Chapter 228 Mutual Computation
The reason why Yuan Tan was moved was because of an extremely absurd fact.

Although Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi seem to be both state governors, they have not been selected by the Han system.

The Juju system was created by Liu Bang. If you want to be an official, you have to go through the Sui Ke and the Special Ke.

Later in the Eastern Han Dynasty, after the revision of Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu and the changes of the times, the status of Maocai surpassed that of Xiaolian, and the number of people selected was even rarer.

Both are year-old exams, Xiaolian is a county exam, and Maocai is a state exam, so it is even rarer.

"There is one maocai for each of the three public officials", "one for the supervisory censor, one for the clerk, and one for the state shepherd, and one for each for the maocai at the age of age." Calculated in this way, there are no more than 20 maocai in the whole world in a year.

Many gentry became officials, and they had to go through the promotion of Xiaolian and Jumao to get their way. Otherwise, the appointment of officials according to the Han system would be unfair.

So Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi's governor of the state, which sounds good in name, is missing a key link in the middle. If you really want to pursue it seriously, it can be taken back.

In this matter, whether Yuan Shao relied on his power to overwhelm the Han court, or whether he suppressed the two with ulterior motives, or whether it was out of fear of avoiding relatives through internal actions, no one knows, but the parties involved know it well.

So when Yuan Tan heard that Liu Bei could recommend him, he was immediately moved, knowing that this was a good opportunity!

Originally, Yuan and Liu had joined forces, and Yuan Tan accepted Liu Bei's recommendation and recognized Liu Bei as the leader, which would not be regarded as a betrayal of the Yuan family, especially this kind of opportunity that he had won, Yuan Shao couldn't say anything.

Thinking of this, Yuan Tan couldn't help looking at Guo Tuxin to comment on the brothers.

The three counselors whispered to each other and nodded to Yuan Tan, who immediately said: "Okay! I promise sir, send troops to Haixi!"

He immediately said: "The terrain on Mount Tai is not easy to walk, I'm afraid..."

After hearing this, Chen Deng said, "Young Master Xian Yi sent a letter, saying that as long as the envoy sends troops to any port in Qingzhou and asks the Zhen family caravan to transport troops, they will naturally do so."

Yuan Tan listened, his gaze fixed, and he said decisively: "Okay!"

"Please return to Haixi first, sir, and I will send reinforcements as soon as possible!"

When Chen Deng saw that the matter was completed, he also had a happy face, so he said goodbye and went out.

After Yuan Tan waited for Chen Deng to leave, he said to Guo Tu and the others: "What do you think of my second brother?"

He suddenly came to his senses and said with a wry smile: "Now that he has established himself, I shouldn't call him second brother."

Guo Tu said: "Young Master Xian Yi is not a simple person, so you should be on guard."

"This person uses tricks. If he doesn't move, he will be fine. If he moves, he will be thunderous. There is no room for the other party to react."

"Let's not talk about the surprise attack on Guangling this time. We first attacked Yuyang in the north, but went south along the coastal road to attack Guangling. He already has the demeanor of a famous general."

"Looking at Mr. Xianyi's marriage, it can be called a stroke of genius."

"He counted all the actions of Mr. Xianfu in the first place. Once Mr. Xianfu's plan failed, he would get married within a day with lightning speed. The action was so fast that he did not leave a second place for Mr. Xianfu at all. Second chance."

"This has already won the magic of the art of war, and it really has the essence of it!"

Simpi also agreed: "Fortunately, Mr. Xianfu is on good terms with the envoy now, but if he fights with the envoy in the future, it will be a great trouble."

"Fortunately, in the Zhen family's marriage, Mr. Xianyi and Mr. Xianfu had a bad relationship, especially when they blatantly killed Zhen Fang, who was recommended by Mr. Xianfu, which made the two sides completely tear their faces."

When Yuan Tan heard this, he looked at Guo Tu unnaturally. Guo Tu coughed and quickly lowered his head.

In the study room, Yuan Shao held a tube of emergency newspapers in his hand, and said to Yuan Shang: "What do you think of Xian Yi's performance this time?"

Yuan Shang felt as sick as if he had eaten a fly, but he still said respectfully: "Yuan Xi's surprise attack on Guangling this time is quite clever in the art of war. If he does things for my Yuan family wholeheartedly, the day when my Yuan family will rule the world is not far away."

Yuan Shao glanced at Yuan Shang, "As the lord, you should be tolerant."

"It's nothing more than some insignificant advisers and generals. If you force the children of the family to become enemies, it will be very bad for my Yuan family's reputation and foundation."

Yuan Shang hurriedly said: "My child knows, and I will follow my father's teaching."

Only then did Yuan Shao nod his head: "What do you think of Cao Mengde?"

Yuan Shang was stunned, he lowered his head and tried to keep his tone calm: "Meng Degong is my father's best friend when I was young, so I dare not speak nonsense."

Yuan Shao sighed, "Sometimes I feel that what Xian Yi said is right."

"Because some of the things Mengde has done over the years have made me very suspicious."

"I regret it now. If Zang Hong was allowed to rule Yanzhou, would it be better than Cao Mengde?"

After hearing this, Yuan Shang asked in confusion, "Why did father say such a thing?"

"Why Zang Hong?"

Yuan Shao said slowly: "After Liu Yu was captured by Gongsun Zan, the best opportunity for my Yuan family was to use this name to unite with all parties to attack Youzhou in the north and completely wipe out Gongsun Zan."

"However, this opportunity was fleeting. At that time, I sent someone to secretly order Cao Cao to lead troops north to Yecheng and send troops with me."

"But at this time, Meng De went to attack Xuzhou in advance, so he couldn't spare his hands to send troops."

"Later, this matter was delayed so much. Liu Yu died too quickly. It is a pity that the Yuan family lost an honorable name."

"At that time, Tao Qian was attached to Yuan Shu, and it was not wrong for Meng De to do so. It was just a coincidence."

"Since then, I have faintly noticed that Cao Mengde has great ambitions, and he will not be inferior to others for a long time."

"But it's just my guess. Cao Cao has been my Yuan family's thug all these years. He worked hard and didn't do anything excessive."

"The matter of crossing the Yellow River before, after Ni's explanation, I also understand that this may be a misunderstanding. Meng De should have come to help attack the Black Mountain Army. At that time, Xianyi and I were overthinking."

Yuan Shang hurriedly laughed and said, "It's no wonder father at this time. It's Yuan Xi who often slanders Mr. Cao. I heard that he even robbed Cao Cao's daughter to be his concubine. It's really absurd."

Yuan Shao waved his hand and said: "Don't talk about it, everyone understands what's going on, not to mention that he asked his wife to serve him and let the widow be his adoptive mother. This is a very beautiful thing, and it protects my Yuan family's face. You have to learn from it. study."

Yuan Shang cursed secretly in his heart, but still said respectfully on his face: "I would like to follow my father's teaching."

Yuan Shao sighed: "But Meng De has to guard against it. He knows my Yuan family's movements like the palm of his hand several times. I suspect that Meng De has an eyeliner in my Yuan family."

"But after thinking about it, I can't guess who it is, but this person must have a high status."

"I wanted to find someone to find him out, but I couldn't find a suitable candidate."

"Originally, Xian Yi was the most unlikely, but he has entered another branch, so it's hard to talk to him about these things."

"Now Xianfu, you are the person I trust the most. You help me investigate secretly, and you must find out this person."

Yuan Shang sweated from his vest, and hurriedly said: "I will obey my father's order."

Yuan Shao nodded in satisfaction, and suddenly remembered something, "You have already learned that Shan Yuta sent an envoy to marry me, Yuan, right?"

"Who do you think is the most suitable among my daughters from the Yuan family?"

Yuan Shang and Yuan Xing didn't have a good relationship at first, so he said without hesitation: "My sister is old, of course she is the most suitable."

After hearing this, Yuan Shao hesitated: "Yuan Xing is my own daughter, how can I let him marry a foreigner and suffer in the north?"

Thinking of the closeness between Yuan Xing and Yuan Xi, Yuan Shang felt a little angry, and said, "Father, my sister is already old."

"Furthermore, the two scholars who proposed marriage suffered disasters. It is obvious that my sister is an unlucky person. It is also a good thing for me, Yuan Shi, to marry her off as soon as possible."

After Yuan Shao heard this, he hesitated and said: "Xianyi once proposed a marriage for her. At that time, I promised Xianyi to give him a year."

Yuan Shang thought it was Yuan Xi again, thinking of the close relationship between Yuan Xing and Yuan Xi, and he didn't buy his own account, he said: "Father, there are tens of thousands of horses in Tadun, and it will be of great help to my Yuan family's struggle for hegemony."

Yuan Shao heard this, and said, "I'll think about it again."

Yuan Shang came out of Yuan Shao's room and found that his body was completely soaked.

Fortunately, I didn't expose my private connection with Cao Cao!

Most of the five stone powder he needed was found by the Cao family, so he couldn't do without the Cao family now, but Yuan Shao had already developed a dissatisfaction with Cao Cao, and he was reluctant to sever ties with him.

Today's Yuan Shang is fighting against heaven and man. Should he break with Cao Cao and confess to Yuan Shao, or continue to hide it?
He went back to the house, opened the drawer, looked at the bottle inside, grabbed it, and was about to fall to the ground.

However, after hesitating for a long time, Yuan Shang still put the bottle back, pulled out the cork, and poured the medicine powder inside.

After a while, he fell into a state of ecstasy again.

Hong Shi saw all this from the crack in the door of the inner room, she stretched out her sleeve, looked at the blue and purple scars on her forearm, her face was ashen.

During this period of time, Yuan Shang's temper became more and more bad, especially after he woke up after eating Wushisan, he was extremely irritable and crazy, punching and kicking her frequently.

Hong shi didn't know how long she could last, she also sneaked to Liu shi's side and told about Yuan Shang.

In the end, she was greeted with a few heavy slaps on the face, which directly blinded her.

Amid the rumbling tinnitus, Mrs. Liu had a icy face, and warned Mrs. Hong that if she dared to reveal a single word about Yuan Shang and affect Yuan Shang's succession of Mrs. Yuan, she would let Mrs. Hong and her family die.

Hong shi sat back on the ground silently, wondering when will this day be the end?

He is already married to Yuan Shang, so it is impossible to escape, maybe when Yuan Shang dies, or he dies, or both of them die together?

In Juancheng, the governing place of Yanzhou, Cao Cao was discussing matters with several counselors, and a young man about 25 or six years old stood behind him.

Cao Cao unfolded a tube of bamboo slips, shook his head and sighed while reading the information on it.

He passed the bamboo slips to the counselors, but he turned to the young man behind him and said, "I didn't expect Yuan Benchu ​​to have a good son."

"Zixiu, if you have half of Yuan Xi, you can be alone."

(End of this chapter)

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