Shading the sky: from the beginning of the emperor

Chapter 427 Liwei, the Qingmang chief priest enters the game

Chapter 427 Liwei, the Qingmang chief priest enters the game (4K)

"Among the heavens, a new Taoist ancestor was born."

In the plateau, there are countless beings who have noticed the changes in the Dao between heaven and earth, and are amazed that a young man who was allowed to be manipulated and chased by them in the past has also paved the way and became the ancestor of Dao.

The dark dao ancestor looked back and looked at the heavens and worlds. He was indeed the son of the heavens back then. He carried the last bronze coffin of the third generation on his back. He survived the great sacrifice and broke through the dao ancestor, which is rare.

"Do you want to take action and kill it?" Some creatures came out, eager to try, trying to knock down the new Taoist ancestor, but they were stopped by the strong priests of the priest group. In the time of growth, a Taoist ancestor is just a stronger seedling, don't act rashly."

The dark creatures understand that the spring plowing has just begun, and whoever dares to trample on the green shoots that have just broken through the ground will be severely punished and wiped out.

After all, the needs of the great sacrifice cannot be met by mortals piled up in numbers, and a large number of powerful evolutionaries are needed.

They need to wait, and what the Eritreans lack most is time.

The heavens and worlds and God have entered a period of peaceful development, there is no ominous appearance, and there is no strange catastrophe, and 10 years have passed like this.

About the old things, about the great sacrifices and gods that used to be, they are gradually fading away, and they are regarded as legends by the newly born young people. There are more and more people, and a golden age seems not far away.

"The big festival is empty, how long will the ominous group disappear? When the next big festival comes, who can stand up and fight?"

"Rise up, forge ahead, and achieve my path!"

The older generation is still worried, looking at where the Emperor of Heaven is. The new generation, ignorant, full of blood and passion, is swaying their lofty sentiments, wandering around, and newcomers are rising every day, and the stars are shining and shining .

Time flows in such a world of contradictions. The older generations are strongly disturbed and feel that the world is about to fall, while the new generation is full of fighting spirit, yearning in their hearts, and wanting to go against the sky.

The ultimate ancient land, on this prehistoric land, the essence flows, the ancestors of Taoism are occasionally seen, the fairy fog is lingering, and the mountains and rivers are incomparably magnificent and magnificent. Things that have a lot to do with you happen.

At this moment, he also has hidden worries in his heart. Although he is the ancestor of Taoism, he is still far away from resisting the evil soil. The original gods, the supreme gathering, are the ceilings of each historical period, and they are the protagonists of each great world. The most brilliant person of the era, but also lost in the Great Festival of Destiny, was suppressed by two immortal emperors, and the rest crossed the sea of ​​sacrifice.

The road to the heavens is too bitter and long, and he hopes to protect his homeland to the end.

And on the plateau, under the avenue tree, the eleven newly completed priests gathered here to establish the next round of gray sacrifices.

Meng Hai, who used to be the highest among the three weapons and is now the chief priest of Gray Mist, looked around and said hoarsely, "I will take over the next round of the ceremony, so you may have any objections."

Facing the former supreme being, the other priests said that it was impossible to trust, and there were more or less concerns and doubts that needed to be tested and verified.

Lan Yun, who once coveted the Black Blood Festival and was dealt with by Xiang Yufei, stood up again without hesitation, "Fellow Daoist, you need to consider the position of the host of the new round of the festival. Whether you have completed the transformation now, or have selfish intentions?" , we cannot be sure.”

Obviously, he is not only here to test, but also has some thoughts about the priest, can't beat the priest of destiny, can't he also beat the former Menghai?

There is always a soft persimmon to pinch.

The brown rust officiant at the back frowned, and stepped forward and said, "Fellow Daoist, there is no rush for this matter, we can discuss it carefully, you are new here, and you are not proficient in these things, it is more suitable to leave it to us old seniors. "

Facing the doubts from these people, Meng Hai took a look at Luo Tianxian. This Lord stands at the peak of the Immortal Emperor, so no one dares to challenge him, but he is different, and needs to prove his strength through deterrence. Liu Guang stuck between his palms, and with a bang, he stretched out his big hand and patted Lan Yun's officiant.

It is the carrier of the Dao, the embodiment of the concept. Accompanied by the surging chaotic energy, the palm is obscure and deep, spreading the gray fog. It wants to smash the vacuum and obliterate all things. The strong ominous energy makes everyone understand. This is pure 'Dark creatures', the transformation ritual was indeed completed.

boom!The wave-like halo around the blue halo chief priest's body expanded, freezing everything around the big hand and falling into recession, but the gray mist still invaded, and the lifeless inertia was useless to it, leaving a string of mother gold in the long space. He stretched out his hand to block the traces, countless sand and gravel flew out of the explosion waves, all of which were compressed Myriad Realms, and they were all crushed with a side palm, returning to nothingness.

"It's just a test, you don't have to worry about it, fellow daoist, I've offended you." Seeing this, Lan Yun's chief priest smiled a little embarrassedly, took a step back, and did not cause any further trouble.

And the brown rust officiant at the back let out a cold snort, and was about to step forward, but suddenly felt a strong sense of oppression sweeping over.

"It's your turn to intervene in the candidates after my Destiny Festival? I don't know what to say!"

That was Xiang Yufei, with his purple eyes reflecting the sunset, and just a fluttering sideways pressure created a scene of boundless horror. What was broken under his palm was time and space, history, destiny, and the root of everything!

At that moment, the big hand broke the eternity, cut off the heavens of all ages, and pressed directly on the head of the brown rust officiant, making his whole body stiff in place, unable to move.

Everyone could clearly see that time-space turbulence and fragments of ancient history appeared between the palm fingers and the top of the head. They were various prehistoric traces floating. The ancient history of the heavens fluctuated, like a long river being cut off, pierced, People are imprisoned here, in a haze, as if they are connected to a world that was endless years ago, and can be traced back into that ancient era.

And the Primordial Spirit of Brown Rust Officiant was almost knocked out of his body by this slap, a full half of it fell into the time-space fault, and his physical body was firmly suppressed by the pressed palm fingers, unable to turn over the slightest wave .

A generation of officiant was actually overwhelmed by the snap of his fingers?
Zijing Priest and the others jumped in their hearts. This power is worthy of reaching the fourth step. It also suppressed the terrifying existence of Luo Tianxian, and could explode to heights with every move!
"Fellow Daoist, it's better to be quiet. I have already cultivated my health and rest, and I don't want to make any murderous attempts."

Xiang Yufei showed a gentle smile, and the palm pressing on the body of the brown-rust priest shook slightly, and his head exploded with a pop.

Under such a terrible impact, not to mention blood, even the fluctuations did not spread out, perfectly restrained, without any leakage.

Boom, the headless body shook for a while. After struggling here for a while, the head still did not reorganize. It was very strange. Everyone followed the trace and found that there was a layer of orange metal condensation at the fracture, which sealed other ominous forces. Erosion, as if permanently erasing the head of the brown rust officiant!
Such a method was terrifying, and made the three priests of Hongmao, Jinlin and Qingmang look down. Obviously, this latecomer put pressure on them, and they were no less inferior to these old seniors!

"Brother Dao, I'm the one who went too far, please stop." Helpless, the chief priest of Brown Rust could only admit it, bowed his hands and stepped back. Only then did he see the metal at the fracture shrink and peel off slowly, and he returned to Xiang Yufei. hands.

"If you know your mistakes, you can correct them. There is nothing good about being good. For the younger generation, the road is not too narrow." Xiang Yufei took up the airs of the fourth step, with a calm expression on his face, and directly took this old thing who had aged for so many years. Fight for the younger generation.

At the end of the highest road, strength is the most respected, and now he is called the ancestor, and no one dares to say anything.

Now, the chief priests can see some clues. Destiny, Black Blood, Gray Mist, and Silver Streaks are undoubtedly a group that advances and retreats together. Blue Halo and Brown Rust are close to the Qingmang Priest. Fuzzy, the rest of the officiates all faintly respect the red-haired officiant, which can be regarded as the separation of the three parties.

"So, the next big festival will be the Gray Era, so that's it."

Xiang Yufei looked around and directly set the tone. With his strength, no one dared to refute. The three of them, Hong Jinqing, did not preside over the grand ceremony, so naturally they didn't care, and let him do what they wanted.

Lan Yun and Brown Rust looked at each other, and left in a hurry without saying anything.

And when everyone dispersed, Meng Hai looked over, "During the gray ceremony, do you attack the two of them?"

"It's just a small character, you can't escape, and they will be cleaned up during the grand ceremony." Xiang Yufei nodded, and in a few words, he decided the ending of the two chief priests, and wanted them to end.

A hundred years later, sacrifice to the sea.

The six supreme beings received the message and understood that Luo Tianxian and Menghai had already established themselves on the plateau and completed the replacement of the supreme beings. They not only planned to get rid of the two supreme beings in the future gray festival, but also hoped that they could make troubles in the borderlands of the festival. It would be better if there was some movement to attract an officiant to move himself.

"Everyone, it seems that we will meet on the plateau in the future." Taiyi Zhigao laughed, and the eight of God's supreme beings entered the earth together, which is really a novel experience that has never been experienced before.

"This time, leave it to me to make a big noise, reflect the heavens, and take care of an officiant." Immortal Emperor Eternal crossed and rushed to the border of the sea, and he was going to make some big moves to attract the plateau. attention.

Several other Supremes also followed behind to avoid accidents. The crossing in the Jihai sea area is naturally long, and the unit is often 10 or million years.

It wasn't until 50 years later that they approached the original frontier, and the Eternal Immortal Emperor acted to reflect the heroes of the past to bring them back.

Naturally, such fluctuations could not be hidden from Etu, and the first appearance attracted countless eyes.

"There is the Supreme who reflects the heavens and brings back the dead."

"It doesn't matter, let him go, it can speed up the recovery of the ruined years, the more roots and sprouts, the faster our harvest will be."

"Heh, that's really interesting. Is this pushing the gray festival to come earlier?"

On the plateau, Zhuqiang looked down and didn't stop them. Instead, they were looking forward to it. After the reflection came back, the loss was not small after it was over, and it was time for them to hunt and kill.

At that time, there will be more people, and the Supreme will also clean up, killing two birds with one stone.

At the same time, in the direction of the Ertu Destiny group, a loud noise suddenly exploded, shaking the world, fragments of the avenue flew, and a long river of time emerged, roaring out with the traces of time.

It was a breath, which evolved into a terrifying vision, triggering various miraculous wonders in the void.

Bodhisattvas appear everywhere, one leaf and one ancient history, one enlightenment and one heaven; there is also a reincarnation lotus rooted in the sky, auspicious colors descending from the sky, and the reincarnation scene reflects the ancient and present, and there are also fairy sounds that are misty and dusty. Immortal palaces emerge, hanging high in the nine heavens, a mottled scroll of time unfolds, and the old scene reappears.

This is a kind of momentum, a kind of energy surging, and I saw the lotus of reincarnation slowly turning, and one of the 36 leaves lit up, reflecting the civilization that disappeared in the great sacrifice.

"There are already five demons in the sky, but it's not enough, it's far from enough."

Xiang Yufei once again occupied a past supreme figure in the ancient history who was exiled by wanting or not, and turned him into his own demons, the Taoist name Jiuxiao, ranked second, or exiled by the great sacrifice, and covered up by wanting or not. The emperors are basically within this range.

All the heavenly civilizations under his command, and the strong men of that period were also brought back and reappeared in the world. There are as many as four of the supreme Taoist ancestors alone, and as many as eight Taoist ancestors!

The quasi-immortal emperor has reached fifteen, and the immortal king is long, and it is regarded as a prosperous civilization, but it has encountered a golden sacrifice, and nothing is left, and the highest is directly defeated.

"The strength goes one step further. If this continues and continues to accumulate, what level can it reach?" Luo Tianxian looked at it from a distance, she was a little hard to imagine, when ten, even dozens, or even more immortal emperors gathered together, what would it be? what strength.

However, Xiang Yufei's figure disappeared suddenly, and when he reappeared, he was already in the deepest part of the quadrupole floating soil, in front of the rough stone millstone, he raised his hand to stroke it, as if to wipe away the dust.

This stone grinding disc has been placed at the end of the quadrupole floating soil, and is responsible for grinding the highest ashes.

At the beginning, he was not strong enough, so he had been ignoring this thing. Now that he observed it carefully, he suddenly found that it was the same millstone as the time furnace, which was placed in the main courtyard of the copper coffin.

Otherwise, what millstone in the world can grind the highest and obliterate its ashes?
It can be seen that the plateau ethnic groups are not inactive. In fact, they have been collecting artifacts related to the owner of the copper coffin. The stone mill, the time furnace, and the copper coffin of the third generation have all fallen into their hands, but they have never researched what they want. .

"The Eternal Immortal Emperor appeared, trying to reflect the return of some of the common people's souls in the frontier of the festival, and the chief priest of Qingmang has already done it himself, and is going to suppress it."

At this moment, a message came from the depths of the plateau, and the chief priests had already made a move, and they wanted to do something!

Qing Se, one of the three most powerful priests, was responsible for the suppression, which shows how much he attaches importance to it.

"So, I have to change my face too, help me!"

Xiang Yufei smiled when he heard the words, and caught a big one from fishing, which is really good. Once this one is replaced, he will have the right to speak in the plateau.

For a moment, Luo Tianxian regained consciousness, and walked towards the ancient history as the officiant, intending to attack the officiant during the cyan festival!

The black-blooded demon sneered, and he had already entered the upper reaches of the long river of time between his steps. Looking back at the black festival in the past, he made a move at this time.

The silver-patterned demon swallowed the flames of the great sky, stepped on the endless void ripples and crossed the frontier of the sea of ​​worship, overlooking the birth and death of the great thousand heavens.

The gray mist demon holds the flame of the ancient universe in his hand, and the long river of time is rippling around his body, and his figures are scattered all over the upstream and downstream, each of them traces back along the blue trajectory.

Before the two major sacrifices, Immortal Emperor Civilization got up, the fire in his hand condensed the halberd, Sen Han stared directly at a figure in the past, wanting to kill!
Before the three major sacrifices, Jiuxiao Zhigao was revived, and thunder fell from the sky, turned into two long maces, and went straight to the blue festival in ancient history, intending to destroy Zhigao.

The general trend is like a tide, and the whole body is moved by one hair. A cyan chief priest actually attracted eight chief priests to come out and surround and kill him!
The earth trembles and the ancient history will be reshaped.

(End of this chapter)

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