Chapter 286
Lack of people, lack of people, or lack of people!

People are needed in everything, but there are very few people who are upright, reliable, capable, and knowledgeable, and who can meet all three at the same time.

Yuan Xi suspected that this problem would not be resolved until he died of old age.

But he has already seen it, since he can't become a fat man with one bite, he should take his time.

Just like the current soldiers, although they are not expected to have the literacy ability of the gentry and the manufacturing ability of the craftsman, if they can read some characters and understand the principles of weapons and weapons, they can understand more thoroughly what to do on the battlefield. Thereby significantly improving the combat capability.

He suddenly had an idea, turned to Tian Yu and said, "Guorang, I suddenly had an idea."

"The military position skips the corps commander, and starts from the chief to set up deputy positions to assist the principal in doing things. What do you think?"

After Tian Yu heard this, he knew that Yuan Xi had a whim again. He thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Forgive me for not knowing, the main job is to be promoted by military merit, and lead other people to fight. Why is the deputy job set up?"

In his opinion, this is really superfluous. When marching and fighting, it is enough to obey the orders of the official in the establishment. What's the use of a deputy?

Isn't that messed up?

Yuan Xi cleared his throat, "This is just an immature idea of ​​mine."

"It has three things to do."

"One is that deputy positions require literacy, familiarity with tactics and tool use."

"In this way, you can be responsible for the coordination and mobilization on the battlefield and help your subordinates in command."

"The second is that the deputy is responsible for teaching the soldiers on weekdays, from literacy to soldiers' thinking, and talks with soldiers regularly to gather people's hearts."

Tian Yu was thoughtful after hearing this, did Yuan Xi have this idea a long time ago, or was it influenced by what happened to the refugees in the morning?

Yuan Xi said again: "Third, when the principal is injured or killed in battle and unable to command, he will take over and command the people."

"And the last point is related to another idea of ​​mine."

"I'm going to take out some soldiers with high comprehension, and use Shiwu as a unit to reorganize the infantry formation."

"Take Shichang as an example. Among the five people, there are two sword and shield soldiers in the front, two spearmen in the middle, and a crossbowman with a knife in the back. They are responsible for making up for sneak attacks."

"Ten ten people, composed of two armies, double the number of arms."

"If there are casualties during the battle, the three types of arms can be switched, and Shi Wu can also cooperate with each other."

Tian Yu heard this, and said, "Master, this idea is very interesting. At first glance, Yu was puzzled, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems to have many wonderful uses."

"But for the three types of arms, training is very troublesome."

"This is only available when you have to deal with very complicated combat situations?"

"Moreover, the coordination between the arms is extremely demanding, and soldiers with low understanding will only add to the chaos."

Yuan Xi nodded and said, "Guorang got to the point right away."

"This kind of combat method is indeed very demanding, but once it is practiced, the auxiliary armor will greatly reduce casualties."

"Especially next time I have to deal with the Black Mountain Army. The terrain in the Taihang Mountains is complex, and it is difficult for cavalry and bows to use. At this time, the cooperation between the infantry is particularly important."

After hearing this, Tian Yu agreed, "Young master's idea is really good, but it will take a lot of time."

"What does Mr. Feng Xiao think?"

Yuan Xi laughed and said, "Feng Xiao's affairs in the army are far more familiar than Shang Guoren."

"I just ask Guorang what he thinks first."

After hearing this, Tian Yu said, "There shouldn't be any major problems, but this kind of thing, Yu may not be sure."

"Mr. Gong and Zilong are both proficient in military affairs. You can listen to their ideas."

Yuan Xi thought that Zhao Yun would see him anytime, but when it came to Jushou who was still in Beixincheng, he hadn't seen him since he took office.

I heard that he and Xu You are having a very unpleasant quarrel, but now Yuan Xi has not made up his mind on how to mediate between the two.

Yuan Xi turned his head, looked at Sun Li, who was working hard, and said, "What do you think of what Guorang and I said just now?"

"Ah?" Sun Li didn't expect Yuan Xi to ask himself, and was a little confused for a while, "Young Master and Brother Tian are both very good!"

Yuan Xi knew at a glance that Sun Li was not interested, and pretended to be angry, "Didn't you learn the art of war from Mr. Feng Xiao?"

"That's it?"

Sun Li called out to Qu, "But what Young Master and Big Brother Tian said is not in the book of war!"

Yuan Xi and Tian Yu laughed at the same time, and Tian Yu said: "It's hard for him, how long have I only learned this, and I'm still at the stage of talking on paper."

He said to Sun Li: "You have to use your brain more, how to combine the military affairs around you with the art of war in the book, otherwise when you lead the army alone in the future, you will encounter many things that are not in the book of war. He killed himself and the soldiers."

Sun Li seemed to understand, but nodded repeatedly.

Seeing that the conversation with Tian Yu was almost done, Yuan Xi asked Tian Yu to lead the team to set off again, while he went back to the carriage.

As soon as Yuan Xi got into the carriage, he saw that Zhen Mi had fallen asleep leaning against the board wall, while Mrs. Wu was gently rocking the sleeping Ah Xiang in her arms.

She talked about Yuan Xi's expression, and said softly: "Just now I put Ah Xiang to sleep, Madam ate some, and went to bed first."

"Mrs. Zhen probably has not fully recovered from her illness, so she gets tired easily."

At this time the carriage started, Yuan Xi swayed, but took advantage of the opportunity to sit beside Mrs. Wu.

Mrs. Wu didn't expect Yuan Xi to be so blatant, she wanted to run away immediately, but she didn't expect Yuan Xi to have quietly stretched out his hand and put his arms around her waist.

Mrs. Wu's whole body froze as if she had been shocked by the electric shock.

After staying for a while, she finally came to her senses and said angrily, "My lord, please respect yourself!"

Yuan Xi chuckled, "Ma'am, I am like this."

Mrs. Wu was speechless, Yuan Xi moved a few more times, and had already embraced her in his arms.

Madam Wu looked at Zhen Mi, who was leaning against the wooden wall and closed her eyes, and Ah Xiang, who was sleeping soundly in her arms. She was angry and annoyed, and stared at Yuan Xi fiercely, like a she-wolf who would choose someone to eat.

However, Yuan Xi was very thick-skinned, so he just pretended not to see it, and his other hand had already quietly inserted into Mrs. Wu's wide sleeve.

Just like Tai Shici, Zhao Yun, Quyi and others competed with each other and improved their martial arts, Yuan Xi also came from practice and found out a lot of valuable experience from Zhen Mi, Cai Zhaoji and others, and now he is using it on Madam Wu unscrupulously.

Madam Wu was angry and impatient, Yuan Xi's shamelessness was beyond her imagination, she had nowhere to escape, and she didn't dare to make a sound, what if Zhen Mi and A Xiang were woken up?
She forcibly endured the other party's rudeness, and made up her mind to look like she was dying. She turned her head to Yuan Xi and said, "My lord, if you keep doing this, I will really cry..."

Before the words finished, Yuan Xi had already brought his face closer.

Madam Wu suddenly opened her eyes wide, her mind went blank, as if she had lost consciousness. At this moment, her family and her worries seemed to be forgotten.

Madam Wu held Ah Xiang with one hand, and could only use the other hand to push Yuan Xi away, but to no avail, she could only push Yuan Xi's chest in vain.

After an unknown amount of time, the two separated. Mrs. Wu seemed to have collapsed, fine drops of sweat oozing from her fair forehead and neck.

She was so ashamed and angry that she raised her sleeves and wiped the drool from the corner of her mouth desperately. While checking to see if Zhen Mi woke up, she lowered her voice angrily, "You man, why are you like this!"

Seeing Mrs. Wu's distraught look, Yuan Xi carefully hugged her in her arms.

Madam Wu leaned her ear against Yuan Xi's chest, listening to the heartbeat of the other party, she was so angry that she wanted to bite Yuan Xi.

In her entire life, she had never seen someone act so absurdly and boldly!

Yuan Xi also felt Madam Wu's heartbeat with his hands, and said softly, "Madam, our heartbeats are the same now."

Mrs. Wu said angrily: "Since you still call me Mrs., why don't you let go!"

Yuan Xi smiled and said, "This lady is not that lady."

Mrs. Wu was annoyed after hearing this for a while. It turned out that Yuan Xi had been taking advantage of her all the time. The wife he said meant his own wife!

She said fiercely: "Don't think about it, it's impossible between us."

Yuan Xi said decisively: "No, I will marry you."

Mrs. Wu was dizzy for a while, "Are you serious?"

"If you really want to do this, you and I will be the laughing stock of the world!"

Yuan Xi sneered, "Who would dare?"

"I'm not afraid!"

Mrs. Wu said bitterly: "Don't think that if you have a child, I will listen to you. I haven't decided whether to have a child or not!"

Yuan Xi leaned into Madam Wu's ear and said, "Whether I have this child or not, it doesn't prevent me from liking Madam."

"Besides, Madam doesn't want to use her real name before and after giving birth, right?"

"Since it's just a matter of life, madam, why don't you let go of your worries for a while and live happily for two years?"

Mrs. Wu said bitterly: "Don't think I don't know your attention, if I'm tricked into marrying you, won't you have an excuse to keep me in the future?"

Yuan Xi smiled slightly, flicked his fingers, Madam Wu's body trembled suddenly, and she glared at Yuan Xi angrily.

Yuan Xi smiled and said: "Madam is indeed very smart, among the women I have met, she is enough to rank among the top three."

"But because of this, I am even more reluctant to leave my wife."

"I have a hunch that if I miss my wife just like this, it will be hard to see each other in my life. I'm afraid that when I think about it when I'm dying, I will feel unwilling."

When Madam Wu heard this, her body trembled slightly.

She said sadly: "Then what can I do, the concubine was born 20 years earlier, and the sons are as old as the son!"

Yuan Xi sighed, "Sun Bofu?"

"If possible, I really don't want to be his enemy."

"If madam marries me, I'm afraid that the two sides will also be able to turn hostility into friendship."

Mrs. Wu is bitter, you two are the same age, you don't want to be brothers, you want to be his father!

Are you as shameless?
However, she was also faintly moved, because what she feared most was that her identity would be exposed, and the Sun family's reputation would be ruined.

But until now, Yuan Xi has never threatened himself with this matter, which shows that he still cares about his own feelings.

Mrs. Wu became confused, what should she do?

Do you have any other options now?
Yuan Xi saw the shaken look on Mrs. Wu's face, and immediately lowered her head.

There was another strange sound in the car, but this time, Mrs. Wu unconsciously put her arms around Yuan Xi's neck.

(End of this chapter)

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