Chapter 284
Yuan Xi heard the commotion outside, lifted the curtain of the car and saw that there were a few civilians and soldiers yelling beside the road outside, and the crowd seemed to gather more and more momentum.

When Tian Yu saw him outside, he simply ordered the soldiers to rest on the spot and rectify the team at the same time.

Yuan Xi asked the coachman to park the carriage by the side of the road, jumped out of the carriage, and walked over with Sun Li.

Seeing several sergeants surrounding him, he asked someone to pat him on the shoulder and asked, "What's going on?"

The soldier said impatiently, "This is making people blackmail."

As he turned his head, he said, "What are you doing?"

When he saw Yuan Xi's face clearly, he broke out in a cold sweat and called out, "Your envoy."

With this sound, all the soldiers who were watching fell silent and stepped aside one after another. Only a few people who were arguing didn't hear it, and they were still pulling each other.

Seeing that there was an old man lying down at the feet of several people, Yuan Xi couldn't help frowning with his eyes closed.

He went up and asked, "What happened?"

When the soldiers saw that it was Yuan Xi, they all knelt down on one knee to salute, and the few commoners also knelt down quickly when they saw it.

The leading soldier Bing said: "My lord, this unreasonable man blocked our march on the road, and someone pushed him. I don't think the old man fell down and couldn't get up."

"The old man's family arrested us and made trouble, trying to blackmail money."

On the opposite side was a young couple with a child, all three of them were dressed in tatters and looked disheveled.

The leading man's face was tanned by the wind and sun, his hands and feet were thick, and the torn linen clothes on his body were full of holes, revealing a lot of stuffed hemp hay in a mess.

The woman next to her looked less than 20 years old, but her skin looked like she was in her 40s, with many wrinkles and cracks on her hands.

The child was thin and skinny, with sunken eye sockets, and blood vessels under the skin protruded.

The man said indignantly: "Father is hard of hearing, I didn't hear it, we all got out of the way!"

"But the military master directly pushed my father down, isn't it too unreasonable?"

The leading soldier turned around and said, "Shut up!"

"If you make trouble in front of Yuan Shijun, the governor of Youzhou, you are afraid that you want to live!"

Hearing that, the man trembled with fright, and quickly lowered his head.

The seven or eight-year-old child beside him still said indignantly: "Why, can the official university be unreasonable?"

"Grandpa passed out, I."

Before he finished speaking, his mouth was blocked by the woman beside him, and he was still whining.

Yuan Xi walked over, knelt down to sniff the old man, then turned to Sun Li and said, "Bring Mr. Hua Tuo who is in the carriage behind."

He paused, and said again: "Call Guorang here too."

Sun Li hesitated for a moment, then said in a low voice, "I'll go this way, brother, be careful," then turned and ran on the road.

Yuan Xi stood up, looked around, and found that people in twos and threes were watching from a distance, and there were dense forests and mountains in the distance, and he thought that if there were enemies in ambush, it would indeed be dangerous.

He involuntarily pressed the ring-head knife handle at his waist, but this gave a wrong signal to the surrounding soldiers, and they all wanted to draw their swords one after another, scaring the faces of several civilians to turn pale.

Yuan Xi shouted: "What are you doing?"

These sergeants only knew that they had made a mistake, so they put down their hands embarrassingly.

Seeing the reactions of several sergeants, Yuan Xi sighed in his heart and said, "You guys, what did you do before?"

Several sergeants looked at me, I looked at you, and finally the leader boldly said: "The envoy may not remember us, we all joined the army when the envoy was in Beixincheng, and have followed the envoy for four or five years. gone."

Yuan Xi sneered and said, "You guys still remember!"

"I have a total of thousands of elite men, how could I not recognize you!"

He stretched out his finger, "You, you ate with me at the foot of the city wall!"

"You, married a wife two years ago, gave birth to a son, and I brought you two catties of meat!"

"You were injured the year before last, and it took you a full year to recover from your injury before you came back!"

"You," he pointed at the sergeant who led the push, "last year you won five kills and you were promoted to corporal commander!"

The soldiers who were pointed at heard this, and they all smiled happily, and they all laughed and said, "Your envoy really remembers us!"

"Thanks to the envoy's great kindness, we dare to die for the envoy!"

The family next to them looked ashen, it turns out that these people are all the soldiers of the governor of Youzhou, and my family is doomed!
Yuan Xi sneered, "I can't bear it!"

"I still remember that before you followed me, you were also refugees like them!"

"Why, now that you are developed, you look down on people?"

The sergeant, who was still in high spirits just now, suddenly became stiff and silent, and stood there speechless.

Yuan Xi became more and more angry, "When Mr. Hui comes, if this old man has three fights and two troubles, whoever makes a move will end it himself!"

"After you die, I will take care of your wife and children for you!"

Only then did everyone know that Yuan Xi was really angry, and quickly knelt down on both knees and kowtowed repeatedly.

Surprised expressions appeared on the faces of the couple and the refugees who were watching from a distance. They could tell that the young governor didn't want to cover up his sergeant?
Yuan Xi was still angry, walking up and down on the ground, he felt before that if soldiers want to sacrifice their lives in this world, they can only buy their hearts with wealth and military positions.

It takes a long time to educate them to understand class oppression. It needs to open up the wisdom of the people first, and then slowly let them find a sense of belonging. It is not feasible in a short period of time.

Moreover, he himself is a gentry, and he needs to rely on the gentry for the time being. He can't educate the soldiers and the common people to fight against the gentry, can he?

Therefore, Yuan Xi put these matters on hold temporarily amidst such conflicts.

But now it seems that it is not advisable to completely give up ideological work.

At least for these soldiers who were originally refugees, when they became rich, they would turn to discriminate against refugees, just like how landlords and merchants despised merchants when they became nobles.

This is a common problem of human beings, which cannot be changed for thousands of years, but Yuan Xi feels very uncomfortable.

At least for him, although he thought he was far inferior to Yue Fei, the purpose of his military training was to challenge the Yue family's army. How could he not be angry when he saw that all the soldiers under his command were of such virtue?

Most of this anger came from his anger at himself. It was because he had come to his senses that he was eager for quick success and ignored his efforts in this regard for the soldiers. He used the feudal society as an excuse before to avoid it completely.

In the same feudal society, the Yue family army and the Qi family army did not do well?
In the awkward silence of everyone, Hua Tuo hurried over with the medicine box on his back.

He didn't have time to speak to Yuan Xi, so he knelt down beside the old man, first breathed out, then took his pulse, then looked at his eyelids, took out a few silver needles from the medicine box, and injected them continuously on the old man's head.

Everyone held their breath, and after a while, they saw the old man lift his eyelids, and slowly opened his eyes.

The onlookers couldn't help but let out low cheers at the same time, all with joyful faces, they felt the same way, if they also fell into such a situation, they naturally hoped that someone would treat them.

However, Hua Tuo's words made them worry again, "This is an old man, this fall was not light, and it may be inconvenient to move later, but fortunately, there is no fracture."

"Now it will take at least a few months of recuperation, but no one can say what it will look like after that."

After hearing this, Yuan Xi ordered someone to find a cart, carried the old man up, and said to the couple: "Please follow me to Jicheng, and I will find someone to settle it. sent by someone."

The couple looked at each other, and they dared not say anything in a low voice, and they were even more surprised.

At this time Tian Yu rushed over, he had already heard others tell what had happened, and saw Yuan Xi turned to him and said: "Guorang, you are the military supervisor, tell me, how to deal with this matter?"

Tian Yu hesitated for a moment, then said: "Injure people for no reason, and beat them with twenty army sticks."

"Those who injure others, need to support their daily life."

"Whoever hurts someone's life, in addition to compensation, will be deprived of military status and be reduced to a humble status, and those who are serious will pay for their lives."

Yuan Xi turned to the crowd, "Did you know these military laws before?"

Everyone muttered: "I know."

Yuan Xi sneered and said, "So you think military law is just a display?"

All the soldiers kowtowed and begged for mercy.

Tian Yu also bowed his head and said, "Yu is not strict in governing the army, please punish him as well."

Yuan Xi said: "It has nothing to do with Guorang, it's my problem."

He thought that for the past year, he had only thought about fighting, but he had ignored these problems.

What happened today, I happened to see it, what if I didn't see it?

There are definitely signs of it before!
Seeing how confident these soldiers were just now, there must have been similar acts of disturbing the people in the army before.

If this trend is not stopped now, these soldiers will become bandit soldiers sooner or later!
At this time, Shi Chang, who took the lead in pushing people, gritted his teeth and kowtowed: "This is all done by me alone, it has nothing to do with other people, please deal with it by military law!"

The others understood, and also kowtowed: "Shi Zhang just acted on our behalf, we are also guilty."

Seeing this, Yuan Xi sneered and said, "You guys can see it clearly, but I won't expose it just yet. Since you're rushing to accept the crime, let's beat them all."

"Come here, the leading twenty, the other ten sticks!"

Tian Yu heard this, and immediately ordered law enforcement soldiers to come, dragged everyone down, and beat them up.

A group of soldiers endured the pain and bowed their heads to Yuan Xi to confess again. They figured out that Yuan Xi was serious this time!
However, the next sentence shocked everyone, "I am not strict with the army, and I will lead the ten army sticks together!"

Tian Yu quickly knelt down and said, "My lord, this is Yu's crime, how can I punish my salary!"

"If you want to fight, you can fight!"

Yuan Xi shouted: "Supervising the army is to supervise the illegal affairs in the army. If you are guilty of everything, how many lives do you have to beat?"

He pointed to several soldiers, "They relied on being my own soldiers and acted recklessly. This is my crime of lax warning."

"So it is only right to punish me with military law!"

The voice spread far away, Zhen Mi and Mrs. Wu in the carriage heard it, and their expressions changed several times.

Mrs. Wu said to Zhen Mi: "Your Majesty really wants to punish himself? What if you get hurt? Madam, won't you persuade me?"

Zhen Mi bit her lip, and said softly: "When it comes to husband's military affairs, concubines can't go beyond the rules, so I have to trust husband."

Mrs. Wu was thoughtful when she heard this, but when she thought of Yuan Xi being beaten, for some reason, she felt a little distressed in her heart.

She knew that Zhen Mi must be more uncomfortable than herself, but she could hold it back. She was weak on the surface, but she was actually very strong inside.

Seeing Yuan Xi like this, the soldiers on the road looked a lot more serious, and they were completely different from the playful and nonchalant expression before.

Because before Yuan Xi's arrival, they all thought that the refugees would be driven away, but they didn't expect this to be the result!

This makes Jun even the personal guards he is familiar with. If he is among them, he will probably be beaten too, right?

Standing far away in the marching team, Yan Rou watched the whole process, thinking that this envoy acted differently from others.

(End of this chapter)

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