Shading the sky: from the beginning of the emperor

Chapter 362 Supreme Wrath Sacrificial Blood Mighty Ling, The Wind Rises to Seek Death without Stoppi

Chapter 362 Supreme Wrath Sacrificial Blood Mighty Ling, The Wind Rises to Seek Death without Stopping (5K2)

The river of souls is in chaos, and the blood of the kings is gone.

The whole area beyond the Soul River is gloomy and gloomy, the vast sea of ​​clouds is red, and the black rain is falling continuously, and the hazy whirlwind is blowing, which is terrifying.

"Why, do you want to reunite with him too?"

Looking back at Xiang Yufei, he stared down at the powerful men from all walks of life. The heads, stumps and broken arms of the kings around him shook together, making a terrible whistling sound, which was heart-wrenching.

The domineering declaration, its sound is rolling, shaking the sky and the earth, spewing out endless red gold lines around him, all of which are the mysteries of the great way, this place is instantly ablaze, the territory is torn apart, the boundless land sinks, and the magma that spews out from the ground is all black of.

The heads of the kings are dancing, and the stumps are accompanied by wind and fire. This scene is really a powerful deterrent!
"That's the King of Heaven, he entered the Soul River alone and came out again?"

"Didn't you hear what the kings said, those are the heads of giants, the stumps of fairy kings!"

"This, doesn't this mean that he suppressed at least ten fairy kings alone? How is this possible! Even a giant can't do this!"

The heaven and earth camps were shaken, whether it was the older generation of evolutionists or the younger generation of arrogance, all lost their minds and trembled there.

Some people even saw the heads and stumps, and after knowing who it was, they were all frightened, their faces turned pale, and they were sincerely frightened. This kind of record is probably the strongest in the history of this era. Immortal king.

"The king of heaven, what a hero, a hero."

Out of the sky, one figure after another, blurred and terrifying, the kings of the heavens were focused, and even they were shocked. This rising star is really amazing in courage and self-confidence.

As for the kings of Evil Earth, the atmosphere is heavy. Yin Tian Wang, Yan Luo Wang and other powerhouses have cold faces, and murderous intentions emerge. Today they can be said to have lost all face, and Soul River has lost a lot. Twelve immortal kings fell all at once, among them There are three giants, too heartache.

"Offend my Soul River, so rampant, do you really think no one can take you! God, you are too arrogant!" Among the kings of Soul River, a supreme giant raged.

It has the body of a lion, and its mane spreads from the neck to below the belly. The most terrifying thing is that it has six heads, namely ox, dragon, roc, elephant, dog, and lion; Like an unrivaled demon god, emitting bursts of dark aura, he was very angry.

Seeing it was him, someone among the immortal kings in the sky frowned, "Six-headed giants, is it him? It is said that he was recuperating in the depths of the Soul River. A tycoon, who has suppressed and killed the most, has unparalleled blood and bravery, and now he has recovered?"

Obviously, this is an extremely ferocious soul river creature under the Supreme. It once tore apart giants and killed the Immortal King, but all opponents were swallowed by it. It was bloody and brutal. Shake the world.

"Roar!" The silver river surged, and another supreme giant rushed over. It was a rotten humanoid creature with iron chains wrapped around its body, like a bound ghost.

His whole body is covered with long black hair, which is extremely thick, and his freedom is restricted in the Soul River, with shackles, and he is an extremely dangerous creature.

The kings are very unfamiliar with this creature, and have never seen it before. It seems that they were just confronting the supreme giant of the sky before, and have never really fought against it.

"Sigh, I didn't expect that he was still alive. The fallen person in the past was eroded by dark matter and fell into the river of souls. He survived and became a real dark creature." Only King Ming showed a complicated look. He was a giant, but he was plotted by the creatures of the Soul River, contaminated with ominous substances and degenerated, completely reduced to a dark creature.

Hearing these words, the kings immediately recalled that there was such a person, called the King of Hades, who came from the same region as King Ming, but in the end it ended sadly. Unexpectedly, he was murdered by Soul River, and now he changed his mind. Too big to recognize.

The two supreme giants came out together, the sky shook and the ground trembled, and other creatures other than the fairy king trembled, feeling extremely fearful under this kind of aura.

"What are you drinking, come! I will kill you with one hand!

Now, roll over and lead to death!This king has been killed until the soul river has withered from generation to generation! "

Xiang Yufei pointed at the two supreme giants, and opened his mouth to ask them to roll over and die. His words were extremely domineering, so direct, so powerful!
As the same giant, he has no fear at all, and can suppress it with his own strength, sweeping away the enemies.

"You are so arrogant!" The twelve eyes of the six giants all turned cold, and they were about to strike. The fallen Minggu giant also let out a deep roar, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

But at this moment, Yan Mowang, the supreme king, reached out his hands as if he felt something, and stopped the two of them.

The two supreme giants are puzzled, is this not optimistic about them?As the same giants, it is not certain who will win and who will lose!

"Oh, you don't need to worry about it. To deal with them, you don't need power outside the domain of the kingly way." Xiang Yufei sneered, provocative.

He was unscrupulous, and he was completely domineering as if he wanted to continue the fight here.

snort!The two supreme giants of Hunhe snorted coldly, and took a step forward suddenly, wishing to make a move immediately, but they were firmly stopped by an overwhelming force.

"I never like to say the same thing a second time, and no one can hear it a second time." Yan Mowang's eyes were cold, and he glanced at the two supreme giants of Hunhe in warning, and stopped their conversation immediately. The posture, no one dares to enter again.

No one is willing to bear the anger of a supreme king who can impact the supreme realm, they can only bear it.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha!"

Seeing this, Xiang Yufei's laughter became wilder and wilder. The angry kings of Evil Earth clenched their fists and gnashed their teeth for a while, but there was nothing they could do. No one could defeat him. It's not as good as it is, so we can only suffer!

This laughter made the giants even more aggrieved, and the two supreme giants roared angrily, but they were still helpless.

For so many years, every time they set off on an expedition, they would break open the big world of their opponents, they would cry and cry, blood flowed like rivers, who could stop them?

Today, they are very angry!
Even the younger generation of Etu was very angry, and wished he could use his body to fight instead, but the giants in his own world were either silent or dormant, and no one dared to act rashly.

"It's just a moment of success, it doesn't last long." Yan Mowang was very calm, what is it to be aggrieved for a while?It would be a big loss if we really lost another giant here!It was a huge blow to the Evil Earth camp.

He is not a person who is impulsive, so naturally he will not be fooled by this. Holding back his anger for a while is better than the giants withering again. They still have the capital to start all over again. It is not every time that the four major calamity lands can set foot on it safely.

The Heavenly God King looked at each other from a distance, this old opponent was very calm, even if he pointed at his nose and yelled, he would not pay attention, he would only judge the situation, weigh the gains and losses, and didn't care about other things at all.

"It's okay, these two big medicines are temporarily stored in the Soul River, and I will pick them sooner or later." Xiang Yufei smiled lightly, not caring, the big Soul River, can these two people escape?

And when we meet again, he will not stay where he is. The kings make merit, accept the fire of the great sky and the flames of the ancient times to burn his body, and he will only become stronger and stronger.

At the same time, the struggle in Hanoi has become more and more intense over time, and there are bursts of divine light in the upper and lower reaches, running through ancient and modern times, and are immortal in this world.

In the past and the future, the war in the long river of time was chaotic and terrifying, and it was extremely fierce for a moment. There were figures everywhere, and the avenue fluctuated everywhere.

At the same time, the countless thunder and lightning coiled and boiled. This is a world-ending thunder calamity. Chaos and lightning are intertwined and densely packed, trying to destroy the creatures that disrupt the balance and prevent them from changing the fate that has already happened.

"Picking my imperial medicine and taking my coffin, how courageous it is!

This kind of cause and effect, I see who can bear it! "

In the downstream direction, a sinister scene appeared, the soul river is supreme, the indescribable monster reflected its figure, it was a frightening creature, covered with long hair, with a scarlet tongue sticking out, bloody mouth The mucus was about to flow down, and his eyes were facing the heavens, revealing a cold light.

A generation of supreme beings was furious and humiliated to this point, which he couldn't accept.

The carefully cultivated imperial medicine and the emperor's coffin inhabited by it were snatched away by an immortal king. !

What's more, the mastermind behind this scene, the culprit, the King of Heaven, actually appeared on the battlefield brazenly, humiliating Hunhe unscrupulously, which made him really angry.

"Hun Emperor, what are you going to do!" shouted the Emperor Qiong who was fighting with him, his fingers cut off the time, shattered the torrent of ancient history, and directly split into the arm of the Soul Emperor, the seven-colored true blood splashed, which was extremely scary.

"It was you who forced me! Please give birth to the chief priest with true blood!" The Soul Emperor was ferocious and crazy, completely ignoring it, directly sacrificed an ancient monument and exploded, billowing into the sky with a heavy fog, extremely oppressive and deep.

Forget it, it was originally intended to be used in this battle... Etu Daozu glanced at him, but he didn't stop him after all, and let him use it.

No one expected that there was a drop of unspeakable silver true blood hidden in the stele, instantly sweeping the entire time and space, darkening the world in all directions, and even showing the scene of the Taoist ancestor's dead body and sinking. The scene of the scene is also reflected in various places, the storm is raging, and the sky is roaring.

That was the blood of the supreme being, a drop of blood from another priest besides the Black Lord!

Its majesty is unimaginable, the world is overturned in an instant, the long river of time emerges, it flows backwards silently, and everything in the world seems to change because of it.

That kind of scene made the supreme beings tremble with fear. It was clearly a drop of blood, but the voice sounded like a living creature, as if praying, as if hundreds of millions of beings were making wishes, praying, calling for something to come.

This area was completely submerged by chaos, eroded by the aftermath of the highest level, nothing could be seen, nothingness, hazy and fuzzy, all the kings were crumbling, and the path of evolution appeared, as if they were about to collapse.

"What did he do, release the true blood of the chief priest, and want to provoke the ultimate war?"

"The power of the silver officiant, the source of the legendary Soul River tribe?"

The supreme decree of the camp was stimulated to revive, and the kings of the heavens were terrified. Even the supreme beings could not bear such erosion, let alone them?
Almost at the same time, the evolution paths of the immortal kings were all stained with silver streaks, and they were dripping blood. The soul light was all polluted and distorted.

What's even more frightening is that some of the kings' body surfaces are rapidly growing silver demonic lines, and there are many more features all over their bodies, howling in pain, and strange changes have taken place.

Xiang Yufei also felt a strange erosion, and through the power of the supreme decree, he wanted to influence his evolutionary path, but the previous blessing of the plateau dissipated this influence, and the time furnace shook In turn, it absorbs part of the inner strength.

"Even if I open up ten cunning ways, if I don't have this thing and blessings and protection, I'm afraid I will follow in the footsteps of the kings, and I won't be able to withstand the highest erosion." He looked solemn, and immediately suppressed himself with the time furnace , It swept out a wave of fire and pulled the kings of heaven.

Soon the King of Heaven, King Ming and others also seized the opportunity to escape into the time furnace together, so as not to fall into darkness under the radiance of blood.

"Sacrifice to the eternal decree!" Daozu Yongye shouted, directly sacrificed the decree with blood, spurred the recovery of that power, suppressed the time and space of the heavenly camp, let everything flow backwards, and dispelled all kinds of erosion.

It can be seen with the naked eye that all the creatures with long hairs and silver streaks all over their bodies and their soul light deteriorating are losing their hair, the wounds and cracks are healing, the lines on the body surface are purified, and their original color is restored.

The kings were also redeemed, and the power of the decree directly chopped up the years when they were eroded, and the whole thing was stripped out and destroyed, and turned into "non-existence", which was practiced in the simplest and most brutal way.

On the other side, the drop of true blood is still releasing its power, baptizing the creatures of Evil Earth, recovering their injuries, and even making their breaths rise steadily, and someone broke through on the spot!
What's even more frightening is that the battle power of the kings doubled under this increase, as if they had gone berserk, silver mist was transpiring all over their bodies, and they turned into tentacles and waved them, whipping in the void like long whips.

"Maybe, it's time to attack." Yan Mowang's expression is getting colder. Now the situation is favorable to Etu. He is very keen to use the strong to attack the weak. Why fight hard if he can crush?

The passionate age has long passed, and for the king, victory is the end!

At this moment, the myriad worlds roared, as if they were about to be ignited, and were about to be reduced to sacrifices. The feeling of the end of the world appeared in every piece of heaven, and the terrifying atmosphere permeated to the extreme!

"The blood of the silver officiant, set off a turmoil in the heavens, cheer on the black priest!"

Zhu Wushang and the Dark Dao Patriarch chanted and sacrificed their own blood, which completely changed the situation of the battle.

The particularity of the Ertu ethnic group allows them to do this with their essence and blood, and even reverse the situation of the war, but God can't, they are very passive.

Right now, a major event affecting this era has officially happened!
And this is like opening an old chapter and welcoming the beginning of a new era.

Accompanied by the blood essence of the officiant, part of the outline of the legendary place of the officiant emerged!

It is manifested and reflected in the place of eternal detachment.

"It's unexpected that the blood essence of the chief priest can do this. It's not a good thing." Daozu Yongye was a little worried. The blood essence of the chief priest was different from ordinary supreme blood essence, and it contained supreme dark matter.

It can erode the same level, but it is a wave of evolution for the lower level, a huge blessing, this is to directly pull up the war power of the four great evils and weaken the gods.

"In this life, the chief priests in the plateau have returned, and the greatest will has been revived. Your god's pollen road has been robbed, and it will soon be the turn of other supreme beings."

"The heavens and worlds, the gods, the ancestors and supreme beings, will all become sacrifices for the great sacrifice!"

The Supreme Being and the Dark Dao Ancestor sneered, revealing the terrible secret.

When the source of Huafen Road was blocked and could not return, it was because of the greatest will recovery of the strange source that it would return!

The ominous power will reach its peak. It should be known that the ancestral land of the plateau is terrible. The ominous power has always existed from ancient times to the present, and it has always been green and prosperous. Although God has existed forever, the heavens and all walks of life have been destroyed again and again. All great sacrifices will come to an end, not because they are unwilling to save, but because they cannot be saved, and it is not easy to protect themselves.

Even searching the heavens, there is no immortal orthodoxy that can be safe and sound in every era, unless it is the servants of the strange source!Otherwise, it would be the limit to last for several epochs, and this is the result of looking at the entire time and counting the strongest ethnic groups in the past.


The eternal decree shines, sweeps away the dark matter in the field, opens up a pure land for all living beings in the sky, sweeps them backwards, and avoids the phantom of the sacrifice ground created by the drop of true blood.

"Is that the scene of the ultimate back of the Soul River?" Xiang Yufei led the kings out of the time furnace, staring intently at the phantom.

Time has passed there, it does not belong to the past, present and future, it is an ancient place engraved with the mottled atmosphere of countless epochs.

Silence, desolation, grandeur, long-term, just looking at it gives people such a feeling.

After all, it is the place where the ominous power is the strongest, and it is the base camp of the strange ethnic groups. Throughout the ages, no one knows how many top-level creatures there are.

"Everyone, back to the camp, it is not suitable to stay for a long time. The erosion of the essence and blood of the chief priest will lead to changes in this area and even the entire time and space. It may involve the game of supreme beings." Daozu Yongye appeared and led the kings back.

They have already benefited a lot from this battle, and the King of Heaven has achieved brilliant results in going through the Soul River alone, so there is no need to waste it any longer.

Although the kings of Ertu want to stop them, they are nothing in front of the supreme decree, and can only watch the kings of heaven leave.

"Brother Dao's line of work is criss-crossing the earth, even suppressing the Twelve Immortal Kings. It is really the ambition of Miehunhe, which greatly increases my prestige in the sky!"

The kings walked together, intending to ease the tense atmosphere of the change of the chief priest. Many fairy kings greeted Xiang Yufei with smiles, showing goodwill.

This battle can be said to be even more exaggerated than when he came out of the robbery, and it was much more prominent, and it was extremely shocking.

There was heated discussion along the way, and the number of creatures of all ethnic groups came to worship!

"King of Heaven, God is immeasurable!"

Some young people seemed to be on a pilgrimage, and they were extremely devout, bowing their heads in the starry sky and worshiping him.

Xiang Yufei nodded slightly, and raised his hand to sprinkle light and rain, purifying the ten directions, making all spirits feel comfortable in body and soul, and have been baptized.

"King of Heaven! It's just you and me, how dare we fight!"

At this moment, the kings of Ertu couldn't sit still, and the six giants were blessed by the supreme blood light, and their strength went further and they were full of confidence.

At this moment, he is inviting a battle, wanting to fight against the King of Heaven and avenge his shame!
In the camp, the kings stopped and their expressions sank.

King Ming and King Tianshen shook their heads, indicating that the situation is unfavorable, the changes are too drastic under the blessing of the supreme, it is hard to imagine any means, it is not worth a try.

But Xiang Yufei smiled, "Everyone, please beat the drums and sweep the formation, and come back as soon as you go!"

After the words fell, he turned around and stepped on the sky, wanting to kill the king!

Insects, pigs and dogs are rampant, holding the butcher's knife high, it's really clean to kill a white man!

 I'm back, from the heavy rain in Xuzhou to the strong sun in Anqing, what is the balance of yin and yang?
(End of this chapter)

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