Chapter 206 The Plight of Xuzhou
When Yuan Xi saw Xuzhou's guests in the guest room, he saw that his face was full of tiredness. It was obvious how he could rest well during this time.

Chen Deng.

He took the teapot, filled Chen Deng's cup, and said, "Mr. Yuanlong actually came to Ye City in person, I really didn't expect it."

Chen Deng's face was full of bitterness, "Deng will not hide it from you, my lord, the situation of Mr. Liu is now in a precarious situation, and it has come to the autumn of life and death."

"Deng really has no way out right now, so he has the audacity to come and ask the young master for help."

After hearing this, Yuan Xi said, "Mr. Yuan Long is loyal to Duke Xuan De, how can he say so brazenly?"

"What's more, I was originally the guarantor of Yuan and Liu. It is reasonable for Mr. to come to me."

Chen Deng sighed: "Although the young master is the guarantor, at this time, the ones who should be looking for are Yuanzhou Mu and Xianfu."

"But I have been here for a few days, but I can't get in. Obviously, Yuan is planning to give up Xuzhou."

"I have nothing to do now, I can only try my luck at the young master's place."

Yuan Xi thought for a while, then said: "Please also ask Mr. Yuan Long to tell me about the current situation in Xuzhou, so that we can make plans."

After hearing this, Chen Deng quickly explained the current situation in Xuzhou.

After Yuan Xi heard this, he pondered for a long time without saying a word. He didn't expect that Xuzhou would lose the fierce dragon like Lu Bu, but the tiger like Sun Ce would come instead.

Sun Ce is also a powerful general in the world, and now is the time when his momentum is at its peak, let alone Cao Cao's army. Yuan Xi estimated that with the same strength, he could not beat Cao's army now.

These two are fighting for Xuzhou, how can I have the strength to get involved?

Seeing that Yuan Xi was in trouble, Chen Deng sighed, "On the one hand, I am a lobbyist for the lord, and on the other hand, it is also because Xiapi is the ancestral land of the Chen family. Seeing Sun Ce and Cao's army attacking here, there must be countless casualties. I can't bear it."

Yuan Xi said: "When Mr. Yuanlong left, it was Sun Ce who led Zhang Xun to defend the city in Xiapi, and Zhou Yu and Qiao Rui were on the other side of Guangling?"

Chen Deng nodded and said: "This should be the case at the moment. Sun Ce is certainly ferocious, but Zhou Yu is also full of clever tricks. He can use tricks to block General Guan. It is really terrifying for future generations."

Yuan Xi thought it was really troublesome, it was Zhou Yu.

One Xiapi, one Guangling, neither side is easy to fight!

He asked, "Mr. Xuande is in Haixi now?"

Chen Deng nodded and said: "The lord has suffered several defeats in a row and is recruiting troops in Haixi. Before I left, Zizhong (Mi Zhu) wanted to marry his younger sister to the lord."

Yuan Xi was startled when he heard this, "Mr. Xuande's wife has passed away?"

Chen Deng looked worried, "When General Zhang Fei lost Xiapi, he lost the lord's wife and Duke Wen Ju's family in the city."

After hearing this, Yuan Xi thought to himself that it was really miserable, and he wondered what would happen if they fell into Sun Ce's hands.

But if it falls into Cao Jun's hands, I'm afraid they will end up like Huan's mother and daughter.

He thought about it, whether to rescue Xuzhou or not was no longer a purely moral issue.

As a vassal now, he must calmly consider the gains and losses. If he doesn't care about sacrifices and let his subordinates go to a place like Xuzhou, it will be truly irresponsible.

But if this continues, Xuzhou may be divided up by Cao Cao and Yuan Shu, and Chen Deng is also likely to go to Cao Cao. If this kind of all-round talent goes to Cao Cao's side, it will be even more troublesome.

He raised his head by chance, and seeing Chen Deng's face, he suddenly came to his senses: "Mr. Yuanlong seems to be looking better than last time?"

After hearing this, Chen Deng hurriedly got up and thanked him, "I'm just talking about Xuzhou, I haven't had time to thank you, Young Master."

"According to my son's words, I found Mr. Hua Tuo. After taking a few doses of medicine, I spit out several pots of worms."

"Mr. Hua Tuo also said that there are still many bugs hidden in my internal organs, but it is difficult to eradicate them."

He still had lingering fears in his heart, "Sir, you really didn't lie to me, those fish sticks really can't be eaten anymore."

"After I said what the young master said, Mr. Hua Tuo was quite curious and said that if he had the opportunity, he would like to see the young master."

Yuan Xi's heart moved, "Mr. Hua Tuo is also in Haixi?"

Chen Deng nodded: "Exactly, the officials who escaped from Xiapi of Guangling are all temporarily staying in Haixi, but people are still panicking now."

"Because whichever side Sun Ce and Cao Cao win, they will march into Haixi, and it will be difficult for the lord to resist."

Yuan Xi pondered. After Liu Bei married Mi Zhen, the later generations raised troops again relying on the thousands of slaves sent by Mi Zhu. They supported for a while, but in the end they still failed to retake Xuzhou from Lu Bu.

However, although Lu Bu stabbed Liu Bei in the back, he was lenient with his family members and returned Liu Bei's wives.

Yuan Xi remembered that it should be Liu Bei's official wife, so Liu Bei married Mi Zhen, did he use the ceremony of marrying a wife or taking a concubine?

If it was a wife, wouldn't Mi Zhen be forced to change from wife to concubine after Liu Bei's wife returned?
Or something else happened?

He shook his head, Liu Bei's family affairs, he has no spare time to take care of them now, because in order to solve the troubles of the siege of Xuzhou, several key cities must be captured.

But the siege requires a large number of soldiers and equipment, and he doesn't have such a strong force in his hands now!

He told Chen Deng about his difficulties, and finally said: "Mr. Yuanlong also knows that I just finished beating Gongsun Zan on my side, and my vitality was seriously injured."

"The troops that can be mobilized today are hundreds of cavalry and three thousand infantry. Do you think the situation in Xuzhou can be changed?"

After hearing this, Cheng Deng lowered his head and pondered for a while, then shook his head slowly with a bitter expression on his face.

Yuan Xi said: "I will try my best to persuade Yuan Shijun and Mr. Xianfu. Right now only Jizhou can help Mr. Xuande."

Chen Deng said in a low voice: "My lord, you don't need to hide it from me. For some reason, Mr. Xianfu probably won't send troops."

"Also, even if you can convince them, you won't be able to mobilize soldiers, horses and equipment to rush to Xuzhou in a short period of time."

Yuan Xi said: "I understand Mr. Yuanlong's meaning."

"Even if the army is dispatched from Jizhou now, it will have to go through Qingzhou, go south and pass through Mount Tai before reaching Langya County."

"The mountains over there are rugged, and there are 10,000+ Taishan thieves. I'm afraid it will be difficult to get through?"

After hearing this, Chen Deng remained silent.

Seeing this, Yuan Xi said, "If Mr. Liu loses Xuzhou, where will Mr. Yuan Long go?"

Hearing Yuan Xi's intention to solicit, Chen Deng sighed: "Master, Deng Xin accepted the kindness of my son, and the envoy treated me very well, and it was Deng's effort to seize Xuzhou's proposal. ridicule."

Hearing this, Yuan Xi thought that Chen Deng had a bottom line, so he said, "Then what is the master's plan?"

Chen Deng gritted his teeth and said: "The envoy once said that whoever can break the siege of Xuzhou will divide Xuzhou equally."

"I also brought these words to Mr. Xianfu, but Mr. Xianfu is obviously not interested."

Yuan Xi thought the same way, Yuan Shang would not die of starvation if he had Jizhou, why bother to get mixed up in Xuzhou, a place of right and wrong, who knows how much food and soldiers would be invested in it to get back the money.

He let out a sigh of relief and said, "I still need to discuss this matter with my counselor, and give Mr. Yuanlong an answer tomorrow, how about it?"

After hearing this, Chen Deng suppressed his anxiety and nodded in agreement.

Yuan Xi asked Chen Deng to take a rest in the guest room, thinking about it.

Half of Xuzhou, that is, two counties, looked quite a lot, but Xuzhou couldn't stop at all. It had to face Yuan Shu and Cao Cao's harassment all the time, and a large number of soldiers were needed to deal with the war that came at any time, so it was very important. Possibly a losing business.

Isn't there a way to have the best of both worlds?

He went out, quickly recruited Guo Jia, Zhao Yun, and Tai Shici, told about the situation in Xuzhou, and finally said: "For us, is it worthwhile to rescue Xuzhou?"

Guo Jia said, "It's not worth it."

"Even if they are defeated, the young master does not have the strength to defend Xuzhou now."

"Besides, Tancheng, Guangling and other major cities are fortified cities. Unless there is internal turmoil, they will not be able to defeat them without several times their strength."

"So if you want to win, you must use ingenuity, but if you are not careful, you will seek your own death and the entire army will be wiped out."

"Not to mention anything else, how did you transport troops from Youzhou and even Jizhou?"

Seeing Yuan Xi looking over, Tai Shici said, "I just thought of one thing. The ground in Xuzhou is plain, which is suitable for cavalry raids."

"It's just that the enemy also knows this, and must guard the main road."

After hearing this, Zhao Yun said, "I am not as good as Mr. Feng Xiao when it comes to marching and fighting."

"I just want to know if the young master made any promises when he was negotiating peace with Liu Shijun on behalf of the Yuan family."

After hearing this, Yuan Xi sighed, "There are actually some things I insist on saying."

Guo Jia said: "There is no one in this world who fully fulfills his promise, especially when he strives for hegemony."

"Besides, the young master was representing Yuan Shijun at that time, and now he is adopted, and Yuan Shijun should be responsible for Yuan Liu's affairs."

This is indeed the same truth in everyone's mind, but if you look at it from Liu Bei's side, it seems a bit unacceptable.

Yuan Xi said, "Where are we going to fight when we leave next month?"

Zhao Yundao: "Originally, we were going to take down the three cities of Yongnu, Quanzhou, and Piaoyuyi in the south of Yuyang County (where the three cities are located, which is now Tianjin). Now Qu Yi and Tian Yu have mobilized 3000 troops, from Rong City to Yi From Beijing to Qionghe Township, the nearest Piaoyu Township is only more than 200 miles away.”

"Piaoyuyi is a small town. It was originally occupied by Gongsun Zan's remnants. There are only a few thousand people. It shouldn't be difficult to take it down."

According to the original plan, Yuan Xi would leave Yecheng within three days, take Guo Jia and others, and head north directly to the south of Piaoyu Town, and take charge of the battle in person.

The reason why you want to fight here is that Jizhou and Youzhou are at the border, so you don’t have to worry about the future, but there are iron and salt mines between Quanzhou and Piaoyuyi, which is very important to Yuan Xi.

Yuan Xi asked, "How's the food?"

Tai Shici said: "The grain and grass are all ready, and the Zhen family fleet is transporting them by sea. The east of Yuyi is facing the sea. There will be no problem with the grain and grass within a month."

Zhen Mi's dowry was the Zhen family's all, together with the hundreds of carts of goods snatched by Yuan Xi, they built a fleet of dozens of large and small merchant ships.

This is Yuan Xi's real family background.

Yuan Xi muttered, then suddenly raised his head, "Piaoyu is near the sea?"

Everyone was startled, and then recalled it.

Guo Jia said with a wry smile: "Take a risk, it's too risky."

Yuan Xi's eyes sparkled, "But I want to give it a try, after all, I have a promise to Liu Shijun."

"This time I still have to trouble Mr. to plan."

Seeing that Yuan Xi's intention had been decided, Guo Jia had no choice but to agree, "Jia will do her best."

Tai Shici and Zhao Yun looked at each other, and said in unison: "Wish to be the pioneer!"

(End of this chapter)

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