Chapter 231 I Can't Understand
When Yuan Xi and Sun Li arrived at the room where Qiaorui was being held, Tai Shici and Tian Yu had already arrived.

Seeing Yuan Xi coming in, Qiao Rui snorted coldly, "I won't say anything!"

Yuan Xi had already been here once before, and found that Qiao Rui would not eat hard and soft, and thinking of the historical records that he admired Sun Ce, he temporarily stopped the idea of ​​​​surrendering.

Although he knew that the other party might be the father of the well-known Jiangdong Xiao Qiao, but counting the time, at this time, Xiao Qiao was only around the same age, which was not attractive to Yuan Xi.

Yuan Xi saw more than a dozen oil lamps lit up on the table in front of Qiao Rui. The oil lamps were as thick as chopsticks, and the fist-sized flames danced in front of Qiao Rui's eyes, making it hard to keep his eyes open.

Qiao Rui, who didn’t even have dinner, had obviously never experienced this kind of technique that was ahead of the times. He felt unbearably hungry, and was extremely agitated by the flames in front of him. Is the Yuan family so shameless to extract a confession by evil methods?"

Yuan Xi smiled slightly, and sat down in front of Qiao Rui, only to find that his eyes were also dazzled by the oil lamp, "It seems that Sun Ce attacked Guangling City first, do you have the right to blame me?"

Qiao Rui snorted: "Bo Fu is a hero in this world, how can you be compared with a man who relies on his family background?"

Yuan Xi said indifferently: "I don't know if a hero is a hero or not, but Sun Ce is really kind to brother Qiao. He didn't hesitate to lead the soldiers himself, and risked great casualties to attack the city. I really admire it."

When Qiao Rui heard this, his face was full of surprise. He was locked in the house for the past few days, and he heard the screams of killing outside the city, and he didn't know what happened.
He wondered, could it be that Zhou Yu was also arrested besides himself?
But if Zhou Yu was arrested, why did Sun Ce pay such a high price to attack the city instead of negotiating with Yuan in exchange?
He couldn't figure it out for a while, but he knew that Yuan Xi must not let Yuan Xi see what he was thinking, so he snorted coldly and closed his eyes in silence.

Seeing Yuan Xi, he thought to himself that Qiao Rui was so stubborn, could it be that he really wanted to be tough?

He looked around, and when Sun Li saw him, he was eager to try, rolled up his sleeves and said, "Brother, let me do it!"

"Look at me using the method I used to deal with the northern horse thieves on him. Within a moment, he will definitely make him cry and beg for mercy!"

Yuan Xi listened and pondered.

After all, horse thieves are different, with the blood of many northern Han people on their hands, no amount of means can be used to treat them too much.

But Qiao Rui is a general of Yuan Shu, similar in status to Sun Ce, and also a member of the noble family. If he tortured him to extract a confession and spread the word, it would only make his relationship with Sun Ce worse.

He came this time because he wanted to find an opportunity from Qiao Rui to solve the siege of Guangling, not to let the two sides die forever.

The point is, can you really ask for something?

What if Qiao Rui didn't know the inside story at all?
Right now, he and Sun Ce haven't reached the point of no return, they just want to find out why Sun Ce is so obsessed with Guangling City.

Yuan Xi didn't believe that Sun Ce was really trying to save Qiao Rui?
Or is there another important person in the city?

Yuan Xi had a flash of inspiration, and he said calmly, "Brother Qiao, when Sun Ce rushed to Xiapi that day, who else was left behind besides you?"

Qiao Rui sneered and said, "I know, do you think I will tell you?"

Yuan Xi smiled slightly, "Brother Qiao, do you think I'm being reasonable?"

"But Yuan Shu, brother Qiao is attached to, doesn't seem to be doing very well."

"When Yuan Shu was young, he was like a flying eagle and running dog, and wandered wildly. Compared with Ben Chugong's reputation, it is far worse."

"Brother Qiao attached himself to the Yuan family, yet he voted for someone with a bad reputation. I am very puzzled."

Qiao Rui snorted coldly: "You are eloquent, but you don't know what I admire, but Sun Bofu!"

"Bo Fu is heroic and has great ambitions. Compared with his father, he is better than blue. He will surely achieve great things in the future!"

After hearing this, Yuan Xi smiled and said, "I quite agree with what brother Qiao said."

"Sun Ce is indeed heroic, so I am going to let Brother Qiao go back tomorrow, and bring him a letter, so that the two sides can turn the fight into friendship, how about it?"

As soon as these words came out, Tai Shici and the other three were stunned. They thought that even if they stayed up until dawn, they would not be guaranteed to be able to ask questions. Why did Yuan Xi let him go after saying a few words?
Qiao Rui was also a little confused, what kind of medicine was sold in the other party's gourd?

But since the other party intends to let him go, he will not be so stupid as to slap the other party's face, and immediately said: "Since the young master intends, I will definitely bring the word."

Yuan Xi nodded, turned around and was about to leave. He just walked to the door and said, "I heard that Brother Qiao has two daughters, how old are they?"

Qiao Rui subconsciously said: "The big ten..." He suddenly felt something was wrong, and said angrily, "Why do you ask this?"

Yuan Xi laughed, and took Tai Shici and the other three out.

Walking outside, Tian Yu said, "Just let him go like this?"

Yuan Xi said: "It's useless to keep him, how about this person's force?"

Tian Yu looked at Tai Shici, and Tai Shici heard the words and said: "The experience is fair, but the talent can only be said to be average."

Yuan Xi smiled and said, "That's it, let him go back tomorrow and see Sun Ce's reaction."

Tai Shici and Tian Yu listened thoughtfully.

Seeing this, Sun Li asked in confusion, "Did the two elder brothers understand?"

Tai Shici said: "Understood a little."

Tian Yu hesitated and said, "I understand a little bit."

Sun Li couldn't figure it out at all, so he hurriedly said, "What's going on?"

Yuan Xi smiled and said: "Don't tell him, let him think for himself."

When Sun Li heard this, he remembered scratching his head and thinking, "I don't believe I don't understand!"

Early the next morning, Sun Li had two dark circles under his eyes. He didn't sleep well all night, and after thinking about it all night, he couldn't figure out why Yuan Xi wanted to let Qiao Rui go!

It couldn't be because of Qiao Rui's two daughters, right?
He found someone to escort Qiao Rui, walked out of the cell, and led him to the back of the south gate.

The soldiers on the wall indicated that Sun Ce's army had not yet attacked the city, so Sun Li asked the soldiers to open the city gate, revealing a crack in the door.

He untied the rope from Qiao Rui's hand, pushed him outside the city gate, and said, "Let's go!"

Seeing the city gate slamming shut behind him, Qiao Rui rubbed his sore wrist, as if in a dream.

Why can't he figure it out, the other party really let him go like this?

At this time, Sun Ce was ordering soldiers and generals in the middle of the camp, preparing to attack Guangling City again. At this time, the soldiers came to report that Qiao Rui had been released!
Sun Ce and his generals looked at each other, what's going on?

In Guangling City, Yuan Xi was holding Cai Zhaoji in his arms, basking in the sunshine from outside, thinking that everyone is good at winning.

Although Zhen Mi could be said to be just right, but she was a little young and a little younger, so Yuan Xi didn't have the heart to bully her too much.

But Cai Zhaoji is different. In her 20s, she is already like a peach that will ooze out when pinched. Her whole body exudes a mature and attractive charm, and she is more able to accept some rather absurd demands.

Cai Zhaoji woke up a long time ago. With her face turned towards the wall, she felt Yuan Xi leaning against her again, and said softly, "Aren't you defending the city today?"

"If it is known that I am still pestering you early in the morning, I will be scolded by the soldiers."

Yuan Xi smiled and said: "Don't worry, if it's as I expected, at least for a long time, Sun Ce will not be very good at attacking the city."

The two rolled out of the bed for a while, and just now they got up to wash, Yuan Xi combed Cai Zhaoji's hair, and suddenly said: "I know you are arrogant, even if you don't want a title, you don't want to be a concubine."

After hearing this, Cai Zhaoji was silent for a while, and then said softly: "Since I got my name back, I have to worry about the Cai family's reputation."

"Madam Zhen did not hesitate to leave the house, and Huan's mother and daughter have also done a lot for the young master. I have been thinking about how to use the Cai family connections to help the young master in the future."

"As for the status and so on, I have already taken it lightly."

Yuan Xi said in an inaudible voice: "In the whole world, except for the Son of Heaven and the King, the status of concubines is not high."

"How can I get a king with a different surname in the future, at least the title of wife, so that I won't wrong you."

Cai Zhaoji was moved in her heart, and said, "Don't worry, I'd rather your son be safe and sound."

Yuan Xi pulled up Cai Zhaoji's hair, pinned a hairpin on it, and said: "All the princes in this world can't turn back."

"Yuan Benchu, Yuan Gonglu, Cao Mengde, Liu Xuande, and Lu Wenhou are all like this."

"If you don't enter, you die."

At this time Sun Li returned to the mansion, and heard Yuan Xi's voice coming from the room, he thought that he hadn't slept all night, but the young master had a woman to accompany him, so he must have had a good time.

Thinking that I haven't seen the mother-in-law in Beixincheng for several months, and I don't know how the mother and child are doing.

Sun Li understands that he may be separated from his family for a longer time in the future, and may not see each other for a year or even a few years.

But this is his own choice of path, as a promise to the young master, he must stick to it.

At this moment, the door of a room in the corner opened with a creak, and Guo Jia came out with two beauties in his arms, with his arms half open.

As soon as Sun Li saw it, he became very angry, but Guo Jia thought about it, and after only a few days in Guangling City, he bought two singers from the opera house and came back, singing and singing every night, what a fucking debauchery!

Guo Jia raised his head and saw Sun Li's contemptuous expression, and said, "Why, boy Sun, I haven't seen my wife for half a year, are you overwhelmed?"

"Do you want me to give her to you?"

Sun Li snorted when he heard this, "You gentry are so shameless!"

Guo Jia sighed: "Sun Li, I'm certainly not a good person, but giving this gift to a concubine is a good story among the gentry."

"If it wasn't for Ben Chugong's father back then..." He suddenly realized that the words were inappropriate, and coughed, "Sun Li, you are young and energetic, and you tend to accumulate hostility in wars. Finding a woman is not a bad thing."

"If you are short of money, I have some here. It is enough to go to the city to buy a few."

Sun Li waved his hand and said, "No, I'm bothered."

Upon hearing this, Guo Jia asked Meiji in her arms to go back to the room first, and came over to put her arms around Sun Li's shoulders, and said with a smile, "Why, what happened?"

"Did you fall in love with Kong Rong's daughter, or Liu Bei's daughter?"

At this time, Mrs. Liu Bei yelled and cursed from another room: "Arrange my daughter again, believe it or not, I will beat your head with a stick?"

Guo Jia shrank her head in fright, and muttered: "I don't go out all day, but my ears are quite good."

He turned to Sun Li, "What happened?"

Sun Li talked about Yuan Xi letting Qiao Rui go last night, and said depressedly: "I can't figure out why the young master would do this, and he didn't let Big Brother Tai Shi and Big Brother Tian tell me."

Guo Jia heard this, thought about it for a while, then laughed and said, "Boy, you didn't want to let you learn the art of war with me, but now you have encountered a problem."

"Young Master, this trick is really very thoughtful."

 Thank you very much Beiluo Shiba for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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