Shading the sky: from the beginning of the emperor

Chapter 38 Reshaping the Secret Realm, Creating the Scriptures

Chapter 38 Reshaping the Secret Realm and Creating the Scriptures (4K [-]nd Update, Happy New Year)

The Hall of Immortality, a rare object in the world, was left by a sage in the past.

What's more special is that that sage is an ancient sacrament, and his achievements have been involved in good fortune. Although he has not achieved great success, he has also entered the realm of sages by relying on the secret realm of single cultivation.

Since the discovery, King Qingjiao has been deducing, trying to obtain the mystery of immortality, but failed in the end.

Even now, it has caused disasters, alarming the sleeping ancient creatures inside, seriously injuring him, and even taking away the palace.

Outside the Drunken Immortal Tower, the ancient creatures roared. They were awakened from a deep sleep and were extremely angry. They wanted to hunt blood to calm down. Their bloody eyes fixed on the ordinary monks in the city, extremely ferocious.

People trembled, and obviously felt the malice. These ancient creatures are so powerful, and they look down coldly. Could it be that they want to set off a race war in advance?

Inside the que, several holy masters stared for a moment, and had the idea of ​​making a move, but they were disturbed at this banquet, and their faces were a little helpless.

"Everyone, sit quietly and don't worry, it's just a few flies bumping around."

Xiang Yufei smiled lightly. He sat at the banquet and tapped his fingertips on the jade table at random. Thousands of ripples burst out in a soft sound, spreading like waves, circulating the secrets of heaven and earth, and Resonate and continue to amplify.


Dao Bo's boundless rolling sky, unexpectedly made a sound like a landslide and tsunami, the sky in ten directions was completely shattered, and the surrounding big rivers and giant mountains around it were pulled upside down and rolled upside down, wreaking havoc in the sky.

This is the ripple of law, the manifestation of Dao marks, so fast that the ancient creatures couldn't react, only heard the screams, the ancients who yelled before stopped, and a bloodstain appeared from the center of the eyebrows, quickly spreading to both sides. Between the legs, a large amount of blood spilled out with a puff, his body split into two halves, and he fell to the sides, burning into ashes with flames.

Immediately afterwards, the wave rushed forward, becoming thicker and duller with every breath, constantly resonating and merging with the great heaven and earth, guiding the "heaven and earth torrent"; with a bang, it destroyed the magic weapon sacrificed by the remaining ancient creatures , Faster than the lightning, tearing apart the law and order, all the remaining ancient creatures were shocked to death with a pop.

In an instant, the sky was filled with blood, and the corpses fell like rain, burning and disappearing.

Everything before was like a dream, and it had solidified before ripples were set off.

"Follow the heavens and the earth with every gesture, is this going to step into the legendary Zhan Dao Tianhe?"

Everyone was shocked, how powerful, the real body sits on the seat, and the Dao Bo swinging out of his fingertips kills the enemy like weeds, without any effort at all.

"Brother Dao's demeanor, I am in admiration." The four holy masters clasped their hands in admiration, and couldn't help thinking more in their hearts.

Among them, Wanchu and Zifu are the most important, because the original Holy Master withered in Wanlong's Nest, they were filled in as substitutes, and their strength was a little weaker, so we have to be cautious.

"This Temple of Immortality is interesting, and it's not bad to study it."

Xiang Yufei raised his hand to grab it, and the Hall of Immortality suspended in the air trembled suddenly, and was taken into his palm, turning into the size of a fist and floating quietly.

Seeing this, everyone no longer disturbed them. They just winked at their holy son and got up to bid farewell, "Brother Dao has something to offer, so I won't disturb you any more. See you in the future."

After the words fell, they left Zuixian Que, and the four holy sons were arranged to go to Tianxuan Stone Workshop, waiting for the sermon in the future. They were extremely eager to become stronger.

Especially the Holy Sons of Zifu and Wanchu, they were also promoted as substitutes for the Holy Son. The previous generation was all beheaded by Ye Fan, the Holy Body, and the two Holy Masters also fell into Wanlong's Nest because of him, and they were indeed in an embarrassing situation .

But it's better than the Yin-Yang Sect. The saints and saints were killed batch after batch, and they all became assembly lines.

"Brother Yufei, this Temple of Immortality is a good thing. The two of us entered and explored it. There may be relics of ancient sages left in it."

Inside the Immortal Que, Duan De stared at the ancient palace, his eyeballs wished he could touch his hands twice, his heart was very hot.

Virtue, I don't love treasures in my life, but I love treasures.

Xiang Yufei didn't procrastinate, and as soon as his mana was unleashed, he intertwined the Dao pattern halo, which shrank the two of them and disappeared into the palace like fine dust.

After entering, I realized that this magnificent ancient temple was not piled up, but carved out, with a stone mountain as the main body, and it was still a complete source mountain; if the main hall was broken, the source of gods could even be dug out.

"There is something wrong with the feng shui here. It is clear that there is a big danger, but it turns the danger into good luck. Could it be the ancient sage?"

The unscrupulous Taoist felt it, and groped about it, and soon found out.

There is an extremely powerful dao pattern here, which mobilizes an inexplicable power for its own use, which makes this place have the effect of immortality; it originates from the center of the hall.

Xiang Yufei also used the technique of heavenly secrets, counting a hexagram here, and the 64 hexagrams intertwined, and soon revealed an appearance of overlapping the lower part and the upper part.

Li is fire; exchange is Ze, and there is water in Ze.Water pours from above, fire rises from below.When the fire is prosperous, the water is dry; when the water is high, the fire is extinguished.The two coexist and restrain each other, and there will inevitably be changes.

"The seedlings are gradually declining in dry weather. Fortunately, the rain comes from the grace of heaven. Worry and joy can change, and they seek advice and work. There is indeed evil in this place, but it was turned by the ancient sages, and it was able to respond to the sky and turn it into auspiciousness. "

His eyes lit up, Ze Huo Ge, Ge Hexagram, which means obeying the sky and responding to people, is the upper hexagram, and this trip should be a great harvest.

The two of them made up their minds, and immediately strode forward and came to the center of the palace, only to see that a big hole had been opened in this place. Swing up.

Looking down, one can see that some fragments of the source of the gods are floating along the water flow, and some of them are even completely sunk below, and the ancient creatures inside are also clearly visible.

Xiang Yufei speculated that the effect of delaying aging and increasing practice time in the Hall of Immortality is due to the existence of those self-appointed ancient beings in Huangquan, whose divine origin was utilized by the Dao pattern and turned into this kind of flexible blessing.

However, the utility is very different and cannot be compared. The only advantage is that you can maintain a sober practice, which is suitable for an existence with a relatively sufficient lifespan.

"Unfortunately, if these god sources are taken away, it will destroy the ancient holy formation and lose the effectiveness of the Temple of Immortality." Duan De was a little depressed, and it was really uncomfortable to have treasures.

They went deeper and found that there are six halls in total, and there is a well in the center of each hall, which leads directly to the source of the underground seal.

Each well is engraved with complex dao patterns, turning the divine power in the Jedi into the power of growth, which has benefited both of them a lot; if they are intensively cultivated here, it will be particularly helpful.

But the strange thing is that when they walked out of the last well, they looked back and found a sarcophagus, which was connected to a divine source and disappeared into the water flow.

This is a bit strange, because the ancient creatures are not buried in coffins, and the two immediately searched for them, but they couldn't find any traces of them, so they had to give up temporarily and chose to go to the end of the palace.

It was a small world created by manpower, and it existed forever. It was also the place where the original owner's body was enshrined. The vegetation was lush, colorful flowers bloomed everywhere, and various ancient trees stretched out and hung with vines.

"Yaozu belongs to the Qing Emperor, the Qing Jiao King has already emptied this place, and most of the sage's corpse is also in his hands."

Duan De explored around, and couldn't help cursing, that old boy was really ruthless, he even dug up the floor tiles, leaving none of them, it was cleaner than what he did.

"The important thing is the inheritance. Forever shaping the world, that is something that King Qingjiao can't take away. He is not qualified." Xiang Yufei closed his eyes and sensed, touching the Dao pattern and the principle of the world.

The powerful people in ancient times felt the Dao of heaven and earth, and would write it down in the form of Dao pattern, and rarely recorded it in words; it was left to the predestined and talented people.


The realm of holiness opened up, forming a self-contained vein embedded in the heaven and earth, resonating with the torrent of the universe, so that Xiang Yufei's mind was raised to another perspective, and he saw the things inscribed in the void before the holy body sat down.

Those are two secret methods, a cultivation method in a single secret realm, which belongs to the wisdom essence of the ancient ancestors and can enter the realm of sages.

It should be noted that the holy body only specialized in the two major mysteries of Lunhai and Dao Palace by means of the secret method of physique, so he has these two articles of mind and secret art. He has never collected the other three mysteries, and he knows that he is hopeless. .

"I just need such a secret method to reshape the five great secret realms with the concept of five virtues, so that we can really go straight to the sky and surpass the past."

Xiang Yufei's eyes were blazing, and he sat cross-legged in the void, surrounded by waves of holy virtue, and began to practice the single secret method.

But he was not satisfied with this, but instead opened up his vision of the world map of mountains and rivers.

The world in 72 directions rotates, and 72 gods and demons sit cross-legged and chant scriptures, all of which move with him, running the single-cultivation method.

"The common people began to cast mountains and rivers, and recite my eternal name! Wait, help me practice!"

Xiang Yufei clasped his palms together, and the 72 gods and demons behind him immediately took steps, and they all rushed into his secret realm of the sea of ​​wheels to practice the single method. This instantly increased his speed and progress by dozens of times, and the horror was boundless .

What's more dazzling is that their wisdom and life trajectories collided together, intertwining brilliant sparks.

Each person's cultivation process in the secret realm of Lunhai is presented, each with its own advantages and disadvantages, turned into nutrients poured into Xiang Yufei's body, shaping one branch after another for his Lunhai; the true power of the vision of mountains, rivers and eternal worlds begins to show.

The scriptures they practiced were also rumbling, intertwined and resounding, turning into heavenly sounds to teach and transform the secret realm.

"Cultivating the secret realm alone, imitating the great power of the ancients, at most you can only go to the great sage, the five secret realms are not all in place, and you can't step into the quasi-emperor realm at all." Duan De was surprised, he didn't expect that there was still a single cultivation method left here.

As for why the other party wants to practice, he can only think about the foundation, after all, he is going to cut the way.

Time passed, and three months passed in a flash.

For Xiang Yufei, under the blessing of 72 levels of efficiency, the secret realm of Lunhai has changed a lot, and it has become a pure land when it merges with the realm of holiness.

The divine bridge that was originally erected has been scattered, and the spring of life dug out has also been replaced, and even the other shore has been reshaped. It is hard to believe that this is the secret land of Lunhai.

I saw that in today's sea of ​​suffering, there is no longer the fountain of life, but 72 life wheels rising from the ground, intertwining the energy of life and death, and completing the change.

It should be noted that there is only one life wheel for ordinary people, but Xiang Yufei directly turned 72 gods and demons into life wheels, which directly saved the troublesome process of digging up the life spring to connect up and down, so as to release divine power. Stronger is more efficient, and the intensity soars.

But this is not without cost. From now on, it also means that his vision of Mountains and Rivers is completely linked to the secret realm of Lunhai. Once it is damaged, it will affect the secret realm, destroying the foundation and cultivation base.

But the so-called wealth and wealth are sought in danger, misfortunes and blessings depend on each other, only by bearing the price paid can you get a tyrannical harvest, he thinks it is worth it.

But the changes in the secret realm are far more than that. From the life wheels of the 72 gods and demons, a gorgeous rainbow light began to spew out, flattening the sea, replacing the original divine bridge.

That is the "trajectory of the world of mortals" blended together by their scriptures and their life experiences, converging into a huge ark that connects the sea of ​​suffering and the other shore.

That is the raft of living beings, the boat of the world of mortals, and the boat of the boundless sea of ​​suffering!

Under the shaping of Xiang Yufei, the other shore has also turned into a magnificent mountain and river, imprinted with the phantoms of 72 gods and demons, which have become their reincarnation and destination, corresponding to the life wheel of the bitter sea, forming the two poles of "life and death, beginning and end" .

Their life experiences are presented and interpreted in the rainbow light, starting from the birth of the "Fate Tire Plate" on the sea of ​​bitterness; traveling from the world of mortals, composing a splendid life; ending at the destination of "the other side of the mountain and river", turning into immortal gods and demons To bless Yu Fei by chanting sutras; this is a complete life, carrying out the reincarnation of life and death and the next life.

This is his secret realm of Lunhai, the sea of ​​reincarnation, the sea of ​​mortals and Taoism, where all sentient beings can be crossed.

In an instant, the secret realm was reshaped, the human body was sublimated, and under the blessing of the package of the torrent of heaven and earth, the "heaven and man are one body", a mysterious and mysterious feeling reappeared, breaking through the eight forbidden fields!
This is the legendary realm of forbidden gods. At this moment, being touched by the secret realm, the realm, and the unity of heaven and man, Xiang Yufei felt like he had become a flying fairy, touching another great realm.

"Hehe, what a surprise. Originally, the bridge of scriptures was indirectly paved by reshaping the secret realm of Lunhai. Now that it touches the forbidden gods, it is blessed and promoted by the great heaven and earth. It is time to perfect my scriptures!"

He smiled, his body and mind were ethereal, and he looked down at his secret realm of Lunhai like a god. With the help of a new perspective, he found some shortcomings and made changes.

Moreover, the technique of heaven and earth promotes the unity of the universe and the torrent, and the whole world resonates with his scriptures, and the revision is assisted by the principles of natural law, waiting for the will of heaven and earth to write chapters, far beyond their own realm.

"Damn, it's really inappropriate. Let's forget about the unity of heaven and man, and touch the prohibition of the gods. This is not yet cut off. It really doesn't give others a way to survive." Duan De's eyelids twitched, and he couldn't help but shook his head and moved away. .

If this continues, there may be a day when Brother Yufei will be able to comprehend the secrets of the forbidden gods and dig out a wider path.

In his opinion, the embryonic form of the domain and its self-created secret method are the most important driving forces, leading to the outbreak of the forbidden gods, because they are all forces above their own realm, and the results can reverse the process, which is enough to resonate.

For Xiang Yufei, under the blessing of the unity of heaven and man and the state of forbidden gods, he is constantly inspired, and various mysterious structures come out along with the trend, allowing the scriptures of the secret realm of Lunhai to be bred and shaped.


I saw that when every sea of ​​bitterness surged, it merged into a mighty clear and turbid ocean. On the side of the mortal Taoist boat, a volume full of moistening things suddenly condensed, shining like a spark of fire. shimmering.

"Ze was born by the common people, and Run Zhi taught it, which is called holiness and virtue, and all dharmas are not touched." '

The Youyou Daoyin is chanted from it, which is the embodiment of Xiang Yufei's self-created Lunhai scriptures, and it is the embryonic seed that is conceived and presented at this moment.

The holiness is immeasurable, the book is closed, it is the sea of ​​bitterness turned into turbidity, full of dead energy, presenting an uncivilized, uneducated wild and bloody state, it is the means of attacking from the most powerful to the filthy; when the book is opened, it is the sea of ​​bitterness Clear, turned into vitality, the common people are enlightened and enlightened, the light of wisdom is bred, and the supernatural powers of body protection are displayed, and all dharmas are not touched.


At this moment, a thunderclap suddenly broke the calm, resounding inside and outside the Palace of Immortality.

"Genesis Tribulation!"

Duan De's expression changed and he couldn't help exclaiming.

Is this the creation of the 'rudiments of scriptures'?
 At six o'clock there is a big chapter to add more.

  There are ancient beings making trouble in the Palace of Brutality. It’s not just nonsense. The original book has such a plot, but it’s just a sentence. It just happened to perfect the scriptures, and now it can be regarded as a real breakthrough, and it begins to have the capital to compete with real heroes.

  Normally, Xianer and Xiansan have been able to create scriptures, but the upper limit of practice is very low and not perfect.

  So just to be on the safe side, I added a divine prohibition and a state of unity between man and nature to create the prototype of the scriptures. It is not a complete chapter, so I have to wait until after the Tao is cut, and there is no harm in being cautious.

(End of this chapter)

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