Chapter 269 Find out the bad guy
In the Youzhou area now, apart from Yuan Xi, Yan Rou, Xian Yufu, and Shan Yu Tadun, there is a fourth force.

The remnants of Gongsun Zan.

Now they are scattered in various counties and counties, and they still occupy many cities, but they have no leader. To integrate them, besides Tian Yu, the former general of Gongsun Zan, Yuan Xi still has one person in his hands.

Hou Shi, the widow of Gongsun Zan.

But if the Hou family is used, the method is a little out of the ordinary, which makes Yuan Xi quite hesitant.

As long as he accepted the Hou family and adopted Gongsun Zan's child as his adoptive son, the remnants of Gongsun Zan in Youzhou would have no excuse to continue resisting and could only submit to himself.

The point is, is this the right thing to do?

Yuan Xi felt that he hadn't been forced to do this yet, so he suppressed this idea first.

He sent Xian Yufu away, and when he returned to his mansion, he found the atmosphere was weird.

Zhen Mi greeted her at the door as usual, but Yuan Xi always felt that something was wrong.

He was too familiar with Zhen Mi's habitual movements, causing Zhen Mi to bow her head slightly, and when Yuan Xi saluted, Yuan Xi felt alienated and disobedient.

With no expression on his face, he stretched out his hand, took Zhen Mi's hand and said, "How is Madam?"

Zhen Mi's hand shrank slightly, then she returned to normal, and said softly: "My concubine is fine, don't worry about my husband."

Yuan Xi became puzzled, he and Zhen Mi whispered a few words, but saw Cao Xian came in with a wooden tray with teapots and bowls, and poured tea for them.

When Cao Xian turned his back to Zhen Mi, he winked at Yuan Xi and glanced out the window.

Yuan Xi thought to himself that something really happened!
He said a few more words to Zhen Mi calmly, and then turned around and left the door on the pretext of going to talk to Cai Zhaoji about something.

As soon as he turned the corner, he saw Cao Xian hiding behind the corner stealthily. Seeing Yuan Xi coming, he quickly pointed in the direction of Mrs. Wu's house, and then ran away.

When Yuan Xi saw him, Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out, and wanted to follow, but found that Cao Xian ran back to Huan's house.

After thinking for a while, he still walked to the study where Cai Zhaoji was.

At this moment in Mrs. Wu's room, Hua Tuo watched Yuan Xi go to the study through the crack of the door. Then he wiped the sweat from his forehead, turned to Mrs. Wu who was sitting on the bed, and said, "At your age, you can take medicine rashly. I’m afraid it will cause serious bodily harm and may be life-threatening.”

"Madam, please think about it carefully."

After hearing this, Mrs. Wu nodded with a dull face, and said: "I have already made up my mind, please ask sir to prescribe the prescription."

Hua Tuo wiped off his sweat again, and said, "It's bitter cold in the north, and the medicine is quite different from that in Jiangdong. Let me go back and think about it. I'll send someone to deliver the prescription to my wife tomorrow, how about it?"

Mrs. Wu was skeptical when she heard this, but when Hua Tuo said so, she could only nod her head helplessly, "I'm sorry to bother you, sir, I'm waiting for news from him."

Hua Tuo hurriedly said: "Since that's the case, then I might as well go back and prepare the medicine, and bring it to Madam directly."

After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for Mrs. Wu to respond, he pushed open the door, squeezed out sideways, changed his feet, performed the ape-flying-bird jumping technique in Wu Qin Xi, jumped out a few times, and disappeared.

At this moment, the daughter on Mrs. Wu's bed staggered and stood up, threw herself on Mrs. Wu's back, and said toothily, "Mum, hug, hug."

Mrs. Wu hugged her daughter sideways, and the tears in the corners of her eyes slid down, thinking how could it be such a coincidence!
As soon as Yuan Xi entered the room, he saw Cai Zhaoji looking at him and smiling.

He thought to himself that today is really weird, everyone is so weird, what happened?
Without going around in circles, he asked directly: "What happened in the mansion?"

Cai Zhaoji tried hard to hold back her laughter, but she still couldn't help it, but her face turned into a half-smile, "Have you seen your wife, sir?"

Yuan Xi said helplessly: "It's because I've seen her before, I think she looks weird, and I can't ask directly, so I came to you."

Cai Zhaoji smiled and said, "Did the young master do something? If you don't have a guilty conscience, why would you come to me?"

Yuan Xi was furious, grabbed Cai Zhaoji into his arms, put his hands into the front of his deep clothes and raged until Cai Zhaoji begged for mercy, and said viciously: "Don't play charades, tell me quickly!"

Cai Zhaoji gave Yuan Xi a winking look, and said out of breath, "I'll just say what I'm saying, but my son has become more and more rough recently, no wonder it caused trouble."

Yuan Xi was taken aback, what do you mean causing trouble?
Cai Zhaoji whispered: "A few days ago Cao Xian and I made some mutton soup, and it happened that Madam Cai was also in Madam's room, so I brought her a bowl."

"As a result, as soon as Madam Cai drank it, she hurried out of the room and vomited it out."

After hearing this, Yuan Xi said, "Is this because you are used to the taste of mutton?"

Cai Zhaoji lowered her voice, "But Mrs. Cai was retching. Seeing that she was not feeling well, she quickly asked someone to come out and invited Mr. Hua Tuo to come."

"After the master came, he gave Mrs. Cai the pulse, and said in a low voice, it seems to be a happy pulse!"

"We didn't realize it for a while, but after a while, Madam and Madam Cai's expressions immediately changed."

Yuan Xi also opened his mouth wide in surprise, "No way?"

"Could it be a mistake?"

Cai Zhaoji sighed: "Mr. Yuanhua's face also changed drastically, and he quickly said that he might have misread it, and Mrs. Cai might just be unwell."

"Later, the madam asked the gentleman to go back to the house together, and then the young master came back."

Yuan Xi thought about the cause and effect carefully, and suddenly realized: "You suspect that I did it?"

After hearing this, Cai Zhaoji covered her mouth with a smile and said, "I don't dare to think that way, I'm afraid my wife will think too much."

"I don't dare to intervene in this matter, I can only wait for the son and wife to explain."

Yuan Xi suddenly stood up, and said angrily: "I don't know which stinky and shameless person did such a thing, causing me to be blamed!"

"No, I have to get him out!"

He walked back and forth angrily, "Mrs. Cai has been living in the inner house, and there are only a few people who can come in."

"Tai Shici, Tian Yu, Sun Li, Guo Jia!"

"The first three are obviously impossible, they must have been done by Guo Jia!"

"This Guo Jia is too courageous, he even put his hand on the widow!"

"I'm going to find him!"

After hearing this, Cai Zhaoji quickly grabbed Yuan Xi and said, "Don't worry, my lord, don't lose your sense of proportion."

"I just want to ask, even if it was really done by Mr. Feng Xiao, what if the two of them are in love with each other?"

"Take a step back, if Mr. Feng Xiao threatens Mrs. Cai, what should you do?"

"If this matter spreads, it will do great harm to Mrs. Cai's reputation. Please consider it carefully, young master."

After Yuan Xi heard this, he calmed down a bit. He sat down angrily and said with a headache, "Guo Jia is good at everything, but he is too lustful!"

"It's fine if there are singing girls and dancing girls outside. How can I explain to the Cai family that something like this happened to Mrs. Cai in our house?"

He still held a trace of luck, "Do you think Mr. Yuanhua is really wrong?"

"Or, in fact, Mrs. Cai was pregnant before we took down Guangling City?"

After hearing this, Cai Zhaoji said, "I don't know about this concubine. You'd better go and ask the gentleman directly."

Yuan Xi sighed: "It's really good that I took the scapegoat. I'm afraid Zhen Mi will be upset if she thinks I did it."

"No, this matter is really disgusting, I have to investigate and find out!"

Seeing Yuan Xi going out, Cai Zhaoji thought to herself seeing Yuan Xi was so angry, could it be that both she and Zhen Mi guessed wrong?
But Guo Jia's lust is all lust, would he really get involved in noble women so unabashedly?
Yuan Xi came out of Cai Zhaoji's room, hesitating.

If Guo Jia really did it, how can I punish him?

And for this matter, do you have to ask the wishes of the parties?

Thinking of this, he walked to Madam Wu's room, knocked on the door, and said, "Is Madam here?"

Mrs. Wu was hugging her daughter and was sad, when she heard Yuan Xi's voice, her body shook, she quickly wiped her face, and stood up.

She went to the back of the door and whispered: "Is the envoy busy?"

Yuan Xi looked around and said, "It's not convenient to talk here, can I go in and talk about it in detail?"

Mrs. Wu hurriedly said: "This concubine is a bit inconvenient, please forgive me."

After hearing this, Yuan Xi said, "I want to come over and ask, Madam is in trouble, what can I do for help?"

Mrs. Wu was in a complicated mood, she whispered: "Thank you for your care, my concubine is fine, please go back."

After hearing this, Yuan Xi could only say: "No matter what difficulties there are, Xi will definitely uphold justice for Madam."

Madam Wu felt even more uncomfortable when she heard this, and said softly: "I really don't have anything to do, so you are busy with your affairs, and you are responsible for the rise and fall of a county. Please don't waste your energy on trivial matters."

Seeing Mrs. Wu's insistence, Yuan Xi said, "Well, if Madam has anything to say, you can come to me anytime."

Madam Wu felt quite uncomfortable when she heard Yuan Xi's footsteps going away. It seemed that the other party hadn't remembered what happened that night, but how long can this be concealed?

Yuan Xi returned to the house, saw Zhen Mi leaning on the couch, smiled lightly and said, "Husband is back?"

After hearing this, Yuan Xi said helplessly: "I know what madam is thinking, but I'm really not that kind of person. This is really a disaster for no reason."

Seeing Yuan Xi's calm face, Zhen Mi sighed softly: "I do blame my husband a bit, but it's not what my husband thinks."

"Mrs. Cai is indeed beautiful. When she was young, she should be no worse than a concubine. If your husband really likes her, just marry her."

"But the husband really wants to have something to do with him, but he doesn't give him a name, isn't it too much?"

"Or if the husband relies on the grace of saving others and forces him to submit, the concubine will be even more unhappy."

After hearing this, Yuan Xi hurriedly said, "How is it possible!"

"The woman I like must give an explanation, how could she do these endless things."

"I think Mrs. Cai must have some difficulties when she looks like this. I will find a way to get that man out."

"If there is really coercion, even if it is Guo Jia, I can't tolerate indulgence, and he will definitely be punished."

After hearing this, Zhen Mi asked in confusion: "After listening to my husband, it is really possible that this matter has something to do with Mr. Feng Xiao?"

"But Mr. Feng Xiao is your husband's schemer, I'm afraid."

Yuan Xi sighed: "At that time, Feng Xiao and I will bear the burden together, not to mention that Mrs. Cai suffered such a thing in my residence, I also have a considerable responsibility."

Guo Jia was holding his concubine in his arms, holding the jug in one hand and busy with the other, when he sneezed suddenly, feeling really cold in his heart.

Thinking of staying in Youzhou for several years in the future, he couldn't help but miss the warm Xuzhou.

At this moment, a concubine came in and said, "Mr. Yuanhua is visiting outside, I want to see my husband."

After hearing this, Guo Jia asked in confusion, "Yuanhua? What is he looking for me for?"

"Invite him in now."

After a few breaths, Hua Tuo rushed in, Guo Jia got up and said with a smile, "Mr. Yuan Hua is a rare visitor, would you like to have a drink with Jia?"

Hua Tuo was not in the mood, and said bluntly: "Tuo is in trouble now, please ask Mr. Feng Xiao to save me!"

(End of this chapter)

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