Yuan Shao, the father of Fanghua in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 202 The relationship is complicated

Chapter 202 The relationship is complicated
The sky was dimly bright, Yuan Xi opened his eyes.

In Zhen Mi's arms, her temple hair was disheveled, there were still some tears in the corners of her eyes, and her long eyelashes trembled slightly from time to time, adding to her beauty and charm.

Yuan Xi felt that the arm under Zhenshou's pillow was extremely sore, as if he had lost consciousness, and thought that whoever said this position was romantic, let him try it for himself, what it feels like to have his arm pillowed overnight.

But it was also because Zhen Mi was extremely tired and didn't turn over after falling asleep. Yuan Xi reminisced about the aftertaste of last night, until the sky was bright, and the morning light came in from the window, covering the faces of the two of them.

The warm sunlight made Zhen Mi react, she finally moaned, and slowly opened her eyes.

Zhen Mi raised her head slightly, met Yuan Xi's eyes, blushed instantly, and shrank back into Yuan Xi's arms with a cry.

Yuan Xi took the opportunity to pull his hand back, and hugged Zhen Mi's shoulders. Zhen Mi's body trembled, and she said in an inaudible voice: "Sure enough, there is not everything in the book."

"My husband was too scary last night."

Yuan Xi was speechless, he drank more wine last night, it seemed that he was indeed a beast.

Zhen Mi seemed to have suddenly remembered something, looked at the sky, and lost her voice: "There is still a wedding ceremony today, I want to see my uncle, my concubine's sleepiness is bad!"

Yuan Xi thought to himself, what kind of uncle is it? It's just Yuan Ji and his wife's tablets. I forgive you for them.

But face is always something to do, so he had no choice but to let Zhen Mi get up and get dressed. Looking from behind, she could see her slender, white and greasy pink back at a glance, which made Yuan Xi almost unable to hold back.

Zhen Mi put on a three-layered underclothes, and just after she got into bed, she went to the box next to the bed to find a skirt to wear, but her toes just touched the ground, and her legs softened, and Yuan Xi hurriedly supported her.

Zhen Mi fell into Yuan Xi's arms, turned her head and gave Yuan Xi a resentful sideways glance, Yuan Xi was sweating profusely, and hurriedly said, "I'll be lighter next time."

Zhen Mi blushed, stood up, opened the box, and took out a set of skirts.

The upper body of this set of skirts is a vermilion cross-neck short skirt, and the bottom is a long moongreen tunic skirt that hangs to the floor. The waist is tied in layers with silk belts in the middle, which makes Zhen Mi's figure extremely graceful.

Seeing Zhen Mi struggling to put the silk socks on her jade feet, and bending over to put on the silk shoes, Yuan Xi naturally bent over to help.

Zhen Mi shrank her feet and said with a blushing face, "This is not what a husband should do."

Yuan Xi realized that women in this era are not used to this kind of practice, and said, "Are all your maids sent to serve the Huan family? Didn't you keep them?"

Zhen Mi finally put on the silk shoes, then raised her head and said, "I have inquired about my husband."

"It is said that the husband's two concubines will also serve as maids. How dare the concubines bring more people to serve, so as not to damage the reputation of the husband."

After hearing this, Yuan Xi smiled wryly and said, "Is my behavior a suspicion of trying to gain fame?"

Zhen Mi laughed and said, "I don't think my husband is pretending."

Yuan Xi became interested, "Why?"

Zhen Mi said in a low voice: "Husband's hand has many calluses, he must have suffered a lot."

After Yuan Xi heard this, he sighed and said, "Indeed, whether it is practicing martial arts or doing farm work, it is very hard work."

"I'm pretty good. In places like Beixin City that lack farm tools, many farmers who have been farming all year round have cuts on their hands and even broken nails."

"If you can, you can follow me to see it then."

After hearing this, Zhen Mi replied, "I will definitely do it."

Zhen Mi sat in front of the bronze mirror, watching Yuan Xi draw her eyebrows, while she inserted tortoiseshell combs, yellow hairpins, hairpins, step shakers, hairpins and other accessories into her temples, then earrings, waistbands, etc. .

Looking at the complicated accessories, Yuan Xi thought to himself that although clothing, jewelry and decorative items have undergone tremendous changes in the past few thousand years, the only thing that has not changed is the time for women to put on makeup.

The two packed up and went out together hand in hand. Wu Zhao and Cao Xian had been waiting outside the door.

Cao Xiandao: "My lord and wife are all dressed up?"

Yuan Xi smiled and said: "It's all good, but it's hard work for you to wait."

He turned to Wu Zhao and said, "From today onwards, you should change back to Cai Yan and Cai Zhaoji."

After hearing this, Cai Yan nodded lightly, feeling mixed feelings.

Yuan Xi took Zhen Mi to pay respects to Yuan Ji's memorial tablet, and after the post-wedding ceremony, the two were now considered a real couple.

The two went to see Huan Shi again. At that time, Huan Shi was hugging Cao Hua and breastfeeding her. When she heard the knock on the door, she quickly covered her clothes, asked Cao Jie to open the door, and welcomed the two of them in.

Seeing the two bowing down, Huan's mood was complicated.

Now she has turned back into the widow of Bian Rang, adopted the girl from the Zhen family as a foster daughter, and became Yuan Xi's aunt, but the three daughters are still from the Cao family. It has to be said that the relationship has become a mess.

In the hut in the corner of the courtyard, Mrs. Dong got up early to urge Guo Yi to practice calligraphy, while Guo Jia's two concubines were grinding ink and water.

Guo Jia sat up on the couch at this time, and was about to pour wine at the table, Dong said, "Drinking on an empty stomach hurts your body, husband, let's have a bowl of porridge first."

A concubine heard this, and hurriedly washed her hands, put a bowl of porridge in the cauldron, and served it to Guo Jia.

Seeing that Guo Jia was drinking porridge and drinking wine, Mrs. Dong couldn't help being speechless. Why is Guo Jia's alcohol addiction getting bigger and bigger?

She said: "Husband, please take care of yourself."

Guo Jia shook his head and said, "You don't know, that damn place in Beixin City is too cold to survive without drinking."

Dong Shi said softly: "I heard that Mr. Xian Yi almost never drinks alcohol."

Guo Jia said awkwardly, "Can I compare with him?"

"He doesn't look like a family member at all."

Dong remembered the scene of the two fighting in the snow that day, and couldn't help smiling: "Indeed."

"However, when the son is married, he will naturally have heirs, and the husband does not have to worry that Guo Yi will become the son of the son."

Guo Jia thought it was a woman's opinion, maybe Guo Yi missed an excellent opportunity.

He took a sip of wine and said with a smile: "I have to work harder these few nights, and give me another one. If I miss this opportunity, I don't know when we will meet next time."

Dong's face flushed, and she was startled, "Why, are you going back to Beixincheng again?"

"The young master just got married, so why wait three to five months, can't you be in such a hurry?"

Guo Jia shook his head and said: "How is it possible, Youzhou is not peaceful now, the situation is extremely chaotic, the young master has just been awarded the title of Inspector, so he must be in a hurry to go back."

After hearing this, Mrs. Dong worried, "Are you going to fight again?"

Guo Jia listened, and thought about it, it's really hard to say.

And from Guo Jia's point of view, he doesn't agree with being so close to Liu He. This is a member of the Han Dynasty, how could he help the son's great cause in the future?
However, thinking of the situation in Youzhou, Guo Jia was also a little overwhelmed. Gongsun Du of Wuhuan and Xianbei all had strengths that should not be underestimated. With Yuan Xi's current strength, he couldn't force it for the time being.

If Yuan Xi wants to expand rapidly now, he must rely on the power of Yuan Shang in Jizhou, especially the help of Chun Yuqiong who is stationed in Yijing.

The point is that Yuan Shang and Yuan Xishi are in the same situation now, so it would be nice not to hold back. If he wants to help attack Yuyang and Guangyang County north of Yijing, I am afraid that he will agree, and the conditions are extremely harsh.

Guo Jia was depressed. Until now, Yuan Xi was the only military advisor, and he had to do everything by himself!

Although it is said that Jushou was demoted to be a sergeant, don't drive, but he is very stinky, and Guo Jia doesn't want him to surpass his status.

Everyone has their own calculations, and top strategists are no exception. Yuan Xi naturally understands this truth.

He was used to seeing Yuan Shao's eight advisers fighting each other, and now Guo Jia and Ju Shou were both his subordinates, but Yuan Xi had no idea how to make them cooperate sincerely in the future.

However, Yuan Xi did not rush back to Beixin City as Guo Jia thought, but took advantage of this opportunity to take Zhen Mi to visit the major families in Yecheng, Yuan Xi went to meet the patriarch, and Zhen Mi went to see the lady .

You must return the gift when you meet, after all, these gentry sent people to give gifts when he got married.

But compared to the return gifts to the master, Zhen Mi's private gifts to the wives and girls are the big ones. Yuan Xi spent a lot of money this time, and even Zhen Mi's eyes widened after reading the gift list.

At that time, the women of the Han nationality were open-minded, and the ladies and ladies of the gentry liked new things very much.

The popular novelties here in Jizhou are all brought in by foreign trade routes, one is the Western Regions, the other is Annan Siam, and the third is the coastal trade routes.

This is the overseas goods that Yuan Xi robbed some of the goods from Cao Song earlier, which is very valuable.

Zhen Fu looked at the gift list and asked, "Isn't it a bit too expensive?"

Yuan Xi said: "It's indeed a bit of a waste, but these things can't be exchanged for food, and they can be used to make the best use of the joints."

The future of Yecheng is also very important. It will be worth it if only one or two useful news come out to win the favor of the gentry.

But what the two of them gave today was the most precious one.

Because the person they want to meet is Yuan Shao.

When the two saw Yuan Shao, he was alone in the study.

The maid welcomed the two of them in, and Yuan Xi led Zhen Mi to kneel down and said: "Thank you for the congratulatory gift the day before yesterday, and I am here to thank you for your kindness."

Yuan Shao heard this, and said calmly: "There is no need to be too polite. Now that you are the head of the side branch, you can sit on an equal footing with me. If you count it as a show of thought and honor, you must perform the ceremony of the younger generation."

Yuan Xi hurriedly lowered his head and said, "Don't dare, Xiwei makes the king follow suit."

Zhen Mi lowered her head, listening to the awkward conversation between the original father and son, she always felt that the two were trying to hide something.

Yuan Xi said again: "My sister... Miss Yuan Xing and Xi are no longer siblings, so it's not easy to meet each other. Please ask your wife to pay her respects."

Yuan Shao nodded and said, "Yes."

At that moment, a maidservant came in and led Zhen Mi, Zhen Mi knew that Yuan Xi had something to say in private, so she bid farewell to Yuan Shao and came out.

Seeing Zhen Mi leave, Yuan Xi cut straight to the point and said, "Here, Xi, I have one more thing to ask my envoy."

Seeing Yuan Shao nodding his head, he said: "This time Xilai, he wants to marry Miss Yuan Xing for his general Zhao Zilong."

Upon hearing this, Yuan Shao said decisively, "No."

He immediately said: "I heard that Zhao Yun has always been brave, but firstly, he is a general who rushes into the battle, his life and death are unpredictable, and secondly, his family background is not high, so it is difficult to match Yuan."

"If you want her to marry, the family is at least the family of a prince with two thousand stones in the world."

Yuan Xi's heart did not go so smoothly, but he still wanted to fight for it, so he said: "No matter the origin of a hero, Gao Zu was born in a humble background. , How many noble families are there?"

(End of this chapter)

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