Shading the sky: from the beginning of the emperor

Chapter 223 Tianpeng Fighting Dragon Technique, Xuanming 3 Sons

Chapter 223 Tianpeng Fighting Dragon Technique, Xuanming Third Son (6K5)

In the dragon's nest, ancient trees curled up in clusters, and dragon qi condensed and coiled around the left and right. The rippling and majestic ripples were so overwhelming that some celestial beings were chilled, and only the big celestial beings and a group of Hunyuan powers could ignore , take it easy.

"There are still a lot of good things left in this medicine garden. Even the divine fruit has left so much. If you can take it, it will be of great benefit to the physical body." An evolutionary stared at the front with a strange light in his eyes, and took out a Read this ancient book, and soon found its prototype.

That is the legendary Hunyuan Golden Immortal Fruit. This thing can forge a human body, and it has some effects on the ultimate evolutionary, let alone the lower ranks. In addition, there is also Buddha Consciousness Grass, which is as white as Jade, the leaves of grass bloom like a series of Buddha lights, and the whole plant is brilliant. This is a holy object that is of great benefit to the soul and understanding.

Not to mention other things, these two plants alone can reshape and transform a person's body and soul, they can be called treasures!

Everyone started to collect it one after another, and Xiang Yufei also collected some of it, preparing to plant it on the reincarnation circuit for cultivation. He has already regarded the area in Minggu Abyss as his dojo, and he doesn't care about hunters and foragers.

"Surrounded by divine particles, and ancestral substances remain, this area is a bit extraordinary. In the past, it was at least controlled by Dayu-level beings." Zhiqian Buddha looked at the place where the medicinal herbs and divine fruits were located, and a large area of ​​fluorescent light appeared. They are colorful, sacred and peaceful, they are just the divine particles.

And at a deeper level, Xiang Yufei saw the ancient and powerful substance deposited at the end of the divine particle, which is the real ancestral substance!

The concept of divine particles is very mysterious. It is considered to be one of the products of the evolutionary path. It is like a product of foundation bricks and stones. It can be piled up with some Dafa and secret techniques to increase power and strengthen oneself. Some special Taoist secret techniques are A means to capture divine particles and purify ancestral substances.

The fundamental reason is that life is a miracle in the world, and the divine particle is conceived in all things, and all living beings have it. It can promote individual evolution and continuous transformation, and the evolution of living beings is thus divided into three categories. It is to constantly revive the divine particles in one's own body, purify and strengthen them step by step; the two are to plunder, devour, and occupy the divine particles in other living beings, swallowing all souls and whole body; the third is to perceive and communicate between heaven and earth. The existing divine particles are compatible with it, thereby mobilizing more of the dominance.

In addition, there are more complex Dao ancestor substances, which may be more advanced, and are also distributed in various organisms. Those aura particles are pure "divine particles", but they have been weakened by the influence of the Dharma-ending era, and the essence is still the same.

This is also true, the sublimation of the divine particles in his body into ancestral substances is much faster than other evolutionaries, and has been quantitatively changed and purified, and the intake speed is much faster.

"The place where the divine particles are boiling, there is still this strange tree, no wonder it is so strong." Suddenly, there was a Hunyuan power who sighed lightly, and the divine particles scattered when he raised his hand, revealing a cluster of clusters in the center. The ancient vermilion tree, the bark is smooth and bright, and even the lines are strange, showing the appearance of various creatures, just like a map of the world.

"Bloodline fruit tree, this is a good thing." Xiang Yufei looked up, and instantly saw the fruits on the vermilion tree, all shaped like clenched fists, with different lines on them, corresponding to a kind of fruit. Ordinary bloodlines, and when the divine particles transpired, those lines could be seen to change again, and the scene of sublimated bloodlines appeared, which seemed to correspond to a road back to the ancestors.

In the [-] domains, the bloodline fruit is also called a treasure. It can purify the bloodline of a living being, optimize and restore the strongest bloodline in the body, which is extremely amazing.

For a long time, many ethnic groups have been married to each other, which means that there are actually various bloodline fragments hidden in many living beings; if you choose the right bloodline fruit, you can naturally upgrade the strongest bloodline and restore the ancestral blood. Unpredictable.

For Xiang Yufei, although the heavenly body is an innate and sacred body, it can also be used to return more innate ways to come out, and it is more useful for the body of the sky. He can pick some and bring it back, which is infinitely useful .

In an instant, the evolved ones who came will use their own methods to pick the fruits. Unfortunately, not everyone can get it. At least it takes a senior Tianzun to shake the fruit to make it fall. Ordinary Tianzun, even if he reaches the peak, he will not be able to get it. It was difficult to penetrate the misty mist of ancestral matter, so he could only stand aside in frustration, his face full of disappointment.

Xiang Yufei raised his hand and grabbed it, and the particles of aura intertwined into a peng shadow rushed out, tearing apart the mist intertwined with the ancestor matter, and the peng feather wrapped three fruits and brought them back, falling into his palm.

"Alas..." All the evolutionists showed envy, and even some Hunyuan powers only collected two or three pieces, and Wanling Daozi's shots were almost the same, and this help will inevitably change the situation. get stronger.

And the next moment, as if disturbed by them, the ancestral matter surrounding the ancient tree boiled!

It continuously condensed, coiled into a series of figures and fluttered down, like a flying fairy from the sky, descending on the ground with an aura of birth, and then rushed towards the crowd suddenly.

Tianzun screamed, and was eroded by these substances in one face-to-face, and a big hole appeared in front of the forehead, and the primordial spirit withered and annihilated in an instant, just fell down like this, lifeless, and fell too strangely.

This is a kind of ancestral substance, which is the essence of the primordial spirit that has been corroded and polluted. It can have various effects on the primordial spirit, spirit body, etc. All creatures in all domains are born with primordial spirits. Naturally, this step cannot be avoided and will be affected.

There are not many such unknown ancestral substances, and they have appeared in the world. Some evolutionists tried to refine and capture them for their power. Some people went crazy for no reason, went to self-destruction, and even wiped out their own ethnic group.

Some strong people suddenly dry up their blood, age rapidly, crack their whole body, and die in pain; some souls will disintegrate, rotting away like rotten flesh, and they will become worse day by day in their later years, and their consciousness will collapse , tortured.

The divine particles of different creatures are more or less exclusive, especially the more advanced Dao ancestor substances are even more repulsive. Although some strong people seem to merge into one, after a certain stage, these substances will have various reactions with each other. , It will also cause all kinds of chaos, many strange visions and disasters, in fact, it is separated from the divine particles and the ancestors of Taoism, and then constructed and bred, which is not very related to the creatures of the evil earth.

"Fellow Taoist, please take action." Zhiqian Buddha's expression remained the same, and his eyes turned to Xiang Yufei. He was asked to help him before, just to target these special substances. The consumption is too large, and the gain outweighs the loss.

"For me, this is a gluttonous feast. There is a magic technique in the world that collects different ancestral substances and turns them into powerful forces. Although I have never mastered it, I also have a similar method of manipulation. This kind of substances The best destination is to be submerged in my primordial artifact, become a part of time, and corrupt the enemy." Xiang Yufei Tianling suddenly flew out a life wheel, time particles flew, and the primordial artifact showed its power.

At the same time, he stretched out one hand and pressed forward, screaming through the air, the golden god Peng was as high as a mountain, his eyes were cold, looking down at these strange ancestral substances, every time he swung his giant claws, it seemed to open up the world, tearing the attacking figure apart The ancestral matter is scattered and fragmented, and then all of them are included in the life wheel of the primordial artifact. The ancestral matter is precipitated, continuously refined, and resonates with the matter of time. These two types of ancestral matter have nothing to do with each other, and naturally they will not conflict. peaceful coexistence.

The 81st Taishang enlightened the psychic, so that this ancestral substance could not be eaten back, and obediently used it for him, devoutly dedicating everything he had.

Under his action, a small path was opened from the overflowing sea of ​​primordial spirit matter, and he led Zhiqian Buddha to the depths. As for the others, they could only ask for blessings or use their own methods. Those who can seize the opportunity to keep up, the road is fleeting.

After walking forward for a while, the strings of beads held by Buddha Zhiqian lighted up, and one of them actually uttered a dragon chant. With a huge pothole.

"Fellow Daoist, that's where the dragon's blood is, but I don't know if the dragon bone is still there. If there is, it's a great chance." His shiny bald head became more and more dazzling, and his whole body exuded a Buddha-nature. He led the crowd to the pit.

It looks like it was smashed out by a falling creature. Fragmented and dry flesh and blood can be seen everywhere. There is also red-stained soil in the hole, and a large piece of black-gold dragon blood is deposited in it, but when you look closely, there is actually no trace of it. There are so many, only a few drops of golden dragon blood in the deepest part are real, and most of the dark red on it is diluted and expanded, fused with other divine particles and ancestral substances.

"Fellow Daoist Wanling, speaking of the Zupeng boxing system you practiced, there is also a Zupeng fighting emperor technique, which is known as the Zupeng evolutionary civilization master created when he hit the peak. Although it failed in the end, it really With a bit of supreme aura, it ranks among the top ten terrifying killing techniques in the [-] domains; and evolved from this, there is also a method called Tianpeng Fighting Dragon Technique, which can transform into a Tao map and attach to a physical body Killing can also deter the primordial spirit.

The most critical part of his practice is to quench his body with dragon blood, understand the true meaning of dragon energy, and form the yin and yang poles with Tianpeng Dharma. This place is perfect for fellow Taoists. "Zhiqian Buddha smiled. When he saw Xiang Yufei showing his Zupeng fist, he deliberately chose the first location here, so that both parties can benefit greatly and can make profits from it, so that they can continue to cooperate. idea.

"Tianpeng fighting dragon art, then the dragon's blood here is useful; there are also many eight heavenly dragon secret arts in the Brahma realm, and there are also predestined methods in the Buddha." Xiang Yufei indeed felt the throbbing of the true meaning of boxing, like It is like evolving a brand new form here. Several major methods come from the same source, so they are naturally connected. They can also practice with dragon blood. The important thing is the implication.

The two looked at each other and nodded. Only the Dharma Protector Vajra set out to set up health-preserving fields around him to assist the three of them in their cultivation. miss.


When the layout of the field is complete, visions appear suddenly, and this place looks different. The sky and the earth are shaken, and everything is revived. Even the most common grass in the Dragon's Nest erupts with gorgeous light rain at this time, gathering countless land veins and mountains. The divine splendor contained in the ravine, the Dragon Nest is like a divine furnace.

This place is so sacred, it is extremely gorgeous, the rain of light is falling, this is the rain of spiritual energy, this is the wave of essence, nourishing all spirits.

"Fellow Taoist, seize the opportunity." Zhiqian Buddha smiled lowly, and was the first to jump into the dragon's blood pit, refine his golden body, and practice the eight secret techniques of heavenly dragons.

"Naturally." Xiang Yufei restrained his mind and performed the Zupeng Fist. His body turned into a golden-winged roc submerged in the dragon's blood, and he felt the majestic dragon energy head-on.

The dragon fights in the wild, its blood is black and yellow!

The black-golden dragon's blood surged, wrapping Xiang Yufei, blending with the divine peng law, and there were bursts of dragon chant and peng cries, as if they were engaged in an invisible confrontation.

Whether it is Tianpeng descending the dragon, or the real dragon swallowing the Peng, or Xiang Yufei merging the two, all kinds of changes are deriving.

"For others, it may take a lot of time to practice epiphany, but for me, it is just a hint.

Taishang 81 Hua·Birth Xuanling! "Xiang Yufei whispered, his eyes were deep, like the abyss of heaven, in the pupils there were terrible scenes of the world collapsing, gods and demons falling, lightning and thunder.

Taishang's 81 transformation reappeared, the surrounding dragon blood and Dapeng dharma were enlightened spiritually, and they were entangled autonomously, and golden waves appeared in the void surrounding him surging, he came into the world like a god Peng and a real dragon, powerful and powerful The dominance is fully displayed.

"What kind of practice is this? I have never heard of it, I have never seen it, and even the scriptures and mantras I practice are throbbing?" Zhiqian Buddha was surprised. Breaking away from the shape, almost out of control.

And Dharma Protector King Kong was even more astonished. Layered double images appeared on his body, and even the Mantra Mantra of Subduing Dragon and Subduing Tiger appeared, as if he could betray his master on the spot and fall into the arms of the other party as long as the Daoist of all spirits gave an order. middle.

This is simply... a bit evil, even terrifying, which made both of them shudder. Being in the great realm of Buddhism, they have seen many methods of transformation, but they have never seen such a coercive method.

"Tianpeng Dragon Fighting Art, since it is dragon fighting, naturally has to fight, it is naturally a balance between the two sides, reaching the level of yin and yang, there is no one weak and one strong, otherwise it is Tianpeng Dragon Slaying Art.

Endless wisdom, come out!My wisdom is divided into thousands, attuned!Attunement!Attunement!Let me move the field of great wisdom, to deduce, to evolve, to practice!
I have been raising you for so long, do you want me to practice a supernatural power? Work for me! "Xiang Yufei snorted coldly, and countless lights of great wisdom appeared behind him, blending into domains and unfolding, deducing the mystery of the dragon fighting map. This is naturally not the orthodox dragon fighting technique, but his own dragon fighting technique!
Endless field, amazing wisdom!
Combining the two, his talent skyrocketed again, and it was already unstoppable. Even the emperors and gods of war also manifested from the golden bridge on the other side to help him and jointly deduce and deduce.

And from Zu Pengquan, we can also get a glimpse of one or two, Dragon Fighting Art, this is really a shocking holy art, it is a precious art inherited from the blood of the Peng Clan, it can evolve into a vision field, and it can also become a magic field. The power of the killing technique is multiplied when it cooperates with Zupeng Fist.

"Wisdom, such an illusory thing, can also be substantiated? Wanling Road has never shown such a method, is it the Taoist's own handwriting?" eyes.

He found that this Daoist of all spirits is like a bottomless pit. Whenever he thinks it is clear, something new will be revealed, with no limit or reason at all.

"It's no wonder he was able to rush to the Nine Heavens Pass in a short time. It's just that this talent and wisdom are far beyond my reach. I'm ashamed." During the practice, he was stimulated by Xiang Yufei and worked hard.

And with the passage of time, the black and yellow dragon blood here became more and more bright, the dragon's chant was clear, and even the dragon's aura rose up tens of thousands, densely packed.

On the other hand, Xiang Yufei, under the blessing of endless wisdom and the emperors, finally performed his own dragon fighting technique with the help of Zu Pengquan and dragon blood!

Tianpeng Fighting Dragon Art!
A huge Tianpeng emerged from behind, with golden light soaring into the sky, it was as huge as a mountain, its cold eyes opened, making people frightened, like an ancestor god with majesty and majesty. The dragon is like a weapon, but its body is extremely huge, constantly expanding, coiling around Peng's body, looking forward and looking mighty.

This is like the legendary basalt, where the turtle and the snake co-exist, using the mystery of the combination of yin and yang to deduce the double life of the dragon and the roc, and the dragon-fighting technique is also the dragon roc technique!


As soon as this supreme technique came out, the situation suddenly changed, the sky and the earth turned pale, and endless terrifying aura filled the air. Under Xiang Yufei's constant urging, the divine peng and the real dragon coiled into a circle, forming a Taoist map, which is a picture for the sky. Peng fights the dragon map, and then the Peng Ying submerges into his left hand, and the real dragon submerges into his right hand, respectively entwining the dragon Peng, looming, as if they can penetrate the nine heavens and break through the barriers of mythology!

Boom!He swung out, and there was a huge earthquake in ten directions, as if hundreds of thousands of galaxies exploded here, endless flames transpired, and the black and yellow colors crisscrossed the sky, which was too dazzling.

Under this stimulation, the golden dragon's blood below seemed to come alive, uttered a long moan, and danced from the spot, revealing a dilapidated, moss-covered stone cave.

"That's...?" Xiang Yufei's expression moved. He was full of ambition just after he got the magic technique, and he couldn't help but explore after encountering such a change.

However, Zhiqian Buddha and Dharma Protector Vajra are now at an important juncture in their practice, and they cannot be disturbed, so he left a reminder to reveal the location of the cave entrance, and he himself stepped in first.

This moss-covered stone cave is very weird and dark. Only near the entrance of the cave, the place surrounded by golden dragon blood is bright, with light particles flying and falling down, pointing forward. The black moat seemed to be split by a sharp knife.

For some unknown reason in the depths, a gray mist filled the air, whistling, as if something terrible was howling on the opposite side.

"The taste of an unknown substance." Xiang Yufei moved forward intently, and saw a golden crack in Jianfang, where a drop of dragon's blood had been consumed, split the gap, and when he looked inside, he could see the thunder shining. The space shook violently, and blood rained pouring down.

An ominous atmosphere filled the air, and the energy of destruction was surging, which had not yet dissipated!
"Behind the gap, what is it?" His blood boiled all over his body, and the Longpeng Dao map around his body rippled, protecting him from moving forward, through the terrible crack, and through the ocean-like gray-white space behind the door. Fog, you can see part of the scene, but it is a coffin!

A stone, off-white ancient coffin!
What's more frightening is that there are six chains wrapped around the coffin, as if they are connected to the six realms of reincarnation.

"Is this... the coffin cast by the world stone?"

Xiang Yufei's face changed, and six chains imprisoned the coffin hewn from the world stone. Each chain was connected to a corner of the sarcophagus, and he could see phantoms of worlds one after another.

This is like suppressing the sarcophagus in the six major realms, connecting the six reincarnations with chains!
Who is buried here?

And who is going to take the six directions across the reincarnation?


Just when Xiang Yufei touched the place where the coffin was, there was a violent earthquake in the distant chaotic universe outside the dragon's nest, and there was a roar of incomparable anger.

"Infringement... medicine garden... ants... taboo land... untouchable!"

The vermilion warship rumbled, crushing the chaos, the true phoenix, the unicorn, and the golden crow roared, and their bright shadows shone in the sky and the earth, but they were all just divine birds and beasts pulling or protecting the chariot.

As soon as the corpse at the prow was born, it was like an ancient evil spirit reappearing in the sky, and the bloody aura filled the sky, like endless creatures struggling and howling. Terrible ripples pierced the universe, and the black frenzy surged into the sky. It was a destructive aura. , such as the birth of a fierce god dormant in hell.

This piece of heaven and earth was shattered all of a sudden, like a tattered picture scroll rattling in the strong wind, the starry sky was extinguished, and the universe was fragmented, unable to resist this power.

"It's a pity that the former Daewoo-level powerhouse has now become an ignorant wandering spirit, how sad.

And when you look down on the ants and insects like a black dragon, have you ever thought that there are also blue dragons looking down on you? "

However, a sigh resounded, shaking the sea of ​​stars, causing the chaos to split apart and spread out automatically, revealing an open land.

In the chaos, an old man appeared, sitting cross-legged on the lotus platform, with a pair of long white eyebrows, more than a foot long, hanging down, with sparse hair, not many, but he was a well-known figure in the Yinshan region, one of the top scholars. In the extreme domain, known as Baimei Mingzun!
There are three people beside him, all young men and women, energetic, the woman on the right has a beautiful and peaceful face, with a cool temperament, the word "Nai He" is embroidered on the red dress, and she exudes a powerful aura beyond the realm of legend; The man on the left is wearing a black robe and a red crown, with a green face and purple lips, and the word "Yan Luo" is engraved on his chest; the man in the center is wearing a uniform and wearing an emperor's crown. Blue and white, with black eyes, and a big "Yin" character in the center of her eyebrows, she is in the realm of mythology!

However, the saint, the son of Yan Luo, and the Yinzi of Liutian (Xuanming Daozi)!

These are the masters of the Yinshan domain, the three representatives of the younger generation on the evolutionary path of Xuanming, besides the well-known Shenzi and Daozi, there is also a saint.

"Hehehe, the purpose of this old man walking on this battlefield is to refine a war corpse of the same level to strengthen his strength. Now that fellow Taoists are destined for me, how about helping me?" Baimei Mingzun, the ultimate evolutionary Those who are at the same level as Daewoo are naturally not afraid of the existence of this Daewoo creature after the fall, so they will capture it and refine it into a puppet!
Seeing this, the existence on the vermilion boat naturally wouldn't be polite to him, and the rotten eyebrows were about to strike, but at the same time, five figures rushed out behind him, all of them were corpses transformed by the power of Hunyuan !

Their goal is very clear, pointing directly at the Dragon's Nest, they are going to suppress and kill the creatures that invade the medicine garden and disturb the forbidden land!

"Interesting, the venerable is subduing the puppets, let's follow and have a look." The expressions of the three successors moved, and they followed the route of the five Hunyuan powerful corpses with great interest, and went straight to the dragon's nest.

And half a starry sky away, one of the mighty corpses made a move, slapped a palm from an unknown number of light years, and blasted down the dragon's nest.

Star seas undulate one after another, being driven to tumbling and entangled, followed by a big silver-white hand waving and smashing down, covering the ten directions, covering half of the sky below, and smashing into the dragon's nest.

Boom!The starry sky was pierced by his palm, leaving nothing.

A catastrophe of great magnitude suddenly descended upon the Dragon's Nest!

(End of this chapter)

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