Shading the sky: from the beginning of the emperor

Chapter 418 The Demons of the Supreme Heaven, Harm the Black Lord

Chapter 418 The Demons of the Supreme Heaven, Harm the Black Lord (6K)

On the frontier of the sky, Digu's body was crooked, twitching constantly on the copper coffin, like a bear rubbing against a tree, trying to throw something off.

But in the dark, the big hand didn't stop, it was big, the real cattail fan's big claws touched his celestial cap, the long nails were as sharp as hooks, they lightly brushed across the top of his head, and kept rubbing , as if to play with his head.

"Can the Immortal King encounter such ominous things? Which old ghost, who has been sleeping for thousands of years, found me?"

Digu secretly complained that his luck was not good, did he accidentally touch some unimaginable creatures?Now that weird feeling became more and more intense, more and more blood and scales were flowing and scratching on his body, which made him shiver uncontrollably.

It is conceivable that there is a vicious picture, an indescribable monster, a frightening creature, surrounded by gray mist, covered with long red hair, lying on his back, sticking out a scarlet tongue, mouth full of blood. The black mucus in his body kept flowing down, his rusty, golden-scaled claws kept stroking his head, and his eyes were facing him with a cold green glow...
Obviously, this is not something Daozu can do, he probably touched something related to Lujin unintentionally!

The End of the Road is known as the supreme being, running through one ancient history after another. How many epochs have passed, and there are not many of them. The kind of miraculousness is unimaginable.

"What is he thinking?" Xiang Yufei raised his brows, and saw the evil creatures in Digu's mind. It can't be said that he is far from him, but he can't beat him. The feeling dissipated as soon as the mind moved, and turned into a voice lingering in Digu's ears.

"The heavens... the sea of ​​the sea...receiving...the ancient palace...the ultimate ancient land...the underworld...come."

The reappearance of the dark voice startled Digu, who looked around, but couldn't find the source.

The seas of the heavens?What does the Ultimate Ancient Land have to do with the Ancient Difu and the Ancient Temple of Jieyin?He wondered why the voice had no beginning and no end. It only mentioned a few words, but it involved the Heavenly Mandate Priestesses of the heavens and the earth.

Everyone knows that the Ancient Temple of Guiding is the precursor of the reincarnation of the ancient underworld, but when did it appear in the heavens, and is it related to the previous small sacrifice?
With this in mind, Di Gu also had the thought of going back to the heavens, but before that, he still needed to improve his cultivation.

At the same time, Xiang Yufei's body wrapped in flower buds trembled violently on the Lotus of Myriad Tribulations of Reincarnation, and another illusory figure appeared, floating on his body surface, as if wanting to merge into it. In the past, there was an invisible competition, and the ashes were scattered, and there were ancient histories and development trajectories between the two, similar but different.

This is the influence of the magic of the Supreme Heaven. The ashes Supreme and Xiang Yufei are competing for the interpretation and existence of history. They will collide with each other and reflect the heavens and worlds, making people blind.

Xiang Yufei re-walks the path of the supreme life, walk into him, experience him, become him, surpass him, control him, transform heavenly demons, and transform sentient beings!
At this moment, he is the highest ashes, experiencing the life course from birth, embarking on the road of cultivation, meeting friends, having confidante, enemies, brothers, experiencing joys and sorrows, becoming A story within a story.

Fighting and killing all the way, rising all the way, the ashes turned into the highest and countless catastrophes that he had experienced came to him. If Xiang Yufei should sink, he would replace him and return against the sky.

But in fact, there is more than one battlefield. Xiang Yufei's "part of his life experience" is also experienced from the ashes. To attack and kill the "dark beings" who have broken through and descended, in order to obliterate the Supreme, let him sink, and use it for himself.

In a sense, this is another way to use "don't think or not to think". The angle of struggle is very mysterious, beyond the imagination of the creatures under the highest, they are actually experiencing each other's lives, going through thousands of calamities, and tens of thousands of times. Difficult, it is unbelievable.

For Xiang Yufei, the experience of the ashes is very different. The method and path of his rise are very distinctive, and the final sacrifice is full of sadness.

In the eyes of the Ashes Supreme, the years of Xiang Yufei's rise were too difficult. The age of the end of the Dharma is accompanied by darkness and turmoil, and there are also enemies of dark creatures that are constantly coming. It's impossible to go alone.

In the end, Xiang Yufei walked his journey to the day of the Great Sacrifice, when Baisha Supreme struck, civilization was shattered, and the heavens and worlds became empty.

But there is a key point here, that is his real body, the Priest of Destiny also appeared in this period of time, and took the Supreme Body from the Priest of Baisha, with this help, he will naturally completely overwhelm the ashes of Supreme Priest and make this experience Finish.

But the ashes of Supreme are experiencing the most tragic battle, which was the battle before the quasi-emperor, and they were attacked and killed by countless dark creatures. It is enough to push across the ages, even if these creatures appear one after another, they are not his opponents.

But at this moment, in the depths of the soul of Xiang Yufei, played by Ashes Supreme, the corpse belonging to the ancestor of all spirits moved, his eyes opened suddenly, and the orange fog spread all over the sky. In front of the ashes supreme, a slap came down, crushing the quasi-di with the power of the Taoist ancestor.

This is the confidence for him to cast the magic of the sky, the corpse of the Taoist ancestor hidden in the primordial spirit!
At the beginning, no one could avert this calamity, but now he is supreme, so he can naturally urge the birth of this calamity, there is no solution!

"Which normal person hides the body of the Taoist ancestor in his soul? This road is really not for people." Even after the ashes have experienced heavy wind and rain, they can't stand it anymore. Can they really survive?
He endured the big-character and constant-character generation; he endured the interference of the forbidden zone; he also endured the remnant thoughts that brought out batch after batch of true immortals and fairy kings of the same realm; and finally he won the battle in person in the same realm; But this Dao ancestor corpse was the only one who shot directly, and couldn't bear it, and couldn't bear it.

what is this?He has fought across so many realms from Hunyuan, to the peak of humanity, to becoming an immortal, to the immortal king, and then to the quasi-immortal emperor and Taoist ancestor?how to spell?Can't fight!
It doesn't matter who else it is. In the field of humanity, Daozu personally intercepted and killed him.

Reluctantly, the ashes fell to the ground and fell into the sand. They fell on this catastrophe and were suppressed by Xiang Yufei.

On the other hand, in his life experience, Xiang Yufei also cooperated with the brand of "Heaven's Destiny Priest" to complete this historical process, carry out the great sacrifice, and imprison the ashes in the black prison cage.

Under the great sacrifice, all the heavens decayed, the great world decayed and collapsed, and all vitality gradually disappeared, heading towards the end.

And the ashes in the prison are also weakening, gradually drying up, the sharp eyes are dim, the past glory has been cut off in the long river of history, forgotten, the whole person is depressed, and will eventually perish.

At first, you can just sit back and watch the wind and clouds rise and the times change, but later on, you become numb, and you perish together with the world, slowly perishing in desperation, with no hope in sight.

Whether you want to think about it or not, all traces of him are being replaced, reinterpreted, and turned into another person from the root, and he himself has become a rootless duckweed, a lonely ghost, losing the foundation of existence and identity.

"You fall into the high priest, and since I have turned you into a demon, I will avenge you and deal with the other priests in the future.

If one day, I have to be detached, I will promise you to be supreme forever. "

Xiang Yufei was not overbearing, and looked at him and promised that he would destroy the ten priests one by one, avenging the evolutionary civilization that was annihilated in the past.

If he can really go through his own system and cross the golden bridge, he can reshape this supreme life.

In the end, the figure bowed slightly, and understood the importance of fulfilling one's promise, and completely transformed into his appearance, becoming the 'side' of the Supreme Heavenly Demon, and incarnate the Heavenly Demons.

From now on, the highest ashes is Xiang Yufei, who is the identity of the chief priest of destiny before the two great sacrifices!
His evolutionary system and his civilization have all been taken over and transformed; the parts that have been polluted and eroded by the officiant, or even broken off, have been repaired, and those substances have been swallowed and transformed into destiny substances.

This kind of method is like the law system of the secret realm polluted by evil soil in later generations. It will cut off the future of evolution, but it is nothing to the strange in the strange and the ominous in the ominous. It directly counters erosion and devouring and eliminates all hidden dangers .


In an instant, from the history before the two major ceremonies, the scenes that belonged to the ashes of the ashes all changed. All the figures flashed, and Xiang Yufei's appearance was reflected in the eyes, and a large amount of mist evaporated around the body, revealing a metallic luster.

"The destiny is supreme, and this world is also the master of civilization."

He slowly revealed a smile, his ominous meaning was restrained, and his whole body glowed with the fire of civilization. He also became a living creature in history who was "buried in dust" and "covered up without thinking or thinking"!

In the future, Xiang Yufei will be able to deal with many things from this body. Since the past interferes with the future, it is still an ancient history that was sacrificed by the great sacrifice. There is an invisible layer of cover and protection. Even the deduction of the chief priest is difficult to know, and it takes a lot of effort .

In this way, he can stay out of the matter, and in this capacity, attack and kill the Supreme Evil Earth, and complete the layout. The real body can also cooperate with one or two, and those priests should thank him!

Fighting the earth, the one who killed the officiant was the civilized immortal emperor of the past years, what does his destiny have to do with the officiant?

To offer sacrifices to the heavens, the highest one is the chief sacrificer of destiny in the ancestral land of the plateau, so what does it matter to him, the Immortal Emperor of Civilization?

You can't pour dirty water, wrong the good people, and chill the hearts of the heroes!
The lotus petals unfolded, and Xiang Yufei stood up from the flower buds. Behind him, the figure of the Immortal Emperor Civilization slowly faded away. He re-entered the present world, and the development of the ancient underworld has entered a new stage.

It has been a long time since he retreated at the beginning, and it has lasted for 20 years. Even the battle report between God and the plateau has passed several letters.

And even a supreme being in a very poor state is so difficult to deal with, which shows the detachment and terror of this series; if it is a supreme in its heyday, the struggle may last for 50 years, or even a million years.

It's not a matter of strength and law, it's simply the particularity of this level, it's too heaven-defying, and beyond the scope of ordinary people's comprehension.

"The black blood chief priest was injured again? This time he was attacked by the soldier master and was torn apart. He had to return to the evil soil to recuperate. That's an opportunity."

Seeing the news, Xiang Yufei couldn't help thinking about it. Now that the Black Blood Priestess is weak, it's time for him to make a move, but the superficial preparations still need to be done.

He was going to go to the Gray Fog Priest first, asking to replace the Black Blood Supreme, and preside over the Destiny Ceremony. Since the black can't go on, it is also appropriate to abdicate and let the virtuous.

Old guys shouldn't stand in the way of young people.

Deep in the plateau, under the avenue tree.

The torn apart supreme landmark was fluttering in the wind not far away, and the chief priest of the gray mist stood quietly, looking at the sky from a distance, with deep eyes.

At this moment, his figure moved slightly, and he turned around to see another figure approaching. The orange gold armor of Destiny's Fate was dazzling and fiery. He approached with the sound of clashing armor. It was the newly promoted Priest of Destiny.

"What's wrong with Black, I heard he was injured again." Xiang Yufei asked about the status of the Black Blood Priest.

Ever since he met the chief priest, his experience was really not good. Either he was being beaten, or he was on the way to be beaten. The strongest ones also have very bad luck, and it is not easy to protect themselves.

"I'm still recuperating, and I'm about to leave the test. It seems that the Supreme God has mastered a kind of hidden artifact, which is quite restrained from ominous substances. The Supreme will be affected, seriously injured, and even difficult to recover. It's unimaginable. Even the resilience of the plateau Suppressed." Hui Wu's heart moved, and he saw Xiang Yufei's thoughts.

This is not caring about the injury of the black blood chief priest, it is clearly spying on the presiding position of the black blood priest!

Seeing that the other party was injured and in poor condition, he already had the intention of seizing the throne.

However, God's recent offensive is indeed a bit swift and violent. The power that can contain and even purify ominous substances makes them very afraid, and they are thinking about ways to fight.

Otherwise, even the veteran officiant would not be able to please, and they even felt that that kind of power might be related to the copper coffin of the third generation, and had a similar aura.

Xiang Yufei smiled when he heard the words, "Since this is the case, the position of the Grand Priest cannot be vacant. Should someone replace the presiding officer? If it continues to procrastinate, it may not be a good thing for God to research something."

As for the restrained object, it is either a stone harp or a stone millstone, and they must all be related to the copper coffin owner.

"It seems that you don't intend to help Black Blood complete the great sacrifice." The master priest of Huiwu understood, and it was obvious that he was aiming for the position of great sacrifice when he said this.

But this position is the result of the cooperation and compromise between the top ten chief priests, and it is impossible to change it at will. It needs to maintain balance and ensure fairness, otherwise it will be chaotic, and it is only one family.

"This is the Black Era, not the Orange Era. Does he need my help?"

"You are very interested in the Daji, but this kind of thing can't be rushed, you need to wait."

The two chatted, and the meaning was very clear. If the Black Blood Priest was seriously injured and fell asleep, or disappeared forever, then it would not be difficult for the Destiny Priest to ascend to the position. That kind of thing, how could they break the rules and offend the other nine by making Xiang Yufei alone?

Obviously wrong.

"You don't support me hosting the grand ceremony?" Xiang Yufei's smile turned cold. It seems that the situation of these old guys is really not easy to break, and they need to create an opportunity.

The head priest of the gray mist shook his head, "It's not that I don't support it, but there are rules here, black is just injured.

Moreover, with so many people behind you, it is enough without my support. "

"It doesn't matter, I will definitely come out to fight when the time comes, and it will depend on who has the biggest fist." Xiang Yufei smiled slightly, turned around and left.

Since the old guys like to talk about rules, then he will tell them the rules, but it is not the rules of Ertu, but his rules of Xiang Yufei!
In this plateau, what the Destiny Clan likes must belong to him!

Looking at his disappearing figure, the Priest of Gray Mist sighed faintly. This latecomer is too radical and too powerful, which is a blessing and a curse.

Back in the ancient underworld, Xiang Yufei walked directly into the Time Furnace, his eyes flickering, he already had a plan.

"Black blood, gray mist, and silver streaks, these three can be eliminated first. After turning into demons, black blood can be handed over to Digu to take over. Silver streaks are similar to Luo Tianxian's system, and it's not bad to give her a replacement. As for gray Fog, it’s okay to leave it to anyone if you look at it again, God’s eight are supreme, pull them all over, and then we’ll see if this plateau is a land of calamity or God.”

With this in mind, he directly communicated with the heavens using the true blood as a guide, and wanted to discuss with Luo Tianxian and strike at the officiant.

"The black officiant, or the silver officiant, both of them are newly promoted to the top, and they are not strong enough, so they are the best targets." After hearing about his plan, Luo Tianxian discussed with several people in Menghai, and suggested Start with the two weakest.

Especially the black blood chief priest, who is now injured, they can take action from the history of past nodes, force him to fight, and catch him by surprise.

Xiang Yufei also had this intention, so he nodded and said, "Very well, then I'll take care of the Black Blood Priest. I'll go away to the Sea of ​​Sacrifice, let Meng Hai take the opportunity to hit him hard, and then promote the two historical overlays left before." In the long river of time, turn the Black Blood Festival into the Destiny Festival!"

"The sea is very windy and rough, so be careful."

"I came up from the Jihai frontier, would I be afraid of strong winds and waves?

The bigger the wind and the waves, the better. "

Soon, the two ended their communication and began to make arrangements.

After explaining to Yufei to the people of the clan, he stepped out of the plateau and walked towards the sea of ​​sacrifice. He wanted to cross over to collect the wreckage and supreme traces of the heavens and worlds that had been sacrificed in the past. public.

boom!Taking one step forward, traveling at the highest level without concealing it, a huge aura rages past, magnificent and majestic, re-opening up the world, interpreting the original atmosphere of all things, everything has to be overthrown and restarted.

The divine light passed through the frontier and directly submerged into the Sea of ​​Sacrifice.

"Has the Priest of Destiny entered the Sea of ​​Sacrifice? That is a mysterious place. Even if the supreme beings cross there, it must be in units of epochs."

In the frontier, many creatures accidentally entered the Sea of ​​Sacrifice, which is a lost place, and people may never see him again in this era.

However, such an existence can still appear from the past and the future, and intervene in the present world, but its influence will be weakened if it is not real.

People have complex expressions, is this the Lujuan level creature?Their appearance and disappearance may be normal to themselves, but as time goes by in the world, the living beings in the heavens have changed countless generations, and even changed several civilizations.

"Is this expressing dissatisfaction, but this is a rule maintained by the top ten ethnic groups and cannot be easily broken. He will eventually understand our painstaking efforts."

In the plateau, someone's eyes lit up. After seeing this scene, they didn't say much.

But in the sky, several eyes intertwined, and quietly began to act.

Luo Tianxian and Menghai Qiqi stepped into the ancient history of the past, and wanted to enter the historical node to intercept and kill the black blood chief priest, so that his wounded past could be changed into a completely annihilated past.

"Bad premonition, someone is going to target me?"

In the depths of the plateau, in the depths of the black blood group, a shadow opened its eyes, very decayed, its body was bent, covered with black animal hair, skinny and bones, like a skeleton, like a prehistoric ghost returning to the world, The large and small wounds on his body seemed to be cut open by a sharp weapon, and black blood continued to flow, but there was a kind of piano sound echoing, which suppressed him and made him recover very slowly.

After all, the Black Blood Officiant is supreme, and he has a sense of the coming disaster, so he started the deduction.

But the strange thing is that the past time and space and the future may be affected, as if other immortal emperors are intervening, there are vague figures blocking the brilliant evolution path of the past; The occurrence and deduction are reversed, blocking the prying eyes of the black blood supreme.

And in the Sea of ​​Sacrifice, a figure came across, watching the ebb and flow of the tide, watching the rise and fall of the past and the present.

"Sacrifice to the sea is really extraordinary."

Xiang Yufei overlooks the world, crosses the sea of ​​sacrifice on a bamboo raft on the avenue, and meets the waves that can destroy the world. In the scarlet ocean composed of countless heavens and worlds, the waves bloom under his feet, the world rises and falls, rebirth and collapse off.

It is conceivable how terrifying the blood-colored ocean that even the immortal emperor cannot easily cross, this area is easy to get lost and full of dangers for the highest, it is vast, and the waves and flowers are made of destructive substances The abyss, the blood-sacrificed heavens and worlds.

Deeper, it is known as the place where the Immortal Emperor sacrificed, and there is a huge altar, which is exactly the goal of Xiang Yufei's trip.

After that, he sensed the news of Luo Tianxian and Meng Hai, and slowly smiled, "Fellow Daoist Black Blood, I'm here to save you!"

Across the boundless sea of ​​sacrifices, separated from the sky, separated by countless ancient histories, separated by countless time and space of evolutionary civilization, it is very difficult to appear holy in this situation, but it does not require him to act in this world.

Before the two major sacrifices, among the brilliant civilizations of the heavens, Supreme recovered, opened his eyes, and the flames of civilization all over his body were burning brilliantly, illuminating the dim historical sky.

"Black Blood, I'm here to find you!"

As soon as he took a step, the supreme aura was unprecedentedly strong, and he went directly down the river to the node where the black blood priest was wounded by the supreme god with a stone harp. He wanted to reshape history and reenact time and space.

In the ancient history of the past, not only the figures of Meng Hai and Luo Tianxian were swimming upstream, but there was also a person who was moving, coming out of the dusty ancient history before the two major sacrifices, going down the current, and directly hitting the chief priest!
The two sides encircled, and the three emperors killed together!

 Those are brothers and sisters, dear friends, you need to pay more
(End of this chapter)

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