Shading the sky: from the beginning of the emperor

Chapter 370 The truth in time and space, the return welcomes you

Chapter 370 The truth in time and space, the return welcomes you (5K5)

The war lasted for a long time and space, and the kings shed blood and were buried in the smoke and dust of ancient history.

The brilliant rain is blown away by the wind, and a lifetime of hard work has become empty.

In the ancient era, the world was in turmoil, and all the kings witnessed this battle, which was quite inconceivable.

"The breath of time is strong. It is not a strong man who came from the approaching era. I am afraid that it is farther than the years of Emperor Luo."

"Those three people are all masters of the king's way. They have reached the pinnacle. It is rare to see such a person in this world."

The peerless war is over, but everyone's hearts are still not at peace. Who is this person, where did he come from, and what era does he belong to?
Could it be that the creatures of the Minggu Era before the fall of the emperor were not successful, or even older, and even the light of time enveloped the whole body, indicating that they could not stay in this time and space for a long time, and would soon be sent back to the node where they were.

There is still blood raining in the sky, Xiang Yufei looks around, this is not the upper reaches of the boundary sea, but the end, it is already approaching the other side of the boundary sea, they came here along the long river of time, because there are karma and tokens here traction.

In the distance, the outline of the ultimate ancient land is already looming, and there is an island standing in front of the other shore, on which are all the strongest among the immortal kings, at least the supreme giants, and even the supreme kings sit here.

It's just that they are a little afraid at the moment. The people in front of them are fighting across time and space, killing two kings who have reached the pinnacle of the King Realm in a row.

This made many people tremble, afraid to speak, for fear of getting involved.

"Could it be related to the change of the dark cage that the adults said?"

"Looking at his posture, he seems to be going ashore, so what if he offends your lord."

Several people opened their mouths, suspecting that the purpose of this person who came from the past time and space is unknown, and it is likely to be involved in the ultimate ancient land. This is not good news.

And the master who has unified the power of the sea is studying the magic method of the former emperor in the temple on the other side, so there is no need to be disturbed.

Hearing these words, Xiang Yufei's expression moved. These people are the black-handed servants of the turmoil in the sea?He couldn't help but have the idea of ​​obliterating them, but the future time and space cannot tolerate the interference of people from the past, so he can't make a move.

These powerhouses are also not ordinary, they sensed his hidden killing intent, although they were puzzled, they still spoke to dissuade them, "We are not in the same time and space, if we really want to make a move to collapse the world, the years will be chaotic, maybe everything will cease to exist. "

"Forget it, when I return to the future, I will kill them all."

Xiang Yufei didn't look at them again, a silver-white coffin appeared under his feet, and the Godless coffin carried him across the long river of time, across the sky above the island, and landed on the other side of the boundary sea.

The surroundings are full of ancient palaces hanging high, but many of them are full of cracks, and some are even broken, as if they are splicing together the wreckage of the past.

From a distance, he saw a magnificent temple and a stone tablet that blocked the way forward and sealed off the real "ultimate place". The temple was also blocked by the stone tablet, unable to advance, let alone retreat, Seems to be in an awkward situation.

"Is this the reason why there is no real person behind the boundary sea? I thought it would take time to cross the boundary sea and return."

Xiang Yufei's expression was a little weird, could it be that he was coveting the mystery in the emperor's monument and put himself in it?

From this point of view, the mastermind behind the scenes is indeed a quasi-immortal emperor-level existence, but there is a high probability that he broke through in this special place on the other side of the sea, and even borrowed the power of the emperor's monument, so he was bound here and could only Unleashes limited magical powers.

Then, there are traces of his status as the emperor of the heavens and worlds, and he wants to use that power to get rid of the shackles of the ultimate ancient land, get rid of the influence of the "emperor stele", and even use this to integrate into the heavens and complete his Taoism With the further transformation of the realm, the strength can also be regarded as a breakthrough, and the blessing of an alternative 'double fruit position'.

"Outsiders, don't belong to the passers-by of this time, have never kowtowed piously, have no respect, no distinction between superior and inferior, set foot on the territory of the emperor, why?"

At this moment, the temple shone with light, and the sound shook the sky and the earth, as if the emperor was coming, with incomparable majesty, sending down the decree, and the sound was extremely loud.

In the middle of the temple, there is a statue-like existence shrouded in imperial aura and radiance. Its shape is vague, but it brings an unparalleled sense of oppression, which makes the godless coffin rumble, giving birth to a feeling.

"Emperor? Are you a greedy person bound to the other side of the world, you repeat history alone, but imitated two generations of dark sources, perfectly avoiding their correctness, and inheriting all mistakes and failures." Xiang Yufei was unmoved , the long river of time around the body is turbulent, and there is naturally a force that eliminates the influence of the other party.

Even a quasi-immortal emperor can't cross time and space to strangle a respectable figure in the endlessly distant past. That would cause the overturning of ancient history. Blessings, with such karma and effect, who can reverse the changes of time?

"Bold! How dare you disrespect the emperor!"

"If you commit the crime below, you are killing yourself!"

"I ask the emperor to punish and destroy this madman."

All of a sudden, the fairy kings guarding around the temple spoke out in anger, and some people dared to speak nonsense in front of the real emperor.

"So what about disrespect? Does he dare to touch me!

This seat follows the trend and crosses the time, which is not considered a storm and a sudden change, but if he goes one step further, the world will be turned upside down, and if he dares to make a move, he will witness the fall of the emperor! "

Xiang Yufei snorted coldly, the quasi-immortal emperor will not be able to kill the past immortal kings across the endless ancient history in the future, the stronger the strength, the greater the backlash, and the balance of time and rivers will hinder him, not to mention the double cause and effect of his body around the plateau and God However, it is still alive in this world, which is not what the Lord of the Realm Sea can bear; of course, the most important confidence is the Lingxu Taoist Ancestor Jade Pendant that can save his life three times, otherwise he will not do things that are uncertain.

This scene made the kings even more angry, clamoring again and again, wishing to take the place of the emperor to kill the madmen, but no one dared to step forward and really bear the backlash of time and space.

The strange thing is that in the temple, the figure didn't have any emotional fluctuations, but said indifferently, "He doesn't belong to this era, and he appeared due to a secret, let him come, let him go, if you fight, the long river of time will riot, The upstream and downstream have changed, and the consequences are unimaginable."

Hearing these words, the kings couldn't help but glance at each other. No wonder this person is so confident that he dared to set foot on the other side of the boundary sea alone. It is simply unrealistic to kill the kings of the ages in the upper and lower reaches of the long river.

Shot and killed the enemy across time and space. The former sages have worked together to deduce it. This is not feasible and cannot be realized. If it is done in that way, it will really disturb all walks of life and completely destroy the heavens. It is normal for the emperor not to do it. No one will like it.

There is another sentence that the Lord of the Boundary Sea did not say. When the dark cage changed, he had looked down and investigated in the long river of time. It seems that he had a relationship with this person once, but it was a different time node.

In other words, he and this person met each other twice at different time points, and there was a meeting, which is destined to have great karma in the future.

"In this way, we have understood the cause and effect, and it is time to leave." Xiang Yufei knew the secret of the turmoil in the boundary sea, and did not care about the kings and emperors in the temple, so he was about to drive the coffin deep into the long river and leave.

But at this moment, the Lord of the Boundary Sea suddenly said, "Although the distance across time and space is endless, the emperor's prestige is inviolable, and there should be punishment."

Accompanied by his words, the long river of time oscillates violently, and a quasi-immortal emperor's aura rises mightily, turning into a big hand and going upstream, capturing scenes of Xiang Yufei approaching the present world, and wanting to insert them into time, bring him Repression!

The emperor must not be violated, and those who offend should be punished by heaven!
"Is this ignoring the backlash?" The kings were surprised. This was too shocking, and the methods were violent and unimaginable, but obviously the master of the sea also thought about it. He only blocked the era where he became enlightened, and nothing else was involved. Even if there is a backlash, it is also within an acceptable range.

However, this earth-shattering blow did not succeed. In the era when he was born, a big hand appeared and went down the river to suppress him!
At the same time, the two figures looked at each other across the ancient history, and they sensed something. This is the balance of the long river of time. Those who go upstream must be hindered by those who go downstream. Reversing the past of others will also lead to changes in one's own past.

"Is that...another emperor?!" The kings were surprised, even though the shooter did not belong to this time and space and was isolated by mysterious power, they still couldn't help but tremble, the coercion was too overwhelming. strong.

The next moment, there was a bang, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, ghosts cried and gods howled, the long river of time was about to change its course, and ancient history caused shocking waves. Two big hands actually forcibly condensed a passage, turning the past, the present, and the future into one.
This kind of confrontation is influenced by countless eras and ancient history, and it is difficult to see the outcome. However, after a long time, the confrontation between eras and ancient histories that is completely separated is already a myth in mythology. How many people can witness it throughout the ages? It is absolutely great. event.

"Heh, it seems that I, the rebel against the emperor, will leave safe and sound."

Xiang Yufei smiled calmly, and submerged in the long river of time in the emperor's coffin. The strong breath of time and the sense of vicissitudes of time, like a vast ocean, surged in front of him, spinning violently, turning into an unpredictable passage, and he didn't know where it led.

Time flows, as if tens of millions of years will pass in the blink of an eye, it is a gate of time, this battle involves too much, he is not tolerated by this world, and he will be forced to return to the past era.

The kings on the other side of the world looked sideways. What they saw today was so bizarre that even the emperor was surprised to make a move. What is this person's footsteps and what is his background?
"Di...fu? No, maybe an ancient character should be added.

Those from the lower reaches the upper reaches, which eventually led to the counterbalance of the long river. Is there someone who is also obstructed across time and space, and there is a big cause and effect with me and him? "

Looking at the silver-white coffin that disappeared into the long river, the Lord of the Sea of ​​Boundaries whispered, he is good at deduction, masters the great luck of the world, and has seen a corner of the past; The present, or the future, is covered with fog, making it difficult to see through.

After fighting across time and space, he discovered some secrets, which made him a little terrified; whoever made the attack was a person from the underworld?Or... the lord of the ancient underworld? !


The long river of time is full of waves, the lonely coffin goes upstream, returning to the original time and space, and the scenes of the ancient era flow by, and many truths can be seen.

"It turned out that this was the case in the past."

Xiang Yufei saw the truth of the accident 9000 years ago, and the source of ominousness in his body recovered. Cannian took the opportunity to release monstrous dark matter, polluting the world, and sweeping the five regions of the Big Dipper. The substance that can bring them back to life from Nirvana is about to be born, and a dark turmoil is almost triggered.

In the end, it was Emperor Qing who took the initiative to eliminate the accident, and a murderous thought left in the Qinling Mountains of Zhongzhou appeared in the world, suppressed those dark substances and disappeared into the barren tower, scattered the power of the remnant thought, and even triggered a confrontation with the Supreme, after several twists and turns Only then returned to peace.

The next moment, the world was shaken violently, and the tsunami was raging. He shuttled forward, entered the portal of time, and completely disappeared in the long river.
The light in front of my eyes drowned everything, and I couldn't see anything. Only the waves fluctuated, and only the time flowed, covered by the power of time.

I don't know how long it has passed, but Xiang Yufei felt that the surrounding time and space had stabilized and stabilized again, and then he slowly opened his eyes, and the scene in front of him was already gloomy and gloomy.

However, the dozens of immortal kings and the three Juefeng who rushed into the long river with him at the beginning were all killed and injured, and none of them returned.

Click!A crisp sound appeared, and the jade pendant given by Taoist Lingxu on Xiang Yufei's waist was slightly dimmed, and a shallow crack appeared, which was less than half across the entire jade pendant. Block it, otherwise you will lose your "half-life". After all, it is the actions of the ancient era that have affected it. If you return after killing the enemy, there will be no such thing.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't affect the use, I also know the truth and threat of Jiehai, it's worth it." Between the gain and the loss, he didn't care about it, but galloped to the depths of the ancient underworld to excavate this treasure land.

At the beginning, he was in a hurry to catch up, and he only searched some fairy king caves and reincarnation roads before rushing into the long river, but now he has to search carefully.

In the depths of the ancient underworld, there is a kind of echo with the time furnace emerging, which comes from those incomplete and ancient lines.

Xiang Yufei let the time furnace move on its own, instinctively extracting the original texture from the ancient land, accompanied by a trace of fire, a trace of the root material of the fire of the sky and the flame of the ancient universe appeared, and fell into the furnace.

raging!All of a sudden, the flames blazed brightly, and the two ancient fires showed signs of becoming one, and their power soared, and this kind of fire's restraint effect on strange forces became more obvious, and the cremation efficiency was higher.

It's a pity that it was too scattered after all, and it was difficult to gather the flames that soared to the sky. He could only move to other places, smashed down a treasure house with the Godless coffin, and collected countless rare treasures of heaven and earth.

The theft of the treasury immediately alarmed the remaining immortal kings in the ancient underworld. They rushed to search the place immediately, but they were shocked by the attackers and stopped before, not daring to act rashly.

"Is it the King of Heaven? He has come back!"

"How is it possible? Didn't he fight the kings into the long river of time and fight towards the future? How could he come back alone?"

"Could it be that the three supreme immortal kings and dozens of kings were all destroyed by him alone?!"

The kings of the ancient underworld were horrified and unbelievable.

But the cruel reality in front of him is the real result. The war in the long river of time has come to an end, and only the king of heaven has returned alive, and the rest are all dead!
He alone killed the three great masters and dozens of immortal kings!
Such an impressive record can be said to be disdainful in the field of kingship. It is too terrifying to see no opponents in ancient and modern times.

"Bring it to your door yourself." Xiang Yufei looked back, there were countless great medicines, and it was time to pick them. With a stretch of his arms, he took the place of heaven and earth, cutting off the retreat of the coming kings.

The kings were desperate, the two palms that covered the sky and the sun were too huge, crushing the underworld, sinking the earth, the whole pure land full of energy was cracking, tearing a dark fairy king to pieces on the spot Yes, Cangyu was stained with blood.

Another fairy king wanted to ask for help, but he was beaten to pieces before he could even get out the horn, and his soul was suppressed and thrown into a black prison.

Soon, the three fairy kings who arrived were all suppressed into the black prison, and only Xiang Yufei walked out alone, and rushed to the frontier battlefield through the cycle of reincarnation.

In the outside world, just after one night, it is the time when the purple air is coming from the east and the sun is rising.

The battlefield is boundless. Although it lacks vegetation and is bare, it is a dark red land with few weeds, but it is not dead and silent in the early morning.

The golden morning glow is falling, and the vigorous vitality is pouring down. Even this barren land seems to have a little life.

The kings on both sides of the strait confront each other, and the atmosphere is very solemn.

The news that the King of Heaven looted the floating earth of the four extremes and fought in the burial pit of the Emperor of Heaven, and swallowed up the ancient underworld, made them shocked and helpless.

Fortunately, soon there was another news that the King of Heaven was blocked by dozens of immortal kings led by the three supreme kings, who urged the quasi-immortal emperor to strike into the long river of time, and disappeared.

Only then did they breathe a sigh of relief, the lair was spared from being destroyed, and it wouldn't be so badly looted.

But at this moment, a cycle of reincarnation appeared in the battlefield, and the sky suddenly turned purple, looking sacred and peaceful. This is auspicious color, a good omen.

"Oh? It seems that the matter has been resolved, and someone from the ancient underworld has come."

The Immortal King of Soul River said softly, now they are the only ones who are relatively calm in the four major calamities. They have been beaten by the knife early, and their mood has calmed down after seeing the jokes of the three families.

"It's still my ancient underworld with profound background, hehe, those who have always caused chaos have suffered a tragic end." The fairy kings of the ancient underworld let out a sigh of relief, and gradually smiled on their faces.

They strolled forward with gentle faces, as if they wanted to condolences to the heroes who returned from the chaos; the fairy kings in the burial pit of the Emperor of Heaven and the Four Extremes Floating Earth thought about it, and followed them. Anyway, it was a sigh of relief for them. This face.

The kings of the sky looked strange, what is this lineup going to do?Who is welcome back?
But between heaven and earth, the cycle of reincarnation became more and more clear, and it froze there. It was very quiet at first, and after an unknown period of time, a terrifying pulse appeared, which made all the kings feel suffocated.

Then, there was a bang, like the beating of a heavenly drum, which caused many people to churn their blood, their ears roared, and their eyes turned black. It didn't seem like a single creature could do it, as if a group of fairy kings moved together , Returning back through the long river of time.

Then, the sound of dong dong sounded slowly, very slowly, but very rhythmic, and gradually sounded one after another. The kings finally confirmed that it was the sound of footsteps.

Then lightning flashed and thundered in the sky, the whistling whirlwind whizzed, and the gray mist of Baisha spread, accompanied by the vision of blood rain pouring down, which really shocked the world and shocked everyone.

Such a vision, so evil, so terrifying, what is it but a dark creature?
"This vision is so kind and familiar, maybe the King of Heaven has alarmed the people of Gaoyuan.

Or a few heroic officials beheaded the enemy and led dozens of kings back?Or the birth of the old man Ertu, it is a great event to be celebrated. "The Immortal King of the Gudi Mansion was confident and peaceful, clapping and laughing, and wanted to use his demeanor at this time to redeem the gaffe caused by the anger of the King of Heaven.

"After today, maybe there will be no more kings in the world, hehehe." The burial pit of the Heavenly Emperor and the immortal kings of the four poles of floating earth felt a familiar aura approaching, and it was the powerful immortal kings in the earth, so he couldn't help laughing stand up.

"Everyone, calm down."

The creatures from the four major evil lands looked at each other and smiled, and they almost drank together. The overall situation was settled, and there was nothing to worry about.

It seems that the results are brilliant.

The ending is very happy.

The other kings were also very curious, and they watched intently.

who is it?

To have such power, could it be that the supreme king of the ancient underworld was born?
Or is it that the three great immortal kings have returned with great success?

Gradually, at the reincarnation road, the footsteps stopped, and the blurry figure gradually became clear, and the time was still lingering around him, tainted with the rich atmosphere of the four evil earths.

who is it?

 Two sunny days and one rainy day, really regular
(End of this chapter)

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