and turbulent, and a naked body slowly floated up, appearing on the surface of the water, with a head of dark red hair and a shawl, exuding a sense of wildness.

He opened his eyes instantly, shot out two beams of lightning, leaped from the lake, landed in the air, opened his mouth and let out a roar, the whole ancient battlefield was shaken, wraiths and red rivers were lingering Come over and move together.

"Ten years, my way has gone one step further, even a breakthrough. I have merged with the source of the way, Xiang Yufei, and now the offense and defense have changed!"

Brahma laughed, and the Dharma image behind him became more and more powerful, and the forbidden thunder light radiated from his whole body, and his whole body merged with the Eternal War Fortress, reaching the peak of his combat power, and he appeared in the starry sky with one step, overlooking the land of transformation into the ancient heaven .

There, the opponent who once oppressed him is still enlightened, performing the final stage of interpretation, intending to establish a taboo, but the catastrophe has arrived!

In the ancient burial ground, Mo Ling was also revived, clasped his hands together and whispered, "Amitabha, today I will cut off the karma."

boom!He also took a step forward, and the stars moved, directly piercing through the barriers of the dojo and appearing outside the sky, where he met Brahma, intending to kill the star of transformation and block the way to Yufei!
This opponent is too terrifying, and the pressure on people is immeasurable. It must not be allowed to continue to grow, it must be interrupted!
Now that their strength has improved greatly, but the opponent has not recovered, this is the best opportunity, and it will be hard to find if they miss it.

"It's a whim, it's not good."

At the same time, the three holy kings of the Bai family who were guarding this place felt a sense, got up one after another, and activated the formation.


The next moment, the distant sky seemed to be surging like a vast ocean, and the raging waves swept in. It was a kind of extremely powerful blood, and a red-haired figure stepped on the stars. He raised his hand and pushed it horizontally. The mighty fighting spirit turned into a thousand troops Thousands of horses attack, and the killing spirit shocks the past and the present.

Brahma strikes!

"Let's fight!" Bai Yan Tianwang was the main force, leading the battle formation to rush up, blocking the blow, and secretly instructing to revive the ancient artifacts of the gods, which was the means left to them by Xiang Yufei.

"It's better for the benefactor not to stay here, you can't get involved here." Mo Ling also arrived.

He turned his hands into clouds, and turned his hands into rain. His demonic aura was majestic, raging like a black ocean.

This is a kind of ruthless magic way, and it repelled the three of them with a bang. The combat power of these two big-character creatures is too heaven-defying, and now they have gone one step further, even if they are both heavenly kings, it is difficult to resist.


In the next moment, the aura of the ancient artifacts of the gods bloomed, and they were recovering, but they were affected by the ominous talismans sacrificed by Brahma and Mo Ling, and they were in a stalemate. They also had cards and preparations.

"Hehe, today is the time to settle the grievances!"

Brahma sneered, strode closer, and at the same time released clones in battle armor one by one, letting them pester the three kings of the Bai family, while he pointed directly at the ancient star of Huadao.

Just at this moment, a snow-white saber light rushed towards the shore like a sea tide, blocking his way all of a sudden.

"It's you? You also broke through." Brahma shattered the light of the knife with a fist, showing a cold expression. A purple-haired man in front of him raised his knife and pointed at him. The five-color divine ring cover was the emperor's son!
"No one in the world will stand still and wait for you." The emperor said lightly, the blade in his hand was suddenly dark and heavy, engraved with mottled years, revealing the vicissitudes of the ages, this knife cuts the years!

Crash!The light of the sword shines like a wave of time, and there is endless murderous intent in the softness, which invades all-pervasively, blocking Brahma from moving forward.

But this is only a temporary plan. Brahma merged with the source of Dao, and his breakthrough in the mythical battlefield was far superior to him. He quickly solidified this sea of ​​light, took advantage of it, and pressed him step by step, opening up a big battle The turbulent thoughts condensed into a human face and roared, shattering the vast stars.

Such a battle is undoubtedly shocking and frightening.

Mo Ling led a group of clones to besiege the three kings of the Bai family, and casually sprinkled a river of blood to surround them, using it as a temporary restraint, turned around and pressed down on the emperor, and joined forces with the war demon to beat him flying Go out and smash a big star.

"What are you struggling with, do you really think you are Xiang Yufei, able to fight us alone?
Now, even if he comes back from recovery, it won't work! "

Brahma looked down indifferently, not intending to waste time, and even with a heavy hand, he tore apart the vast universe of stars, piercing through a dark abyss.

"Hey, are you all this confident?

At the beginning, I also lived like this, but the end was very sad. "The emperor smiled inexplicably, flicked his fingers and shook the saber, clank! The nine questions of the heavenly saber reappeared!

"It's meaningless, words can't shake us, your end will indeed be sad." Mo Ling didn't mind the siege, and recited the Buddha's voice, and suddenly various Buddhist allusions evolved in the void, such as the Buddha sitting cross-legged and Bodhi Enlightenment under the tree, cutting meat to feed eagles, cutting arms to feed tigers, merciful, walking in the human world, preaching to thousands of realms.

This series of Buddha pictures fell across the sky, causing the emperor's hair to dance wildly, blood oozing from his body, and he fell into a critical situation under the siege of the two.

But at this moment, he smiled, and the chaotic mist was surging in the distance, and a bamboo hat flew over, blocking the Buddha picture with brilliant holy light.

The sound of clashing broke out, and Fotu paused, but the bamboo hat flew back across the starry sky, was held by one hand, and he put it on calmly.

"The sky is empty, and the earth is empty. The sound of a zither is blissful, and the waves of the world are in your sleeves."

A clear voice sounded, surrounded by chaotic mist, a hazy figure stood alone in the world, facing everyone, unable to see the real face clearly, only a pair of sharp and menacing eyes shot out through the clouds, making people suffocated.

"Who are you?" Mo Ling was slightly taken aback, but he also felt the taboo aura belonging to beings of the older generation!

Is this person also a legendary creature?
Why have I never seen it, or even heard it mentioned to Yu Fei and the Emperor, where did it come from?

Even Brahma couldn't help but look back, showing surprise, how could there be an extra person standing in the realm of forbidden gods out of thin air?

"Taixuan Star Peak.

Hua Yunfei! "

In the chaotic mist, the man lifted the bamboo hat with one hand, revealing a delicate and elegant face, blue robe and long hair, and a guqin on his back.

It is Hua Yunfei who has been on the ancient road for a long time. These ten years are enough for him to come to the second level and go further!
Keep a low profile, now is the time!


In the next moment, the chaotic air surged, overwhelming and all-encompassing, making the starry sky bewildered.

"It's weird, he's not as good as we are, but his physique is a little different, chaotic body? Ten thousand laws are invincible?" Brahma frowned, sensing something was wrong.

This is actually a chaotic body fused with strange blood, which is even more terrifying and unpredictable.

The four fought together immediately, and the three kings of the Bai family supported them, and they didn't lose the wind for a while. You came and I went down and firmly blocked the source of life, buying time for Xiang Yufei.

In the ancient land below, he was contemplating and enlightening. After ten years of precipitation, he finally completed his meritorious deeds.

"All things have spirits, Taoism follows nature, tides ebb and flow, rolling endlessly, boxing is the 'spirit' that returns to the origin."

Xiang Yufei was enlightened, his whole body was sublimated, and the fist moved majesticly, as if enlightening all spirits. All kinds of things in this world, tangible and intangible, have become part of 'existence' and become part of this fist. As part of my mind, everything in the world is used by me, and I am psychic because of me.

In an instant, the essence of flowers, plants, forests, the brilliance of the sun, moon and stars, the fortune of mountains and rivers, the ripples of the universe, the cornerstone of the law of heaven and earth, etc. all manifested through psychics, and became branches of the all-inclusive boxing light, a kind of infinite Everywhere, the omnipresent charm is emerging.

All the existences and all the powers in this world are inspired by the attunement and psychic, and the confluence flows east and west, deducing the magnificent traces of fist light, and colorful auras like the traces of sky bridges traverse the void.

For a time, the heavens and the earth, the world and the universe are full of brilliant auras, various colors, like the sands of the Ganges River, everything you see and think is all fist light, even the existence of living beings is included, making people want to transform into spirits.

When the fist rises, everything has animism, and when the fist falls, the magic withers!
"He became it!" "It's a taboo field!"

Brahma and Mo Ling suddenly changed their colors, and they had a bad premonition that they had formed their own taboo domain!

As soon as this thing appears, the opponent's forbidden number must go one step further!
"Taboo field! He deduced his own taboo field, this fist light that fits Dao and Dao performance?"

"Is it true that an emperor is going to be born, and touched taboos at this age? Yes, he himself possesses a different kind of supernatural power that resides in the taboo, and it is really amazing talent to communicate taboos with taboos."

Outside the Primordial Dojo, the envoys and a group of strong men were even more terrified and stupefied.

Every emperor is amazingly talented, and will create their own different ancient scriptures, especially the taboo chapter, which is unpredictable and invisible to the world.

Only by exerting the supreme esoteric meaning of taboo articles and stepping into this field, will you be called taboo; if you have the ability to create ancient scriptures, you can enter this unique field with your real body, experience the ultimate sense of spirit, and win the title of invincible , then stand in the taboo field.

At this moment, auspicious colors descended from the sky, divine lotuses arose in the void, accompanied by Lanzhi, the fragrance was tangy to the nostrils, thousands of rays of light were scattered, sacred and peaceful, and there was even a red bird dancing across the sky, spreading its wings and the galaxy collapsing, flying a snake through the sky, sweeping away However, the stars fell.

"The sea is open to all rivers. This is not one kind of fist light, but countless kinds. Everyone can see the difference from it. This is to use the human body to drive the world, control all spirits, and interpret everything."

"That's right, his combat strength has reached the level of a king, and he is qualified to touch the taboo field. With the blessing of God's Forbidden and heaven-defying understanding, it is only natural that such a boxing method was born. This is only the second level, and it is born. Beyond the taboo realm, the battle between emperors in this life is too terrifying and cruel."

The entire star field was shaken, and countless people were startled by the sudden light of the fist, unable to control themselves for a long time.

They can see different weathers in the light of their fists, which originate from all things, mountains and rivers, and everything that exists; Taoism follows the world, and learns from nature.

With the world of mortals as the chessboard and the sea of ​​bitterness as the boundary, the light of the fist is like falling into all living beings!
"My fist is done!
When a blood sacrifice! "

Xiang Yufei's hair fluttered, and his gaze pierced through the starry sky, staring at the two Brahmas, cold and compelling.

His taboo boxing technique dominates the world, and he comes with a brilliant momentum, destroying all obstacles!
"A Red Dust Crossing!

The second spectrum of heaven and earth is turned!
Three-tone ghosts and gods!
Thousands of strings are worried about the past and the present!
Ten Thousand Sorrows, Shepherd's Heavenly Song! "

Under such a crisis, Brahma took action with all his strength, performed the burial ceremony, and the Mutian song resounded for nine days, shaking the world and weeping ghosts and gods, magical and powerful.

The faint melody echoes, crosses the world of mortals, turns the universe with one hand, the sound frightens ghosts and gods, the string breaks the ancient and modern, and the song is eternally sad!

Each style condenses the terrifying symbol of dao marks, the rolling red dust waves crashing against the shore, the musical scores of heaven and earth clanging, the howling sounds of ghosts and gods, one string splitting the past and the present, and one song of eternal sorrow, all of which are suppressed. Kill one blow!
"All spirits unite, fists pour the world!"

Whispering to Yufei, the taboo punched out!

Between the heaven and the earth, densely packed, with endless heroic spirits, all the gods appeared together, like a vast ocean hitting the shore, the mighty power of the gods, shattering the nine heavens, everything is going towards the way of transformation, towards the source, turning into clusters of divine light and tracks into this Huanghuang fist In the light, everywhere, everywhere!

Even the waves of the world of mortals, the score of heaven and earth, the sounds of ghosts and gods, the melancholy strings of ancient and modern times, and the elegiac songs of all ages cannot escape. They are all distorted and split, and merged into the fist light.
All things return to the source and the Dao, that is, return to the true self, that is, take refuge in the Supreme Being and sit down!

Such a blow shocked the past and the present, and the Taboo Fist passed across the sky, directly blasting all Brahma's resistance and crushing it.

Xiang Yufei's white hair fluttered, his eyes were as dazzling as two lightning bolts, and his unrivaled majesty was evident in the world, undoubtedly a general trend of engulfing the nine heavens, blasting Brahma cleanly.

one strike.

One punch.

A fate.

An understatement.

Dead, a legendary creature of the senior generation was blown up by Xiang Yufei with his bare hands, bloody, and became the first sacrifice of taboo boxing in this world.

"One blow?!" Even Mo Ling's eyes widened, and he was terrified. The gap was too big, and it sent chills down his spine.

Hua Yunfei and the emperor, who witnessed this punch, were also horrified, and felt a supreme taboo. Together with Taoism and Taoism, it is the end and the origin, including countless processes.

"To live for war, to die for war, this may be my destiny.

Who in the world can not die?Who can be undefeated?
Don't ask about the universe, there will be no sorrow in the ages, hahaha! "

Brahma screamed mournfully, this was his last residual consciousness, the last wisp of fighting spirit, also vanished, he was defeated, but not humiliated, it was a glorious death in battle, not a living.

"Xiang Yufei, the road ahead is even more desperate than you think, we are just pioneers for the king, endless haze, enemies beyond imagination, and even real mythical creatures.

Can you really fight on, you will never die or lose in every battle, my way will witness on my behalf! "

With a loud roar, he died from the thought of giving up, and there was no chance of coming back to life, even if there were clones and strange blood, he would not be able to reappear. He disdains, let alone wants to.

The universe is full of looting and burial, and the pastoral song of eternal sorrow!
Substitute people with Tao, go to witness!


In the next moment, Brahma exterminated the world, but his battle path rose from the sky, the dark red bridge was brilliant, and the sound of gold and iron played a song, evolving into a magnificent ancient battlefield, which was forever engraved on this area. In the refining world.

This is the trace of his presence, the proof of his existence.

"Brahma, another Tianjiao has been picked off by me. With different demeanor and different beliefs, compose a heroic elegy. Your Tao will see you."

Xiang Yufei raised his hand, wanting to harvest Brahma War Demon Dao fruit and pour it into his body.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

In the dark red track, there was the sound of waves surging and beating, and strands of dao light blended together, and it turned out to be re-condensed into the appearance of the source of dao!
And in its depths, a door opened, and it seemed that a pair of silver eyes looked across the vast starry sky, sending everything to reincarnation.


The surging waves violently shook Brahma Daoguo, wanting to take it away without entering the post-world.

 Brother Yunfei hasn’t been online for a long time, so I’m showing my face, Chaos Body, I think it’s really a good one in the trilogy.

  Zhetian has chaotic body, perfect has chaotic blood, and holy ruins also has chaotic creatures and restricted areas. The treatment is too good.

(End of this chapter)

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