Shading the sky: from the beginning of the emperor

Chapter 438 Who Is The Copper Coffin Owner And Who Is The Plateau

Chapter 438 Who Is The Copper Coffin Owner And Who Is The Plateau (6K)

Offering sacrifices to the sea, the Immortal Emperor offered sacrifices to the land.

Throughout the ages, great sacrifices have been made here to pay tribute. On the altar, a vague figure appeared, looking at the coming Xiang Yufei and sighed.

Unexpectedly, until now, there are still people who remember him and know his existence and traces. It is very different from the ten lucky ones who got the legacy. This person is more purposeful and ambitious.

"Of course I know it's you, and I also understand that this remnant of yours was born because of the ancestor's sacrifice to the Tao. It needs to be dissipated and all traces in the world must be obliterated, but the plateau is the biggest problem. Instead of obliterating it, it is better to throw away the excess power Let others inherit and become a substitute, and you can go beyond yourself again."

Xiang Yufei stepped forward slowly, with deep meaning in his words. As the first existence in history to achieve the sacrificial path, the master of the copper coffin has gone even farther than the Three Heavenly Emperors on this road. Let them all investigate Unclear, unaware, and then repeatedly sacrificed himself after that, its strength is unimaginable.

Hearing his words, the master of the copper coffin did not speak, but his body suddenly twisted. After a wave that made the emperor's heart palpitate, thick red hair suddenly grew on his body, and his eye sockets looked like dead fish. The whites of his eyes, black blood began to flow from his mouth, nose, and eyes, his hair all over his head began to wither and yellow, gray mist filled his body, and his whole body exuded the strongest strange aura, which was extremely terrifying.

Xiang Yufei perceives that this is the real source of the original matter, and all the ominous features are just a symptom of the copper coffin owner's illness. Only his own evolutionary matter is different, and it is separated and deduced in another direction. It is also an opportunity.

"Strictly speaking, the so-called ominousness is the symptom when I got sick. The so-called reincarnation road is the road I walked at that time, and the ancient underworld is the final bearing place. This appearance is not what I want. The sacrificial way caused it to appear, and finally burned myself. Since then, it has been empty for eternity. I don’t know when I was sacrificed from time to time, and the ten lucky ones gave me back, and I gradually gathered a shadow.

But in fact, I don’t want to be like this. I was interrupted frequently, and my achievements fell short. I should have penetrated through nothingness in the sky, and escaped from all the cycles from nothing to something, and from nothing to nothing, but I was dragged here abruptly. Feeling a bit more sad, you said, what should I do? "

The master of the copper coffin sighed softly, raised his hand and twisted and peeled off the sickness, turning into a piece of twisted and unstable original matter, and he was empty again, leaving only a black shadow, wearing a tattered feather coat, standing there.

Unearthly beings, sources of ominous power, terrifying plateaus, it all stems from this one man.

However, all kinds of disasters and tragedies in the later generations can't be blamed on this person, and he doesn't even know who he is, and his ashes were accidentally spilled. The ten ancestors searched for all kinds of changes in the later generations.

"I said earlier that those ten idiots will only entrap others. They are just the lucky ones who got the legacy, but they just feel that they have the destiny to see the scenery on the way of sacrifice, and they can't even do it themselves. In my opinion, the heir of the original matter was chosen wrong." Xiang Yufei chuckled, as he deduced, the master of the copper coffin was simply cheated and held back by the ten ancestors The pace of progress even almost fell here.

Great sacrifices time and time again, the backfeeding of the way of sacrifice has placed a new burden on the owner of the copper coffin, and has created a connection with this world view and this piece of heaven. A few scammers are considered good-natured.

The Lord of the Copper Coffin nodded slightly, "You are right, the heir of the original substance was chosen wrongly, but Gao Yuan is not easy to fight against, in a sense, he is my successor.

Only the successor can fight against the successor. You should be able to understand the meaning of it. I am tired and tired, and I want to go to a higher road, but I need to give up a lot of things. It is good for someone to inherit. This bunch of residual thoughts should not exist. "

As he said that, his figure collapsed and covered the sky with the original matter, which was the last part left over from the beginning, and it was completely integrated into Xiang Yufei's destiny matter, giving him an opportunity, an opportunity to compete with the plateau.

It is precisely because he is a dark creature that he has such an opportunity, and because he has the strength beyond the realm of sacrificial dao, and the most original substance and destiny substance that combines ten colors, he has such an opportunity. Only those who are contaminated with ominous existence can inherit ominous.

"Yes, that's it, you can go with peace of mind, the plateau will be handled by me, hahaha!"

Xiang Yufei laughed loudly, feeling the complete transformation and growth of the destiny matter, he seemed to be the last manifestation of the copper coffin master in the world, the last power, the original matter of all colors was completely unified, turned into one color, A bronze color, just like the color of the bronze coffin of the third generation, it is the most original power.

Under the sunset, bronze is the coffin!
The wonders of the world emerge, all over the only origin and countless future branches, where the orange sunset glow of the setting sun appears, and the bronze-colored coffin emerges in the sunset. The sunset is the end of the sky, and the coffin is the end of all living beings. ending.

The curtain of the world is over, the underworld is the destination of all spirits!

It can be seen with the naked eye that besides the Destiny orange gold armor on his body, there are some bronze pattern embellishments, the battle skirt is draped, two dragon heads suddenly protrude from the shoulders, and there is a round bead in his mouth, which is full of gold. It is the fused substance of destiny, and a bronze coffin suddenly appeared at the feet, which merged with the bronze coffin of the third generation, and carried him to the origin.

Then, the combined power of the Copper Coffin Lord and him turned into a huge tomb-suppressing beast standing guarding the surroundings. It was born with a double-faced dragon-man, with huge eyes wide open, a long tongue reaching to the neck, and a pair of giant antlers inserted in each end. Antlers proliferate, the whole body is painted black, and red, yellow, and gold are painted with animal face patterns, intertwined cloud patterns, covered with bear skin, wearing red clothes and black trousers, the lower body looks like a beast like a horse, and holds a shield. It makes a strange cry, its shape is abstract, weird and weird, and its image is terrifying and grotesque.

"Go back to the origin, occupy the only one, I am the Lord of the Plateau!"

Stepping on a bronze coffin, surrounded by tomb-suppressing beasts, Xiang Yufei descended to the place of origin against the ancient history, and saw something different. At the end of that extremely distant time, there was a small courtyard on a plateau, accompanied by a lake. , other than that, nothing, nothing.

In the dark, there seemed to be another beam of eyes shining, which originated from the consciousness of the plateau, and felt the change. He wanted to stop him, but he was blocked by the Taoist avatar, suppressed by the ancient characters, and unable to reverse it.

"Everything begins here and ends here."

The sky was light and the air was clear, and the ground was shining with auspicious clouds. Xiang Yufei stood on this plateau, and the tomb-suppressing beast roared at the plateau under his feet, with a faint restraint, looking at the empty courtyard, Xiang Yufei Yufei slowly found a seed and planted it in the courtyard. The sacrificial fire around him slowly condensed into a stove, and he boiled water to drink tea. The boiling bronze substance solidified and turned into a stone millstone, which was placed in the center of the courtyard. , the original body is made, the destiny is made to make strings, and a stone harp is slowly taking shape in the hands.

clank!He played casually, and the power in the dark was reincarnated. A Taoist flower bloomed in the sky and fell into the pool. Nirvana was reborn as a lotus seed. The lotus of reincarnation.

The sound of the piano is faint, remodeled from the original, in this land without disasters and disasters, it seems that there is a door open, if there is a road, the clear light is open; .

"The power left by that person actually chose you! You want to replace him and become the origin of everything!" The plateau consciousness was furious, which was tantamount to competing for power with it, and both sides could use part of the power left by the copper coffin master , isn't it falling into a situation where no one can do anything to anyone?

"Wrong, your vision is really narrow. From the beginning to the end, you can only see other people's things, not yourself. No matter how good the original material is, no matter how magical the plateau is, it is someone else's. After all, it is just a springboard for me. In order to strengthen my own way, my own way.

Taking on the power of the master of the copper coffin is not to become him, this identity will be assumed by someone else, a person you can't imagine, at that time, it was also the time when I broke away and truly transcended! "Xiang Yufei spoke quietly, without ups and downs, very calm and indifferent.

The difference between him and the plateau is very simple, everything he does is to surpass, for himself, and to become stronger. The so-called power of the copper coffin master and the original substance are just tools for use and will not be nostalgic; the plateau is different, it The dream of life, the highest pursuit is to become that person, inherit what he has, and become the owner of the copper coffin; this is the fundamental gap.

For Xiang Yufei, another blame man, a carrier to bear the power he doesn't need, the right person just happened to appear.

Boom!After inheriting the remaining power of the Copper Coffin Lord, he opened up a way forward, and directly deduced half a step corresponding to the transcendent realm of no return, allowing Xiang Yufei to jump out half of his body at once, reaching the realm corresponding to the Dao of Sacrifice.

There is no return to the other side. This golden bridge has extended half of the long river of fate, and has penetrated into the border of thoughts. It is about to jump out. Parallel heavens are opened up under the bridge. Possible directions, main streams and tributaries are rushing, civilization and history are developing, creatures are whistling, unique avenues and 'systems' are deriving, and a cycle begins to appear. If you look closely, the countless complete parallel heavens are just a speck of dust , and there are countless such dust particles under the bridge, undulating in the holy light, endless.

Stepping on the golden bridge, Xiang Yufei touched the boundary of thought, and all the systems faintly exceeded the realm of sacrificial Taoism, which gave him a wonderful feeling. This area has no sense of time and space, beyond the so-called eternity, Dao, the Great Thousand World, all time and space, outside the universe, outside the chaos, are omnipresent, from ancient times to the present, and into the future, they can all be dissipated in a thought of the creatures based in this field.

This is a miracle above the sacrificial path. With the help of the master of the copper coffin, he felt it. At the node of the present world, the plateau consciousness also noticed this change, and roared unwillingly. From its point of view, this is a thief in the house!

It is unbearable, let alone acceptable, to have your own strength and property robbed by outsiders!

"Hahaha! How can you still be in front of me now?" The blessed Xiang Yufei's avatar laughed, his power greatly increased, and he directly mobilized the power under the plateau to fight against each other. In the state of 'on', no one is inferior to anyone else.

In just an instant, all the ultimate ancestors on the plateau trembled. There was a long river of fate hanging high in the sky, and one causal line after another fell down to connect them, and they turned into marionettes to occupy and replace them, and directly turned into their own demons. .

It can be seen with the naked eye that there are tens of thousands of ultimate ancestors behind him. The fusion of such sacrificial powers has reached an unimaginable level, and even this force has begun to erode the plateau in turn. It is too overwhelming to suppress it. It was so fierce that it retreated steadily under the impact. For a time, a full [-]% of the plateau area turned orange and became the territory of the ancient underworld.

The huge plateau was divided by internal strife, and the ancient underworld regime was born, occupying half of the country.

"Thief! Thief! Shameless!" The plateau consciousness yelled, repulsed and suppressed by its own power, it is undoubtedly a kind of humiliation, let it boil, and the mist filled the sky, but it couldn't wash away the orange sunset and bronze soil, Very weird.

"Wrong! I am the lord of the plateau, the source of the copper coffin, and the orthodoxy of the original material! As for you, you are the rebel! You are the thief, you are the thief! The muddy and lowly people dare to steal the throne and clamor for the rule. Who will give it to you?" Your guts!" Xiang Yufei scolded coldly, and the sacrificial fire ignited all over his body, turning into an ancient character, an ancient chapter, an ancient epic and its meaning, which means 'non-existence', non-existence, non-existence, Non-knowledge, non-non-existence, no two 'too high'.

He pressed down with one hand, and the soft light like the sunset glow boiled all over the sky, pouring the whole to the remaining [-]% of the plateau. It seemed magnificent and dreamy, but in fact it was full of boundless danger. Every ray of that soft light contained infinite variables. Each variable has the possibility of being deduced into countless origins, and each origin is a complete infinite cycle and quantitative change stacking. All the insides are born with a backbone, the trunk generates a branch, and the branch generates possibilities, possible trends, and trends. Trends change again, and there are countless, never-ending cycles.

The power of the never-ending stacking cycle directly shattered the mist on the plateau, and expanded the occupied territory again, reaching a level of [-]%, forcing the plateau consciousness to scream, clearly feeling that a part of itself was torn apart , violent invasion, frantic occupation, wreaking havoc one after another.

"Hahaha! How is it! How do you feel now? What about the previous arrogance, don't you want to set things right? Come on, speak louder, let me hear you clearly, let me see!" Facing the tragic situation of plateau consciousness, Xiang Yufei's invasion became more violent, and the magic of the sky was running, covering his whole body with a layer of mist, sometimes full of evil thoughts and desires, tempting people to fall; sometimes he was neutral and peaceful, boundless.

The extreme is extreme, the extreme is evil, and the upside down is the most evil. The two conceive each other and reach a delicate balance.

The dense gray fog is transpiring, evolving the 'all kinds of thoughts', 'all kinds of good' and various 'desires' in Wanling's heart.

'Lord of the Fallen! ''The fallen king! ''Great Mercy and Great Compassion''Free and True Nature''Great Fall, Great Fall, Great Mercy and Great Freedom, Demon Lord of Heaven! '

All of a sudden, from the ancient characters of 'Magic' and from the mist, a distant Zen singing sounded, causing the heavens to perish, and the breath of depravity became more and more tyrannical, forming the meaning of evil, ancient, gloom, darkness and decay Logical loop, spontaneous spreading.

Even the Destiny orange-gold armor is covered with dense scales and black blood vessel patterns. Those scales are composed of "devil heads" one after another, and the most primitive and ancient magic energy is transmitted, pure, grand, Thick and heavy, it represents the dance of all demons, and the real demons have come to the world.

Too godly!

"A power that doesn't belong to this worldview? Who are you! Heretic demon, the evil spirit that came here to invade! Get out!" The plateau's consciousness surged, and of course it knew a lot of things and could read it, having inherited the power above the sacrificial way All kinds of things that I didn't think about, I just couldn't walk out freely. Now that I saw that ancient character and this kind of law, I immediately realized that if I want to change the whole world view, I will expel Xiang Yufei.

If the master of this parallel heaven refused his visit, he would be kicked out.

However, for Xiang Yufei, who also inherited the power of the copper coffin master, such a small trick is obviously meaningless. He blocked the expulsion in a single thought, and even the power of the demon eroded more violently, pushing the site continuously, [-]%, Fifty-six percent, fifty-seven percent, eighth, ninety percent, and finally directly reached as much as sixty percent!

He monopolizes six of the huge plateau, and most of the mighty power of the copper coffin master is also concentrated in his hands. As for the plateau consciousness, he can only hold on to the remaining [-]% to do evil, staring at him angrily and fearfully.

"What does this hateful thief, a despicable outsider, want to do?" Gao Yuan's consciousness didn't understand, and he couldn't see through Xiang Yufei's purpose and actions.

He doesn't seem to crave that man's power, so why fight it?How could there be any other path of detachment in the world?
It can't be found, how can a person who was born in the world view find it?

"Very good, now the plateau is renamed the ancient underworld, and it will last forever."

Xiang Yufei stood on the territory of the ancient underworld transformed by the [-]% plateau, slowly opened his arms, and there was an omnipotent and omniscient feeling emerging, he could shape countless sacrificial creatures in one thought, But they can only be puppets of the Dao forever, unable to go further, nor can they have a real self, which is very boring.

In practice, if the human part is lost, then the proper meaning will be lost. Everything is human-oriented, and the true nature is left to me. Even the "I" is gone, so why practice?It's just a heartless wooden puppet, a tool.

As soon as he waved his hand, all kinds of mysteries and experiences about the Dao of Sacrifice emerged in the minds of the ten chief priests. Now they all have their own evolutionary paths, and there is the possibility of Dao Sacrifice without the need for ancestor materials. It is time to strengthen their strength.

Among them, Luo, Eternal, Bingzhu, and Taiben are the existences of the fourth step. It is good to take that step, and it can also accept the ancestor's material to ascend the sacrificial path.

And the most important point is that when they succeed in offering sacrifices, the power to feed back to the copper coffin master is equivalent to Xiang Yufei's acceptance, so why not just send it back?
At that time, wasn't it just a complete sacrificial way, better than those parallel imports of the ancestors.

"Cultivate well, make progress every day, become bigger and stronger, and create greater glories."

Xiang Yufei thoughtfully told that the growth of the ancient underworld depends on these mainstays, and he can also be a shopkeeper, to study his own way, his own method of detachment.

The Emperor Huafen at the side was a little speechless. She, the heir of the copper coffin master, had dropped a bit out of thin air, and became a descendant of the ancestor of Tianming Yuanzu. She was really complicated.

Then, he stared at the mighty plateau, and felt that it would be a waste not to use such a large lump here, so he decided to make some changes for the benefit of all beings.

"You...what are you going to do!" Gao Yuan's consciousness suddenly turned cold, and he realized that something was wrong. What was this damn guy thinking?
"Jie, Jiejie, Jiejiejie, don't be afraid, it's just a small adjustment, you don't want to lose your existence in the world, do you?" Xiang Yufei approached with a strange smile, boundless mighty power covered the entire plateau, It was projected into the long river of fate and divided into pieces one after another.

The long river is full of waves, which are connected with the fate of the living beings in the entire heavens and myriad worlds, scattering the projection of the plateau, and submerging in the karma of every living being.

This is the power of the great power to disperse the power of the plateau and give all living beings a chance. Every creature can experience the test of the ancient underworld plateau when they cross the catastrophe, break through the gate and cross the catastrophe, and get harmless and pure evolutionary material nutrients to strengthen themselves. The scripture experience of the sages and strong men is also instilled in it.

There are nine gates in front of the gate of the underworld, and ten people on the plateau. Since they set foot on the road of practice, they will show the corresponding limit combat power in the thunder disaster. Those who fight and pass through will be rewarded, and they will be strengthened step by step Also step by step.

Starting from the dark creatures of the same realm, to the ominous ethnic groups, and then to the multi-headed monsters of the kinsmen of destiny, the superhuman beings, the immortals, the kings, the supreme ancestors, the ancestors, and the chief priest The same body... as long as you kill the corresponding brand, you will get the same level of 'evolutionary nutrients' and 'road essence', as well as the corresponding 'scriptures and supernatural powers', and the manifestation of the evolutionary path, which can rapidly improve own strength and perception.

Even if you can't make it through, it doesn't affect the breakthrough of the realm. If you can fight and conquer, even if you lose, you will be rewarded. It depends on the combat power.

In the end, the creatures who have passed all the trials can break through the long river of fate, master their own destiny, jump out of karma, and obtain alternative transcendent characteristics, which can even be turned into a new branch of the karma and god system, becoming a mutual benefit Pathfinder of mutual benefit.

Similarly, the more imprints that are defeated, the power of the plateau consciousness will be gradually weakened, and these lost parts will be continuously integrated into Xiang Yufei's hands.

At the same time, the heavens are in the chaos of the ancient era, and it is a time full of vitality. The peerless twins Meng Tianzheng and Wang Changsheng both became immortals and set foot in the realm of longevity.

And in the Bianhuangshi clan, a group that once became a king and then declined, a young man walked out.

His name is Shi Hao!
The young man went out of the wilderness, trying his sword in the world of mortals.

 It's almost finished around NO.15, and it's okay to send out the saved manuscript at that time

(End of this chapter)

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