Shading the sky: from the beginning of the emperor

Chapter 354 Reaching the Highest, Slash to the Sky for an Era!

Chapter 354 Reaching the Highest, Slash to the Sky for an Era! (6K)

Call ~
The cold wind blows across the magnificent battlefield, whimpering, huge cities stand everywhere, the universe is the cornerstone, densely covered in this dark red cold hard land, billowing clouds and mist.

At this moment, the four major calamity soils are very uneasy, especially the four extreme floating soils. Inexplicable changes have taken place, and internal changes have occurred, all due to the time furnace in the hands of the King of All Souls.


There was a riot on the plateau path, and the strong wind swept ashes across the four directions. This area was covered in darkness, and the darkest moment was eternal. The blood rained torrentially, rushing out of the ground and flying into the sky.

The surroundings were dark and chaotic, and bloody lightning intertwined one after another in the darkness, pouring out freely; on the side was the flames of riots, the momentum and fluctuations were covered by it, and it was unknown, and it seemed that there was some kind of existence gradually recovering from the other side , the rain of black blood keeps falling, and it will return from beyond the world to rain down blood and chaos.

This left the kings who came back in a hurry speechless. They were worried about what happened before, but it turned out that it was just a method used by their ancestral land.

The soul river, the ancient underworld, the burial pit of the emperor of heaven, and the deepest part of the four poles all have paths leading to the plateau, which are so ancient that it is difficult to see them in the long river.

"Cultivate the plank road in the open, and keep the warehouse in the dark." They looked at each other and immediately realized that the so-called riot was just a cover-up to prepare for running through this path unknown to God.

Since ancient times, they have only exposed the cycle of reincarnation and have a direct path to God, but God is not aware of the secrets of the other three major disasters.

This shows that the highland, that plateau is really going to be shot, and there will even be an officiant descending!
And from that small path, there was also a will coming out, telling them to stabilize the situation, attract the attention of everyone in the sky, and not let them affect the return of the chief priest.

All of a sudden, the kings were ordered to belong to their respective ancestral lands, reported to the supreme beings, and began to prepare to launch an offensive against the camp of heaven.

The original peace only lasted a hundred years.

On this day, the sky and the earth were gloomy, and the wind and cloud changed suddenly. It was as if someone was roaring and singing softly, and then a terrible flute sounded, saving all spirits and harvesting the world. At first, the rhythm was very slow. In the end, people's soul light trembled slightly, being attracted, wanting to leave the body with them.

clang!At the same time, the earth trembled, the death knell sounded, and the rumble of the bell spread out from the circle of reincarnation; there was also the sound of copper gongs beating, the carving of tombstones, and the sound of nailing inscriptions sounded from the burial pit of the Emperor of Heaven; It seems that the wraiths are crying, and the four extreme floating earths also joined in; the four great evil earths joined forces to play the mourning sound, which is really shocking, as if people heard the sound of summoning all spirits to go to the underworld after the opening of hell.

"What happened? What are the four great calamities doing!" Someone shouted, and the soul light was about to break out of the body, almost being pulled over, and died on the spot.

More masters looked dignified, they had already seen the origin of this secret technique, and their hearts were heavy.

"The chaotic song of all spirits crossing the catastrophe, this song should have sounded from the soul river, leading the souls of the heavens to fall, but the death knell of reincarnation was sounded in the ancient underworld, the grave was engraved with a stele, the floating earth was blown by the wind, and they joined forces to mobilize it, the power It will be unprecedentedly terrifying." The Immortal King Bianhuang appeared and tried to isolate the music, but it was useless at all, it was resonating with the soul light, and all living beings could not escape, so they could only resist.

Chaos and All Souls Crossing Tribulation Song!
The most frightening thing about this magical technique is not the single lethality, but the often weird reversal of the battle situation. In that extremely distant era, someone counted that as long as it blows, people in the same camp will almost win a big victory , very evil, but also extremely scary, extremely mysterious.

The next moment, all the kings came out together, roaring the worlds, descending from the four great evil lands, and invited to fight against the heavens.

Among them, the tops join hands and the giants gather. Obviously, it is not a small fight in the past, but a real battle.

"Do you want to rely on these crooked methods to win? Even if you play this song, you will not be able to change the situation of the battle!"

All the immortal kings from the sky also appeared, standing in the flames, almost burning the heavens, and they fought against others one after another.

This time, Xiang Yufei did not attack, but guarded the ancient city and confronted the Dark Immortal King on the other side.

It's just that he felt something strange in the dark, and he couldn't explain it clearly, but the frontier wars are sudden and frequent, and it's impossible for someone to make an appointment with you to fight again, so the kings didn't think there was anything wrong , but during the deduction, Xiang Yufei saw some broken pictures, which gave him a bad feeling.

"What is Etu waiting for? Is there really a supreme being who wants to return?" He vaguely felt that something was wrong, but there were so many masters in the sky, those quasi-immortal emperors and Taoist ancestors did not make any moves, and what he could foresee, those existences must be fully seen. Even if something does happen, it will be dealt with, so there is no need to worry.

In the thousand years of World War I, not only the Immortal Kings, but also the true Immortals and creatures from the realm of Humanity joined the battlefield.

The descendant of the four major evil soils, the top ten invincible seeds appeared again, competing with the gods and Taoists, Digu shined here, relying on the original true solution and Da Luo Xianjian created by himself, forcibly killing the rankings head-on The eighth seed, if it is chopped off, the soul will be wiped out.

This change boosted the morale of the Heaven camp, but it also caused a consequence. When Fan Digu appeared, there must be a large number of masters who came to surround and kill him, and even the quasi-king sprinkled the real blood curse to pollute him; Fighting back, someone immediately shot and killed the quasi-king, and returned with his head held high.

During the war, time passed extremely fast, 5000 years in the blink of an eye.

During this period, Xiang Yufei also fought against the Dark Immortal King, beheading the enemy's owls vertically and horizontally, beheading his head and hanging it on the banner of Wanling Road, which shocked the world.

This made the supreme king angry and wanted to suppress him, but he was blocked by the field of King Zhuxian. Into the ranks of extreme figures.

The giants among the Immortal Kings also noticed him. Several times someone wanted to make a move, but they were all blocked by the giants of the sky, and there were many terrifying existences of the Immortal King's peak, which led to the fall of the Immortal King. That day, the world rained blood , all the worlds wailed, and a generation of kings was directly obliterated and completely eliminated.

When the 1th year came, Xiang Yufei returned to the ancient city, stopped here, harmonized his own body, and brought the immortality of this body to perfection, and there was no way to advance.

Later, he also compiled his insights, the road he traveled, etc. into scriptures and spread them in the frontiers, waiting for those who are destined to understand them.

He is preaching.

If there are latecomers, he hopes to follow in the footsteps of the predecessors, go to a more profound field, and bring a different branch to his system.

In the 5000 years of the battlefield, all things are revived, spring returns to the earth, everything is thriving, and the world is full of vigorous vitality. With the excavation of various relics on the battlefield, the evolutionists who came from the [-] domains and Wanfang to participate in the battle are getting more and more More and more, the situation seems to be gradually improving, and the heaven side has once again gained the advantage.

And when another 5000 years passed and 2 years came, a sudden change occurred.

I saw violent vibrations in the center of the battlefield, as if the heavens and the earth were being opened up, and finally the rays of light restrained and vibrated towards the location of the four extreme earths, and the four extremes of floating earth burst out with unprecedented terrifying fluctuations!
Regardless of whether it is a strong person in the Immortal Realm or a human being, at this moment, the body is chilling, and the kings in the battle also tacitly stopped, all squinting, and the terrible cold electricity burst out of the pupils, tearing the void.

In the direction of the four poles, there is a vague path extending out, not connected to the strange land, but connected to another terrible realm, like a static world.

"I can feel the breath of the dark ancestral land, is the plateau evil soil going to join the battle!"

The expressions of the kings in the sky changed suddenly, and the more they stared at them, the more palpitated they became, as if an abyss was automatically born in the depths of their hearts, and they were sinking, lost, and would fall into it forever.

Struggling, their pupils turned into symbols of the Dao, and they all shook their heads vigorously, not daring to look any further, their souls throbbing, a little unbelievable.

"Everything has its destiny. This era is a great black sacrifice, and there will be no other results and answers." The expressions of the kings of Eland were calm, with a hint of strangeness.


At this time, in the dark world, the blood-colored lightning became more and more terrifying, as if it fell from the ignorant age, crossed the time and space of the ages, and intertwined into the present world.

The sky collapsed, and the thick earth sank, as if reaching the end of the universe and the end of time, everything would be destroyed and cease to exist.

All of these are because of the connection of that path, as if an inexplicable existence revived, and opened its eyes, a pair of pupils are so strange, they want to obliterate all things in the sky.

As soon as you open your eyes, the sky is collapsing and the ground is sinking, the wind is howling, and the rain of blood is pouring out of the sky, the sky is dark!


In just an instant, the entire battlefield collapsed, all cosmic communities were destroyed in an instant, and countless creatures were directly blasted into blood mist, withering and dying in tens of millions every instant.

Daewoo dies, true immortals fall, quasi-kings are torn apart, immortal kings bleed, supreme disintegrates, heavens disintegrate and all worlds sink, no existence can resist it.

The entire area has fallen into dead silence and is heading for destruction. The long river of time is cut off here, and history is burning here. Nothing can survive under that terrifying gaze.

"The supreme soul is revived, is there an officiant who wants to lower his power!" The kings of the sky were terrified, such a change was beyond imagination.

This scene is too terrifying, as if the existence that presides over the great sacrifices has revived again and again, and wants to sacrifice the heavens, worlds and gods, and reverse the past, present and future.

"Sure enough, there is a dark hand, the patriarch should do something." In the direction of the heaven camp, the Taoist ancestor of the blood prison road who was in charge of guarding appeared, standing on the top of the city, showing a clear look.

Immortal kings have a long time, and quasi-immortal emperors can travel up and down the years, and stand tall above time and space, reversing the past and present. Even if such an existence has the same level of influence, it can still see all kinds of changes, respond to them, and issue orders from the distant past. Orders affect the future.

At the same time, the heavens are in the sky, and the sky is in the sky.

This is the territory of the highest civilization of the Blood Prison. The ancestors of the past practiced the time method and overwhelmed the enemies of the heavens. At the end of the avenue, there was a peak. He called himself the eternal emperor. He was an ancient existence countless epochs ago. Hope that the soil will be evergreen.

"Bing Patriarch, the time has come." A figure appeared and kowtowed reverently to the central hall, announcing the changes in the frontier.

"The mountain road is curved, the peak is lonely, every season and every autumn, all the flowers in the sky will wither, stop and go, and the dust of the world will fall.

Everything came to an end in the past, and the earth was struggling in vain. "

In the supreme ashram, complete and clear words swayed out, as if they had been washed away from the ruins of the long era of destruction and the ruins of the evolutionary civilization, running through countless eras throughout the ages.

In an instant, a decree emerged from the upper reaches of the long river of time, descended from the depths of the ancient historical era, and wrote a vast chapter.

The Supreme lives in the law, not in the current world, but in the endless and distant past beyond the world!
But his power and his dharma can span the long river of time and come to any point in time, every moment is him, and every moment is without him, mysterious and mysterious, unfathomable.

And at the moment when the decree was condensed, its power had already affected time and space, becoming eternal in the past, future and present, becoming an indelible mark, embedded in the frontier, and directly reflected in this area when it was born.

"Supreme decree!"

All of a sudden, in the long river of time, all the fairy kings who looked down on the years, all had a feeling, and in their memory, all of them had such a picture, the supreme decree came to the frontier to suppress all chaos!

Eternal Immortal Emperor!

Stepping on the journey, three thousand avenues ask for longevity; looking at the past and the present, the heavens and the world prove eternity.

I saw the traces of the decree scattered countless years ago. There are supreme patterns contained in the soil of mountains and rivers, which directly reshape and strengthen everything here. In the reunion, the incomplete body is plumping up, the dim soul is shining, and everything seems to have never happened.

The worlds are completely reappeared, time and space are smoothly connected, history repeats the past and present, and life and death are just a flick of a finger.

"As expected, the Supreme has made a move." All the Taoists in the sky breathed a sigh of relief, the shock of the earth is too scary, and only existences of the same level can match it.

Those resurrected creatures were even more at a loss. They experienced a death calamity but were ignorant, only a kind of fear was rising.

"You, do you want to stop the great sacrifice?"

In the plateau Essence connected by the path, the beam of gaze resounded, sending thoughts from beyond the boundless time and space, and transformed it into a terrifying sound that shook the heavens.

However, the decree swirled and rushed straight above time and space. It turned into a quaint big tripod surrounded by nine dragons, and pressed down on the vast river. On it, nine ancestral dragons meandered and roared, devouring the eternity and sweeping away the ages. A pair of longan eyes Gathering all the black and yellow of the world, a body of dragon scales engraved with the prehistoric universe, nine dragons with nine claws, ninety-nine to the highest, the world fell into eternal silence, only the dragon horns slashed down like a heavenly knife.

Slash an era to the sky!

The ethereal sound reverberated, stretching through the ages, rippling in the hearts of countless beings.

It's not borrowing, let alone asking, but cutting, looking back at the end of the road.


The next moment, history collapsed, time and space flowed, and the universe was crashing, and it came crashing like waves, carrying a picture of the great world of the first era, blooming here, and directly opened up a breakpoint in time and space, evolving independently A new era beyond the world!
This era is a variable, not in ancient history.

In an instant, everyone seemed to be trapped in a still world, unable to even make a sound, and even their souls were frozen here.

They cannot move.

"Fellow Daoist, how about playing in the First Era?"

In the eternal decree, there is also a voice, like a ray of golden morning glow, piercing the darkness before dawn, bringing vitality and brilliance, tearing apart the night that covers the sky, and sheltering all beings in the sky.

"This era belongs to the black festival, and the variables you cut are the same."

The voice of the chief priest is neither male nor female, sometimes hoarse, sometimes feminine, unpredictable and shapeless.

The two supreme wills are not in this world, not even in the worlds!But it didn't affect them in the slightest as they fought against each other across the past and future, across the heavens and worlds of countless epochs.

That kind of existential game is unimaginable, it must take the time and space of the past and the present as the chessboard, and the heavens and myriad things as the chess pieces, and the game involves every inch of time in every life.

Just like the game between the three supreme masters and the chief priest at the beginning, since the last major sacrifice has continued to this day, the Daozi Grand Meeting is also one of them, and outsiders have no way of knowing the result.

"Why does the chief priest have to show up, the current situation is still within the control of the Taoist ancestor, why is this so?" In the soul of Hanoi, there are supreme beings who have recovered, staring at the era that is independent of the world, a little puzzled .

Another ominous Taoist patriarch muttered, "Those at the end of the road, supreme beings, immortal emperors, and chief priests all have a different perspective from ours. The past and present are flat in their eyes. Their backs are the past, and their faces are the future. They focus on the entire time and space." , calculations and gains and losses are beyond our comprehension, but we can know that there must be a reason for the officiant to do this, and I suspect that it is related to God's pollen road!"

Pollen Road? !

Hearing this, all the powerhouses fell silent. The source of the road in the past gave them too much shock. They killed the earth alone, and even the priests were blown up. They broke into the plateau all the way. Encountered unknowable changes there, and completely fell into silence and confusion.

Some people suspect that the source is dead, and some people think that it is still in a stalemate, but judging from the mutation of Huafen Road, the state is definitely not good, otherwise the distortion of Daewoo and Ultimate will not appear out of thin air.

"Soldiers will block the water and cover the earth, and we still have our opponents. Don't care about the situation at the top, that's beyond our reach." The kings of heaven also chose to retreat, and their opponents were only the Immortal King of Ertu.

After this battle, Xiang Yufei suddenly felt that time was running out. He had clearly practiced to the point of defying the sky. It didn't matter if he was the youngest kingly creature in all ages, but he still couldn't change anything in this battle between heaven and earth.

It seems that the ending of the great sacrifice cannot be changed. No matter how fast he is, no matter how defiant he is, it is impossible to achieve the highest level in a short period of time, and even the highest level cannot be changed, it will only lead to more terrible changes.

"The way to break the game may be in the traces of the future." Xiang Yufei thought about something and thought of something.

He decided to prepare to lead Cheng Wang Jie, hold high the throne amidst the flames of war, leap to the peak of the era, and achieve the status of Immortal King!

The apex of immortality has come to perfection, and the Great Tribulation of the Immortal King can be attracted at any time, but it is hard to say what will happen when surrounded by these four great calamities.

But after the kings of heaven heard his plan, they were very relieved and said, "Fellow Daoist, you can just break through. I will protect you and break through in the camp. Can they still charge in?"

"That's right, Dao Patriarch sits in the town, and Immortal Emperor Zhun looks down. If they have that kind of ability, they will really be against the sky." Bianhuang King nodded, the most dangerous place is the safest place.

There may be changes here, and there may be great battles, but breakthroughs will also have a lot of help, and there will be support from the strong.

"Thank you fellow daoists." Xiang Yufei nodded and thanked him. Once this catastrophe is over, he is confident that he will be able to rule the realm of the kingly way, and it is not a lie to suppress the kings.

300 years later, in the giant city of the universe, a dao furnace stood up, and the spirit of the Immortal King of the Soul River inside rose and fell, was continuously tempered, and the essence flowed, turning into one layer after another of the dao rhyme imprinted on the furnace wall.

Looking closely, the furnace was actually transformed by a figure. He was using his own body to refine the immortal king, and he wanted to turn it into a great elixir to extradite himself.

"The fragrance of the medicine is getting stronger and stronger, and the arrival of Wang Jie will only happen in the past few days." After Digu returned, he had already gone through his own system, leaped into immortality, and deduced the original true solution to a new realm. The environment is fast.

Zhen Wu walked with him, and also set foot in the realm of immortality, deducing his own evolution into immortality. Years of fighting and polishing have made him mature. Looking at his old friend who is about to become a king, the complicated emotions in his heart also weakened. I learned a lot and got used to it slowly.

The kings of heaven sit cross-legged in various cosmic groups, and their eyes are gathered together, and they are also paying attention.

The birth of a new king is enough to attract the attention of all parties.

Gradually, the medicinal fragrance became more and more intense, and actually condensed into pieces of haze floating over the giant city, the blue color was misty and refreshing.

"My Taoism is increasing sharply!" An evolutionary breathes far away, and a trace of fragrance enters the body, which makes the cultivation level skyrocket in an instant, and suddenly falls into an epiphany, and a dark cloud emerges, and the electric light rises and falls, and it is an immediate breakthrough , Even Thunder Tribulation was attracted.

Everyone realized that it was the essence of the Great Dao of the Immortal King, every strand of it was a god-given medicine, not to mention allowing human beings to break through, even reborn them would be a piece of cake!
Another 200 years have passed, and the haze has turned into a vast sea of ​​clouds above the giant city. I don't know how many evolved people have gained blessings and improved their cultivation bases. Even many true immortals have improved because of this, and they are extremely grateful.

In the end, the medicinal fragrance is very special, making the void tremble. This is no longer a medicinal herb in the ordinary sense.

Use the Immortal King as the great medicine to lead the Great Tribulation into the King!
"At the peak of the era, hang my throne!"

Xiang Yufei opened his eyes, endless rain of light poured out from the furnace, enveloped here, the fragrance gradually became stronger, the Immortal King of Soul River screamed, and part of his power was squeezed out again, the essence was passing away, and his body's path of the avenue was blurred. Be looted.

In an instant, the two systems interweave, building a throne at the peak of the era, reflecting his figure, and wanting to rank above all realms.

At the same time, this is also extremely terrifying. Thunder rumbles continuously on the dome, and the sky and the earth are pierced through. It seems that there is some power, and something is about to descend.

The wind was howling, and there were countless visions of heaven and earth. It seemed that an era, a whole ancient history fell from that day, and all kinds of scenes were too terrifying. And for a while, the blood rained heavily, and the darkness fell, taking people's hearts and souls.

The catastrophe of the fairy king is coming!
 As soon as I wrote about the Tribulation of the Immortal King, there was a thunderstorm.

(End of this chapter)

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