Chapter 43
The royal family invited a battle, and the emperor responded, but these simple words set off a turbulent wave in the Eastern Wilderness.

Let the royal family come!

This is a response, but also disdain; he thinks that he is not qualified to invite battle at all, and ants are not qualified to call to Tianlong, but only look up to his feet.

"Rampant! What is the status of the royal family? The ancient emperor who has been invincible in the sky and the earth, how can he tolerate such a provocation!"

"Is this looking down on the royal family and the fierce clan? The Blood Moon clan has both the crowns of the ten fierce clans and the top ten royal families at the same time. They offended two groups at once."

"Too confident. As far as I know, the Emperor of China is only a mortal body, and he doesn't even have any special blood. How can such a guy be comparable to the ancestors and descendants of the same generation? I think he is afraid!"

This news swept out quickly and ignited the atmosphere. For a while, all the powers paid attention, and the royal family couldn't help but end, and they kept declaring attacks.

In their "conceited shallow cognition", even the ancient emperor of the human race cannot be said to surpass the ancient emperor. This is an "inherent concept" inherited from ancient times, and it is difficult to change for a while; There is also a sense of "mysterious superiority", always feeling that they are still ancient, and they can still overlook the world.

"Heh, I think this is just an excuse. It's a good plan to save face and avoid a big battle because you know that the royal family will not respond.

It's a pity, it's not as good as it is, the human race was weak in ancient times, and now it's not as good as it was back then, just like your arrogance! "

The Dao Slayer of the Babu Gods who had been scolded for disappearing in disgrace, King Wuqi reappeared, provoking again and adding fuel to the flames.

"What are you shouting about? If you have the ability to create a holy scripture in Xian'er! Even if you can't do this, you deserve to be invited to fight the emperor? Any cat or dog can come to touch porcelain, right?"

"What blood moon clan, I haven't heard of it, can he create magic with Immortal Er? Can he overcome the catastrophe and trigger a catastrophe that has never appeared in history? Can he single-handedly defeat twelve high-level opponents? Even if this is not possible, it is worthy Called Tianjiao? Also come to get involved?"

Naturally, the Donghuang human race was not angry, and they fought back one after another, asking them to create a holy scripture in Xian'er first and then force Lai Lai.

The two sides come and go, and the scolding battle never stops, and they both feel that their own side is the strongest.

And the descendant of the Blood Moon clan also showed up, claiming that the many inheritances of the human race are nothing at all, and the so-called holy scriptures created are not good. If he can fight, he will prove with his own hands how vulnerable these are.

As soon as this remark came out, the crowd was furious and they were all reprimanding.

But Xiang Yufei, who is the other center of the turmoil, doesn't pay attention to this. He is preaching in Tianxuan Stone Workshop, instructing everyone to practice.

The sound of Dharma inside and outside the whole stone workshop is deafening, rumbling like thunder, and various visions appear in the heaven and earth.

The clouds hang down with auspicious colors, and the mountains spring up with sweet springs; the dead trees sprout tender buds in spring, and the exotic flowers bloom again for another spring.

Even a group of monks from Shencheng were attracted, and after saluting, they sat cross-legged outside the stone workshop to listen and receive enlightenment together.

"Learning from the world, inheriting the law from all things, the Tao is taken from the side, not from the sky..."

The sound of Zen singing resounds through the heaven and earth, Xiang Yufei's face is majestic, his tongue is full of lotus flowers, and the celestial light is brilliant and endless, just like a Buddha sitting cross-legged in the world to preach, and thousands of Buddhist disciples pilgrimage below, chant scriptures and worship.

The four holy sons felt that every ray of Taoism shook their hearts, and they turned into a figure practicing their method, like themselves, and like the emperor, with completely different flavors and styles, which benefited a lot.

As for the monks sitting cross-legged outside Tianxuan and listening, it was a good medicine to cleanse the body and mind. Every character was crystal clear, shining on the sky, and it was extremely peaceful.

Nine days passed in a flash, and the peaceful atmosphere between the heaven and the earth still persisted, but Xiang Yufei stopped preaching, and his peaceful eyes rippled, fixed on the sky, and gradually deepened.

"Thank you senior for preaching and performing."

The four holy sons woke up, worshiped and thanked one after another, and gained a lot. It seemed as if they had re-educated during the sermon. They kept fighting with their "other selves", and the "spirit" in their bodies was awakened and moved accordingly.

"Thank you, Senior Emperor!"

Outside the Tianxuan Stone Workshop, a group of monks also expressed their gratitude and thanks. They benefited from the preaching, were convinced invisibly, and became fanatical supporters.

"Does anyone know where the heirs of the Blood Moon Clan and King Wuqi are?" Xiang Yufei stood up slowly, his breath sharpened suddenly, with a bit of biting chill, making everyone's eyes tremble, as if they understood What.

Is this going to be liquidated?
The clamor of the descendants of the royal family, the promotion of the eight descendants of the gods, and the trampling of the ancient creatures are finally coming to an end?
"Senior, they didn't hide their whereabouts. At that time, the shameless eight god-born dao slayers hosted a banquet for the heirs of the Blood Moon Clan at the 'Feng Tianya' beside the fire area of ​​the Southern Territory."

Soon, someone informed the news that this was also the intentional propaganda of the Gu Clan. It was tantamount to a provocation to raise the status of their clan's arrogance.

"From today onwards, that is history."

Xiang Yufei nodded, rose into the sky in an instant, and disappeared into the vast sea of ​​clouds.

There was an uproar in the city of God, and the Emperor of China went on a tour. Is this going to kill the southern region?Do you think that the other party is not qualified to invite a fight, so you want to go directly to the door and slaughter both of them? !
The crowd suddenly surged, and they all flew into the sky, rushing to the southern region, it was extremely lively.

A moment later, the Southern Territory, Feng Tianya.

This place is adjacent to the fire field, but it is not disturbed, and it is mysterious by itself. It is said that it was written by a sage in the past.

Now, King Wuqi, the Dao Slayer of the eight descendants of the gods, is here to entertain the heirs of the Blood Moon Clan, and wants to draw them into his camp and form an alliance with the Blood Moon Fierce Royal Clan.

Several ancient creatures of the royal family are waiting by the side, all of them are existences of the second level of immortality, and their strength is extraordinary because of their blood.

"Little friend, in my opinion, the emperor of the human race is afraid, and he doesn't want to confront you, for fear of being exposed; seeing that he hasn't responded yet, you know that he lacks confidence. After all, the master of this land is still I wait."

King Wu Qi smiled, he was flattering the other party intentionally or unintentionally, and there was no lack of intention to push him out as a target.

"Hehe, the human race is not as good as it was in ancient times. The physiques they boast about are also ridiculous. Now they are a mortal body, and they don't even have the blood of a saint. What is there to be afraid of?" They are all covered with crescent moon marks, very confident.

"That's right. Even a saint in this world can't walk out in a fair manner. They are really declining. They should honestly give up their seats and restore the order in the ancient times." King Wuqi agreed, thinking in his heart, this guy After all, you are young, you don't have any scheming, you can use it.

"Oh, I have gained something recently. Maybe after a sudden enlightenment, I will touch the edge of cutting the way. If I succeed in crossing the catastrophe, I will go to the so-called Emperor of China and talk to him to see if he wants to call Senior, hahaha!" The descendant of Blood Moon laughed out loud with great satisfaction.

"The young master is blessed to be equal to the heavens, and he will surely become the king and suppress the emperor of the human race!"

Several old servants of the royal family who came with them all spoke in agreement.


At this moment, the sky in the distance was so bloody that it filled the mountains, rivers and fields, and a large piece of purple light crashed into the sky!

What a tyrannical blood!
His mind trembled violently, and the old servants on Feng Tianya suddenly felt as if they were stuck in a quagmire, they couldn't move their mouths, only their thoughts kept clashing.

I saw the purple light from the high sky rushing towards the face, flooding the place like a sky river, these old servants didn't even make a sound, they turned into a blood mist and scattered between the sky and the earth on the spot.

The sound of the wind whizzed past, and the blood mist was engulfed and rushed up, dyeing the grass and trees red, making the whole Feng Tianya instantly dead silent.


The surviving creatures on the scene were stunned. He Fangsheng was so wild and came here with malice, and directly burst into blood and shocked several ancient clan powers to death?

Even the saints can't do it!

"Crossing tribulation? What tribulation to cross.

Do ants also hope for tomorrow?
Today I am the robbery of the two of you, death robbery! "

Among the purple blood, a cold voice came out, so cold and pressing that it covered the surface of the cliff with a layer of frost.

The person who came in golden armor and purple clothes, wearing a dragon crown and phoenix boots, was Xiang Yufei!
He coldly looked down at Blood Moon Heir and Wu Qi Wang, and didn't even linger on the former. Only the Dao Slayer deserves to be paid attention to. He doesn't need to speak, and everyone can perceive his meaning.

You are not worthy to invite me to fight, you are only eligible to be trampled and slaughtered by me!
"The emperor of the human race, he actually called at the door?!"

"Aren't you cowardly? How dare you act like this? This is a proper way to trample on face!"

His appearance undoubtedly shocked everyone. They thought he was timid to fight, but he never wanted to directly kill them, and wanted to suppress and kill them both.

This is blatant contempt, thinking that the heirs of the blood moon are not qualified to invite battles, only worthy of being trampled to death!

"Okay! I was going to look for you, but you came to the door by yourself. You and I are both immortals, and the first battle is just right.

Let you know what is the ancient royal family and what is the descendant of the ancestor king! "

The descendant of the blood moon stood up suddenly, his fighting spirit rose, and a round of blood moon appeared directly behind his head, where all the spirits wailed, and the whole sky was covered with blood.

However, Xiang Yufei didn't say a word, just raised his palm casually, and the trajectory across it was like a rising sun, like a holy emperor ascending the throne, and the sound of sacrifices was like a tsunami, loud and deafening, one after another like a wave rolling nine days, roaring endlessly , making people's ears buzz.


The loud noise continued, and the creatures around were howling and terrified, and at the same time, a majestic holy emperor rising from the sun appeared in the heart and mind!
He slapped it down casually, as if he was about to destroy the world, pulling down the sky, overturning the earth, and burying everything.

It was just a random blow, and it combined the mysteries of Taiyang Dijing and Ziqi Donglaiquan, engraved with the traces of Youdao, densely intertwined, purple qi surging, Jinhua shimmering, like a mighty river sweeping across thousands of miles.

Along the fire area of ​​the southern region, purple and golden ripples rolled across the sky, and many masters were all terrified. Looking at this direction together, their hearts were shocked.

In an instant, the rising blood moon disintegrated, and the heirs of the blood moon froze there, unable to move. His mind was subdued by the Holy Emperor, and his mind was filled with the sun, like an eternally frozen picture scroll.

I saw Xiang Yufei slapping down with his big hand, crushing the so-called Tianling Gai of the descendant of the Blood Moon Clan with a bang, and a bloody white slurry rushed up, and the mutilated head was completely embedded in the chest cavity, and the joints and flesh were as if destroyed. It collapsed and was patted straight from head to toe into a ball of meat sauce.

"Hmph, ants."

Xiang Yufei snorted coldly, trampled over it, and crushed the meat paste with one foot, causing everyone to be stunned as blood splattered.

No one thought that the descendant of a great royal family would die so uselessly, being crushed to pieces, smashed into mud from head to toe, and died on the spot.

What supernatural powers, what tactics are too late to display, just raise your hand and you will be crushed to death!What a miserable word?
Even the Dao Slayer who drank with him was stunned, until a drop of blood from the descendant of the blood moon splashed on his face, and he just woke up like a dream.

"The heir of the Blood Moon Clan was slapped into a pulp?!"

"Blowing so loudly, you just died like this?"

The people who came here were stunned, they didn't expect the situation to turn into such an appearance, that was the arrogance of the royal family, how could they not be shocked if they were wiped out like this!
Not to mention that the death was so miserable, it was just a slap, and it was covered in mud from head to toe.

"You dare to commit murder in front of me! Killing the descendants of the Blood Moon Clan, are you declaring war on the Clan!"

King Wu Qi reacted very quickly, quickly put on a big hat, and even took the opportunity to make a move, trying to suppress and kill the Emperor with the power of a Dao Slashing King who overwhelmed a large realm!

boom!In an instant, a group of pure land in the field expanded from under his feet, covering Yu Fei, trying to kill him.

"Despicable!" "Bullying the small with the big, shameless!"

The surrounding human race scolded and scolded one after another, but they couldn't stop them, so they could only watch helplessly.

"What's the hurry; you, too, have to die!"

Buzz!In the same domain, the pure land expanded, and the domain of holiness and morality appeared in the world, resisting the impact; Xiang Yufei raised his eyebrows coldly, swung his fist suddenly, and killed King Xiang Wuqi!

Now that you're here, let's make things right once, and since you're having a banquet, let's go down neatly as companions.

Boom!The sky and the earth trembled, the dark clouds rolled up, and a strong wind blew away everything around them. Even many monks were rolling and falling, and a stormy sea was also set off in their hearts.

How dare he do it?Shake Wu Qi Wang hard?

People were shocked, that is the king of Dao Slashing, not in a big realm.

To what extent is Zhonghuang's current combat power against the sky?Even the ancient creatures were terrified and their spines shivered.

This is going against the law!

Raise your hand to crush the royal family, and swing the butcher knife at the king who slashed the way!

 The No. [-] utility man will also receive a lunch box, and is a temporary worker.

(End of this chapter)

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