Chapter 242 Difficult to refuse
Seeing that Yuan Xi gave back the land of a county with a single word, Liu Bei was very happy. When he heard that Yuan Xi wanted someone for himself, he didn't even think about it, so he agreed casually: "Since you have spoken, my lord, there is nothing you can do."

Yuan Xi said: "I would like to invite Mr. Yuan Long to lead Guangling prefect."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's praises gradually faded away, and they all looked at Chen Deng, who had never shown any abnormal behavior until just now.

They came up with an idea at the same time, you Chen Deng, I didn't expect you to have colluded with Yuan Xi and climbed to the top!

No wonder you volunteered to write a letter to Yuan Shao, asking Yuan Shao to support Liu Bei to lead Xuzhou!

Chen Deng's face froze, and he didn't realize it, because Yuan Xi hadn't gotten along with him before leading the prefect of Guangling!
In fact, he had a very difficult time these days.

Chen Deng and Mi Zhu were the two driving forces behind Liu Bei's leadership of Xuzhou, but later facts proved that they were too optimistic.

Although Liu Bei had nothing to do with Mi Zhu and Chen Deng about losing Tancheng, the bad thing was that when Liu Bei got Xuzhou, he discussed it with Chen Deng and Mi Zhu in private in order not to leak the news, and did not inform other subordinates.

This led to the bad relationship between Liu Bei and the old general Tao Qian headed by Cao Bao, which indirectly led to Zhang Fei and Cao Bao's attack and lost the matter of Xiapi.

This caused Liu Bei's officials to criticize Chen Deng and Mi Zhu. In addition, Chen Qun, who had a different opinion, ran to Cao Cao, and the public's private criticism became even louder.

Feeling overwhelmed, Chen Deng ran to Yecheng to ask for help from the Yuan family, but came back with a bad nose. He wanted to ask Liu Bei to borrow troops to fight with Sun Ce, but was ridiculed by others, and finally let it go.

At that time, Yuan Xi was ready to send troops to help, but the action needed to be kept secret, so Chen Deng was not informed. It was not until Yuan Xi captured Guangling that Chen Deng understood the cause and effect of the incident.

In the case of Xuzhou's fall, there will always be a blame in the end. Everyone knows that Zhang Fei lost Tancheng, but who dares to say that Zhang Fei is not?

On Mi Zhu's side, on the one hand, he contributed to Liu Bei's money, food, soldiers and horses, and on the other hand, he planned to marry his sister to Liu Bei. Although the marriage failed in the end, who knows what will happen in the future?
Therefore, other people would not criticize Mi Zhu without looking at it, so they all secretly pointed their finger at Chen Deng.

This is the same reason as when Yuan Shao was in Jizhou, the Eight Great Counselors competed. If the foreign gentry wanted to develop locally, they had to suppress the local gentry, after all, there were only so many cakes.

In this situation where the two factions compete, the disadvantaged ones are often the local gentry.

Because for the lord, if the local gentry is too powerful, it will be too big to lose. Therefore, intentionally or unintentionally, he will indulge the foreign gentry to target the local gentry, and even personally suppress it.

Just like Jushou who was dispatched to Youzhou, Chen Deng, who belonged to the Chen family of the famous Xuzhou family, was also in an extremely embarrassing situation.

Yuan Xi saw this opportunity rightly, and instead of discussing with Chen Deng, he directly opened his mouth to poach the wall, because he knew that although Chen Deng didn't have much choice, if he mentioned it in private, Chen Deng might not be able to save himself.

But now, in public, such a direct sentence blocked Chen Deng's last escape route!
Because what Yuan Xi said has successfully aroused everyone in Xuzhou's suspicion of Chen Deng. Even if Chen Deng jumped to the Yellow River, he would not be able to clear it up!
If Chen Deng is a smart person, he should know how to choose next.

Yuan Xi couldn't help turning his face to the side, glanced at the innocent Guo Jia, and thought that this idea was really cruel.

Liu Bei laughed dryly, "Young Master Xianyi is really powerful, he wanted to take my Captain Diannong away as soon as he opened his mouth."

Yuan Xi smiled and said, "That's natural. In my opinion, it's a good deal to exchange the lower Pi for Mr. Yuanlong."

After hearing this, everyone secretly scolded the brat for being shameless. Just now they said that Xiapi was let out by themselves, and now they tied Chen Deng to Xiapi again as an exchange condition!
However, everyone in Xuzhou, including Liu Bei, had a big question in their hearts. Why did Yuan Xi attach so much importance to Chen Deng?

We must know that no matter how powerful Chen Deng is, there are dozens of officials like him in Xuzhou. Apart from farming, there is nothing special about him?
Some people were worried, did Chen Deng feel that he was suppressed, so he exchanged some conditions with Yuan Xi in private?
If that's the case, then he really isn't suitable to be under the lord's command!
Thinking of this, everyone looked at Liu Bei one after another, their eyes full of expectation.

They were naturally very happy. Chen Deng went to Guangling to seek refuge with Yuan Xi, and it would be difficult for the Chen family to gain a foothold in Xiapi. In all likelihood, they would be forced to move to Guangling, leaving a lot of assets for everyone to share!
Liu Bei's face was not happy, he stood up, bowed to Chen Deng, his eyes were a little red, and said: "Mr. Yuanlong will still decide on this matter."

"On the first day Bei Zi came to Xuzhou, Mr. Bei Bian helped him and benefited a lot."

"It can be said that without Mr., there would be no preparation today. Mr.'s kindness, Mr. Bei will never forget."

When Chen Deng heard this, he was also quite moved, and quickly got up to return his greetings: "Deng is terrified, and he will never forget the kindness of Xuande Gong Zhiyu."

What Liu Bei was talking about, Yuan Xi sighed secretly, no matter how sincere he was, Liu Bei really had nothing to say to people in any aspect.

He was secretly worried, but when he heard Chen Deng's answer, he was overjoyed.

Chen Deng called Liu Bei Duke Xuande, not Lord!
Of course Liu Bei understood the meaning of Chen Deng's words, and immediately heaved a long sigh, knowing that it was useless.

During this period of time, Chen Deng was indeed targeted by some thoughtful officials. Although Liu Bei was aware of it, it was a critical time to recapture Xiapi, and he could not be distracted from these trivial matters.

Liu Bei planned to have a good talk with Chen Deng after the situation in the city was calmed down in the next few days, but he never expected that as soon as Yuan Xi arrived, he would directly ask for someone, which caught Liu Bei off guard.

Liu Bei was secretly vigilant in his heart, this fierce tiger of the Yuan family has already mastered the art of war in terms of speed and surprise, whether it is fighting or negotiating!

Is it his own ability, or is there a clever strategist?

Thinking of this, Liu Bei couldn't help but look at Guo Jia who had never spoken a word.

This seems to be from Yingchuan?

Chen Qun is also from Yingchuan, right?

Chen Deng slowly turned to Yuan Xi, bowed deeply, with a serious expression on his face: "Thanks to your son for not giving up, Deng will definitely do his best."

He has to make a decisive statement now, hesitating at both ends of the head, making people look down on him, and at the same time making Liu Bei and Yuan Xi doubt his loyalty.

To choose one of the two, he chose Yuan Xi's side.

Yuan Xi smiled, and Chen Deng really did things neatly, without sloppiness at all. He hurriedly bowed deeply in return, "Xi will definitely live up to you, sir."

A group of Xuzhou officials couldn't help showing expressions of relief, and congratulated them one after another.

Some people have already started to think about how to go to the Chen family in the future, and took the opportunity to buy land at a low price.

Yuan Xi lowered his head, and couldn't help showing a smug smile at the corner of his mouth.


Even though Chen Deng was a little bit reluctant at this time, it was impossible for him to return to Liu Bei's camp in the future!
Winning over Chen Deng is of great significance, not only because Chen Deng is proficient in agriculture and art of war, but also because his father, Chen Gui, is also a very powerful adviser.

The father and son conspired to cheat Lu Bu and Sun Ce one after another, which can be said to have greatly affected the history of the end of Han Dynasty.

Song Confucianist and poet Chen Pu commented, "Yuanlong, father and son, are better than Cao Gong's [-] teachers. Lu Bu captured Gonglu and died, and he was trying to persuade his bride back."

Li Zhi, a litterateur in the Ming Dynasty, said, "Chen Gui and his son play with Lu Bu like a baby, poor Lu Bu doesn't know anything about it."

Moreover, most of the members of the Chen family were officials in the state of Wei in later generations, which shows that the family has produced a large number of talents.

This is really a lot of buy one get free, Liu Bei will not understand at this time what he has lost.

The matter on Yuan Xi's side was settled, everyone in Xuzhou felt a lot more relaxed, and everyone turned their attention to Yuan Tan.

When Yuan Tan saw him, he smiled and said, "Since Mr. Xuande is my lord, wouldn't it be inhumane if I annexed the two counties?"

"I want to take charge of Langya County on behalf of the father, so that the Taishan bandits can be blocked from going out of the mountain. This is also a good thing for the whole Xuzhou."

Langya County is located in the northernmost part of Xuzhou, on the border with Qingzhou. The state boundary is separated by the Mount Tai mountain which stretches for hundreds of miles. Hundreds of thousands of Taishan bandits are hiding in it, and they are still Xuzhou's confidantes.

Everyone in Xuzhou was overjoyed after hearing this.

Originally, after Langya County was slaughtered by Cao Cao, the people's livelihood declined, and the Taishan bandits took the opportunity to harass south from time to time, making Langya an extremely difficult place to manage, and even spread to other counties in Xuzhou.

Now that Yuan Tan is willing to eliminate this serious trouble for Xuzhou, all the officials in Xuzhou are naturally very happy.

Liu Bei opened his mouth, looked at his subordinates, and found that Chen Qun and Chen Deng, who were the backbone before, had already taken refuge in Cao Cao and Yuan Xi, and they couldn't give him any advice.

Liu Bei understood what Yuan Tan was thinking, the other party wanted to annex all the Taishan thieves and strengthen his power!

What Liu Bei thought at the beginning was that if Yuan Tan attacked from Qingzhou, the Taishan bandits would not be able to support them and would flee south to various parts of Xuzhou, so that Liu Bei could take the opportunity to gather refugees and serve as soldiers.

However, this plan now appears to be unfeasible.

Of course, Yuan Tan may not be able to eat alone. If Liu Bei wants to get a share of it, he has to think long-term.

Liu Bei couldn't help sighing that the two Yuan family members were not easy-going people. The other party was sure that he needed the Yuan family's help to deal with Yuan Shu and Cao Cao, so he accurately proposed a condition that Liu Bei could not refuse, but it was not too much. Wire.

Liu Bei sees it now, since Xuzhou can't eat it himself, he can't blame others.

The current situation is much better than what he expected at the beginning, at least he still occupies the four counties now, and with two more helpers, Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi, given time, he will definitely be able to make a comeback.

Thinking of this, he said: "According to the words of the two young masters, from now on, the three parties will rule Xuzhou together and defend against foreign enemies together!"

Mi Zhu returned home sullenly, sat in the room and sighed.

Mi Zhen happened to come over, seeing that Mi Zhu was upset, she wondered, "Brother, what happened?"

Mi Zhu let out a long sigh: "Yuanlong, who has been friends with me, is going to leave Xiapi now, and my Mi family will be helpless from now on."

"Don't look at the Mi family's flowers blooming now, but the height is so cold that it has already aroused people's envy. If there is no one to help, sooner or later they will be isolated and isolated. The future is worrying."

Knowing that Mi Zhu and Chen Deng had the best friendship, Mi Zhen asked in surprise, "Where is Mr. Yuan Long going?"

"Do you want to leave Shijun Liu too?"

Mi Zhu shook his head, as if thinking of something, "Mr. Xianyi arrived in the city today to discuss the joint governance of Xuzhou. Afterwards, I have something to come back late, and Mi Fang hasn't come back yet?"

Mi Zhen shook her head and said: "Second brother didn't return home, he..." She suddenly realized, Mr. Xianyi?
Isn't this Yuan Xi?
(End of this chapter)

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