Chapter 444 The Final Chapter
In the place of origin, worlds as many as the sands of the Ganges River dance together, and countless heavens rise and fall, rolling up waves between the Dead Sea and the sky and ocean, and radiating endless soft light.

That soft light, each ray contains infinite variables, is the cornerstone beyond thinking, the most common structure, but it also contains transcendent power.

Each variable has the possibility of being deduced into countless origins, and each origin is a complete infinite cycle and quantitative change stacking. All the insides are born with a backbone, the trunk generates a branch, and the branch generates possibilities, possible trends, and trends. Trends change again, and there are countless, never-ending cycles.

But even so, the wave of soft light, which symbolizes the stacking of infinite loops, was also solidified, stagnating in front of a figure, changed by him, distorted by him, and developed into a variable under control, a predictable trajectory .

"The ancient characters are trembling, the myth of the demon is flourishing, and its source will return.

Hehe, the Demon Lord, although he has never met, his name has been heard for a long time. "

Xiang Yufei smiled lightly, countless derivative heavens appeared around him, and the protagonist was born in countless worlds, starting an endless journey of "ascension", from the world to the realm, from the realm to the subordinate heavens, from the subordinate From the heavens to the derived heavens, from the heavens to the trend, from the trend to the possibility, from the possibility to the trend, from the trend to the tributaries, from the tributaries to the main stream, and from the main stream to the heavens, it is a process of cycle.

And the news that he became the forerunner was also passed on by the Lord of Spring and Autumn. The birth of another forerunner, the leader, is naturally eye-catching, not to mention that he is also the master of the evolution of the heavens, the source of miracles and variables, which makes people jealous .

This scale was also named "The Change of the Supreme" by the transcendental beings, and it became a node for dividing major events, and it also marked the rise of another giant.

If it is said that the improvement before reflecting the symbols of the heavens is not too great, then it is really different when it comes to the step of opening up and deriving the heavens. The increase brought about is unimaginable. If one person forms an army, neither the lower existence nor the superior will end well.

The sages who first explored this way, few people know what kind of existence it is, but they have infinite blessings, pointing out a possibility for those who reflect the heavens, gradually perfected under the participation and deduction of many transcendent existences, and constantly It tends to take shape in the trials and improvements, and then it gradually grows.

Even in terms of opening up and deriving the heavens, there are too many means, such as the evil gods in the Dead Sea, who can occupy other worlds for erosion and assimilation; there are other transcendent existences that affect the originating heavens, directly at the end Extend another line; the simpler method is to intercept the tributaries and make a new interpretation. It can be said that every person who reflects the heavens has his own method, and none of them are the same.

However, in Xiang Yufei's view, this is always just a direction, and it is a path explored by predecessors. No one has ever said that it is necessary to copy it, and it will be changed more or less according to oneself. He will not firmly believe in the path of others, but is more keen on innovation, and only believes in himself.

"The Taoist myth and the civilization myth, there is one more strong competitor."

Many detached people are also walking in these two major directions, and there is inevitable competition. They pay special attention to it, and their thoughts are surging for this.

Of course, those who reflect the heavens are all existences that escaped from the protagonist. Naturally, they will not be affected by a single defeat. You can afford to lose, and as long as you win once, you will get everything back doubled.

At the same time, in a special place outside Nianxiang, in the Dojo of the Forerunner, there are also existences that are moved by the return of the Demon Lord.

The fairy lotus swaying up to the sky and down to the Dead Sea, the immortal imperial court on the lotus platform manifests, outlining hazy figures.

The arrival of the transcendent Lord Ji and his visit to the Immortal Court is also to tell another thing. The Heavenly Demon Lord who was squeezed by them at the beginning has returned again, reappearing from the myths and legends, and even went further, giving birth to the symbolic people.

Standing high at the end of the cycle of five kalpas, the figure opened his eyes and looked at the place where the two ancient characters were located.

He doesn't need to find out where the Demon Lord is, he just needs to follow the ancient words, that's enough.

In addition to thinking about it, a group of people who reflect the heavens also learned the news of the return of the demon lord through the Spring and Autumn Taoist, and they had different attitudes.

"Heavenly Demon Lord has returned again. He has been planted twice in the hands of the robber. I am afraid he will be more cautious and concealed. Do you want to see how long he can stay safe this time?"

"It's within three thousand scales; it's just like provoking the wrong person, but he can still use this to become stronger and stronger, which can also be called inspirational, 'Progress from failure, become king after a hundred defeats', this road seems to be still Without a forerunner, maybe he can try it."

"It's better to go from losing streak to no defeat, and try the road of 'invincible, no defeat'. The experience of Tianmo Lord is very suitable, but it needs to go through a few more times. This is a small favor. And the new pioneer should not be stingy."

The transcendent beings are still discussing leisurely, watching the excitement is not a big deal, they comment naturally and unrestrainedly, and mentioned several mysterious paths, all of which have been discovered outside of thinking.

However, some beings who have had friendship with the Demon Lord are a little ready to move; such as the Lord of Disaster, the Lord of Chaos, etc., are looking for their traces, and their minds are unpredictable.

"Somewhere, there is a myth associated with me, who is it?"

In a distant place, the Heavenly Demon Lord was approaching the place where the ancient characters were, and suddenly felt that his own mythology had been affected and changed. It seemed that other variables were interfering, trying to erode him and occupy the mythology.

This is a bit of a big deal. Since he became detached, he has eroded others by himself. He has never been influenced or eroded by others. It is really unimaginable that he is still a junior on the road of demon mythology.

"it's me!
Demon Lord, you are old and should abdicate.

Today, the myth of the Heavenly Demon should be dominated by me, the Supreme Heavenly Demon! "

At this moment, the echo of the two ancient characters was unprecedentedly strong, and there was an additional existence in front of the Lord of Heaven, a presence standing at the forefront of the road and direction, a forerunner!

"Bitterness destroys Tao, true nature is at ease!" ''Too high without defeat, infinite variables! '

The sound of mighty prayers is heard, and the sound of praise resounds in the infinitely derived heavens and the land of endless origin. Pay homage to the arrival of a being.

The Lord of Evolution, the Source of Miracles, the End of Variables, the Supreme Demon!
There, the stalwart body occupies the future, fills the existing, is everywhere, omnipotent, and the bright light of evolution surrounds it, driving the myths of the heavens to prosper, and the gorgeous variable gods rise and fall, weaving Infinite possibilities and turning points, everything is possible, all things are uncertain.

The sky was setting, and the burning clouds like the sunset glowed around, forming a huge eye, which gradually opened, looking down at the demon lord indifferently.

From generation to generation, talented people come out, and a new generation replaces the old!

"It's you?!" The demon lord's heart moved, and the host of those two ancient characters came to him.

I was going to find him, but the other party also had the same idea.

However, the only variable is the opponent's strength.

Not to reflect the heavens, but to be the forerunner!
The real frontier leader is much stronger than him.

"Variable, variable, you are the biggest variable, that's why, Lord Robber, you have such a cruel heart and such a big plan!"

Heavenly Demon Lord's heart suddenly sank. Calculated in this way, he can be said to have offended three forerunners, a Taoist master, a robbery master, and now there is a grand master who came to the door.

Although He will not be sealed or perish, the aggrieved feeling of being cleaned up and crushed is not good. He has just returned, and he doesn't want to experience it again.

"Old man, give way!" Xiang Yufei approached with a sneer. Behind him, countless derivative heavens rose and fell, and origin heavens roared. The endless light of evolution and variable Shenxi bloomed, shrouded in the big hands and suddenly pressed down.

Boom!In just a split second, the myths of all the heavens are clear, and the myths of the demons are violently shaken, and they have been hit by a big hand. From birth to continuation, they were all cut off by a big hand. The power, artifacts, and supernatural powers they symbolized all appeared to be suppressed by sunset wonders, all over countless The heavens; the symbolic people were crushed and shattered by meritorious golden pagodas and ancient fortune tripods, and were wiped out from the beginning to the end.

At the same time, the myths belonging to the Supreme Heavenly Demon are prospering, and they plunder and occupy the original mythology of the Heavenly Demon Lord, directly turning it into their own. On this road, they will surpass him, replace him, and become the only Heavenly Demon!

"You delusional!" The Heavenly Demon Lord resisted with all his strength, and mobilized the myths of the heavens to symbolize the attack. In an instant, endless transcendent heavenly demons appeared, each of which reflected the strength of the heavens, densely packed, and all of them were killed, and each blow turned into many bubbles The heavens rotate like a kaleidoscope, and the heavens of Hengsha change for it. One after another, variables begin to be revealed, and the origin of each person and the heavens are revealed in it.

Gradually, the variables and possibilities outside the battlefield are also affected, spontaneous sympathy forms a picture, and the soft light is also rolled up to form a boundless ocean, covering the world of Hengsha, boiling in the incomprehensible ocean, opening up Created a brand new immeasurable heavens.

Their confrontation spread all over the heavens outside of thoughts, affected every myth and legend, and caused great changes in all worlds.

In an instant, in each of the heavens, the myths of the heavenly demon and the myth of the Supreme collided. The resulting forces conquered each other, and the born symbols killed each other, and even gave birth to brand new legends and epics.

"Slaughter the Heavenly Demon! The Supreme Sovereign!"

"Motun is too high, blood stains the blue sky!"

The sounds of roaring and fighting spread all over the heavens outside of thoughts, and the places of origin everywhere, which attracted the attention and gaze of many detached people.

"Big news, the demon lord is in another catastrophe, and when he meets the forerunners, it seems that the life that has just returned will restart again..."

The Lord of Spring and Autumn appeared from the myth in time, recording and spreading the battle.

"Forerunner, too high heavenly demon, very powerful."

"He is a symbol of variables. Everyone is connected with him, and he is destined to grow. He is a character." Many detached people were murmuring and whispering, aware of the difference.

This forerunner is very different, it exists as a cornerstone, and as the scale goes by, it will become stronger and stronger, with boundless terror.

But in the field, the Myth of the Heavens was no match for the Myth of the Demon, because after the Myth of the Supreme Supreme, there were also the myths of the origin of the heavens and the myths of the countless descendants of the heavens.

"I hate it, the three of you are not good people! I will come back again!"

The demon lord roared, and his whole body was captured by the big hand surrounded by endless glory, praise, epics and myths. He wanted to surpass his own mythology and become the forerunner of the demon myth.

At this moment, there seemed to be a bell ringing in the dark, and the rotation of the five kalpas blocked everything, and the kalpa of the heavens returned to its place. Calamity and destruction are also changes and rebirth, creation and development.

A fairy lotus blooms, and a figure emerges from the samsara of thousands of kalpas. Wherever he looks, everything becomes old and decayed, and will eventually usher in change and kalpas. He can see freedom in the clean new life after Nirvana, and be free from chaos. And reincarnation in disorder.

"Thousands of reincarnations, only I am the only one."

The mighty sound resounded, spread the myths of the heavens, and arose for countless eons!

"It's Him!" "Sure enough." Many detached people and the Lord of Spring and Autumn all had expressions on their faces, knowing which existence was coming.

Forerunner, leader, master of all worlds!
"Master, it's you again!" The demon lord was clear for a moment, snorted coldly and said the taboo that was approaching existence, and suddenly set off turbulent waves beyond this thought, as if countless myths and epics came alive all of a sudden, and they all celebrated together Encouragement, welcome the coming of the great existence.

This can be said to be His great old enemy, and also a major source of suffering. He has been entangled with His love and hatred for too long.

"It's me, but it's not just me." A faint voice sounded, and the lord descended, stepping on the long city, every brick and tile was piled up by him and me, and every bright lamp was burning outside me, the Great Wall Wanlilong, the dream of a hundred heroes.

There is one more person?
Everyone's expressions changed, and they couldn't help but look at the shaking sky and Dead Sea, and there was a magnificent sound.

'There is no life, no measure, no limit, and the years are sacrificed to the destiny! '

In addition to thinking about it, the sacrificial sounds rang out, as if it contained all variables in the invisible, it was the end of infinite possibilities, the ultimate evolution and Yin Shi, great, magnificent, noble, superb, vast and other majestic words are not enough to describe.

What gathers is destiny.

At the origin of the Holy Sacrifice, a beam of eyes gradually lit up, including the reincarnation of the Wutai, swept across the endlessly brilliant heavens and the Dashu world, and fell into the field in an instant.

"There are as many sands in the Ganges River as the only one who is true."


The demon lord's heart was shocked, this forerunner also came, the five princes gathered, the reincarnation of the five kalpas, the reincarnation of the five virtues, is there really some kind of connection between these three people?
"These two lords, how come together again?!" The lord of Spring and Autumn couldn't help being stunned when he saw this scene. One was to rob the heavens, and the other was to sacrifice to the heavens. Could this be planning some big change?

Back then, the evil gods in the Sky Ocean and the Dead Sea had suffered a round of purges. One specially caught them devouring the great sacrifice;

Seeing the gathering of the three forerunners, the demon lord's heart couldn't stop sinking. Obviously, the time for returning this time will be the shortest.

"Taishang is undefeated, the truth is up to me." Xiang Yufei came with a long groan, and did not change his purpose because of the arrival of the two. The myth of his own body began to invade and replace. All of a sudden, he surpassed the Demon Lord and moved forward, and there was a tendency to become a pioneer.

'Too godly! '

In the deafening shouts, new changes appeared in the myths of the heavens. Wherever there is a myth of demons, there are born demons of the Supreme Heaven. This is the source and the end of the myths of this way. 81 is in progress!

"No! The forerunner of the Heavenly Demon myth should be me! You are worse than that black-hearted robber, you thief! Robber!" The Heavenly Demon Lord cursed angrily. The other party could not occupy his path, but he could surpass him and become the Heavenly Demon. The forerunner in the direction directly blocks him and solves the problem directly from the root.

Of course, the Demon Lord still has a chance to go back. After all, there are no possibilities beyond thinking. Even if he is suppressed and defeated again and again, he will become stronger after returning. Now that the Supreme Demon has become the forerunner, there will always be a more advanced competitor. What's more frightening is that it is also a symbol of evolution and miracles, and it is destined to make continuous progress. The cycle formed by the two complements has established The fact that his status as a forerunner is extremely difficult to be surpassed made the Demon Lord feel a little lost.

Because in the future, when He returns, there will be another creditor, which is really not wonderful.


At this time, Xiang Yufei surpassed the Heavenly Demon Lord in the etheric body of the Heavenly Demon, and became the forerunner in the Heavenly Demon myth. He is the real source of all Heavenly Demons, the source of all evils, the end of all evils, ominous and weird.

In the future, whenever there is a new person who transcends the direction of the demon or the birth of a myth, it will promote the growth of his strength, even if the returned demon master breaks through again. We ourselves are pushing the direction forward and creating new paths continuously.

"Taishang Tianmo, an outstanding figure among the forerunners, who is in the leading position in the two directions of mutual circulation, has become a frontier existence." The Lord of Spring and Autumn recorded again, sighing, having witnessed the Taoist master becoming famous and witnessing the catastrophe The Lord ascended the throne, and now he has seen the rise of the Supreme Being. Even He himself has benefited greatly.

And in the field, the overtaken Heavenly Demon Lord was thrown away by Xiang Yufei, and it is useless. He no longer needs this thing, but it is not useless. He can continue to spur and encourage him to break through and grow stronger. To feed back oneself as a pioneer, this is the means of spurring, which may be a little too extreme.

"Fellow Daoist, this person is destined to be with me." At this moment, the robber said, he was very interested in the Heavenly Demon Lord, he was an old enemy, and he had already made him shine twice.

The Taoist also looked from the altar, "This person is also destined for me."

"We are all destined, if you don't share them, you will get something. When they come back, you can divide them again. Wouldn't it be beautiful to take inexhaustible and inexhaustible." Seeing this, he glanced at Yufei. The Heavenly Demon Lord, who had nothing to love at first glance, made a suggestion.

Hearing this sentence, the myths written by the Lord of Spring and Autumn paused slightly, and all the transcendent beings standing at the source of the myths were even more silent, committing crimes!
The Lord of the Heavenly Devil really suffered eight lifetimes of bloody misfortune. When he met such three geeks, he was originally a famous person, but he was robbed and disasters all the way, and he became like this.

"Good!" Daoist and Jiezhu both nodded in approval.

"I object!" The Heavenly Demon Lord uttered his final unyielding cry.

But the objection was ineffective, a pair of scarlet eyes appeared in all the demon myths at some point, and the reincarnation of a thousand calamities was covered by a red flag, turned into a totem, wrapping the entire demon lord and disappearing.

"Fellow Daoist, you and I feel like old friends at the first sight, and we will talk about the road ahead." The Taoist master raised his hand and pointed, and the frontier beyond his thoughts appeared, turning into general directions one after another, and the figures of the forerunners were all among them show.

They are the myths in the myths, the variables among the variables in the heavens, the existence beyond the protagonist and the expression, they are no longer guided by some unknown 'power and track', they show the narrative, but compose their own A brand new chapter of life belongs to them.

That is no longer the scenery in the story, but the splendor outside the drawing.

How exactly, no one knows.

"The Taoist Lord, the Robber Lord, and the Supreme Master, it's a good thing that these three people didn't really come together, otherwise, the Dead Sea and the Sky Ocean would be empty." The Spring and Autumn Lord sighed. Although the three are similar, they are different in essence. The ideas and even conflicts are very strong.

Self-only, self-respect, and true nature are all flyers with a very personal color, and no one can violate them. This kind of existence will always be in a dominant position, and it is the norm to go alone.

A group of transcendent beings from the source of the myth looked far away, thinking that in countless directions at the forefront, three figures gradually drifted away.

The Wutai is in front, the reincarnation of the five kalpas, and the five virtues are connected. The three seem to echo each other and have a connection in the dark, but they are independent and form a cycle of their own.

Outside of thinking, the frontier of the road is a scenery that can only be seen by pioneers in all directions.

Like blue waves and surging waves, like a line of sea and sky, like empty valleys and green trees, all kinds of desolation and majesty, the vast ancient and ancient scenes are all presented in it.

The front of the road extension, where the direction expands, is not nothingness, but endless variables and possibilities. They are intertwined, bringing miracles and absurdities, conservative and progressive, uncertain and blocked, without end, without boundaries, and without repetition , only the endless progress and pursuit.

In the absurd and unimaginable, ever-expanding frontier, three figures walked side by side, talking, and occasionally looked down, and could see other pioneers and leaders in the distance, all marching forward with magnificent myths and epics, There are also many figures chasing after him.

Needless to say, they can communicate with each other, experience the splendor of their own lives in parallel, and understand their own ideas and minds.

Only me is true, denying others and non-self, solipsistic, enshrining the only one and enslaving others, letting my true nature do whatever I want, regardless of others.

"Actually, I really want to play a game of chess with you." Suddenly, Xiang Yufei opened his mouth and looked at the robber, the source of the Five Tribulations, Human Emperor Li Yu.

Li Yu looked calm and interested, "Why?"

"Taishang Wubai is a kind of realm name created by you, but to me, it is also a kind of monument. I really want to get it. You and I are destined." Xiang Yufei raised his hand, thinking about the inside and outside It is a chessboard, with the direction of the road as the child, the five virtues and the five calamities as the boundary, divided by the frontier of thought.

Li Yu put his finger down, and red chess pieces appeared on the board, steaming fire, he nodded and smiled, "That's right, you and I are destined."


The two stretched out their hands together, sat opposite each other, and played against each other forever!

"The road is endless and the road is long. We used to be the scenery on the road and the stories in the stories; now, we are all on the road, reading the scenery and writing the stories.

In the autumn of Chongming, you and I are both crossing. "

Watching the two players playing chess, Taoist Wang Teng sat cross-legged with a faint smile, becoming a witness and a storyteller.

In the Taishangji, the lord of the robbers played against the Taishang, one chess fell and all things were born, and one son was bright and the result was dependent.

The story within the story is depicted again; the scenery on the landscape is again turbulent.

The story always has an end, and the scenery always fades, but this road has no end yet.

There is no limit to the road, and the road is endless.

In the spring and autumn of Chongming, you and I are both on the road.

"The weather is turbulent, and the sun is prosperous!"

At the same time, the pioneers on all roads looked back. It was one protagonist after another, one variable after another, all chanting with their heads raised, looking at this place together, as if responding.

They are lonely, but the road they have opened up is full of flowers, and a hundred schools of thought contend, which means that my way is not alone.

The weather is turbulent, and my Tao is prosperous.

 End of Sahua, see you in the next book

(End of this chapter)

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