Chapter 264
Yuan Xi heard Liu He say that he saw Tian Chou in Xu Wushan, and he immediately became interested, because Tian Chou has an extremely stubborn personality and his experience is legendary.

At the beginning, Tian Chou attached himself to Liu Yu and became his envoy to Chang'an to meet the emperor.

Because the road from Youzhou to Chang'an was blocked and there were many battles, Tian Chou led 30 people on horseback from Juyongguan, out of the frontier, along Yinshan Mountain, directly to Shuofang County, followed the path, and finally arrived at Chang'an, completing the mission.

Feeling his loyalty, the imperial court first appointed Tian Chou as the captain of cavalry, and then the three princes recruited him, but Tian Chou refused.

Later, when Liu Yu and Gongsun Zan attacked, Tian Chou hurried back after learning about it, but Liu Yu was killed by Gongsun Zan while he was still on the way.

After Tian Chou came back, he went to visit Liu Yu's tomb, and published a statement crying, which angered Gongsun Zan and was arrested.

Gongsun Zan brought Tian Chou in front of him for questioning, but he was speechless when Tian Chou refuted him. Finally, after a period of time, even Gongsun Zan's subordinates stood up to persuade him. Finally, Gongsun Zan had to let Tian Chou go.

After that, Tian Chou took his family to live in seclusion in Xuwu Mountain, and cultivated it himself. Gradually, his reputation spread, and the people all came to join him, and even reached thousands of households.

Later Tian Chou rejected Yuan Shao's conscript several times, even the general's seal. After Yuan Shao's death, Yuan Shang also came to conscript, and Tian Chou refused to accept it.

However, he finally turned to Cao Cao, and it was the first time Cao Cao sent an envoy, Tian Chou agreed!

"Three Kingdoms · Wei Shu · Tian Chou Biography": In the 12th year of Jian'an in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cao Cao conquered Karasuma in the north, and ordered Tian Chou to take them as village guides, go to Xuwu Mountain, and leave Lulong.

With the help of Tian Chou, Cao Cao led an army from Xuwu Mountain to Lulong, crossed Bailang City to Liucheng, and defeated Shan Yu Tadun by surprise.

This battle was the famous Battle of White Wolf Mountain in later generations. This was the last time Guo Jia made a plan before his death. Tian Chou led the way, Zhang Liao defeated and beheaded Shan Yu Tadun and ended.

Later, Tian Chou served as Cao Cao, the Sikong household under Cao Cao's command, and participated in the attack on Jingzhou.

To be honest, Yuan Xi actually didn't have much expectations for Tian Chou, because his personality was awkward, he valued friendship, and he didn't seem to be keen on fame and fortune, and his martial arts and martial arts in later generations were inferior to Tian Yu and others. In fact, it's a lot worse.

Moreover, Yuan Xi has never been able to understand why Tian Chou is so resistant to the Yuan family, but hits it off with Cao Cao.

So Yuan Xi wanted to give it a try, and asked Liu He to find a way to get in touch with Tian Chou to see what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd.

In the worst case, Tian Chou has long been turned into Cao Cao's dark game. If this is the case, Yuan Xi will naturally not let it go.

Seeing Yuan Xi's question at this moment, Liu He thought for a while, and said: "I conveyed everything about the young master's recruitment, and as expected, he rejected it."

After hearing this, Yuan Xi thought that it was true. Since the other party had no intention of becoming an official, he didn't have much time to waste on it right now, so he just put it aside for the time being.

Liu He said again: "However, when he asked about Gongsun Zan, I told him what happened in Yijing City, and Tian Chou was touched."

"He said that he was a descendant of his late father, but he couldn't avenge his late father. On the contrary, the young master fulfilled his wish and saved He's life. In comparison, he is very ashamed."

"I can see that his opinion of the young master has changed quite a bit between his words. Do you want to persuade him again, young master?"

Yuan Xi thought that Youbeiping County, where Xu Wushan was located, was an important land node connecting Wuhuan in western Liaoning, and it was not far from Yongnu in Yuyang County, so he could fight for it.

But this is just because Yuan Xi wanted to stay out of the way, because his goal was to build a huge fleet that could completely transport troops by sea. In this way, the importance of Lu Longsai was greatly reduced.

Thinking of this, he said: "In that case, brother Liu, please follow me to the Three Cities of Yongnu, Quanzhou, Piaoyuyi, arrange the affairs in the city, and then return to the port, and go to Xu Wushan by sea."

After hearing this, Liu He said, "The sea route is indeed much more convenient than the land route. You have considered the planning of the sea ship in advance. In the future, the seaside castles that are difficult to reach in Youzhou will not be difficult for you."

Yuan Xi thought it was true, don't look at the three cities of Piaoyuyi as the boundary of Tianjin in later generations, and Xu Wushan as the boundary of Tangshan, although the distance between the two is close, the terrain in this world is extremely complicated and it is very difficult to walk.

However, there is no such problem at all when taking the sea route. The landform of the seaside at this time is also different from that of later generations. The coastline has not yet fully expanded. As long as there are ports on both sides, it will take a day or two to arrive.

Liu He thought for a while and said, "There is one more thing."

"Xian Yufu is now in the north of Yuyang County. When he heard that Tian Yu had surrendered to his son, he sent someone to look for me and said he wanted to see Tian Yu."

Yuan Xi heard this, and said, "Xian Yufu?"

"This person can be used. Both this person and Yan Rou are extremely important people in Youzhou. Why didn't Brother Liu tell you earlier."

After hearing this, Liu He laughed and said, "I thought that Tian Chou's reputation is the most prosperous now, and the young master will pay more attention to Tian Chou."

Yuan Xi waved his hand and said, "To me, celebrities are far inferior to counselors and generals, and celebrities have weird tempers, so it's hard to fall in love with them."

"What's more, with a territory as big as Youzhou, what I urgently need now is someone who can lead troops to fight."

"It's okay for Xian Yufu to meet Tian Yu, brother Liu asked someone to tell me that I want to see him too."

After hearing this, Liu He agreed quickly.

Yuan Xi thought in his heart that these forces in Youzhou had their own appeals and conflicts. As long as he negotiated with each party individually and made use of the suspicion among them, he should be able to subdue them.

But how to win their loyalty afterwards is a big problem. You can't pamper them too much, which will make them arrogant, and you can't suppress them too much, which will make them alienate themselves.

Every military commander and counselor has his own independent ideas. If the lord loses morality and morality, his subordinates will betray him, just like Chen Gong left Cao Cao and Sun Ce left Yuan Shu.

For the current Yuan Xi, calming down the Wuhuan Xianbei forces in Youzhou is a guarantee for him to base himself in Youzhou and focus on the world. Otherwise, Youzhou's backyard catches fire from time to time, so why is he fighting for hegemony?
But what Yuan Xi didn't know was that in the Hu Slave City in the north of Yuyang County, Yan Rou, Xian Yufu, and Shan Yu Tadun's envoys were sitting together, discussing Yuan Xi's return to Youzhou with serious expressions.

Yan Rou was the first to say: "The three of us are all in a difficult situation now, and the Yuan family is powerful. Our best choice at the moment is to surrender."

"Master Shan Yu Tadun should also agree with this move, right?"

The envoy from Wuhuan sent by Shan Yu Tadun listened and agreed aloud. He had just returned from Yecheng, and Dai Tadun expressed his intention to marry Yuan.

Xian Yufu said: "Yan Sima is right. If we each have our own ideas, I'm afraid we will be wiped out by the fierce tiger of the Yuan family, and there will be no bones left."

Yan Rou said: "I, Sima, was recommended by everyone in private. If the name is not right, don't mention it, so as not to be suspected."

"If we want to be recognized, we have to ask Yuan to present himself to the emperor. That's the right way."

Xian Yufu said, "The problem we face now is who to turn to."

"Is it Yuan Xi, the current governor of Youzhou, or Yuan Shang who is actually in charge of Jizhou?"

The envoy Shan Yu Tadun said without hesitation: "Of course it is Yuan Benchu's son Yuan Shang!"

"Now he has become the next Patriarch of the Yuan family, and he has promised me that he will promote the marriage between the eldest daughter of the Yuan family and Master Shan Yu Tadun!"

Yan Ruan and Xian Yufu heard it, and his mind became active.

You Shan Yu Tadun is going to be Yuan Shao's son-in-law, what else do we have to do?
If things go on like this, a pure Wuhuan can overwhelm us, but what about the Han and Xianbei?

No, I have to find a way to mess up this matter!

On the surface, the temporary tripartite alliance, which was still amicable, immediately had its own ghosts in private.

Yan Rou said: "I heard that Yuan Shang and the governor of Youzhou, Yuan Xi, have a bad relationship. If Master Shan Yu Tadun works for Yuan Shang, will he offend Yuan Xi?"

Tadun envoy said in astonishment: "Why did Yan Sima say such a thing?"

"Yuan Xi is now a side branch, so naturally he has to obey the orders of the main branch, Yuan Shang, one master and one deputy. Of course we are attached to the main family."

"Although Yuan Xi is called the Inspector of Youzhou, he only occupies two counties. How can he compare to Yuan Shang who controls Jizhou?"

Xian Yufu said: "This statement is wrong, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, can Jizhou take care of the affairs of Youzhou?"

"You know, we are in Youzhou, and we are nominally under the control of Yuan Xi!"

The envoy Tadun shook his head and said, "Although what the two of you said is reasonable, I think the three of us are sitting here just to discuss how to turn our backs on customers?"

"Why do you two keep saying that you want to join Yuan Xi?"

"Long distance and close attack, the most beneficial thing for us is to rely on Yuan Shang and use his name to overwhelm Yuan Xi, so that the three of us can get the most benefits in Youzhou?"

Yan Rou Xianyu Fu secretly thought that this person is really not easy to fool, the key is that this envoy didn't understand one thing.

The idea is good, but once the matter is revealed, can the three parties bear the Yuan family's vicious revenge?

The base camp of your Wuhuan tribe is far away in Liucheng in western Liaoning, Yuan Xi may be out of reach, but we are in Yuyang County, Yuan Xi's cavalry will rush to the fox slaves within a few days at any time!
At that time, you pat your ass and run back, we are here to block you?

Take [-] steps back, if your base camp is beaten, and you run to Gongsundu in Liaodong or outside the pass, you will still have a prosperous life, but where are we going?
Yan Rou and Xian Yufu couldn't help but look at each other, they both understood what the other was thinking.

Unlike Shan Yu Tadun, who wanted to stand on his own feet and become the overlord, Yan Rou and Xian Yufu still had their hearts set on the Central Plains, and they had no way out.

Yan Rou was originally a Han Chinese. After being captured by Wuhuan Xianbei, she was flattered in all directions, so she was trusted by Wuhuan Xianbei, established her own power, and named herself Karasuma Sima.

But in his bones, he still retains the idea of ​​the Han people conferring marquis and worshiping generals. This is a cultural inheritance that cannot be easily erased.

Not to mention Xian Yufu, he is also a Han Chinese, and he is a local wealthy family with a reputation.

When the two of them are full, they will consider the issue from Shan Yutadun's standpoint!

Moreover, the two knew that the relationship between Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi was not good, if they were on the wrong team, it would be very difficult to turn back.

Thinking of this, Yan Rou said: "Master Shan Yu Tadun is talented, and he will definitely revitalize Wuhuan."

"But adults are ambitious, please don't overlook one point."

"Some things may not be digestible after eating. Although the Yuan family's marriage can be a help for adults, it may also lead to disaster."

(End of this chapter)

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