Chapter 276 Weapons, Strange World (5K)

Years always pass by inadvertently, and with a flick of a finger, ten years have passed since the war of the former Yinghuo Demon Star.

After that, Taishang Daozu shot at Yufei, collected the dark matter remaining in that star field, and refined all the remaining matter in the node of the magic star's road to immortality, without leaving a trace.

As a result, the avenues of this boundary area were restored, and even became a little more prosperous, as if they had been polished, and became more active.

The maple leaves are red year after year, late autumn comes and goes, and the years keep passing away. The names of Changsheng Tianzun, Xiaoyao Tianzun, Dacheng Bati, etc. have never been forgotten, and they are mentioned from time to time, but they are already Tianxuanxian Dynasty. A monumental achievement.

Since the killing of the two ancient gods of mythology, the number one master in the universe "known to all living beings and on the bright side" has become the Taishang Daozu Xiang Yufei. His combat power is unprecedented, earth-shattering, and no one can be found in the ancient history. Looking at the beginning of the distance, and thinking about the emperor, there is no way to do it. It is an immortal myth.

And the prestige of Emperor Jiuyou is also convincing. He has killed more than three supreme beings in his hands. This is the time when he just proved the Tao, and the results of the battle are brilliant.

Existences such as the Spirit Emperor, Immortal Grandma, Qilin Ancient Emperor, Blood Phoenix Emperor, Golden Emperor, and Wanlong Emperor who fought against the enemy during the war have also been erected temples in the world, and are worshiped and thanked by all races.

With no forbidden zone and the death of the Dark Supreme, the world has entered a thriving era, and after being squeezed, it will inevitably usher in a boom, which is exactly the case now.

The Big Dipper, the East Wasteland.

"All the forbidden areas are scattered, and the supreme ones are all gone. I, this old bone, actually saw this day. It is rare and rare. The flying immortals in the world saw it, and the Pingding restricted area also participated. Now I go to seek refuge with the emperor. Seeing in the old days In terms of casting spells at the entrance of the restricted area together, we should be able to share positions." An old man with thinning hair and few hairs left walked in the world of mortals, and slowly came to the gate of Tianxuan Xianchao Mountain.

When he announced his name, all the monks around him were taken aback. They avoided him and stared at him like a monster.

"This is the Great Immortal Huntuo who cast a curse on the forbidden areas of all life, said everything and killed the Stone Emperor for the expensive curse?"

"Shangshen, the legendary Swanshen!" "Hiss, the man with the spell is so terrifying."

"I heard that in the last years of the ancient times, the Holy Emperor Douzhan praised his spells, and now Emperor Jiuyou and Taishang Daozu have also mentioned it, which shows that it is extraordinary."

The monks gasped for air. They did not expect to meet a legendary figure today.

The disciples of Tianxuan Xianchao reported that a mad old man who had seen the great sage Huntuo soon arrived, and now he has also achieved the quasi-emperor realm. After seeing the great sage Huntuo, he brought him in without saying anything.

In the Immortal Dynasty, it is very different from the past. There is another Nantian Gate beside the Immortal Mountain that stood tall in the past. It belongs to the Shenxu. In this way, the silvery-white and resplendent Fate Stone of Absolute Beginning stands in every corner, acting like a lamp, and from time to time, there will be rays of light rising up and blowing across the long sky.

As for the Immortal Mausoleum, that piece of land is so special, Duan De moved in cheekily, and regarded it as his own home. He stayed with the Immortal Tomb day and night. It is said that he sleeps better and is full of energy every day. There are different large tombs It can be dug; only occasionally, I will see the fairy staring at him, scolding this guy for being restless in the middle of the night, messing around underground.

"Oh? Fellow Daoist of Yuanyuan Lake; that one, that one is... the legendary Emperor Yuan? And His Royal Highness Yuangu who returned to the blood of the emperor's son?"

Suddenly, Great Sage Huntuo paused, and looked at the two figures under the ancient tea tree of Enlightenment in the distance. One was the eighth generation Sun Yuangu who had disappeared for a long time, and the other had silver hair in green clothes and black sun blood in his eyes. The moon is the famous ancient emperor of the past, Yuanhuang!

This emperor should have transformed into heaven and earth, how could he reappear?

"At the beginning, the traces of the three heirs of the Yuan Emperor dissipated too thoroughly. When they sat down, their dao marks were scarce, so the summoning of the soul was slower. It was not until these days that they were irrigated with the blood of the Supreme Being and gradually returned." A voice sounded, and it was Xiang Yu Fei, sitting cross-legged on the top of the Immortal Mountain, naturally knew the news of the arrival of the God of Decay.

This lord is very different, he will be very useful in the future, and he is happy to be under his command, his fate is hard enough and he can still be restrained.

"Calling the soul? Taishang really has such a good method, I and other ordinary people can't imagine it." The great sage Huntuo can only sigh with emotion. This kind of method is something that the emperors and emperors of all dynasties could not do, but it is performed in the hands of Daozu. Things you can't even think about.

Immediately afterwards, he discovered an even more remarkable thing, that is, the five ancient emperor forces, Yuanhu Lake, Golden Cave, Wanlong Nest, Xuehuang Mountain, and Huolin Cave, actually moved their ancestral land into the sky. In the Xuanxian Dynasty, it is obvious that he has become a part of it and inherited it in one line.

It's just that the situation at Wanlong's Nest is a little strange. From time to time, you can see an old man in animal skin dangling there with a stick of white bones, muttering words like "tooth-beating sacrifice" from time to time, which is very scary and terrifying. The ethnic group trembled and did not dare to go out for fear of being caught.

Seeing him, Great Sage Huntuo recalled the news that had been circulated a few years ago for no reason. It is said that an elder sage in Wanlong Nest was awakened by Wanlong Emperor, soaring into the sky and stepping into the quasi-emperor level, but was killed the next day. An old man came to the door and beat him unconscious, and he has not woken up until now. It seems that he was beaten into a plant dragon in the same way back then, and it has become an unsolved case in the world.

Not far away, the basalt elixir crawled around the silver sea of ​​reincarnation, Wei Yi old man and the old Taoist priest of the Cai clan sat cross-legged on it, making tea and discussing Taoism, the rhyme of the quasi-emperor dao was permeating, and the emperor's dao masters were everywhere But it is nothing in the walking area.

"The Immortal Dynasty really has a profound foundation, the leader of the world, and the leader of the universe, deserves it." The great sage Huntuo can only sigh with emotion, not only the masters of the emperor's way, but also the quasi-emperor powerhouse, there are so many here that it is unimaginable.

It seems that as a great sage of the curse, I can only mix with a small pawn of the gatekeeper.

"It's rare, this wicked guy still has time to suffer." Yan De looked back at Yufei, but he sensed a change in Xianling, and couldn't help laughing.

I saw a person and a dog galloping there, running so fast, the smoke and dust rose ten feet high, like an earth dragon turning over, making a lot of noise, and the live treasures started fighting again.

"Dog! Dog thing! Dog thief! Don't run away, your grandpa Dade is here for revenge. If you don't make your ass blossom today, I will not be Daoist!" , Turned over to become the master, holding a whip turned into an emperor's spear in his hand, twitching fiercely, whipping the black emperor, revenge for the wrath of so many years of favor.

The big black dog howled from being whipped, his butt was red, and he couldn't help grinning his teeth, "Wow! Garbage man pet, even if you can convince me of my body, you can't convince me of my heart, and you can't be inferior to that arrogant Head, besides, you are not big in the first place, and your surname is not big."

"Still stubborn? Let's see how the Taoist will deal with you, Tongtian Mingbao, suppress it for me! Corpse Emperor, hurry up, grab it!" Duan De was full of confidence, smashing Tongtian Mingbao in one hand, while directing the corpse emperor shot.

How shameless!Isn't this bullying an honest dog!Seeing this, the Black Emperor was furious, seven of them were dissatisfied and eight were not angry, but they had no choice but to run away sullenly, "I have something to do, so I'm leaving first, if it wasn't for the fact that Wushi Great Emperor's second hand was exhausted, how could this emperor be so angry? . "

The big black dog froze, and wanted to run away. It was the first time he was so emboldened, but he couldn't escape. His body was fixed by the Tongtian Mingbao, and he was picked up by the corpse emperor in an instant, and held in his hands.

"Jie Jie Jie, dead dog, Dao Master is here for revenge today, and it finally fell into Dao Master's hands, huh? If you don't let you call me master instead today, Dao Master will waste all his efforts!" Duan Dejie Jie smiled strangely, and trampled on the black dog with his big hands, showing all eighteen skills.

"If you can't kiss a man or a man, let go!" Heihuang's copper bell and big eyes rolled around, and finally choked out such a shocking and weeping sentence.

Unfortunately, it really fell down today and was sanctioned by Duan De.

"I have made contributions to all beings, and I have shed blood for the darkness and turmoil. Heixiang save me!"

The dog is barking, the dog is barking.

But Xiang Yufei did not 'hear', he fell into an ethereal state, looked into the distance, and felt a kind of peace, a kind of peace in which the universe is in his hands.

Finally, he had a tactile sensation and somehow remembered something, and that was his weapon.

The holy emperor's mace and the burial coffin have not been used for a long time. Although the material is top-notch, it is difficult to be effective in the supreme battle due to the level. Therefore, it has been used for a long time. There are too many disadvantages of leading the realm in combat power.

"After sacrificing the weapons, there are still the bloodlines of the supreme beings that need to be transformed to complete my body of all races and Taos."

Sitting cross-legged here, Xiang Yufei re-sacrificed his burial coffin and holy emperor's mace. Because his combat power had seriously surpassed the realm, his weapons could not keep up with the level, and he rarely showed up in battles. Now he It is to solve this problem.

"Dugu Nian, laughing at the common people, Yi ghosts and gods, Fu Tianxian; I have not killed you before, and now it is time for you to come in handy. Forge my weapons with mythical creatures and add immeasurable divine power.

Since I am a mythical emperor, I can't let the two weapons fall, and it should be so. "

With a thought in his mind, two of the four mythological beings sealed in the Zhuxian Sword Formation were shaken out, and they were the laughing common people and Yi ghosts.

The holy emperor's mace was brightly lit, and turned into nine purple-gold true dragons that entangled and came out, bound Xiao Cangsheng's body, trying to refine him and fuse him into one; Enter it and refine it to extract the mythical fruit.

In addition, the blood essence and ancient artifact fragments of the Dark Supreme manifested, blended into it, and served as auxiliary materials.

"Xiang Yufei, you are so cruel! Even in heaven and earth, no one would dare to do this to a mythical creature with such a refining tool as me!"

"Mythical fruit status is immortal, even if you use the two of us to refine weapons, you can't erase the traces of existence. As long as someone practices our method and touches the traces, he will return one day!"

The two struggled and kept scolding, unwilling to accept that half of their glorious life ended up like this, this was much more uncomfortable than dying in battle.

It's really aggrieved to be turned into a weapon for the enemy to drive.

"It's none of my business what the heaven and the earth are like. This is the nine heavens and ten earths. Whatever I say is what I say. As for returning from the resurrection, you don't have to think about it. After you become my weapon, all traces of you will pass through." Spirit, transforming on its own; in the future there will be no laughing at the common people and Yi ghosts and gods, only the holy mace of the common people and the burial coffin of ghosts and gods, that's all."

Xiang Yufei remained unmoved, looked down indifferently, and increased the blazing power of Dao Huo. With his current strength, it was too easy to melt these two people into one hand. In the divine weapon, a mythical weapon is achieved.

All of a sudden, the sound of clangs can be heard here, and the light of the fairy lights shocked the universe. Nine purple and golden dragons soared into the sky, creating the supreme myth of the ninety-nine supreme beings.

The burial coffin hangs high, as if the entire ancient history was buried inside, and the entire future is vast and full of infinite possibilities. Its mythology is connected with the gate of the potential of the Taoist Palace, and there are ten colors of unknown substances manifested and integrated into it. Black Blood, White Sha, Golden Scale, Silver Streak, Red Hair, Blue Halo, Green Glow, Brown Embroidery, Amethyst, and Gray Mist all appeared in the sky.

Looking from a distance, it seems to be no different from the emperor's soldiers. With the wave, the kingdom of the gods on the earth descends, the hall of the world is opened, the realm of the sky and the heart are united, and the magic that bursts out is even better than the gods of the extreme way.

"Good, very good, very good."

Seeing the sublimation of the two ancient artifacts that accompanied his growth, he was also very satisfied and laughed.

The holy emperor's mace governs the common people, and the burial coffin suppresses ghosts and gods.

This is even more in line with his two mythological methods of the 81 transformation of the Supreme and the Ten Absolute Deceitful Dao, which can already be used in combat.

"Is the Supreme Master casting a weapon? To have such a vision, could it be the emperor's soldier?"

"But he hasn't attained enlightenment yet, even if his combat power has been achieved, he shouldn't be cast."

Under the starry sky, many monks guessed that they all saw the vision of the shining universe just now.

In the midst of this discussion, Xiang Yufei had already stepped away and went to the underworld to inspect his slaves in the imperial way.

"Welcome to the return of the Lord!"

In the underworld, soldiers of the war slaves worshiped and saluted. They were impregnated with evolutionary substances, and they were extremely fanatical. They regarded Yufei as their creator god and the source of all evolution.

The first generation of royal war slaves has been revived, the Dacheng overlord body is standing tall, with purple-black blood aura steaming all over his body, his aura is stronger than in the past, but the soul is different, replaced by a brand new existence, 'live out The Second World'.

"See you, my lord!" Seeing Xiang Yufei coming, he suddenly lowered his body and saluted without the slightest discomfort, and without the slightest enmity in his life, as if they were two irrelevant people.

"Okay, very good, very good, I need subordinates like you, hawks and hawks, the most important thing is the eagle, the ability is the most important, the past of the hegemony has nothing to do with you, from now on, you are the queen of my dungeon Dao warrior, Canglan, do you understand?" Xiang Yufei nodded in satisfaction.

The combination of his own evolutionary material and the burial site was surprisingly effective. This is the foundation for his future growth. Every time he kills an enemy, he will be able to create a powerful war slave. Why not do it?
Not far away, the tomb was cracked, and the Lord of Reincarnation, the Lord of the God Ruins, the Supreme Being of Abandoned Heaven, and the Supreme Being of Light and Darkness also walked out, and revived into the first generation of imperial war slaves, with a reincarnation mark flashing in his body, and his eyes were confused and rational , quickly stabilized, and bowed to Xiang Yufei, "Master!"


It is not surprising that a master of the imperial way, the former enlightened ones bowed down and spit out such words from their mouths. Even Wushen Zun, who founded the ancient heaven in the past, could not get such treatment, nor could he It is impossible to achieve surrender like this.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
My former enemy now respectfully calls me master, this is so interesting, so interesting.

This kind of pleasure, this kind of pleasure, this kind of sense of conquest, I never thought that you can still have such a use after death, which really satisfies me, and the evolutionary substance is not wasted. "

Xiang Yufei laughed and acted recklessly, subdued all enemies, and reincarnated as slaves. In the future, these guys will be his generals, loyal generals; but before they were alive, these guys still fought against him as a life-and-death enemy. Sarcastic and funny.

Amidst his laughter, the supreme and domineering Dacheng hegemony that had launched the dark turmoil did not move at all, and stood there faithfully, sharing the joy with its master.

"Okay, let's go down for now, Samsara and Shenxu, you two go to the chaos to open up the world, looking for the remnants of the ancient years; light and darkness, abandoning the sky, you will look for the corpses and remnants of the masters of the emperor in the universe; Cang Lan, you will guard the underworld."

After a while, Xiang Yufei gave an order to disperse the few people, and sat cross-legged in the depths of the underworld, ready to conduct another experiment.

Swish!Chaotic blood emerged, fetal blood of the Innate Eucharist appeared, and various blood samples and constitution samples were all displayed in the field, shining brilliantly.

These samples that have been cultivated for a long time are also coming in handy, and it is time to integrate them into one furnace.

"Hehe, ten thousand races and ten thousand ways, today should be a small success, and when the fragments of the fairyland are salvaged, it should be a further step."

He smiled slightly, and looked at the samples of mixed blood, all of which were well bred.

Known fusion physiques such as Yuanling Holy Physique and Sacred Physique; Xiang Yufei even discovered that the Holy Physique can really be fused with other physiques, and it is simply a universal material. The Holy Demon Physique fused with the Primal Demon Physique, the Holy Immortal Physique fused with the Supreme Immortal Physique, the Bright Holy Physique fused with the Bright Physique, etc., are all powerful bloodlines with great potential.

And the fusion of blood from different races has also achieved great results. For example, the blood of the Fearless Lion and the blood of the Blood Phoenix Mountain can be combined to give birth to the blood of the Blood Phoenix Lion, Qilin, Zilong, and Golden Cave in ancient times. Some will cause conflicts, and some mutations are actually weakened, not as good as the mother body. These parts are all cut and discarded, leaving only good seeds and samples to continue to cultivate.

The birth of these samples and resources naturally made Xiang Yufei very excited. He devoured all of them and contained them in his own origin. Strong and boundless.


In an instant, a thunderbolt fell from the sky, and he broke through like this, taking a further step in the quasi-emperor's domain.

"Climbing from sky to sky is too slow, it's time to go faster."

Xiang Yufei said to himself, stepped into the sky step by step, and countless figures appeared behind him, all of which were the dharma images corresponding to the blood and physique. The chaos, the holy body, the holy body, etc. were all presented, and all kinds of blood and energy mixed together. Mottled and gorgeous, it seems that all the colors of the heavens and myriad domains are included here.

There are also visions of Qilin attracting auspiciousness, blood phoenix flying into the sky, five-color fairy phoenix soaring into the clouds, purple dragon chanting, silver dragon hovering, basalt expanding the sea, and white tiger opening the sky, all of which are manifestations of special bloodlines, surrounding him against the sky, It directly blasted through the sea of ​​robbery to meet the berserk thunder.

At the same time, in a hidden node in the human world, there was an inexplicable cracking sound, as if something was broken, exuding a different breath.

And in the underground of Donghuang, an ancient pagoda rose up, filled with immortal energy, shaking the eternal blue sky. The pagoda body is simple and divided into nine floors, flowing with the power of time, as if running through the entire ancient history of cultivation.

A figure inside said softly, "It's the breath of that place, how could it penetrate so suddenly?"

(End of this chapter)

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