Chapter 248 Gong Jin Cried
Xiao Qiao couldn't help but pursed her lips after listening to Da Qiao's lesson. She still couldn't help looking out through the hole, but she muttered, "My sister is just too rigid. She looks old-fashioned at such a young age."

"Obviously he can play the piano better than me, dance better than me, and read more poetry and books than me, but he is not interested in these things. It's a waste of talent to embroider female celebrities all day long."

Just as Da Qiao was about to speak, Xiao Qiao covered her mouth and exclaimed in a low voice: "Ah!"

"Brother Gongjin is dancing the sword, so powerful, so mighty!"

Da Qiao shook her head helplessly, continued to pick up a silk dress, and embroidered flowers stitch by stitch.

She said softly: "Don't blame my sister for saying that you, playing the piano and dancing, are all about sex. If you meet someone with evil intentions, it will be a way to bring disaster."

"It's better to learn some personal skills, so that if you encounter difficulties in the future, you can also have a way to make a living."

Xiao Qiao turned her head and said unconvinced: "Although our family is not very rich, it is also a house with a green hall and a family of four horses. How can we be reduced to the point where we need to do embroidery?"

Da Qiao sneered slightly: "You haven't heard about Father being captured?"

"I heard that my father suffered a lot and couldn't sleep for half a month when he came back. Fortunately, this time the other party didn't know what the purpose was, so he let my father come back safely."

"Of course it's a good thing, but have you ever thought about what we should do if the other party gets ruthless and locks up Father forever, or even kills him?"

Xiao Qiao said unconvinced: "Father is loyal to the envoy, of course the envoy will treat us well!"

After hearing this, Da Qiao said helplessly, "You are too young to figure out these things."

"My mother passed away early, and if my father goes again, our fate will not be much better than that of those people who make jokes."

"If you're lucky, you might be gifted to a high-ranking official. If you're unlucky, it's possible that you'll end up on the street as a joke."

After hearing this, Xiao Qiao turned pale and said, "Sister, don't scare me!"

"how can that be possible!"

"Father has so many friends, he will definitely treat us well!"

She suddenly thought of something, and said aloud: "If we are reduced to performing on the street, wouldn't our piano and dancing skills come in handy, better than my sister doing embroidery for others?"

Da Qiao was slightly angry: "You elm head, I told you just now, if you betray your appearance, you will be coveted by others sooner or later, and the end will be extremely miserable."

"You can't listen to me carefully..."

At this time, Xiao Qiao turned her face away again, looked at the front hall, and exclaimed: "Hey, brother Gongjin's sword dance is so beautiful!"

"It's a pity that my brother has already married a wife. It would be great if I could give birth a few years earlier!"

"Hey hey hey, look at him turning around and walking away from You Long..."

Seeing Xiao Qiao's obsessed look, Da Qiao shook her head helplessly, thinking that her younger sister is really innocent, and she doesn't know what to worry about.

She was a little worried. She didn't know what happened in Xuzhou this time. Even Sun Ce, who was famous in Jiangdong and highly appreciated by his father, also suffered a loss and returned without success.

And Da Qiao found that since Qiao Ruizi came back, his smile has decreased a lot. Something bad must have happened there, which made Da Qiao feel extremely bad.

Later, she inquired in various ways and heard some leaked rumors.

Someone saw with their own eyes that Mrs. Wu, Sun Ce's biological mother, died in the rebellion!

While Da Qiao was sighing, he thought about the danger of the war, the Jiangdong tiger Sun Bofu couldn't keep his mother, and his father had been on the battlefield for a long time, would he be able to guarantee that he would get out every time?
The only good news this time is that Father came back alive, but what about next time?

Da Qiao couldn't help but feel a little fear of the future.

At this time, Xiao Qiao exclaimed, "Oh, why did Brother Gongjin slip and fall!"

She then comforted herself and said, "Mmm, maybe I drank too much alcohol. Brother Gongjin is versatile in both civil and military affairs. It's normal for horses to stumble occasionally, and people to stumble occasionally."

Qiao Rui's voice came from the front, "Gongjin, you're drunk, stop dancing your sword."

Zhou Yu stood up, staggered and said, "I, I'm not drunk!"

"Go on, let's play music and dance!"

After hearing this, Sun Ce said displeasedly, "Gong Jin, let's call it a day."

"Go back with me."

Zhou Yu leaned on the ground with his sword, his body swayed, barely stood up, and said loudly, "I'm fine!"

"Then, that damned Yuan Xi has no conscience. If I don't avenge this revenge, I swear I won't be a human being!"

"I, I, I am ashamed of my wife!"

Xiao Qiao exclaimed, turned to Big Qiao and said, "Brother Gongjin seems to be crying!"

"Who is that Yuan Xi he is talking about?"

Da Qiao raised his head, but still resisted not getting up.

She thought to herself that the battle of Xuzhou seemed to be very hidden.

The person who defeated Sun Ce and captured Father was Yuan Xi?
Under the same sky, at the same moment, Yuan Xi, who was cursed and hated by Zhou Yu, was sitting at the guest table of Mi's house, chatting and laughing happily with Mi Zhu and Mi Fang.

Mi Fang sneaked a glance at Zhen Mi who was sitting beside Yuan Xi, thinking to herself that it's no wonder why Yuan Xi is indifferent to her little sister, it really is a comparison.

In terms of appearance and talent, my younger sister is considered outstanding among Xuzhou gentry women, but sitting with this girl from the Zhen family, she is indeed not as good as others.

Mi Fang felt resentful. Originally, he thought Yuan Xi would get married because he was probably coveting the property of the Zhen family. This girl from the Zhen family might be very ordinary in appearance.

If this is the case, if my younger sister marries, maybe she will be favored. If the daughter of the Zhen family has no offspring or dies early, wouldn't my younger sister be able to take over?

However, looking at it today, his illusion has been shattered.

He turned his head to look at the little girl again. Although he responded appropriately, she looked out of her mind.

It's no wonder that Mi Fang thought, the matter of the Mi family marrying a daughter has become a joke now, everyone in the Mi family is three points short now.

Thinking of this, Mi Fang hated Yuan Xilai a little bit, you are so full, send Liu Bei's wife and daughter back?
Dogs meddle in their own business with mice!

You are smart, do you really know what the lord thinks?
Won't you keep it to yourself?
After drinking for three rounds, everyone in Mi's family had their own concerns, and Yuan Xi didn't drink at all, so the atmosphere during the banquet was rather dull.

Zhen Mi looked at the Mi family's three brothers and sisters a little at a loss, rolled her eyes, reached for the wine glass, but accidentally knocked the wine glass over.

The splashed wine soaked a piece of Zhen Mi's sleeve, Zhen Mi couldn't help but groaned, and said, "I'm being rude."

Seeing Cao Xian behind Zhen Mi, he hurriedly said, "There are spare clothes in the carriage, but the inside is narrow..."

After hearing this, Mi Zhen raised her head and said, "Madam, if you don't mind, please let my concubine lead the way and go to my bedroom to change clothes, is that okay?"

After hearing this, Zhen Mi smiled and said, "Then I'll trouble the girl."

Cao Xian helped Zhen Mi go out, went to the carriage to get clothes, and the two followed Mi Zhen to her boudoir.

Mrs. Guo Jia Xindao, who had been on the sidelines, was smart. Now that her children and relatives were gone, it was convenient for her to speak up.

He coughed and said: "This time Jia came here with the envoy to ask for the envoy to marry a girl from the Mi family."

Mi Zhu was absent-mindedly dealing with the situation, thinking of how to get rid of Yuan Xi and his group of unknown people as soon as possible.

He was wandering in the sky, Guo Jia's words were like a thunderbolt from the sky, and thunder on the ground, which made his forehead buzz.

Mi Zhu thought he had heard it wrong, but when he saw Guo Jia's serious face, he didn't look like he was joking at all, so he realized that his vest was soaked through.

He quickly forced a smile and said: "Little sister Puliu's appearance, how can she be worthy of being an envoy, I am really ashamed."

Guo Jia said with a smile: "Where, the daughter of the Mi family is beautiful and beautiful, even if she is the envoy's wife, she is more than enough. It's a pity that the envoy already has a marriage contract."

"However, there is room for this matter. If the girl from Mi's family does not feel wronged, Shi Jun still has the status of a concubine."

Before Mi Zhu could answer, Mi Fang's heart was moved first.

If this is the case, marrying the younger sister to Yuan Xi may not be an excellent way out!

The key lies in the title of the youngest wife.

The Han Dynasty was different from other dynasties, the status of the concubine room may be the highest in all dynasties.

In addition to the official wife, there are many names of concubines in the Han Dynasty, from the emperor to the official class.Needless to say, the emperor's concubines, the princely and noble class, there are concubines, side wives, concubines, concubines, auxiliary concubines, concubines, wives and so on.

"Internal and External Clothing System Interpretation" says: "Household Order: If a wife commits seven internal diseases, and her husband cannot bear to leave her, she will marry a concubine when she is open, but she will be like a wife when she is unconscious. Therefore, it is commonly called a concubine today.

"Book of Rites Nei Ze" said: "If you hire, you will be a wife, and if you run away, you will be a concubine."

It shows that although there are differences between the young wife and the main wife, the etiquette system is similar and the representative status is also compared.

"Hou Hanshu" Volume [-] "Chen Qiu Biography" contains: "(Chen) Qiu's young wife, Cheng Huang's daughter, among Huang's officials, is the so-called Master Cheng." It can be seen that as a young wife, there are also noble people.

In many cases, parents in the Han Dynasty did not feel ashamed of their daughters as concubines, and sometimes they were proud of them. For example, young wives would not be discriminated against by the people of the time, and even occasionally the young wives would overwhelm the regular wives.

This has a lot to do with offspring. Empress Bo of Emperor Jing of the Western Han Dynasty and Empress Wu of Emperor Chen all lost their titles of empress due to childlessness.

Of course, the status of the concubine's house was too high, and the husband favored the concubine's house and even overwhelmed the wife, which also had a lot of negative effects. Therefore, in the Tang Dynasty, the "Tang Laws and Discussions" specifically stipulated that "concubines are of low status". Status began to decline slowly.

But now, in the chaos at the end of the Han Dynasty and the collapse of rites and music, the Han system has actually existed in name only. The aristocratic families still follow the etiquette system on the surface, but there are also many messy things in private.

And to put it bluntly, the etiquette system is also determined by people. Everyone knows that the ship of the big man is about to capsize. Who knows what the new etiquette system will look like in the future?
Mi Fang also considered Yuan Xi's background.

Yuan Xi is a child of the Yuan family, and Liu Bei is attached to the Yuan family.

Nowadays, everyone in the world can see that the Yuan family is powerful, and it is very likely to take over the world in the future. If this is the case, Liu Bei will be the lord of a state if he dies, and the Yuan family can be crowned king!

If you marry your younger sister to Yuan Xi, if you are lucky, if you can replace your wife, at worst you will be a princess. This is a sure-fire deal!
Thinking of this, Mi Fang hurriedly turned her head to look at Mi Zhu, with expectant gazes in her eyes.

Although Mi Zhu is honest and honest, it doesn't mean that he can't see the reality in front of him clearly. At this moment, he secretly complained in his heart, and at the same time scolded Mi Fang for being a fool.

If this son of the Yuan family is really a good person, would Tian Kai, Liu Bei, Gongsun Zan, and Sun Ce be able to fall into his hands one by one?
This is a master who eats people without spitting out their bones!

(End of this chapter)

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