Yuan Shao, the father of Fanghua in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 21 Suspicious Besiege and Kill Zhao Yun

Chapter 21 Suspicious Besiege and Kill Zhao Yun
Yuan Xi jumped out of the carriage in a hurry, called Qu Yi to go straight to the barracks, and asked Wu Zhaoxian to go back to the mansion by himself before leaving.

Wu Zhao stood there in a daze, fluttered in the wind, and just left?

This Mr. Yuan always does things unexpectedly, always in a hurry, as if there is never enough time.

In desperation, she had no choice but to pull up the bridle, steer the horse hard, and return to the city guard's mansion.

As she walked, she discovered something different in this city.

There are no beggars in this city.

Even in the prosperous Luoyang, this is unimaginable.

Her doubts were mixed with curiosity, so she stopped the carriage, asked a few passers-by, and finally figured out that this Beixin City was different from other places.

Because of successive years of wars, most of the food was transported from outside the city. In Beixin City, the buying and selling of food was prohibited, and the distribution was controlled by the City Lord's Mansion.

The farmland outside the city has been reclaimed a lot in recent years, but for some reason, it is now all managed by the City Lord's Mansion.

Each person in the city will be provided with a basic but difficult food ration.

Surplus food will be taken out and distributed according to the work done by the residents.

If you want to eat enough, you have to work hard to earn the rest of the food. If you get relatively important or dangerous work, such as building a city, making city defense utensils, and various craftsmen, you will be allocated additional food. The more, enough to feed the family.

Wu Zhao understands that this kind of distribution seems simple, but in fact there are many labor-intensive things, which are easily criticized by others and belong to thankless tasks.

Of course, there are also advantages, that is, it can prevent hoarding and reselling food during wartime, as well as famine and turmoil in the city.

The second son of the Yuan family seemed to have carefully considered every move he made, and was completely different from ordinary sons of the noble family.

This made Wu Zhao even more curious.

Zhao Yun is returning to Yijing with the team.

Since Gongsun Zan was defeated by Yuan Shao at Jieqiao, although he often sent troops to counterattack, he himself hid in Yijing and could not come out.

"Three Kingdoms. The Biography of Gongsun Zan" has ten layers of encircling moats, and the capital is built in the moat, all of which are five or six feet high, and the buildings are on top of them;Zan made the iron gate, lived upstairs, screened to the left and right, maids and concubines waited on the side, and drew up the documents.

He is surrounded by maidservants and concubines, there are no men, the soldiers can only guard outside, and the official documents have to be dragged up from the city by the maidservants and concubines.

It can be seen that Gongsun Zan has no direct contact with his subordinates, but even so, he can withstand Yuan Shao's several attacks. He can be said to have a strong family business, and he is worthy of being a person who has the possibility of competing for world hegemony.

But Zhao Yun knew that Gongsun Zan was finished.

He had already lost his ambition, he was confined to a place, even if he could repel Yuan Shao's attack several times, if he failed once, he would be wiped out.

Zhao Yun didn't want to think about whether Gongsun Zan was in collusion with the Southern Huns. He only needed to look at the expressions of the soldiers behind him, and he knew what the soldiers were thinking about in yesterday's battle.

He only brought a hundred people with him yesterday, and now those who participated in yesterday's battle are happily bragging to those who didn't go, while those who didn't participate in the battle are beating their chests and feet, regretting endlessly.

This group of soldiers had become more and more lethargic because Gongsun Zan couldn't defend, but because of yesterday's battle, they were rejuvenated.

No matter how the Han family declines, the sons and daughters of the Han family can always erupt with amazing strength and rise up to resist in the face of foreign invasion and conquest.

Zhao Yun led the team and was about to reach Yijing City. He put his hands together and looked solemnly.

Outside Yijing City, there seemed to be hundreds of cavalry troops rushing towards Zhao Yun!

Zhao Yun stepped forward first, and said: "The master rider, Zhao Zilong, who is it?"

One of the generals said with a sneer, "Zhao Yun, you are no longer the chief cavalier!"

"You actually openly colluded with that Yuan Xi in Beixin City, which shows that you have betrayed General Gongsun!"

"If you are sensible, you will be arrested without a fight, and follow me into Yijing to plead guilty to General Gongsun!"

Although Zhao Yun is loyal, he is not stupid. He knows that if he enters the city, he will be afraid of bad luck.

Now Gongsun Zan is extremely sensitive to everything, and he usually doesn't even see his generals, so how could he give Zhao Yun the opportunity to explain in person?
Thinking of this, Zhao Yun cupped his hands and said: "Please reply to the general. Yun has no intention of betrayal. Please allow my subordinates to station here. I will enter the city alone and plead guilty to the general."

Strictly speaking, these soldiers under Zhao Yun belonged to the private soldiers that Liu Bei asked Zhao Yun to recruit, and they were not completely under the jurisdiction of Gongsun Zan, so Zhao Yun did not let them enter the city, but also to give Liu Bei an explanation.

General Gongsun Zan sneered and said, "No, the general is ordered to arrest them all!"

As soon as Zhao Yun saw him, he knew that Gongsun Zan had the intention of killing them all. He immediately said, "Now the general is suspicious, and Yun has no face under the general's command. Let me bid farewell."

After speaking, Zhao Yun turned his horse's head and wanted to leave.

When the general saw him, he immediately shouted: "Where are you going!" He straightened his spear, patted his horse and rushed over, stabbing Zhao Yun directly in the back.

Hearing the wind behind him, Zhao Yun sideways dodged the opposite spear, and shouted: "For the sake of the general, I will spare you once, and you should go back quickly!"

The general was stabbed in the air, but also felt that his face was dull, and immediately shouted: "Zhao Yun! You have been surrounded, obediently accept your life!"

He sped up his horse and stabbed Zhao Yun in the chest again!
At that time, the soldiers on both sides shouted loudly. When Bai Ma Yicong saw him, he charged into Zhao Yun's formation and charged wildly. Zhao Yun's subordinates were caught off guard, and dozens of them died immediately.

Zhao Yun was furious, seeing that the general would not give up and only wanted his own life, so he galloped up to meet him, and the spear shot out with lightning.

The two horses passed by each other, the general threw away his spear, clutched his throat, blood gushed out from between his fingers, and fell headlong to the horse and died.

When Bai Ma Yicong saw him, he shouted and surrounded him. Zhao Yun raised his spear and shouted, "Whoever is willing to follow me, follow me to break through!"

His soldiers immediately shouted: "I would like to follow the general!"

Half a day later, Zhao Yun's horse started to wobble and couldn't stand firmly.

Zhao Yun stabbed more than a dozen Baima Yicong to death with a silver spear, and rushed out with his team, but Baima Yicong was worthy of being a strong soldier in the world, and under the leadership of another general, he followed behind relentlessly in pursuit.

In the past half a day, Zhao Yun fled for tens of miles, many of his subordinates died in the pursuit of Baima Yicong, now he is exhausted, and he is about to be caught up and encircled by the opponent.

If it wasn't for his decisive attack earlier, which frightened Baima Yicong and made them dare to stay far away, he would have been wiped out by now.

But do the math, if he runs another ten miles like this, his horse will die of exhaustion.

Zhao Yun subconsciously broke out in the direction of Beixin City, but it was still dozens of miles away, and even if Yuan Xi found out now, it was too late to help him.

What's more, I don't know the other party well at all, how could the other party risk facing hundreds of white horse righteous followers to save me?

Zhao Yun shook his head, seeing that all the subordinates around him were exhausted, he wondered if he was going to be buried here today?

He looked to the rear, and Bai Ma Yicong in the distance had already started to speed up his horse, ready to charge Zhao Yun's team and make the final fatal blow.

There was no way to escape, Zhao Yun sighed, and ordered his subordinates to line up, while he turned to the front of the line, with a horse standing in front of him.

But at this moment, Bai Mayi gradually slowed down from the beginning, and finally stopped several hundred feet in front of Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun was wondering, but he heard horseshoes rumbling behind him.

When he looked back, an army under the banner of Yuan Jun was rapidly approaching!
Zhao Yun put his hands together and looked, and found that the leading general was Yuan Xi!

Yuan Xi also spotted Zhao Yun, waved his hands and laughed loudly, "Brother Zilong, I'm here!"

(End of this chapter)

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