Shading the sky: from the beginning of the emperor

Chapter 345 Blood Stains the Realm Sea, Emperor Refines Foreign Lands

Chapter 345 Blood Stains the Realm Sea, Emperor Refines Foreign Lands (5K3)

The boundary sea is magnificent and boundless.

Five figures pierced through the air, and the world community was shattered by the terrifying ripples, and the waves flew across the era.

The dam roared, and the blood king came in pursuit. Xiang Yufei looked ahead, and the familiar sea area appeared in front of him.

Now, he is here again, fearless, ready to set off a monstrous storm, and slowly stretches out a hand, Ten Absolutely Deceitful Dao·Zixiaojue is rotating, and thunder is billowing at his fingertips, it is very terrifying!
At this moment, the palm of his hand was like a dark cloud, and each finger was like a pillar supporting the sky. When he pressed down shockingly, a thunderous universe appeared in the entire palm of his hand, mountains and rivers, all spirits, sun, moon and stars Countless celestial structures are all formed by Lei Daozu's material, and life is bred in the destruction, just like God's punishment, destroying the heavens.

"Hmph, the Thunder Emperor who was born with the Heavenly Tribulation fell as before, and Lei Dao is no match for foreign lands. Who can defy the sky?" An Lan made a move, and the ancient golden spear cut across the sky to stop all of this.

This is the supreme mighty force, the sharp spears are shining, the golden light covers the sky, it is extremely dazzling, the peerless and immortal king soldiers are unparalleled in the world, resisting the Lei Dao universe, the terrible purple lightning is accompanied by the golden glow, illuminating the fog near the sea, It attracted one gaze after another, even if it is far away in the worlds, it can be clearly seen.

"It's just a siege, but you are so proud of it, it's ridiculous." Xiang Yufei sneered, as if the sky collapsed in the flip of his hand, the original Lei Dao universe exploded and the Chifeng spear exploded, thousands of palms fell down. Dao Lei Dian waterfall, each waterfall conceives a universe, and the world of Lei Dao is born in the universe, and the world regenerates into the sky, endlessly, surging down.

This scene is both real and illusory. It is clearly a destructive force, but it also breeds boundless vitality.

boom!In an instant, An Lan flew upside down, and the Immortal Shield blocked most of the impact for him. The Dark Immortal King and the Fallen King had no such power. It was also evaporated to dryness at the first time, leaving nothing behind.

This scene of the kings in a state of embarrassment fully reflects the world, and is seen by all spirits, causing great waves.

"The great reckoning, we will start it!" A group of people were excited and uplifted, the Immortal King of Jiyuan, that is how flamboyant and wanton, an absolute master of the world.

Fighting against the Immortal Kings from all directions, chasing and killing them into the sea of ​​realms, and starting the Great Reckoning alone, will inevitably shine through the ages, and the glory will continue to the next era, becoming an inescapable person in ancient history, and becoming a myth passed down by everyone in future generations!
"So, the general trend has come." Hunyuan Immortal King glanced at Emperor Zun who was in the process of crossing the catastrophe. He had already come to an end. With the Burial King and the Immortal Domain Twin Kings guarding him, he naturally didn't need him to stay, so he simply followed into the boundary sea.

The sky was filled with mist, the boundary sea was silent and lifeless, and there was a strange aura that diffused from there.

The six immortal kings shuttled here one after the other, the sky and the earth twirled as they walked, the entire time and space seemed to be turned upside down, the universe was different, and the sea of ​​realms turned into a cage.

"They want to ask for help, fellow daoist, make a quick decision!" Hunyuan Immortal King narrowed his eyes, and after seeing their course of action, he immediately sent a voice transmission to Yufei.

Sure enough, after passing through the fog again, an island appeared in the sea area ahead, dotted all over, very eye-catching in the sea, where there were clusters of fires shining, extremely bright.

There are strong people sitting cross-legged, that is the fire of their primordial spirit, illuminating the world, obviously there is a king among them!
"Go to the island, there are our people there." The Dark Immortal King and the Fallen King signaled An Lan and the three to follow up. As long as they found help, they would be able to counterattack immediately.

But the Blood King flapped his wings violently, crossed Cang Yu, and appeared behind them, and a figure standing on his back was pressing towards him, with a feeling of oppression that was unparalleled.

Normally speaking, the extreme of immortality can fight against ordinary immortal kings, and it is impossible for him to have extreme strength. One step, and deduced the realm of the fairy king, and shaped the long river of fate in that realm, so that we can rise to the top on the basis of being able to fight the fairy king, and there is a sea storm that can kill the fairy king quickly. Gained the confidence to cross the boundary sea.

"Fleeing in fear of battle is also worthy of being king!"

Xiang Yufei burst out a strong blood energy from the top of his head, reflecting the heavens, causing the long river of time to manifest to tremble, his arms slid across the mysterious trajectory, golden feathers fell, dark clouds filled the sky, a ancestral peng soared upwards, a celestial dragon soared through the clouds, and the ancestral The picture of Peng Bolong reappears, deduces the supreme magic method, and the light of black and yellow flits openly.

All of a sudden, the hurricane raged, the sky thundered, the gods poured blood, and all kinds of terrible visions appeared in the world.

"The supernatural power of the one who breaks the king and becomes the emperor!" An Lan's pupils contracted, and he was moved, feeling the aura of facing the emperor of heaven. There is no doubt that this is the method created by the emperor!

But this blow was not aimed at him, but directed at the Dark Immortal King and the Fallen King. The sky map fell like a landslide and a tsunami. Every turn of the Black Dragon and Jin Peng made the ruins of the Great Realm tremble violently, and the vast air waves rolled forward. Tear open the sky, making people tremble.

"This is the sea of ​​realms, do you still want to create any storms!" The two kings joined forces to attack together, forming a chessboard of great avenues, the sea of ​​realms around them boiled, and the great realms inside each fallen flower became a grain of water. Chess pieces, phantoms from the ancient world revived and suppressed, and endless powerful creatures rushed out in the form of gods and demons. This is using the power of the sea to kill the enemy!
However, the universe was born and died in an instant, and in the eyes of everyone, the Xuanhuang Tiantu was once again magnified, straddling the sky and the earth, crashing down and crushing the gods, and blasting many phantoms and gods and demons in the big world with a random shake.

"In front of me, can you make any waves?" Xiang Yufei responded calmly, Tiantu suppressed him, and the Dark Immortal King coughed up blood on the spot, flying up like a scarecrow, was hit hard, and almost fell apart. I don't know how many bones were broken.

He yelled angrily, his body shook violently, and he couldn't stop it at all, blood spattered among the ruins.

As an immortal king, he has never been in such a mess before, and he has never been defeated, but today he suffered the biggest setback in his life, a fiasco!
Xiang Yufei didn't give him a chance to reorganize at all. The top of the time furnace was lifted, and the flames swept out along with the storm, and they were captured and suppressed in the furnace on the spot, ending an immortal king!

The fallen king is terrified, that furnace is too evil!

Not only can it suppress the storm in the boundary sea, even the king will be suppressed without any resistance. What is the origin, the weapon that breaks the king and becomes the emperor?Or is it left by the Emperor of Heaven? !

At this moment, he had no intention of fighting again, he was completely defeated, and even the three foreign kings couldn't care less, and galloped to the island, asking for help.

"Monument of the Immortal King!" Yu Tuo understood the pros and cons of it, and shot immediately, the bronze fairy clothes gathered the light of immortality, and his whole body turned into a monument of heaven that flew up and down.

This stele is not simple. Countless creatures worship it around it, and the shadows all contain terrifying power. The sound waves of chanting are layered together and directly turn everything into nothingness, disintegrate and completely dissipate the tangible matter.

"Immortal? Who can be immortal under the sword! Immortal kings are all dung when they are cut off." A knife, the knife of destruction!

At this moment, the knife cut through the rules of the heavens, separated the veins of the avenue, and slashed across, breaking through all obstacles!
clang!The monument trembled, the front collided with the light of the sword, every inch of law and avenue was withering and drying up, every kind of magic was disappearing into nothingness, every strand of immortal light was decaying and dying, existence was empty, only silence It is eternity, and the underworld is the final destination.

"Yu Tuo, I'm here to help you!" An Lan was eager to save his friend, his face became colder and colder, his eyes were as deep as the starry sky, in which there were scenes of the destruction of the heavens, and the grand occasion of the revival of all things, he shook the golden spear violently , stabbing forward, and instantly dense spears appeared in the endless void.

Each one is extremely huge, some flow with the black light that destroys the universe, some flash with the special texture of the great world of good fortune, and some are condensed with ten thousand methods and ten thousand ways. With a bang, the whole world is like It shattered, this boundless void, the vast sea was pierced and torn apart by huge spears one after another, and flew towards the will of heaven with the power of rules.

Between the heavens and the earth, there was a great destruction, and the spear was unmatched, piercing everything, tearing up what was seen, and even the raging waves were shaken away.

"Little trick, think I don't know how to do it." Xiang Yufei pressed down with the other hand, and the pale mist mixed with the supernatural creatures rushed out, and there were heavenly knives one after another around him, with different styles. Very intimidating, with fragments of the avenue, this is his knife of providence, everywhere.

Some are silver and white, some are as red as blood, all of them are entwined with order and intertwined with rules, and the blades are raised one after another, like the heavens are layered around him, following his will, he raises the butcher's knife high, and slashes forward!

In an instant, countless heavenly knives and war spears shook together, innumerable, each bite was like a cosmic sea of ​​stars burning, so many gathered together, the endless ruins were illuminated at the same time, the world under the eternal silence The 'heaven' in Jiehai seemed to be resplendent.

boom!The Eternal Celestial Monument flew up and turned into Yu Tuo's appearance again. The bronze fairy clothes were dim, and the light wings behind her disappeared at some point; Basically erased.

Xiang Yufei's expression was calm, and the sky knife around his body was also disintegrating, and finally only one bite was left in his hand. After all, his ten unique tricks were better in the peerless duel. Fusion opened up another way and became the strongest attack method.

At this moment, a scream rang out, breaking the calm. It was the fallen king who fled forward. He was swept up by a terrible air current, covered in blood, and extremely embarrassed.

That was a boundary sea storm!

Because of its proximity, those fairy kings gathered on the island in order to avoid the disaster; but the six people who arrived didn't know it, and they were bumped into by him head-on.

Whenever a black storm swept past, if one didn't pay attention, an immortal king would perish, and his death would be miserable.

Moreover, the further you go inward, the more small black storms there will be, sometimes making the Immortal King exhausted and needing to dodge constantly.

This black storm never dwindled before the arrival of the Windcatcher. It was formed by the ripples of order and never extinguished. After the accumulation of one era after another, it swept from the opposite bank and stagnated in this sea area.

The further you go in, the more storms there are, which means more danger!
The three foreign kings couldn't help but frown, this scene was too scary.

"Ha, haha, hahaha! Suicide." Xiang Yufei laughed mockingly, and approached with a time furnace in his hand, wanting to harvest with the wind and others!
Just a few words, like the impact of metal, made people feel extremely uncomfortable. He walked forward step by step, staring at the fallen king, cruel and cold, the time furnace was continuously twisted, and turned into A dreadful cage made him tremble with fear.

He didn't want to be imprisoned, he resisted extremely, absolutely didn't want to!

"Seniors, this is the end of the matter, let's go, I'll finish the job." Suddenly, Tiangu Immortal King spoke with a calm expression and a resolute tone, and went straight ahead past An Lan and Yu Tuo, wanting to risk his life to hold back Xiang Yufei's pace Therefore, it is naturally worthwhile to exchange him for the two supreme kings. The ancient ancestors that foreign lands need are not him.

Anlan Yutuo's expression froze, but he also understood the seriousness of the matter, he didn't say anything more, just sighed, and left in a hurry, but the Hunyuan Immortal King would not sit idly by, and called the Blood King to catch up with him, rushing into the mist middle.

"Why bother?" Looking back at Xiang Yufei, no one thought that the fair battle between the two of them would turn into a life-and-death battle. Under such circumstances, they had different positions and had no choice.

"Nine Heavens is your hometown, but the foreign land is also my hometown, let's fight!" Tiangu Immortal King didn't say much, his red hair was fluttering, his eyes were as deep as a black abyss, and his whole body was slowly forming seals, a pounding The majestic pressure came out, shaking the sky and the ground, and the purple sun outside the body emitted terrifying flames, becoming more and more blazing.

Phantoms of countless alien creatures appeared, knelt down on the ground, and worshiped the purple sun; followed by the purple auspicious light emitted by the great sun, it became ripples and came out in a mighty way, as if it had existed for billions of years. Descending into the world, it is extremely ancient, and its origin cannot be tested!
"Then let's fight." Xiang Yufei didn't care about the fallen king who was entangled by the storm, and jumped to kill Xiang Tiangu Immortal King. His whole body was stained with a layer of silver light, which was the fifth best silver in ten tricks. At the end of the wave, the silver-streaked substance mixed with the sea storm, the wind and waves rolled wildly, descending like a river of souls, submerging towards the purple sun, and the waves slapped the shore and beat on those phantoms who worshiped.

Boom!The auspicious air is surging, the purple light is ten thousand, like the roar of mountains and seas, the sound is earth-shattering, the scene here is extremely frightening.

The king fought to the death, the celestial light soared into the sky, bursts of celestial music sounded, visions soared, the purple sun shone in the sky, and the soul river rose with silver billows. Two completely different avenues intertwined and criss-crossed, shocking this sea area, Destroyed one piece after another of the ruins of the great world, and even attracted the attention of distant islands.

But the gap is a gap after all. The level of combat power between the supreme king and the ordinary fairy king is like a gap, which cannot be crossed by fighting for life. The ancient immortal king was still defeated and retreated staggeringly. up, down low.

The storm and the river of souls submerged him, strangled his body, annihilated his primordial spirit, separated an immortal king, turned him into a sacrificial offering, and enshrined it to the supreme lord of the underworld.

"After all." Tiangu sighed softly, thinking that the road would come to an abrupt end here, but Xiang Yufei showed an inexplicable smile, "Death? That's a waste, Tiangu, I like you very much. You help my underworld expand its borders and expand its land, and it will be immortal forever!"

As he said that, he directly activated the Time Furnace to accommodate Tiangu King's physical body and primordial spirit, and then locked him in the ocean of evolutionary material accumulation, to let him transform and convert to sit down.

For a king, death is the greatest waste and blasphemy. As long as he is alive, he can shine for the underworld, open up territories for the nine heavens and ten lands, and become the most devout believer, whether it is a fallen king, a dark fairy king, or an immortal king. , there is no difference in the underworld, they only have one identity, the divine evolutionary!
At the same time, the fallen king who was struggling in the storm felt a chill in his heart. He suddenly found that the Jiyuan Immortal King had appeared again, and he had already dealt with the Immortal King, and it was his turn.

"I am a king, how can I be inferior to others!"

He was not reconciled, and resisted desperately, but as soon as he started to make a move, he was horrified. The opponent's body sprayed out dark matter far surpassing him, shaking the world, and directly devoured the erosive matter released by him. It disintegrated, and couldn't escape the ending of the fairy king's blood splashing, and was blown up on the spot, and the whole thing was thrown into the furnace of time.

"Huh? There are fairy kings fighting." "The storm in the sea is coming,"

On the island, the dark fairy kings opened their eyes and realized that something was wrong.

In front, there is a little bit of luster, golden light floating on the water surface, like the rising sun, with brilliance, this is very strange, in the boundary sea, death and silence are the eternal themes, how did this kind of thing appear?
There are bursts of haze, it is the essence, it is the essence of the spirit, with the imprint of the fairy king, and some bloody smell.

A fairy king has fallen!
The next moment, they saw ripples, which were the Dao symbol, with black light and blood, spreading and sweeping across the sea.

It was a storm!
And after the storm, there was still a person standing, the person who was walking on the blood and bones of the Immortal King!

The dark hurricane whizzed by, the king shed blood, and the sky wailed.

Boundary sea storm?

Windcatcher! ! !
At the same time, the great red sky, the restricted area of ​​the underworld.

The mighty light finally dissipated, and the heavy chains were broken free, revealing a figure wearing a purple gold crown and a black robe. He stood on a tripod, his eyes were deep, and his body was full of ripples and chaotic mist.

In the haze, the track of the avenue turned into a throne hanging high, standing on the top of the era, announcing to the world that a new fairy king is coming!
The king of myths, the lord of the ancient heaven, Emperor Zun!
Standing there, he is the source of the birth of law and order. He can reopen a world, make the universe full of vitality, multiply all things, revive spiritual energy, and enter a splendid age of cultivation.

"It's him! The tribulation passer is actually the original quasi-king, Emperor?" The three quasi-kings of Chihong Realm, Heilong Realm, and Tianyuan Realm exclaimed, with expressions of disbelief. An acquaintance who had traveled with them for a while!

But at this moment, with the recitation of the honored name, a bronze fairy tripod suddenly appeared in the world, with a simple atmosphere, and the mouth of the tripod swallowed countless worlds, as if one piece of fairyland was ups and downs.

Recite the honorable name of the immortal king, reflecting the worlds!

Emperor Zun becomes king!

All of a sudden, the world roared, the ceiling sprinkled, the fragrance burst out, and the golden glow covered the sky. Everyone was celebrating and cheering for the birth of a brand new king.

"My apprentice Emperor, you have the appearance of a king!" With a pop, the grave was dug up, and the disgraced Duan De burst out, smiling evilly, with his nostrils turned to the sky, and with his hands on his hips, he let out a soul cry.

Tianzun Changsheng, Tianzun of Nirvana, Tianzun of Lingbao, Tianzun of Xiaoyao were silent for a while, the body of the Immortal Emperor froze slightly, and he accidentally recited the name in his heart, and suddenly a big tripod fell from the sky...
At this moment, Emperor Zun felt the perspective above the era, overlooking the worlds, and he moved.

Taking one step forward, spanning nine days, directly landed on the frontier of the foreign land.

This ancient realm was ups and downs, but there was not a single immortal king in it, and all of them rushed into the realm sea.

Right now is a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, let me fish.

"Foreign land, is it better to refine it into a tripod, or into ten places?"

Emperor Zun, whispering slowly, decides the fate of the foreign land.

This is a dilemma.

 Good guy, the sky has changed a lot after scoring

(End of this chapter)

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