Chapter 233
Just when Yuan Xi and Guo Jia were wide-eyed and paying attention to how Sun Ce reacted outside the city, something unexpected happened.

Sun Cejun fought outside the city.

At first it was Yuan Xi who was patrolling the top of the city. Seeing the smoke billowing from the back and shouting to kill the sky, he thought it was Sun Ce's trick to lure the enemy, but after observing with a telescope for a while, he and Tai Shici finally confirmed that it was a real fight.

There were about several hundred people on the other side of the battle, and they were playing Liu Beijun's flag, with a big flag with a big "Guan" written on it.

In front of the big banner, a man was riding a tall horse, holding a two-meter-long sword in his hand, dancing with a cold light all over his body, and galloping on the horse, rushing from left to right in the formation of Sun Ce's army.

It is Guan Yu!

Both Han Dang and Zhou Tai stepped forward, Han Dang was holding a spear, Zhou Tai was holding a steel lance, the two long soldiers danced up and down Guan Yuzhou's body, but Guan Yu fended them off.

Seeing that he could not take Guan Yu down after dozens of rounds, Han Dang quickly covered his spear, galloped his horse for a dozen steps, put the spear on the saddle, took out the longbow behind his back, turned around and shot an arrow.

Guan Yu had been prepared for a long time. After he was shot by Tai Shici in Qingzhou, he was extremely wary of this kind of behavior. Seeing that Han Dang dared to attack him face to face, he immediately shouted: "You rat!"

He faced Han Dang, retreated instead of advancing, turned sideways to dodge the bow and arrow, patted his horse and turned around, and rushed straight at Han Dang. Zhou Tai was entangled with Guan Yu, but Guan Yu turned his horse's head around, causing Zhou Tai to pounce on him. Kong, the two missed the past.

When Zhou Tai tried his best to turn the horse's head, Guan Yu had already opened a distance of several feet!
Before Han Dang could shoot the second arrow, he saw Guan Yu was chasing him. He couldn't help being horrified. He took his bow to cover it in his busy schedule, but Guan Yu cut the long bow with a slash on the ground.

Han Dang hurriedly went to get the spear on the saddle again, how could Guan Yu let him get his wish? Before Han Dang could grab the barrel of the gun, he flicked the green dragon knife to the end of the gun, and knocked the spear to the ground.

Seeing that Han Dang's hands were empty, Guan Yu's arm shook, and he slashed at Han Tianling's cover with a backhand!
Han Dang turned pale in shock, and hurriedly bowed his head. The Qinglong blade slashed on his helmet, bringing out a stream of sparks.

Han Dang was hit hard on the head, he felt dizzy and couldn't see clearly. He knew that this was a critical moment, so he shook the reins and fled to the front line.

It was only a few blinks of an eye, Zhou Tai just turned his horse's head and chased after him, barely a horse's body away from Guan Yu's vest. Seeing that Han Dang's life was in danger, he didn't answer, and his steel spear was burning like fire. , directly stabbing Guan Yu's vest!
Unexpectedly, Guan Yu had already heard the wind behind his head. He twisted his body to let the steel spear pass, but he pinched the back end of the Qinglong saber handle, leaned back, swung the saber from the ground in a half circle, and hit his head on the back Zhou Tai!

Tai Shici saw it from the top of the city, and lost his voice: "Drag the knife method!"

Zhou Tai was caught off guard. Seeing that he couldn't stop the horse, his head was about to hit the blade. At this moment, even if he avoided his head, the Azure Dragon Saber would still hit him on the shoulder!
But he couldn't care less at this moment, he gritted his teeth tightly, and raised the steel spear horizontally, trying to block the Azure Dragon Saber.

The blades and lances intersected, and under the collision of the two forces, the judgment was instantly decided.

The Steel Lance was blocked by Zhou Tai hastily, but the Azure Dragon Saber was prepared by Guan Yu, using all the strength of his waist and abdomen, the difference was more than doubled!
The moment the two soldiers met, the lance was cut crookedly, and the Azure Dragon Saber fell down, slashing hard at Zhou Tai's vest!
Zhou Tai was hit so hard, blood spewed out with a wow, his body was on the verge of falling.

Seeing this, Han Dang, who was fleeing in front, had no choice but to pull out the sword around his waist and charge back. His short soldiers were facing Guan Yu's long soldiers.

However, Zhou Tai took the opportunity to escape and regain his energy. After he was injured, his blood was aroused. He also drew out his ring sword, and rushed forward desperately to fight Guan Yu close to him.

Two short knives confronted one long knives, but Han Dang and Zhou Tai were unable to break into Guan Yu's circle, and instead were counterattacked many times to kill him in danger.

Seeing that the momentum was not good, Sun Ce rushed forward with Huang Gai and others, and a group of people surrounded Guan Yu to cover Han Dang and Zhou Tai.

Guan Yu, on the other hand, was not afraid of Ling Ran. With a long knife, he turned his temper. Even Sun Ce found it quite difficult, but they made up their minds to consume Guan Yu to death.
Tai Shici's face was serious, and he said to Yuan Xi: "This Guan Yunchang is much stronger than when he was in Qingzhou!"

Yuan Xi's martial arts level is not yet reached, and he has no idea what Tai Shici said, so he said casually: "How much stronger?"

Tai Shici thought for a while and said, "Compared to the combination of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei during the last Qingzhou battle, it's about the same."

Yuan Xi heard it, and lost his voice: "No way, so powerful?"

He thought to himself, is Guan Yu cheating?

Can it be upgraded?
Tai Shici said: "Over the past year or so, Zilong and I have also become stronger, but not as exaggerated as him. I don't know how he practiced. Maybe it's because he has played against masters more, and he has learned more than us. The realm has broken through the level. Bar."

Yuan Xi thought deeply, feeling that the Liu Guanzhang he had met in the past two years was not perfect?

Including Tai Shici Zhao Yun, everyone is still making progress, just like Han Dang Zhou Tai who was just defeated below, if he can go back alive, he will probably make a breakthrough, but the gap between people is gradually widening .

Tai Shici raised his binoculars and said, "But no matter how powerful he is alone, he can't stand against the wheel."

"Now more than a dozen of Sun Ce's subordinates are taking turns to fight. It seems that they are determined to consume Guan Yu to death, and there is no time for him to recover."

"what should we do?"

Yuan Xi said without hesitation: "It would be a pity if he died here."

"I also ask Brother Ziyi and Brother Guorang to lead the troops out of the city and do their best to rescue them."

After hearing this, Tai Shici showed a smile on his face, cupped his hands and said, "Deling!"

Not long after, Tai Shici and Tian Yu led their troops out of the city and went straight to Sun Ce's main formation, and the three sides fought together in an instant.

Sun Ce was caught off guard, and the flanks of the army formation were almost scattered, so he had to divide his troops to resist, gather up the scattered soldiers, and retreat back to the camp while fighting.

Tai Shici and Tian Yu took the opportunity to join forces with Guan Yu, and they all returned to Guangling City.

Yuan Xi stood at the gate of the city, welcoming Guan Yu to dismount and enter the city. Seeing that there was still blood on the corner of Guan Yu's mouth, he bowed and said, "The general is brave, I admire you."

He thought to himself, what a pity, it would be great if people like Guan Yu could be used by him!

Guan Yu jumped off his horse and also bowed his hands: "I'm ashamed, if it wasn't for the envoy to save me, Yu would have died in the battle."

Yuan Xigang wanted to comfort Guan Yu that the opponent was so numerous and mighty that he won't win with force, when he suddenly remembered that he was doing the same thing when he was in Qingzhou?
He forced a smile and said: "You don't have to worry about it, general. Now that you have the help of the general, Guangling will be more at ease. I think Sun Ce will retreat soon."

Guan Yu nodded slightly, and said, "The lord asked Yu to bring a message, thank you for your help."

"Yu came this time to escort the lord's wife and daughter back to Haixi."

"Is it still in the city?"

Yuan Xi hurriedly said: "They are all taken care of in the mansion, please come with me, general."

Not long after, everyone returned to the front of the mansion, Guan Yu got off his horse and entered the door alone, and Yuan Xi led them to Mrs. Liu Bei's door.

Yuan Xi stepped forward, knocked on the door a few times, and said, "Is Madam there?"

Mrs. Liu Bei's vigilant voice came from inside the door: "What's the matter?"

Yuan Xi thought to himself that he had been staying here for several days, and he was still on guard. He said helplessly, "Ma'am, General Yun Chang is here."

With a creak, the door opened instantly, and Mrs. Liu Bei appeared at the door and said, "Where's Guan Yu?"

Guan Yu hurried forward and said, "Guan Yu pays his respects to sister-in-law."

Mrs. Liu Bei saw that it was indeed Guan Yu, and she smiled, "Sure enough, it is the general. I said you have a lot more conscience than him. I heard that he has already married a young wife in Haixi?"

Guan Yu was sweating profusely, and hurriedly said: "How could elder brother forget sister-in-law? This time, Yu was sent here to pick up his wife and daughter."

Mrs. Liu Bei sneered, "Then tell me, is he married?"

Guan Yu didn't want to talk about Liu Bei's family affairs in front of outsiders, so he could only hesitate and say: "Eldest brother is not married, madam, please don't listen to gossip."

Mrs. Liu Bei was still talking, when a girl's head popped out from behind her and called out, "Uncle Guan."

Seeing this, Guan Yu hurriedly said, "I've seen the girl."

It was the first time Yuan Xi had seen Liu Bei's daughter's true face since he entered Guangling City. She looked about ten years old, and her brows were as heroic as her mother's. Much stronger.

Liu Bei's daughter was also holding a five or six-year-old girl in her hand, and with her nose soaked, she reached out to Guan Yu foolishly and said, "Uncle, give me a hug."

Yuan Xi thought to himself that these are Liu Bei's two daughters.

He was staring at the two women, but Mrs. Liu Bei noticed, she quickly blocked the two women behind her, and said vigilantly, "What do you want to do?"

Yuan Xi thought to himself, am I so scary?

When he looked at Guan Yu, he found a murderous look in his eyes, and quickly waved his hands and said, "I didn't do anything!"

Guan Yu was skeptical until Mrs. Liu Bei said, "He did."

The cold light in Guan Yu's eyes was overwhelming, and he reached out to touch the knife at his waist. When Sun Li, who was next to him, saw it, he quickly stopped in front of Yuan Xi.

Yuan Xi thought to himself, what the hell, is this woman going to cross the river and tear down the bridge?

As a result, Mrs. Liu Bei continued: "Young master saved our three mothers, why didn't you do anything?"

Only then did Guan Yu put his hand down.

Yuan Xi thought to himself, you mother-in-law, can't you finish talking in one breath?

What if Guan Yu really made a move?
I was scared out of my guts!
Guan Yu turned to Yuan Xi and tried to force a smile, "Thank you, envoy."

Yuan Xi laughed awkwardly: "It's easy to talk about."

You just don't want to scare me with such a sudden surprise. I was frightened by you and lost my life for several years with just such a stare!

The meeting between the two sides ended in this friendly and peaceful atmosphere. Guan Yu went to see Kong Rong's family again, and agreed to escort them back to Haixi only after Sun Ce retired.

After Guan Yu left, Sun Li said triumphantly to Tai Shici: "How is the eldest brother, did I react quickly just now?"

Tai Shici heard this, and said calmly: "The action is very fast, but you have to distinguish what is the real murderous intent."

"Guan Yunchang, how could he do it in such a situation?"

After hearing this, Sun Li's face collapsed.

Tai Shici said: "If you can't do this for a day, you can't become a real master. In the end, you can only be the same as the young master."

Yuan Xi, who was happily watching the drama next to him, looked stiff. I know that I am not good at martial arts, but Ziyi, you can say it so openly, okay?

Am I being embarrassed?
(End of this chapter)

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