Shading the sky: from the beginning of the emperor

Chapter 404 Smuggling into the Burial Pit, Straight to Take the Floating Earth!

Chapter 404 Smuggling into the Burial Pit, Straight to Take the Floating Earth! (6K4)

The supreme confrontation, the overthrow of ancient history, the emergence of a long river that traverses the upstream and downstream of the past and present, it is flowing backwards silently, and everything in the world has changed because of this.

That kind of scene makes the supreme beings tremble with fear, one piece of ancient history is being reshaped, and the two figures change, developing a new trajectory, approaching the direction of their evolutionary path.

Whether it's the heavens or the gods, or the four great disasters, even the supreme Taoist ancestor closed his eyes, it is impossible to watch the battle of that level, and he can't bear it at all.

On the frontal battlefield, countless creatures fell into numbness and limpness, and just fell down like this, separated by time and space, their souls trembled at this moment, feeling that their lives were being manipulated, even if they were as strong as the fairy king, their minds went blank, as if they had been forever died.

This is still the result of not being on the battlefield and staying away from right and wrong places. If you get a little closer, or even take a look at it, I am afraid that the place will be wiped out immediately, and there will be no chance of reincarnation.

"Something's not right, the evil soil is withdrawing troops, shrinking the front?" You Daozu caught a glimpse of the ancient underworld and the soul river shrinking the front, the sky is full of fog, and the ancient cycle of reincarnation is revealed again, as if it is about to embark on the return journey.

"The silver chief priests are all defeated, so they will naturally retreat, or wait for the Supreme One to crush them all to death?" The others were not surprised. The outcome of a battle determines the final outcome of a battle.

If the Priestess of Ertu is defeated, they will naturally not stay to die, just like if the Immortal Emperor of Heaven fails, they will retreat.

"Ferryman, you lead the two Dao ancestors of Hungry Ghost Dao, Animal Dao and Soul River to retreat here to stabilize the reincarnation circuit. Others, follow me! Go straight to the burial pit and step on the floating soil!"

Leaving one supreme Taoist ancestor and four Taoist ancestors, Xiang Yufei gave an order, and the army embarked on the journey again, but instead of attacking the sky, they attacked the burial pit of the emperor of heaven and the floating soil of the four poles!
Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, and they understood the plan of the master of the ancient underworld. Was he really going to dominate the world, unify the four evil lands, and create an ancient underworld that is only me?

"Decree!" Zujinwu's voice was low, and he led all the powers to retreat continuously to form a large formation to guide the ancient temple to stabilize the reincarnation channel here. After waiting, he connected to the Zujinwu civilization and led the entire large domain into the ancient land. Fuchu.

"Fellow Daoist, how sure are you for this trip?" The Lord of Soul River held Xiang Yufei back with a solemn expression. He could take a risky gamble, but he couldn't make enemies blindly. If the attack failed, the other two families would still have their strength Now, they are the ones who are in trouble.

Xiang Yufei looked at him, smiled slowly, and stretched out a finger.

"[-]%? Is it too risky?"

"No, it's not [-]%, it's a certainty! It's settled in one fell swoop!"

The Lord of Soul River was taken aback. Why did he have such great confidence?The main force of the heavens is on their side. Can the quasi-immortal emperor who guards other frontier nodes be able to stop the army of the four poles and the burial pit of the emperor?

"Fellow Daoist, don't let your old self be avoided when you do great things." Xiang Yufei patted him on the shoulder, turned around, his gaze suddenly sharpened, and with a single step, he called out the cycle of reincarnation connected to the burial pit of the Heavenly Emperor.

The secluded road continued to extend, and there was darkness at the entrance of the cave, as if swallowing light, and a strange yin energy emerged.

"Heavenly Emperor's burial pit and the four poles were killed in a surprise attack. There are God's spies lurking in the evil soil! Keep your eyes open, clean up the evil soil, and guard the two dark places for those who go out to fight, so as to prevent God's army from coming back along the cycle of reincarnation! "

The human world raised its arms and shouted, to investigate the rebellion, the Qing emperor side, guard the country!
In order to avoid losses caused by the army of the gods coming from the other two reincarnation routes, their ancient underworld had to send troops to garrison the burial pit of the emperor of heaven and the Siji floating soil to help them guard the territory.

Immediately, the army of Soul River and the army of the ancient underworld marched out, awe-inspiring and cold, they knew that the opportunity to unify the four major evil lands had come, and now they must not hesitate, either do nothing, or fight for the power of the dragon!
"Divide troops to support, and besiege the four extremes of floating soil and the burial pit of the Emperor of Heaven, this is a good time to injure them severely!"

With their departure, the Heavenly Army also changed direction, and under the arrangement of several supreme Taoist ancestors, some strong men were separated to rush to Siji Futu and the invasion place of the Emperor's Burial Pit to support and suppress the intruders.

On the other side, the burial pit of the Emperor of Heaven.

This is a dark place that has existed since ancient times. The emperors who have been buried generation after generation are all creatures who have set foot in the ultimate realm. There are strong people from the brilliant civilization of the past, rulers who have been sacrificed to the heavens, and even gods. The living beings are all bleeding here, and their bones are lying everywhere.

The dark creatures came in and out of this place, because of the division of troops, some strong people stayed behind, not as hard as they did when they joined forces to attack God.

boom!At this time, the dome of the Emperor's Burial Pit cracked, and there was a terrible gap, which reversed the time and contracted the space, and something was about to come out there.


There is Burial Pit Supreme awakened, looking at the gap, it seems to be a cycle of reincarnation, but something more vast is washing out, with a roar, with water, and with an indomitable momentum.

That is a river.

River of fate!

Crash!The long river on the reincarnation road poured out, the tributaries were mighty, and the civilization originated, flooding the sky and the earth of the Emperor's Burial Pit in an instant, and it was dazzling with silver and white.

"Has the sky collapsed? Who dares to violate the burial pit of the Emperor of Heaven and provoke the majesty of the earth!"

The entire burial pit of the Heavenly Emperor was wailing, and even the true immortals and immortal kings trembled and prostrated themselves on the ground, as if they had lost their own consciousness, and the brains of countless creatures were blank, as if they would die at any time, become dust, and turned into dust. Ashes.

boom!The long river rolled forward, and the supreme beings stationed here were all torn apart by the impact, and some of them were torn apart, their heads fell to the ground, and they were quickly reshaped.

"This is the breath of the ancient underworld, what are you going to do!"

Dao ancestor was terrified, soaring into the sky, trying to stop it, how could the people of the ancient underworld break into the burial pit of the emperor of heaven, and even make a big move?

"The army's surprise attack has been frustrated, there are spies from the gods in the burial pit of the emperor of heaven and the floating soil of the four poles!
I waited to come to suppress the rebellion, guard the territory, prevent the reincarnation from being used by God, and take advantage of the situation to kill, but you have not stopped and returned to your position quickly, are you trying to plot a rebellion with the spies! "

The human way led the crowd out, with a stern voice, and he was directly charged with adultery and treason. The people who were stunned by the Emperor's funeral were speechless and even more suspicious.

Are there spies among them?
There was an accident in the division of troops and a surprise attack. God was prepared to come back and fight back along the cycle of reincarnation?
"Fellow Daoist, is there a misunderstanding on this matter, or..." A supreme thinks something is wrong, it's too coincidental, aren't the ancient underworld and the soul river facing the main force of God's attack, why did they rush back to suppress the rebellion? Guarding the homeland, where did the main force of the heavens go?
Before he could finish his words, he saw a spear piercing through the void, and the flames of the void were blazing, directly crushing his body, piercing through the center of his eyebrows, and stabbing his primordial spirit on the dark, dry ground .

"Sure enough, there are spies from the heavens, who are still trying to delay time at such a critical moment, and pass my order that all the souls buried in the pit by the emperor of heaven will be brought into the furnace of time to undergo review!

Standing upright is not afraid of the shadow slanting, and being loyal to the evil soil is naturally fine, but if you are a spy, don't blame me for being rude! "

Xiang Yufei stood on the wave, with cold eyes, suppressed a supreme being with one hand, directly and forcefully cleaned the burial pit of the Emperor of Heaven, and put them all into the furnace of time.

"Spies, entrap us until we lose half of our army and lose two Taoist ancestors. Who of you can afford such a price!" The Lord of the Soul River followed closely and stood aside.

This... the stay-at-home Supreme and the Taoist ancestor looked at each other, and the two supreme Taoist ancestors came in person. It is impossible for them alone to resist. The best way is to follow suit and find out the spies.

After all, the four major evil soils are still in the same camp, and the plateau will not allow them to kill each other. The Lord of the Soul River and the Lord of the Floating Earth are still there, and the Lord of the Underworld will not aggressively offend the two strong men. Maybe something really happened misfortune.

Moreover, Hunhe and Gudifu have indeed lost half of their army and four Taoist ancestors. Such losses are heavy, and some resentment is normal; if they object at this juncture, it is no different from courting death, idiot competence.

At this point, no one is willing to use their lives to verify the authenticity, so they summoned some of the remaining souls in the burial pit of the Emperor of Heaven, and walked into the time furnace one by one. As Xiang Yufei said, there is indeed no danger, just give them I stayed in another area, but when I went to the depths, the boiling ten-color evolutionary substances appeared...
"These people look very familiar. It seems that they were buried by the Emperor of Heaven."

"What are the people in the burial pit of the Emperor of Heaven doing in the time furnace, taking refuge?"

"Otherwise, why don't you come here to use fire to train your body? Maybe the Nenggu Difu raided the Heavenly Emperor's burial pit by surprise and captured them all."

On the cremation altar, the three Taoist ancestors who were constantly being eroded also cast their gazes, feeling very strange.

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't it be the souls of God who are imprisoned in? Why are there more and more people of our own?
"The burial pit of the Emperor of Heaven will be included in the ancient underworld today!"

Outside the furnace, Xiang Yufei's eyes became deeper and deeper, and with a gesture of his hand, the entire ancient underworld appeared. One after another, reincarnation circuits descended from the sky, connecting and merging the burial pit of the Emperor of Heaven, driving it to merge with the ancient underworld itself, forming a more complete A vast dark place.

Under his control, the Six Paths and Ten Capitals fully manifested, turning into a huge vortex reflected in the sky above the Emperor's Burial Pit, turning life and death, even if it was an ominous place where the Emperor was buried and the ancient history was buried in dust, it was impossible to escape the category of reincarnation.

The birth and decline of Tao are all interpreted in that vortex, everything grows and declines, the world decays and revives, the interpretation of the nature of the world, everything is just a reincarnation.

Those old scenes, the sea and the people are turbulent, the ancient sages and the ancient history are the same as the dust, the great world is reciprocating, the myriad spirits, plants and trees share the stardust, the worlds, ancient and modern, are just a cycle.

At this moment, the entire burial pit of the Emperor of Heaven fell into a pitch-black nothingness, as if swallowed by a boundless abyss, this area was cut open, and darkness enveloped everything, covering reincarnation.

Seeing all these rapid changes, the Lord of the Soul River couldn't help but tremble in his heart. The Lord of the Underworld was too well prepared, and the excuse of heavy losses was in hand with the banner of cleaning up spies and guarding the territory. It is indeed not a problem to suppress the empty and weak Heavenly Emperor Burial Pit and Four Pole Floating Earth, it is too easy.

"Okay, very good, the soul river draws the souls of the heavens, the burial pits cover the remains of ancient history, the four poles of floating earth cremate the creatures, and the ancient underworld rotates and reincarnates. The four major evil lands should be one. Splitting is the original sin, rebellion, and death. Opposition and unity are the truth, the end, and the merit.

For the sake of future generations, it doesn't matter if I bear the infamy for a while, they will understand me in the end. "

Xiang Yufei raised his head with his hands behind his back, took a step to examine the dark place, and drove straight all the way to the core area of ​​the Emperor's Burial Pit.

Surrounded by light and mist, auspicious colors lined one after another. In the peaceful and pure land, the fiery red spirit grass was shining like a large piece of sunset glow falling on the ground. Farther away, the golden flower buds with the mouth of a bowl were extremely bright, with flames, and there was a stream of light between the petals. It is colorful and fragrant, and there are also different trees and green clouds rippling, dotted among the flowers and plants. It doesn't look like bad soil, but like a back garden.

But looking closely, these big medicines didn't grow out of thin air, but took root in a burial pit, where there was a silver pool of blood, and there was also a corpse.

To be precise, this is a corpse, only half of the head is left, less than a quarter of the body, with a rotten breath, surrounded by silver blood, many fairy flowers and medicines grow from the self-harm.


This is the ruler of the previous generation of the heavens and the world, but his corpse is lying here. The way of death is a bit sad and desolate. There is no one to see him off or bury him. He was extolling his name, but after his death he was so decayed and tragic, it was really pitiful.

The ground in the four fields is dry and hard, and ominous substances emerge one after another. This world is deadly silent, with no plants or any other living things.

The core area is the real burial pit. I saw the remains of at least a dozen quasi-immortal emperors, all blooming with brilliance. Terrible dark creatures.

The burial pit of the Emperor of Heaven is well-deserved.

Ahead, the skull of the Heavenly Emperor controlled by the Lord of the Burial Pit stands upright. It is the core of this dark place, just like the reincarnation place of the ancient underworld, which needs to be refined to control it.

Xiang Yufei stepped forward, pressed one hand on the skull, and ominous substances of various colors poured down, continuously infusing his own mark, and the Lord of the Soul River also stepped forward to help.

Gradually, scenes about the burial pit of the Emperor of Heaven began to emerge in his mind, and he saw whole ancient histories one after another. These were the years belonging to the four great calamities, the endless abyss, and the brilliant civilizations that were wiped out generation after generation. The emperors who soared to the sky were all reduced to nothingness in the end.

After a while, the entire Heavenly Emperor's Burial Pit was shaken, the dark sky became brighter, and the dense dark clouds were torn apart, reflecting the multi-colored rays of light, sweeping away the dust and dirt, and reorganizing the rivers and mountains!

In a short time, a large dark place has changed hands, and the whole is connected with the ancient underworld. Half of the army is stationed here, and the remaining half is to follow Xiang Yufei and the Lord of the Soul River to march into the Four Pole Floating Lands. put down.

They have come to this point, naturally there is no reason to back down, the Lord of the Soul River is driving the Soul River to wash along with the long river of fate, directly breaking out of the node, roaring over the floating soil of the four poles, submerging this place, two big rivers rushing parallel , vast and magnificent, shocked countless living beings here.

There is no day in the four poles, it is always a dark night, the wind is blowing, one after another Bianhua blooms, as crystal as a blue diamond, blooming continuously, the blue pollen floats up, turning into a faint blue mist , like a dream.

A round of blood moon hanging in the sky turned into blue, very strange, hanging on the horizon, emitting a faint blue light, illuminating the blue brilliance, in the long space, there are one after another bridges made of ashes that are getting closer and closer. It is real, and there are even various patterns of flowers, birds, fish and insects on it, as well as reliefs of gods and birds, fairy beasts, etc. The solemnity reveals evil spirits, which is very weird.

In addition, in the void, one after another human figures emerged, which were also transformed into blue mist, all of them were the creatures who stayed here, not many, only one Taoist ancestor and two supreme beings, and the rest all went to heaven by surprise.

"I don't know what's the matter with the arrival of everyone from Soul River and Ancient Difu?" The faces of the three powerhouses were solemn. Facing the two supreme Taoist ancestors and the army, no one could calm down. Be suppressed!

As Xiang Yufei and the Lord of the Soul River, there is no need to open his mouth, and he came out from the human world, "Our division of troops was blocked, and the blood of the chief priest was spilled in the world. God was prepared, the army suffered heavy losses, and the burial The Lord of the Lord and the Lord of the Floating Earth fell into siege, and we lost most of our army, and four Dao ancestors disappeared. The loss was heavy, and we had to retreat and retire.

Now it is time to come back to find out the spies and guard the territory, so as not to kill the Taoist ancestors along the cycle of reincarnation. Even the priests are defeated, and we can only retreat. "

The meticulous division of troops by traitors was blocked, most of the ancient underworld and Hunhe were lost, and even four Taoist ancestors were missing?The priest is still defeated?

These three news were bigger and more frightening than the last, and the three of them were at a loss as to what to do.

Looking at the "resentful and resentful" ancient underworld and the "remnant army" of Hunhe, they were also a little worried. The other party was obviously angry, and it was absolutely inappropriate to get angry at this moment, otherwise it would only bring disaster to themselves.

"The lord of the underworld has an order. Now is the time of crisis. Everyone will enter the time furnace for review. If you are innocent, you will be fine." The fire of fire and the flames of ancient times are blazing, and the red and purple colors are dazzling.

The faces of the three living beings in Futu froze, feeling inexplicably inappropriate, so they politely declined, "It may not be necessary to enter the time furnace, the four major calamities are all safe in the end, why don't you send a message to ask the Lord to make a decision?"

"You can try, I'll wait for the loss, even if someone has to bear it." Ren Jiandao smiled suddenly, and the two great Taoist ancestors behind him looked over, the threat was self-evident.

Either be defeated and suppressed here, or go in by yourself, how to choose, do you even need to think about it?

And without waiting for them to say anything, the long river of fate and the river of soul hanging above the floating soil of the four poles rushed up, and all the creatures left behind were swept up in a single flush, and they were thrown into the furnace of time.

Xiang Yufei didn't speak, and quietly looked at Daozu and the two supreme beings, making them feel chilly and their scalps tingling.

"Don't bother the Lord of the Underworld, let's go in by ourselves." The three of them smiled bitterly, and walked into the time furnace by themselves, very consciously.

Up to now, they have not gone to the ancient underworld to fight against each other. They thought it would be unrealistic to unify the four major disasters, after all, and the two supreme Taoist ancestors are still there. Cheap?

After all, they have also suffered a lot, and they are angry, think differently, and be considerate, they would not be much better, and the two people in power did not blame them, but they are just reviewing in another place, and they are still honest people!
But all of this was only awakened when he saw the ocean of evolved matter in the furnace.

Understand the real purpose of this 'support', this 'clearing rebellion and defending the territory'.

"It's over." The Lord of the Soul River felt a little relieved, the occupation was completed in a short period of time, and there was not even any resistance, it was too fast.

"No, it's just the beginning." Xiang Yufei shook his head, occupying the two dark lands is nothing, what he wants is to keep, subdue, and unify. There are still two big troubles that have not been dealt with. I hope God will not let you down For his kindness, put in more effort to tidy up the four poles of floating soil and the burial pit of the Emperor of Heaven.

Then, they went all the way to the remaining three cremation altars in the Siji floating soil. One by one, they were all taken into Yufei's pocket, and they were replaced with black prisons and left in place to serve as brand new incineration altars. place.

Deep in the floating soil of the four poles, there is a path connected to the plateau, but the Dao ancestors of the chief priest group retreated back to the plateau when the silver chief priest was defeated. Road.

The place is hazy with mist, and there is only a gray-white millstone lying there, surrounded by chaotic air, slowly rotating, constantly crushing something, and releasing ashes and bone meal.

The millstone is very large, the stone is rough, and it rotates slowly and regularly. There are still stains of blood on it. It has not dried up after many epochs. The blood of the Dao ancestor is also related to the supreme!
Looking carefully, the grinding disc is filled with corpses one after another. The weakest is the supreme being, extremely densely covered, and there are also Taoist-level remnants, as well as unimaginable residues of existence. Eternal, but has never died, and is still repeating this process.

"There are rumors that the Lord of the Floating Earth is the supreme psychic of the ashes. Now it seems that it is not impossible."

Xiang Yufei's heart moved, the ten colors intertwined between his palms and fingers, and the evolutionary material emerged and eroded, and poured into this millstone. Unlike the burial pit of the Emperor of Heaven, this node is extremely difficult to refine, forcing him to take all the supreme true blood After it came out, it was gradually pushed, dispelling and devouring the power left by the Lord of Floating Soil.

After a while, he stood up, and the whole millstone became brighter, with ten more lines of different colors, and the ashes and dust that were crushed inside no longer gathered into nothingness, but floated around Xiang Yufei, faintly It was as if a being had opened its eyes, watching him from the obliterated ancient history.

But this does not affect anything, the ancient underworld that annexed the burial pit of the emperor of heaven descended, and the cycle of reincarnation runs through this place, leading the ancient temples to cover the sky, bringing this dark land into the territory, merging and swallowing it.

"Today, the Four Pole Floating Earth, the Burial Pit of the Heavenly Emperor, and the Soul River are all unified in the ancient underworld!
There are no more four major calamities, only the ancient underworld is eternal! "

Xiang Yufei laughed loudly, raised his divine fire spear in his hand, and occupied the two dark lands in one fell swoop, and no one can stop the four great evil lands.

And the combined blessing of the two dark origins made his strength grow again, and the fourth civilization also showed signs of being opened up. Countless chains of light hung from the pores of his body, each of which was intimidating and contained endless profound meanings, each of which was unique. This kind of ancestral chain of the Dao transcends the ranks of the heavens and all walks of life.

This place was immediately submerged by particles of various Dao ancestor substances, as if the heavens had burst a dike, impacting the past and the present, and sweeping the sea of ​​time.

At this moment, two bells rang in Yuankong at the same time, it was the call for help from Siji Futu and Tiandi Burial Pit.

They couldn't resist anymore and needed reinforcements.

"Fellow Daoist?" The Lord of Soul River asked Xiang Yufei if he wanted to help.

Xiang Yufei shook his head, "Don't worry, God's main force is attracted by them now, and it's time for us to make meritorious deeds, so let's suffer for the burial pit of the Emperor of Heaven, and feel wronged for a while, and we will remember to burn incense."

 Loyal ministers, dignified serialization

(End of this chapter)

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