Shading the sky: from the beginning of the emperor

Chapter 211 Calm and Calm, Re-Entry to God

Chapter 211 Calm and Calm, Re-Entry to God (4K)

In the depths of the universe, the chaotic divine soil was regained, and the feathered sky sank. Looking at Yufei, he gradually became one, and the complete human emperor's seal was restored. Feeling the recovery of its inner weapon spirit, the heaven and earth seemed to resound from the era of the human emperor. Great divine voice.

For a moment, the Sun Emperor Pagoda was dragged to emerge, the yin and the sun were in harmony, and the Tao of the Human Emperor and the Holy Emperor reappeared, as if they were in opposition, but also seemed to be blending, giving them great enlightenment.

The yin and yang are the weak and the strong, the yin and yang are in harmony, and the world is called the emperor!It should be noted that there have been such rumors since ancient times, which is enough to prove the mystery when these two avenues collide.

"Is there really such a person in the world, who can't move without shaking, and has his own good fortune to come to him? Enlightenment and acting are as easy as eating and drinking." Yu Huatian's eyes moved, and the luck and talent needed for this is just It's quite extraordinary, at least as far as he knows, among the emperors and emperors who have "disappeared in history", there may not be any existence that can be compared with it.

At this moment, Xiang Yufei was immersed in it and realized that the scriptures of the Four Elephants scroll on his body seemed to be gradually showing signs. The most important thing is that between the interweaving of the Sun Emperor Pagoda and the Taiyin Emperor Seal, a large amount of chaotic energy was naturally generated. And reverse the transformation, become the two poles of eternal opposition, presenting the magic of the opposition and harmony of yin and yang after the realm of the great sage.

This is not only a treasure for him, but also a vital treasure for the yin and yang fellow practitioners, and it is related to his opportunity to break into the quasi-emperor's realm!
Therefore, Gai Jiuyou branded it, turned it into a beam of light and sent it to Tianxuan Ancient Land; the old Teng Snake crawled beside him, and there was a trace of longing in his eyes when he saw it. Separately, it is also a supreme treasure for the great sage, but the young man in front of him got it so casually, and didn't even pay much attention to it.

Compared with his own body, he felt an indescribable sense of frustration and inferiority complex. Logically speaking, these mundane emotions had long ceased to breed, but the real manifestation made him suffer.

On the other hand, Xiang Yufei swipes his arms between enlightenment, and the four images and true spirits are intertwined to form the first level of four-pole reincarnation. The east is Yimu, the south is Lihuo, the west is Gengjin, and the north is Kuishui. In an instant, there were millions of auras, and one after another gathered from the clouds in the sky and the earth, turning into the most brilliant divine splendor, illuminating the pure and empty space.

Among the stars, there is a raging fire, which is the Tao is in full bloom, making the mountains and rivers pale, and the sun and the moon dimmed.

"What happened, isn't that war over?"

"It's the Emperor, he seems to have been touched after the battle and fell into a state of epiphany!"

"This... how is it possible... that there is such a monstrous talent in the world? It's so enviable that you can't even envy it, it's so powerless."

Everyone was horrified, the series of shocks were not over yet, after the great battle, the emperor once again had an epiphany!

Such savvy and talent make people speechless, they can only be deeply amazed and helpless, without even the heart of comparison, jealousy, envy, and admiration.

At this moment, on the edge of the starry sky, there are tens of thousands of spiritual trajectories shining up and down, showing different figures and principles, as if every creature that has fought against it has been resurrected in it, descending again, fighting for him, The sun, the moon, and the stars were trembling, and in the distance a gorgeous galaxy changed its trajectory, trembling wildly in this vast and unpredictable fluctuation, and then some exploded with a bang, like fireworks blooming.

At this moment, even Laoteng Snake and the returned saints in the sacred land felt chills in their hearts. What a powerful force this must be. The distance is infinitely far away, and the residual ripples spread to create such a terrifying scene, which is really hair-raising .

Xiang Yufei gradually opened his eyes in the starry sky where the flow of spiritual light particles blended and combined. The yin and yang qi between his brows were entwined.

"Unfortunately, it's not the time to break into the fourth heaven. Let's slow down for now, and we can break through the second heaven in one fell swoop in the future; I have a hunch that once we enter the middle stage of the Great Sage, it will be the time for the creatures behind the door to come again, and Hua Yunfei and the emperor's son are still at the level of the heavenly king, and have not broken through to the great sage.

If these guys come, it will definitely be a big trouble. After thinking about it, he didn't rush to break through, but planned for the future.

After deduction, he has already discovered that the coming of these creatures is changed according to his strength and realm, and the forbidden number will always fluctuate within the range of plus one and minus one, but the second Dao Fruit created by the day after tomorrow, the Eternal Dao Fruit is not there within this category.

This also means that in the past, those creatures whose banned number was one level higher than him will never appear again, at most equal to him, because under the blessing of the second fruit, his banned number will also rise, reaching eighteen banned, It is equal to the upper limit that comes, and there is no fear of it.

In this way, together with the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, it can be regarded as a big surprise for this group of strange creatures that descended!
"Why, are you still worrying about gains and losses? You should have changed your address." With a clear mind, Xiang Yufei looked at Yu Huatian who was standing stiffly beside him.

This person is still immersed in the spiritual struggle, it is difficult to accept the current situation, the change of identity, the reversal is too great, the whole person is like a dream, as if he has fallen into a nightmare and cannot wake up for a long time.

"Young...young master; I have seen the young master." Yu Huatian's expression kept changing, and he shivered and called out this title that made his body, muscle, periosteum and primordial spirit tremble.

As soon as these words came out, it was as if something had cracked in his heart. The cracks in his previous pride and dignity would not be repaired, but would only continue to spread and grow bigger and bigger.

"Okay, it's very pleasant to the ear, and this seat is very comfortable to listen to.

But next time, you might as well scream louder and more sincerely, hahaha. "Xiang Yufei laughed, left satisfied, turned around and was about to return to the Beidou ancient star field.

A farce has come to an end, the benefits are obtained, the entourage and the mount are also available, so there is no need to stay any longer.

Yu Huatian was expressionless, followed behind, and under the stimulation of Gai Jiuyou's gaze, stepped forward to clear the way, and took the initiative to take up the "task" of the follower, raised his hand and slashed, and the terrifying breath spread, and the pressure of the quasi-emperor burst out, making him This place formed a terrifying field, and the fragments of the avenue rotated to form a portal that descended outside the Beidou domain.

In an instant, many people covered their ears in pain, and were dizzy from the shock. Even the great sage felt a sense of disintegration and disintegration. It was because Dao Bo was spreading and killing everything.

In just a split second, there was a riot in this world, like a mountain torrent bursting open, rushing like a raging sea, boiling under the aura of Emperor Zhun's domain.

"He's back, the dignified Emperor Zhun, and he has become a servant."

"What he's facing is Senior Gai Jiuyou, who nearly proved the Tao 9000 years ago. If he doesn't die, he's blessed with eight lifetimes. What's wrong with being a slave now?"

"Now it seems that the power behind the Emperor is really hidden. I thought Tianxuan's great saints were the limit, but I didn't expect that even a quasi-emperor like Senior Gai could appear this time. What a mess! It's higher than a wave, and those ancient royal families and the great emperor's family can't compare."

People were shocked, and also a little bit embarrassed, how miserable it was before, and how miserable it is now, being hit by the cruel reality, even the quasi-emperor can't find his way.

The great commander of the Shenting governing a domain is definitely the most powerful among the great saints. He walks proudly, let alone their quasi-emperor deputy leader. After all, he fell down in front of him, became a stepping stone, and was even captured and enslaved, which was extremely miserable.

"The Emperor Burying Star is indeed the Emperor Burying Star. When a dragon comes, you have to coil it, and when a tiger comes, you need to nest. The ancients never deceived me."

Some experts from outside the region even lamented that they thought that their own strength could cause a storm in the five regions, and they overlooked one region, but now it seems that there is still no match for them, and they still can't tolerate their presumptuousness. !

In the next month, the news of what happened in the Chaos Divine Land was spread far and wide, shocking the starry sky and ten thousand families.

Beidou, even the quasi-emperor is extremely cautious and dare not be unscrupulous again. The lessons learned from the past are obvious to all. But here I don’t dare to be self-confident. Even a dragon has to be coiled, and a tiger has to lie on its stomach. Most of these people are guarding outside the territory, waiting for opportunities.

At this time, no one provokes troubles, no one fights, and even some creatures who have come out of the star fields that have given birth to emperors are very low-key. The ritual visit to Tianxuan ancient land has gradually evolved into a custom-like rule, which surprised many ancient royal families and felt an inexplicable sense of loss.

"Senior Xiang deserves to be nominated No.1 for the Crystal Monument. He is invincible under the quasi-emperor. He can survive such a catastrophe safely, and even get the emperor's seal!"

On the ancient road of the human race, some young rising saints are all talking about it. Recently, the Big Dipper has been turbulent, and all the strong people have heard about it, and they are all discussing and paying attention.

Not only limited to this road, everyone on the most powerful roads such as the ancient road of the holy spirit, the ancient road of the gods, and the road of the demon race is looking at the Big Dipper Star Field, because there are many ancient roads in the universe, and only the strongest can break through the shackles , the ultimate jump, to enter the final sky gate, leave your name, the first person to arrive will be impressive no matter what, and his every move will be a ripple that attracts everyone's attention.

"The Feixian star has shaken again. It seems that those crusaders are on the road again, and the big attack of the ancient legend may appear again."

On this day, someone sent news that in the distant star field, a great change occurred on the ancient life star named Feixian. By.

"They are forming an army, whether they want to find the Immortal Bell, control the Desolate Tower, or attack the Buried Emperor Star, hoping to become immortals, these should be their goals!"

"I think the more important point is that the emperor, the family, must take revenge. First, the three-eyed sage fell in his hands, and another emperor's seal was taken away. He would never suffer from being dumb."

"That's right. Judging from their style of destroying people and groups at every turn, a big battle is inevitable. Maybe the legendary quasi-emperor will appear."

All parties in the starry sky are waiting and watching. Powers like the Kunlun survivors are indeed eye-catching. Since ancient times, they have always been high and strong, and the strong have emerged in large numbers.

Even during the rise of Emperor Hengyu, the family gave birth to a pair of twin quasi-emperors with unlimited potential, but their fate was very tragic. They were killed on the night that Emperor Hengyu killed twelve quasi-divines in a row. The name was not left behind, it was just a foil.

But it is undeniable that this family is indeed powerful.

After a period of change and relaxation, the Big Dipper Five Regions have basically returned to calm, with few ripples.

Xiang Yufei and Great Sage Huntuo set a date to ask him to help him. After reciting scriptures for a day at the entrance of the restricted area, they returned to the world of Immortal Mansion.

At this time, the emperor of heaven fell into a strange state. He was comprehending the law, observing the general trend of the world, understanding the sword of heaven and asking, seeing himself as the existence in charge of the way of heaven, melting all laws and ways, tempering his body, and even asked Yu Fei Slashed him with the final knife, and plunged himself into a dreadful environment that was close to the ultimate spirit and much more terrifying than the current situation.

All for the sake of breaking through, sublimating the forbidden number, and being able to help in the future, his penance has never stopped, and the talent of the blood that was once known as the best in the world is also constantly being exerted, the injuries he suffered, the suffering he encountered Backlash can be recovered in an instant, which made him enter a life-threatening practice method.

Such severe suppression has brought him a shackle of order that is difficult to break. However, everything has two sides. From another perspective, this is not a kind of tempering and opportunity; the harder the suppression, the stronger the rebound will be However, once he breaks free from the cage, he may die like a phoenix, trembling for 33 days after singing.

"This is stimulated by Hua Yunfei. That guy's luck is not bad. He found one of the flesh and blood of the ruthless emperor who was equally divided among the six holy places in the past. He really realized something from it, and faded away with the indestructible power." Put down the old style and made a breakthrough." Duan De sighed, this was stimulated by another person, he had to hone himself in the cruelest way, he didn't want to be surpassed by others, let alone left behind.

"It's better for us to be happy, we don't need to care about these cultivation bases, what realm, what kind of practice is just floating clouds, when the time comes, we will have what we should have, laugh at the world's turmoil, and sit alone on the top of the mountain to build tall buildings.

At that time, how many people could drink with the poor? "Duan De also shook his head, sighed and sighed, and did not forget to praise himself.

He stood side by side with the Black Emperor, one person and one dog hooked shoulders and backs, pointing at the mountains and rivers, and overlooking the ups and downs of the five realms, he really seemed to be such a big shot, an expert outside the world.

"It's also time to settle the matter on the other side. This body in the Dharma-ending Era has become a great sage. How can the realm of the Dao Sheng Era stay in the God King? When you break into the Heavenly Venerate."

Xiang Yufei didn't pay too much attention to them, but chose to retreat, to touch the ancient characters and then enter the heaven, and seek some benefits from another world to come back.

The continuous breakthrough of the boundary between the two sides, the balance and verification of the system, will bring him great benefits, not to mention mother gold, elixir and the like, which are even more important in these doomed times.

And in the Western Desert, within the sphere of influence of Mount Sumeru, a gray-haired figure withdrew his gaze from the sky, and smiled softly.

"My good nephew, I really can't think of it, the first time I see you after all the ages, is the forever farewell.

But it doesn't matter, you resurrected me, as long as you can avenge the past, it is worth it.

Dou Zhan, my old friend, came to see you, hee hee, jie jie jie! "

The god-man of the past, Di Que, was promoted by his nephew Kun Zhou to experience the rebirth of the bloody Nirvana, and immediately went to the West Desert to find his former opponent and fight against the lineage of the holy ape.

As for the others, he doesn't pay attention.

 Some settings and divisions of God have been modified, and the Nine-turn Golden Elixir method has also been changed, so that it is not necessary to rebuild the realm

(End of this chapter)

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