Chapter 267

Yuan Xi, Guo Jiatian, Yusun Li and others went down to the top of the city, and after going back to the barracks for dinner, they went to meet Xian Yufu.

As soon as everyone reached the gate of the camp, they heard a shrill cry from inside.

Yuan Xi was startled, and led everyone in to have a closer look, and couldn't help laughing, it turned out he was killing a sheep.

The soldiers washed the freshly slaughtered sheep in the stream, then chopped up the internal organs and corners of the lamb with a short knife, and threw them into a large pot for stewing. The best lamb was cut into small pieces and skewered on a skewer On the branches of red willow, roll and grill on the fire.

Tian Yu said: "In the north of Quanzhou, there are more people grazing, and the sheep are much cheaper than in the south. Today, when I enter the city, I will ask someone to buy a few."

Yuan Xi saw that the movements of each soldier were extremely agile and skilled, and said with a smile: "They have stayed in Beidi and Xuzhou successively, and they can be regarded as the strengths of the two places."

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, kebabs were already popular, not only spread among the nomads in the north, but also spread to the Xuhuai area. This practice is called "burning".

However, the barbecues in the two places are quite different, and the seasonings used vary according to the region.

Under the burning of the flame, the mutton sizzled oily flowers, and the air was filled with aroma. It was ready to eat when it was half cooked.

Although there is a lack of condiments, the soldiers don't care. The fresh mutton is delicious enough without adding anything.

Soldiers with a stronger taste will take out the salt bag around their waist, dip the mutton on the branch in the salt, and then put it in the mouth, and then let out a satisfied admiration.

Yuan Xi sat in front of the cauldron, holding up a steaming bowl of mutton soup, in which finely chopped lamb haggis and pieces of meat rose and fell, and a few glittering and translucent oil flakes interspersed with green winter amaranth were dotted on it.

At this time, Guo Jia couldn't wait to drink the soup, and then praised: "The sheep in the Northland really have a unique flavor."

"If it is according to the Han system, it is not easy to eat meat normally, but now we have gained a lot of glory with the young master."

The Han system mentioned by Guo Jia was inherited from the pre-Qin ritual system. The emperor ate beef, senior officials above the doctor level ate mutton, officials below the doctorate ate pork and dog meat, and ordinary people ate grilled fish.

This is because cattle and sheep require a lot of pasture and consume a lot of cultivated land, especially cattle are an important tool for cultivating land, so the Han law stipulates that killing cattle without reason is a capital offense.

But everyone knows that the Han court is now in name only, and the emperor has not heard from Chang'an since he left Chang'an. Even if the cattle are killed and eaten now, no one will take care of them.

Yuan Xi clamped the wooden bowl between his knees, took the wheat cakes handed over by Sun Li, tore them into small pieces, and threw them into the mutton soup. After a while, the wheat cakes absorbed the soup. Started to swell.

Yuan Xi picked up the bowl and took a big gulp of wheat cakes and mutton soup. After eating the mutton soup, his hungry stomach seemed to let out cheers, and his whole spirit was shaken.

Guo Jiatian, Yu Sunli and others saw it, and they started to follow suit. Food is rare in troubled times, and the opportunity to have such a comfortable meal is even more rare.

Yuan Xi drank the soup happily. In this world, wars involve everyone. This misfortune may last for decades, but if you want to jump out of it and temporarily forget all the troubles in the world, you often only need a delicious meal meal.

In the mansion in the city, Cai Zhaoji walked into the house with a wooden tray, and said to Zhen Mi and Mrs. Wu: "Young master is patrolling the city today, and I'm afraid you won't be able to come back until very late. General Tian asked someone to bring half a lamb over. Let’s have some soup first.”

After hearing this, Zhen Mi said, "Your sister has worked hard, let's eat together."

Mrs. Wu quickly stood up and said to Cai Zhaoji: "I can do this kind of thing, so why bother Madam."

After hearing this, Cai Zhaoji said, "How dare you do that, in terms of seniority, my wife is still my aunt, please ask my wife to sit down."

Mrs. Wu was persuaded by Cai Zhaoji, so she had to sit down awkwardly. When she faked her identity, she made it up casually. As a result, Cai Zhaoji really counted it. Mrs. Wu's seniority was a generation higher, so she called herself a junior.

Mrs. Wu felt very sorry, she had lied to everyone, but she had to continue to cover up.

It has been more than a month since the Chinese New Year. Thinking of the boundless road ahead and not knowing where to go, Mrs. Wu became more and more anxious.

Cai Zhaoji put the soup bowl in front of Mrs. Wu, and Mrs. Wu thanked her. She smelled the aroma of mutton, but for some reason, she became more and more irritable.

Suppressing the discomfort, she took a sip of the mutton soup carefully. The delicious mutton soup fell between her lips and teeth, but it made her stomach twitch even more.

Mrs. Wu was a little stunned. She had eaten mutton before, and she didn't feel any discomfort. Compared with Jiangdong, the Beidi mutton in the bowl now has almost no fishy smell. Why can't she drink it?

She didn't want to show any abnormality, so she had to cover her face with her sleeves, forced herself to drink a few more sips, and the distress between her chest and abdomen became more and more severe.

Suddenly, waves of nausea surged up. Madam Wu was so disgusted that she rushed out of the room and retched while leaning on the corner of the wall.

When Zhen Mi saw her, she worried about Cai Zhaoji: "Ma'am is not feeling well?"

Cai Zhaoji couldn't figure it out either, and said, "Maybe Madam is not used to mutton soup, I'll go over and have a look."

Just as Cai Zhaoji walked out the door, she saw Mrs. Wu saying apologetically, and hurried back to the house.

Zhen Mi came out and said, "I'll order someone to cook some rice porridge later."

"If Mrs. Tomorrow is still like this, I will ask Mr. Yuanhua to take a look."

After hearing this, Cai Zhaoji said: "That's the only way to go, but it doesn't look like a big deal, maybe it's cold in the north, just rest for a day and a half."

Seeing that they had no clue for the time being, the two women went back to their room.

After Yuan Xi finished his meal, he asked Guo Jia to sit in the barracks, and he brought Tian Yu and Sun Li to a mansion in the city. When he reached the gate, he saw a dozen soldiers guarding the front and back gates of the mansion. When Yuan Xi came, they all wanted to kneel down and salute.

Yuan Xi stopped the crowd and ordered him to open the gate. As soon as he entered the courtyard, he saw a big man standing in the middle of the courtyard with his hands crossed and his head slightly bowed, as if he knew Yuan Xi would come.

Yuan Xi saw that he had a big beard, his appearance was quite rough, his waist was strong and his arms were strong, his legs were slightly bent, and he seemed to have stayed there for a long time.

He cupped his hands and returned the salute: "My lord, Yuan Xi and Yuan Xianyi, is the distinguished guest less than the general?"

Hearing this, the big man quickly lowered his head and raised his hand, "I have seen the envoy, the last general is Xian Yufu."

Yuan Xi saw that Xian Yufu's expression was indifferent, obviously he had already expected that he would come, and he thought to himself that he is a smart man.

Xian Yufu went to Tian Yu openly, just to prevent Tian Yu from being suspected. Tian Yu also knew the elegant meaning after hearing Xiange, and knew that Xian Yufu would definitely not reminisce about the old days when he came here. The purpose was naturally Yuan Xi.

Xian Yufu didn't go to Liu He either, so he obviously knows how to do things properly, and he shouldn't have any circles when talking to this kind of person.

Thinking of this, Yuan Xi cut straight to the point and said, "General Xian Yu's painstaking efforts, I have already understood, please come in and talk."

After several people sat down in the room, Yuan Xi said: "General Xianyu said something straightforward, there is no righteousness in business, even if we can't talk in the end, we can still make friends."

After hearing this, Xian Yufu showed a smile on his face, and said: "Your Shijun is a straightforward person. Before Xian Yufu saw him, he still had doubts. Now that he sees him, he really deserves his reputation."

He has already heard the meaning of Yuan Xi's words, everything can be discussed, but there is a bottom line in everything, it is impossible to agree to the conditions of the lion.

Xian Yufu quickly cleared his throat, and explained Yan Rou's reason for coming.

After hearing this, Yuan Xi exchanged a glance with Tian Yu, thinking that Yan Rou Xianyu Fu and Shan Yu Tadun did not deal with each other in private, what a surprise.

It's really dozed off and sent the pillow. If the three parties are tightly bound together, Yuan Xi may not find an opportunity to make a move, and may make a lot of concessions, but now it saves a lot of trouble.

He said, "Is General Xianyu Han Chinese or Xianbei?"

After hearing this, Xian Yufu smiled wryly and said, "If you want to talk about it, my ancestors are Han Chinese."

The surname Xianyu originated from the Zi surname at the earliest. It came from Jizi Zhizizhong, a descendant of the Shang royal family. King Wu of Zhou destroyed Shang and granted Jizi the surname in North Korea. "A Brief History of Korea" records: "King Wu of Zhou subdued the merchants, and Jizi led five thousand Chinese into Korea."

Among the sons of Jizi's concubine branch, there was a man named Zizhong. His fiefdom was in the city, so he combined the character "Xian" from the country name and the character "Yu" from the fief name into "Xianyu" compound surname, called Xianyu clan. Passed down from generation to generation.

When Xian Yufu said this, he changed the subject and said, "But there are also people who say that the inheritance of Xianyu's family is no longer testable, and that this name comes from a foreign race."

According to the "Book of Wei", Xianyu's surname was not originally a Xianbei surname, but a "Dingling caste" active in Dingzhou, Shuozhou, Wuyuan, and Yuyang. It was between the Han and Hu, and its status was awkward.

After Xian Yufu finished speaking, he felt a little uneasy. He had heard rumors that this fierce Yuan family seemed to be very hostile to foreigners.

Although Xian Yu's family is a wealthy family in Youzhou, they may not have foreign blood. This point must be pointed out by Xian Yufu, and he will be suspected by the other party instead.

After hearing this, Yuan Xi smiled and said, "I don't really care about this kind of controversy."

Yuan Xi thought to himself that it would be a bad debt to distinguish the Han and foreign races by blood.

In terms of pure blood, I am afraid that many Han people on the border of the Han Dynasty are not as pure as Liu Bao, the offspring of Mao Dun Shanyu and Liu Xing's clan daughter after the siege of Baideng Mountain.

Yuan Xi thought that this was ironic, the orthodox heir of the Han Dynasty was killed by himself.

However, Yuan Xi didn't have any psychological pressure. When the Southern Huns extended their butcher knives to the people of the Han family, their blood was meaningless.

Otherwise, whoever is close to Liu Xing's clan can kill indiscriminately. How can there be such a reason in the world?

Neither can the emperor!
Now the princes of the world have turned their backs on the Han Dynasty and separated their own regimes. They are indeed rebels on the surface, but in fact they are no different from the Yellow Turban Army.

But the instigator was the Han Lingdi who lost his way and caused chaos in the world. He had been in power for many years, searched for the people's fat and anointment, and pushed the Han Dynasty into the abyss with his own hands, which led to the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

At the same time, there were also officials and nobles from all over the country who rebelled. Since then, the Han Dynasty has actually lost the support of the people.

The Han lost its deer, and the whole world pursued it.

Speaking of what happened to Han Emperor Liu Xie today, it was nothing more than taking the blame for Emperor Han Ling.

 The number of chapters was written wrong yesterday, it should be 263 and 264, so today starts from 265, forgive me
(End of this chapter)

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