Shading the sky: from the beginning of the emperor

Chapter 441 Transcendence, Above the Dao of Sacrifice

Chapter 441 Transcendence, Above the Dao of Sacrifice (5K)

On the plateau, great power erupted, reshaping the world view, dividing the world line, disrupting and separating the originally continuous worlds.

Before the origin, the plateau courtyard started, and the endlessly derived future tributaries ended, and they were directly divided into three independent world lines, moving in parallel with each other, with some mirroring connections, but no communication.

"You! You actually acted to promote the growth of those three variables, changed the trajectory, and made them go on a different historical course? Aren't you afraid of accidents!" The plateau's consciousness shook, and the mist rolled over. This is crazy, it can be said that Unscrupulously playing with the world view and repeating it.

What exactly is he trying to do?Those are the three variables in the future, variables that may reach the realm of the master of the copper coffin!Are you not afraid of burning yourself and accidents?
Hearing the words, Xiang Yufei reprimanded coldly, "You are also worthy of success?

If it were you, you would naturally have surprises, but they would not. The reason why the protagonists of the world are the protagonists is not only because they are favored and favored, but also because they are outstanding enough and amazing enough. , Killed out, one can fit into that position step by step, not born with it. "

Under the influence of his mighty power, the entire Derived Heavens split into three independent world lines, gradually forming their own world view, and deriving a brand new direction, which is no longer the same as the original historical process. Ignorance.

Only the supreme beings and priests can know and understand, their bodies are not affected, the origin and end are eternal, and even if the process changes countless times, it will not affect them.

"According to this trend, the original Derived Heavens may naturally be divided into three Derived Heavens, which can be called a big profit. The original body of the Heavenly Emperor, who originated from the Derived Heavens, should thank me." Xiang Yufei Looking to the future, he has already seen the ending. There are no secrets to him in this world view, and he can see through everything at a glance.

The plateau consciousness naturally also saw these, but felt fear because of it, and realized the possibility of its eternal death. How can this be accepted?

To let it watch itself decline step by step is simply the cruelest punishment in the world.

"Bandit, you are so ruthless, you have such a dark heart!" The mist boiled and twisted, and the plateau consciousness once again saw the means of the intruder, and it couldn't drive away, beat and beat, it felt bitter, and it really collapsed.

If I had known it earlier, I wouldn’t have provoked him. I’d pretend I didn’t know it. I didn’t have a psychic. I just wanted to get rid of this guy. I had to jump out and show off. Now it’s all right. I’m going to force myself into it. Empty, make a wedding dress for someone.

"Shh, don't make any noise, just watch quietly, this is a rare and splendid fireworks."

Xiang Yufei suppressed all the mist with one finger, and slowly looked at the three world lines that developed independently.

There, a brand-new process was deduced, which was quite different from the original, and new variables and new possibilities were born.

And the power that belongs to Xiang Yufei's fusion with the plateau is scattered in the three world lines, forming the greatest source of disaster and the ultimate enemy.

In the world line of the perfect world, that force has formed the source of black disasters again and again, and has become the fixed source of calamity for all things in the world. One era has a small calamity, each era has one extinct calamity, and one era has one catastrophe. Reincarnation destroys the world, overthrows it and starts again, turning it into a beating heart of all evil.

Within the Zhetian world line, this force has been transformed into the world and all things, coexisting with them, gradually forming a kind of "Tao", a kind of heavenly way, which feeds on the consciousness and emotions of all living beings, and controls and manipulates the development trajectory of all things in the world. It is also called destiny.

Within the world line of the Holy Ruins, the powers of the two separated and combined, opened up countless civilizations and heavens, opposed each other and conquered each other, and even gave birth to two opposite birthplaces, the Yin world and the Yang world, and the worlds belong to Yin and Yang. , fought against each other, and started the evolution of civilization in the chaos of war.

"This is, a very different ending."

Xiang Yufei watched with great interest, investigating the historical process.

While the real body is still sitting cross-legged in the eternal unknown place, deducing the state of detachment after no return to the other shore, "the collection of bitterness and the destruction of Tao", practicing the Four Noble Truths, and taking the remaining half step completely, transcending to the top.

He has mastered the cause and effect and karma in the world, knows the bitterness in the world, knows the cause of suffering, and knows the result of ending suffering. Now he wants to tell the "way" of ending suffering and make it real. "Tao" is a variety of practice methods, a means to strip away cause and effect, get rid of karma, and overcome the sea of ​​suffering.

"There is no return to the other side, the accumulation of suffering destroys the Tao, and the truth is seen in the void..."

Xiang Yufei walks on the golden bridge that spans the long river of fate. Under the bridge is an endless wave of evolution, which is a sacred substance. The bridges are piled up one after another from the birthplace of civilization. Originating, shaping the next section of the bridge, and that is thinking about the frontier, a magnificent sunset blooms, like a lighthouse, guiding the way forward.

When he walked to the end, he knew that there was no way ahead, and he had to jump out. He followed the Four Noble Truths, took four steps, and stood in nothingness. In his eyes, the whole worldview and existence were different. , turned into a fruit of the Tao, a bitter fruit, the world is a bitter fruit, the suffering of the Tao is like a disease, and it should be known everywhere. It is the root of suffering and disease, and it is also the root of Tao.

The birth and death of karma, the mastery of karma, the end of karma, the cycle of birth and death, the boundary between karma and knowledge of God, are all like this.

Under the first step he took, there appeared the first truth, 'the truth of suffering': there are about eight sufferings in the world: the four sufferings of birth, old age, sickness, and death are the most equal, and no one can escape; there is also the suffering of love, parting, The person you like the most will have to leave; resentment will suffer, and the person you hate the most will just meet; not getting what you want is suffering, the more you want, the less you can get it, and there is also the blazing suffering of the five skandhas, that is, the color, perception, perception All kinds of troubles and pains caused.

For practitioners, the breakthrough process and the journey of seeking detachment are also "suffering without suffering". If you suffer, you will not be able to get rid of it.

The way to eliminate suffering is actually in the "suffering". Suffering refers to the bitter fruit in the world, the cause of suffering arises, cessation is the result of suffering, and the way is the way to eliminate suffering. The only way to Nirvana Only the Tao can eliminate suffering. This is a samsara, a cycle, a complete logical cycle, which can only be escaped after it is completed.

If you want to eliminate suffering, you must first "break the collection", "destroy the tomb" and "cultivate the Tao". After all three are completed, you can truly "eliminate suffering". .

It’s like the logical cycle above the Dao, that is, from existence to non-existence (Sacrifice to me) and then from nothing to existence. This is a complete logic with two sides in one body, one is indispensable, and it can work, and it can work in reverse .

The so-called method of detachment is the core concept of similarity, emptiness and nothingness, existence and existence, which run through everything.

On the second step he walked out of the golden bridge, the second truth appeared, "Ji Di": this is the cause of troubles and sufferings in the world, gathered in the hearts of all beings, and the five attachments are born, and they care about each other. Dead bitter fruit.If there is no source of truth, affliction and suffering, of course there will be no suffering of birth and death.Explain that karma and afflictions are the root of suffering.

If you want to break through this barrier, you need to know the cause of illness and suffering, and cut it off. This is the cause and effect in the world, and it is also the circulation of life and death. Returning to the source is the karma of karma. To break through this barrier, one must master the karma and face the gods, and integrate the birth and death of karma, which is exactly what Xiang Yufei has done before.

When this step emerged, causal lines came out of his body one after another, and the dense karmic flames ignited him and the lines together, burning violently, thus giving birth to the third step of change.

The third truth, 'the truth of extinction': this is the fruit of nirvana beyond the world, and it is necessary to cut off the truth of extinction to prove the truth of extinction.It is regarded as liberation and the fruit of proof, and it is also transcendent. All living beings are suffering from illness and suffering all the time. This truth is the level of knowing that there is no disease, no suffering, no disaster, no kalpa, no knowledge, and no inaction. This points out the fruit of the world, which is liberation and purity. Realm: Nirvana.

Miedi, that is, Nirvana, just like Xiang Yufei who was ignited, gradually emptied and lightened, to burn everything that does not belong to him, and the power belonging to the copper coffin owner was gradually stripped from his body, forming a huge bronze coffin. The coffin, the tomb-suppressing beast hovered over it, and the great force buried on the sacrificial path under the plateau was completely separated, but his aura and strength not only did not weaken, but became even more terrifying!

The plateau consciousness also noticed this, and couldn't help trembling, it was a detached power, to give up when it said to give up, to throw away when it said to lose?
Following this, the coffin carrying other original substances and traces of the copper coffin master fell from the sky, and directly smashed into the remaining [-]% of the plateau, merging with the mist.

In an instant, the roots of ancient history changed. On that plateau, the ominous figures who built time furnaces, excavated ancients, played stone zithers, and fell sick in that courtyard were all replaced by plateau consciousness, while Xiang Yufei transcended, Dispersed all implicated, no longer involved.

This is what he said at the beginning, that unexpected candidate?The plateau consciousness is really unexpected. I never thought that in this desperate situation waiting to die, variables can still happen?That person actually gave the power to him to inherit?

He really didn't care!

"Is he really a good man?"

The plateau consciousness fell into contemplation, and in just a moment, it experienced the gap between the sky and the earth, and its power was extremely inflated. It became the same person back then, and got the last part of the power above the sacrificial way!

However, the next moment, it felt the dangers of the world again. On the spot, it was divided into three because of the root involvement of the previous division of the three world lines, and it completely disintegrated, forming a three-party independent consciousness. Power is the main body, and the three of them are subordinate and jointly borne, but now there is only one person who is unified, and of course it is the plateau consciousness that bears the burden, and pays off the debts that have been committed by oneself.

"I hate it! Black-hearted ghost, I will definitely come back!"

At the end of the three world lines, Misty roared.

But it's a pity that the existence standing on the edge of the world view has already passed into Nirvana, and it can't be heard anymore.

"Yesterday I saw the true nature in every way and died in every way.

Today, all kinds of things are born because of their true nature.

Nirvana, let the true nature be my own, the suffering will destroy the Tao, and you will see detachment! "

Xiang Yufei, who was Nirvana due to the extinction of the Holy Truth, all traces are fading and burning, and at the same time, all the creatures related to Xiang Yufei, the memory about him, quickly began to dissipate from people's hearts, and all traces disappeared. If it gets blurred, the essence is gone, completely disappeared from the human world, from time and space, from the entire ancient history, and burned.

At this moment, the hearts of all beings in the world felt empty, feeling as if they had lost something, but in an instant, all these feelings dissipated, leaving nothing behind.

The world is empty.

Except for the ten chief priests and Emperor Huafen in the ancient underworld, there are no other traces or connections in the three new world lines. After offering sacrifices to me, I can achieve the ultimate nirvana.

Nirvana is emptiness, and nirvana is permanence, that is, "a non-conditional law that does not arise or grow." It is not born of the combination of causes and conditions, and it exists unconditionally.Nirvana is happiness because there is no suffering here, and Nirvana has no self, which means that Nirvana is not mine, not me, not my self, there is no Nirvana in me, and there is no self in Nirvana, because Nirvana itself has no The concepts of coming, going, in, and out.

Originally from the pure nature of Nirvana, it is said that all dharmas are true and rational, although there are guest stains, the nature is pure, with countless subtle merits, no birth and no death, like the sky, all sentient beings are equal and shared; it is not the same as all dharmas, and it is separated from all appearances All distinctions; searching for thoughts and sayings and sayings and sayings, only the true saints can prove it from within, and their nature is inherently silent, so it is called Nirvana.

As Xiang Yufei made this change, the world view was desolate, and an inexplicable Zen singing sounded at the border of thoughts:
'There is more than one way to rely on Nirvana, which means that it is true that if you get out of troubles and obstacles, even though there is a little suffering that you depend on, but the obstacles are eternally silent, it is called Nirvana.

Nirvana without any remaining attachments means that it is truly like birth and death suffering, all afflictions are exhausted and all attachments are gone, so it is called Nirvana.

Nirvana without abode, that is to say, if you are out of the known obstacles, the great compassion Prajna is often assisted, and you can't stop life and death in Nirvana. '

In the grand sound, the fourth step appeared. Xiang Yufei's body in Nirvana disintegrated and turned into an unknowable and undisputable product that deviates from the logical cycle. It does not need to follow the logic, and can change and establish the logic at will.

He, became Him!

The fourth truth, "Tao Truth": it is the "Tao" that transcends the world, escapes from the cage of the world and the place of falsehood, and is the "practice" that points out the direction of "truth". Among the four truths, this truth is the most important If you can cultivate the Tao, you will naturally cut off the causes of affliction and suffering, eliminate the bitter fruits of life and death, and realize the bliss of Nirvana. .

This is the cultivation of the Tao, which is also the cessation of suffering. The four steps have been completed, and the two are combined into one to become a complete step. It is summarized in this body and forms a cycle of its own.

From the beginning of the cessation of suffering, the end of the practice of the Tao, it is also the beginning of the self-cultivation, and the end of the cessation of suffering. This is the positive and negative sides of the logical cycle. The first two points are all understood at this moment, merged into one, and the cycle is completed. Naturally, the 'existence' of human beings can jump out, no longer be affected by it, and become a 'detached person' beyond logic!
The four dharmas of the Four Noble Truths are the Eight Sufferings, the Collection of Disintegration, the Extermination of Tombs, and the cultivation of the Tao. If you break through the Four Noble Truths, you can understand the Four Noble Truths. There will be no more suffering in the world. If you can't ask for it, you can get it when you ask for it, and you can have whatever you want; collecting the holy truth can no longer be affected by any logical cycle, but you can shape and change the logical cycle as you like; destroying the holy truth can enjoy the fruit of happiness forever, Get great liberation, no matter where you go, you will be eternally detached and pure, and you will naturally get the ultimate detachment. , more familiar with all the world's law, all the way, the body is the process of evolution and cultivation, is a symbol of this logic.

Now, all kinds of suffering in the world are Xiang Yufei, all kinds of troubles, all kinds of karma, and all kinds of cycles of life and death are also Xiang Yufei; He is the source of law and the source of all evil, and he is the very symbol of the logical cycle!

With a wave of His hand, countless complete logical cycles were created, each logical cycle generated countless variables, each variable generated countless worldviews, each worldview generated countless time-spaces, and each time-space generated countless The heavens, in each heaven, there are countless worlds, in each world, there are countless universes, in each universe, there are countless civilizations, and in each civilization, there are countless variables, and each variable regenerates the world view... Infinite cycle, endless Endless cycle.

And this countless sets of complete logical loops are like dust particles all over Xiang Yufei's body, and they are endlessly derived. It can be clearly seen that there are soaring people and transcendent people in the infinite loop, all of which are variables. But it also arises and dies in an instant, born in a single thought, and shattered completely in a single thought.

The Supreme Allah is also the Supreme Demon!
And at the moment when he came out of Nirvana, the traces of His burning in the world reappeared again, engraved forever, and his body was no longer affected. A magical place not to be missed.

Above the Dao of Sacrifice, what really needs to be sacrificed is not only the Dao, but also the path of evolution, as well as itself. , and then the process from scratch.

Here, there is no concept of time. Stepping in from eternity, the present world, and the future can all be seen at this time. There is no concept of time and space here. In this special place, all avenues are like water, and a thought can evaporate. , fate, good fortune, karma, heaven, etc., are just the weakest bubbles, and they will collapse before reaching out and touching them.

Above the Tao, beyond the so-called eternity, Tao, the great world, all time and space, outside the universe, outside the chaos, omnipresent, from ancient times to the present, and into the future, can be dissipated in a thought of the creatures based in this field, the eyes light So, exhaust all, reproduce all.

In a single thought, the path of transcendence that belongs to him, the path of suffering and destruction, and the path of sacrifice are all accomplished, and they are already transcended.

(End of this chapter)

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